I watched Bill’s video The Day America Dies and then explained Bill’s thesis to one of my leftist friends after he asked where I thought our economy was heading. I explained how the combination of forcing a premature transition to renewable energy on a national and global scale and paying for it with printed money will create(is creating) an economic disaster of epic proportions and that we are only beginning to see the fallout.

He looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about. I knew he was a believer in the perils of Climate Change, however he had no comment.

There are many like my well educated friend who sense something artificial is happening and that it feels like we are headed in the wrong direction, but who cannot comprehend where it is coming from.

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And to think, all Biden had to do was NOTHING!!! and we had this thing licked. But no, dems had to give the thermostat to Biden, who screwed it up and to Pelosi who is screwed up and to Shumer (SP) who is a screw up period. Now we got inflation out the wazoo, border invasions, rents out of sight, gas that has doubled or more and you name it and these folks have destroyed. D stands for DESTROYER, have you not learned that? And on a milder note, China and Russia is licking its chops. What can go wrong here? Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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The Day America Dies is an outstanding analysis of the challenges we face. Thank you, BPR!

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"And after Trump’s claims to make America ‘Great Again,’ the country is worse than ever."

I really enjoy reading about your jaunts around the world, and I know you as an intelligent man and yet, when you write a direct jab about Trump like you did, yet again, in this article it makes me question that intelligence.

President Donald Trump is the first president we've had who did exactly what he said he would do while campaigning. It was JB, who on the very day he was inaugurated went to the oval office, sat down and signed a stack of 27 executive orders, each one reversing Trumps orders, that was making America Great Again. Including, I might add, stopping the XL Pipeline, which has had a great affect on the price of oil, another that stopped the building of the border wall.

You make Trump responsible for making America worse than ever, and give JB and his administration a pass? That is crazy. And certainly not intelligent.

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yep Bill like you we all have anecdotal evidence of 'summers past' and of extreme weather variations .. BUT we never had atmospheric monitors at both polar caps and satellites spinning around this third rock from a Sun that we now understand much better than any previous generation. Stop being a climate change denier and make a trip down to Mawson Station and check out the glacial collapse of the largest Ice Sheets on the planet and then compare that to Greelnand/North Polar Cap and your glaciers in Europe or any other continent that feed the rivers that are all at record lows .. you see the planet is a REFLECTION of human activity just like the FINANCIAL systems which are also collapsing .. gee what a coincidence eh .. so give it up mate and just buy an electric vehicle and you'll enjoy it .. goes way faster than the old petrol motors and by the way it won't make a damned bit of difference anyway .. IT's TO LATE .. so just enjoy the ride while it lasts .. we'll be lucky to see out our 30k days but at least it was fun eh.

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If it’s too late, why buy a horribly expensive electric car that’s not up to most tasks? Bill wrote recently of driving through rural France to pick up a horse trailer. Good luck doing that trip in an electric car, especially if you put horses in the trailer. If it’s too late (your words) , relax your climate change religion, laws, taxes, regulations and sacrifices to your imaginary gods, and allow us all to party on however we please.

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Um, no.

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Zen saying: Those who say don’t know and those who know don’t say.” Who to believe when the water has the “stupid mans” virus in it? Aristotle preached the “golden mean” so buy gold even if you can’t eat it.

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Granny panties!

Global warming is a hoax. Dates and names are irrelevant, not germane to this operation. What happened in 1757 or 1982 has no bearing today. You’re missing out on some huge opportunities to make money. That’s the only thing that matters. Joe Blow and Jane Douglas don’t matter! Stock market update, Buy Buy Buy! New highs on the way, America strong again.

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deletedAug 11, 2022·edited Aug 11, 2022
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PG V do you play chess?

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Ford, I’m not buying the truck, = crap. I’m buying the stock = other peoples incompetence and pipe dreams of the future, = money in my bank account! 😂

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