The Statists and their apparatchiks masquerading as the U.S. government have long thought that deficits don't matter because the dollar is the worlds reserve currency. Now we're all getting a front row seat as Triffin's Dilemma plays itself out. The elites know what's coming which is why the WEF has their Great Reset Plan. The apparatchiks can't change the laws of economics they can only delay the day of reckoning. The Brit's learned this lesson the hard way once they joined the fracas that became WW1. After WW2 which was essentially just a continuation of WW1 the Pound had lost its status as the world reserve currency. Most people don't realize that the single biggest U.S. export, by a long shot, since 1971 has been the dollar. When this sea of dollars decides to return home it will make this current bout of inflation look like child's play.

Weaponizing the dollar is truly playing Russian Roulette.

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The lockdowns were never really about the covid

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I can't recall any US sanction imposed on a foreign government changing any policy that inspired the sanction in the first place. I do recall laws and regulations restricting trading with the enemy. In WW I, the USG seized the US assets of aspirin maker Bayer, a German firm. Now, we're seizing Russian yachts.

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Hi, Have you read the Swedish approach to COVID 19 - The Herd: how Sweden chose its own path through the worst pandemic in 100 years

by Johan Anderberg and Alice E. Olsson | - Very ineteresting

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First and foremost, don't EVER quote the Washington Examiner, it's a rag and akin to quoting Fox "News".

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Although I agree with you, Bill, on most everything, I wish you would stop calling the elite "incompetent." They are not incompetent so much as they are "corrupt!" It is not incompetence that is killing freedom and prosperity in America, it is corruption. The elite have been quite competent at sabotaging the natural rights of the people, altering the workings of the government that supposedly guaranteed those rights, destroying the work ethic and rugged individualism of Americans via entitlements and welfare and all sorts of other dependencies, dividing Americans via race/ethnicity/gender/wealth/etc., and instituting a system that insures a continuous flow of wealth from the few remaining producers, via taxes and inflation, to the parasites at the top. I actually think the elite are extremely competent and their long-term plan to achieve a one-government world in which they feed off of the masses forever -- is feeling uncomfortably close to fruition. The antics we've seen from government over COVID, and now Ukraine, are about sabotage -- sabotaging America. The elite are corrupt. But, they'll be happy to hide behind the veil of well-intended incompetence, if someday necessary, to save their necks. If they ever go on trial for this mess, by which I mean their untold economic and other crimes against America and humanity, it will be yet another crime if they are merely labeled "incompetent."

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So Bill, is it too late already for the dollar? Or are we in month to month status at this point. Is there a way back?

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I wish the rest of the world had boycotted the United States when we did the same thing Russia is doing. Our actions in Vietnam were no different than what we are seeing in Ukraine. World wide boycotts are an excellent way to change some minds without overt violence.

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without the 'Rule of Law' humans devolve backwards before the Magna Carta where only might made right and all others suffered accordingly so once the 'originaros' gain power and legality it's just a matter of time before we return to the 'dark ages' which is exactly where Putin-narios wants to take his ethnic-orthodox anti western corrupt LGBTQUI etc perverts away from and he's got them hypnotized like Goebbels his distortion of reality is a superb propaganda vehicle that is gaining strength like Hitlers mein kampf his is a mission of hate for what western democracy has become .. !

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