Mr. Bowman, sagacious missive. Majority of America's problems are promulgated by the complete laziness (physically and mentally) of its citizens. We do not want to think or workout. Let the government do it for us.

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Gregory oldboy, thats exactly what these so called 'public servants' [briefed by the World Economic Forum] want us to be. To help make the 'transition' easier. What 'transition' you say ! To communism, their so called salvation.

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Dave, certainly agree with the thesis of "One World Order". Could Satan be the initiator of this?

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There's three main character's in the world Good, Evil, and Sheep. The sheep listen to their shepherd. The difference between the two main players is simply the Evil wants to control the Good, where the Good simply want to be left alone wanting never to interact with the Evil.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying liberals are evil and conservatives are good. Without a balance of the two the world would be far worse off. Too much of either is counterproductive to peace and happiness. What we have lost due to our media is the public forum where rational discourse ensues, opinions were shared without being cancelled, shouted down, or violently attacked.

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On the surface certainly agree with your hypothesis, albeit should we not endeavor to rid ourselves of evil? Satan tries to merge good and evil so there is no wrong.

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From a human perspective I'd agree, but from God's perspective I would think no. God created both good and evil without both man has no free will no other choice.

While Adam was in the garden there was one choice the creator walked with Adam as a father to a son all the world was good. Adam was given granted free will, satan (Hebrew word for adversary) was allowed into the garden.

One of my favorite authors a fellow who has spent the last 20 years translating the Dead Sea Scrolls. Believes Chawah (not Eve) was created in order to facilitate Adam's unwise choice. This is not to place blame but to add a dynamic to Adam's choice. Adam had formed a close relationship with God, satan might not have prevailed with his ruse. Satan's ruse worked with Chawah, it was Chawah who convinced her husband to make that faithful bad choice. Adam had trust in his wife and relied on her choice in the matter.

The stories with in the Torah were given to the world for guidance. Contrary to religious teachings, there's not a single law needing to be obeyed. Free will cannot exist if there are laws that need to be obeyed for man to gain God's love.

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In short, 'satan' distorts and opposes and corrupts our innate loving, compassionate co-operative instincts.

This bias is projected upon the world is explained in detail by a very eminent biologist Mr Jeremy Griffith.

His 40 years of research, in this specific field has led the way to the World Transformation Movement, [WTM] well worth taking in and comprehended by all of the planets citizens.

Our planets salvation and human world peace is at hand.

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Love your writing, Joel. When the experts start selling the idea that nuclear winter will offset global warming, I guess we’ll know we’ve reached peak bullshit.

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Your reference to Francis’ email was an oasis of humor in the desert of my indignation: “…those well-known, alt-right conspiracy cauldrons; Harvard, Stanford and Oxford universities…”

I almost shat myself laughing.

And re: the biology question in the Supreme Court hearings…I don’t need a degree in zoology to recognize a Lion or tiger. It’s sort of obvious, eh?

Anyway, keep up the good work.

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A brilliant summation of the thought orthodoxy that is a plague upon our body politic. Fantastic job Joel!

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I liked the whole piece! Great writing! Great Cartoon! Two hundred private jets attending a meeting to put the clamp on the guy driving the 'Gas guzzling Humvee'. Just saying! Florida Jimmy living in Paradise, with Alligators (good eating), Bears (good eating), Coyotes (not so good), and Monkeys (a nuisance). Nice weather. No earthquakes, but some sink holes. Wonderful fun-loving people, except some of the visitors.

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Don’t forget the mosquitoes!

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The "Little Flies" are probably everywhere except maybe Alaska. Just saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Wit and wisdom, a rare combination. I admire your talent and look forward to reading your prose. Gracias.

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Nice high-speed drive down the road in Seshtown. I enjoyed the stream-of-consciousness flow of this one, including your entertaining drive-by shootings. All of the victims deserved what they got.

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It's not good writing. It's great writing.

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I have no idea if it was the last glass of high altitude malbec or just the high altitue itself but this epistle was a jolly fine read - Thanks

I have been beginning to think that there is noone left to listen to the experts because everyone appears to be an expert these days. If you want to follow an idea, no matter how hairbrained, you can always find an expert to back you up. Where on earth have these experts been hiding ?

Covid certainly has a lot to answer for.

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“Everyone appears to be an expert these days.” Well said. Something like “expert inflation.”

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I'm just a guy and somehow I know the difference between a woman a man or a want to be female . Now our fearless leaders are going to vote for a woman (?) who does not know what makes up a woman? Unbelievable.

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Great article. Much like “inflate or die” it’s also become “lie or die”. The lies have to grow to cover the previous policies that didn’t work.

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And now that November is around the corner, pay no attention to the two previous years. Now we will be hearing about how our "masters" saved us from doom and gloom and reopened schools and the economy.

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Great piece! What’s most worrying is that these experts control the narrative & have brainwashed the masses who are now being herded like sheep off a cliff.

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I'm not thinking most of the public is buying the expert opinions of the unnamed scientist on every subject anymore. Nor are they believing elections are not rigged, if not, the process of who runs for office in a two party system is rigged. Vote for this one or that, they'll finally get you that 40 acres an a mule.

It's all one big distraction, a sleight of hand, look over there don't look here. All this b.s. is churned out by the machine to take our minds off of what's really important in life.

A good patriot always has tar simmering next to a bucket of feathers, and a wooden rail. Sadly we can't see through the experts in the forest to focus on the foreign king and his minions.

The Russians aren't coming the commies are in the White House.

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The episode you refer to is not released for gratis.

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Oops... looks like I had it set on "paid readers only." Mea culpa. Should be open to all now...

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Hmm… that’s strange. Should be available under the Fatal Conceits tab up top of the site. There’s no p/w protection there, so I think it should be available for one and all…

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After this Sunday blathering Joel, you certainly deserve a big Baby Bife and at least one fine bottle of Malbec. Buen provecho. Dave

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Gracias Señor!

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