Easy solution: drag out the under-utilized WIN (whip inflation now) buttons from the Ford presidency!! They may have worked had Jimmy not been elected! YIKES!!

There's no such thing as teaching...as long as there is NO LEARNING!!

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I agree, I don't see how the FED could be regarded by any thinking person as having the slightest shred of credibility (or competence). CBDCs or not, it looks like high prices are here to stay, until we have the global monetary reset.

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If the elite, Deep State controls big media, the Fed, Wallet St., the Government, then the question is why is the media now exposing the inflation that the Fed caused by floding the economy with fiat money? The answer is perhaps that the elite no longer needs the Federal Reserve with its current powers and role. It could be the beginning of setting the stage for Central bank digital currency, CBDC. Sure, many others accept the Fed is just messing around aimlessly and pretending they know what they are doing.

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Bill, whether you know it or not; "knowledge comes and goes, as if we’re all reincarnated, doomed to repeat the failed experiments of the past." is a true statement! When you go to a place you have no recollection of having been there before, sometimes you have a DeJa'Vu experience that "this seems familiar and/or I've been here or done this before."


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But aren't we ignoring the gorilla in the china shop? All this banter about when and how much the Federal Reserve raises interest rates ignores the all to real immediate consequence of raising rates. And that is that raising rates by any measure will instantly cause the cost of doing business to rise. If financing costs of running an enterprise go up, obviously proprietors will have to offset those costs by passing them onto their customers. So won't raising interest rates actually fan the flames of inflation?

Yep! The Fed is trapped. And I need to restock my bunker!

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