The reason that Putin "attacked" Ukraine is that he doesn't fear any military reprisal from the West. Under Trump, he never would have dared to do this. Under the feckless Biden, however, he is very confident. Biden has totally stripped our military from any semblance of its former glory. The military "leaders" are more interested in their own azzes than they are of the ordinary soldier. And if anyone thinks that the ordinary soldiers don't know it, they are deceiving themselves. Does anyone recall the story of LtCol Scheffler, USMC? Every one of them has been "vaxxed" at least once, and probably more than that. Those that refused have been summarily discharged. The incidents of adverse reactions to these young, virile men and women of the armed forces are staggering. Putin is snickering up his sleeve at the lack of prowess of the U. S. military. Very sad, indeed! The naivete' of the American voter is stunning, and, indeed, it may come back to haunt all of us!!!

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Trump had Putin in a box. Putin has Biden in his pocket. Putin needs to be put back in the box. Biden is feckless, ignorant and clueless or I know Donald Trump, and Biden is no Donald Trump. Nuff said. Don Harrell

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PG V, rallying the troops. There won't be any nukes involved will there?

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I Look Forward To Your History lesson's and comments

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love the writing. excellent essay.

we all stand tall at the call of bugle. and come home in a box. if we are lucky.

if not, then we come home mentally shattered or as addicts.

and yet, somehow, the munitions manufacturers and the politicians are always richer at the end,

and lets not forget the darling bankers.

who always win, no matter who loses.

and anyone who says different is called a coward and traitor.

best let the lemmings run of the cliff. there is not much we can do to save them.

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

World is aggressively trying to move away from traditional esp Oil and Gas in coming decades which is a Win-lose(zero sum game) between Rest of the world and Putin/Russia mostly.

Putin seems to be trying to make maximum bang from the buck before Oil and Gas becomes irrelevant which could mostly make him Zero in money and power. Time is running out for his Survival.

Similarly, US dollar trade also is a Zero-Sum game from 1971 where US could be on Win side, but US could play this game of gaining maximum bang for the buck in last 50 years through slow devaluation and could successfully be not noticed by the masses in the world.

Putin seems to be innocent comparably since he has to do this game openly and abruptly with bad reputation across the masses of the world.

As you always say, every govt mostly plays this Zero sum games. Some do this unnoticeably like slow poison and still stay as heroes in History and some cannot play this in smart way and looks like villains in history.

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I do almost always admire BB excellent essayistic stile sprinkled with bits of wisdom. This time as well the reader is reminded of the past blunders anchored in sheer stupidity and vested later in Gloria thanks to revisionist history. It is finally (soon) forgotten and not used as an example which when learned it shouldn’t be repeated. But there is a fragment I would question which asks for reconsideration because it is not just and is important for the big picture. It is also a sad scene when a genius is defeated by halfwit ones. To quote what I do not think is right.

“Its generals were schooled in the tactics of Napoleonic warfare, from a half century ago. They believed it was ‘fighting spirit’ that determined the outcome of wars… not precision artillery fire.” There is no word about what was the Napoleon’s tactic. They believed in fighting spirit. Really?! It is like saying they believed in an ointment with which they polished their medals. Let’s straighten up this misconception! The principal reason of Napoleon’s victories is his extraordinary tempo: with time he defeated the space. Activite and vittesee was his principle and a basis of his tactic. He himself said that in the first place one should defeat the enemy with soldiers feet and after with bayonets. This principle was not just about warfare. He thus transformed old Europe and thus became the creator of the modern pace of life.

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Bill, I like the title,"Stupefied by War",it sums it all up in a neat little package.The American people need to win the civil war in this country before we stick our nose in other's conflicts.Scott

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You are Very well educated in fact history....One more...Putin was and is no fan of Xi. After Bush And Obama tried to sway him on the wonders of “Globalization”(NWO) those same higher powers made sure from day one that Trump would never get the opportunity to mate with Putin, as that would be Check Mate for their goal...we needed him, and he US to keep the world in place, and nations sovereign...more horrors to come.

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Bizarre delusions when history is supposed to be written by the winning side

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Ukraine does NOT have the article 'the' in its name. It is Ukraine, not The Ukraine. Kyiv is the Ukrainian spelling. Kiev is the Russian spelling.

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Seems to me, you are a borderline fanatic...take a chill pill..

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Well, a fanatic, convinced of his conspiracy rumors..is actually a closed mind; and, a closed mind is an Angry mind. Dude, there's a lot more going on than two tyrants with a secret pact. And, not cool to disrespect not one, but two of our Poti.

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pg v Sigh...A bloviating blowhard. Who appears to know some history. And tells the truth -- as he knows it.

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It has got to get bad before Christ returns. Rejoice in the lord, for the end is near.

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As an isolationist libertarian, I believe you are Wrong! Like Bill, I know little about foreign policy, except that I am against it. How would you propose that a busted ass nation, an empire in decline, with its populace split into antagonist parts, with one of its two party's of governance berserk and its spiritual foundation sitting on Sand - just what can it do. War, unnnh, what is it good for unnnh ...absolutely nothing. Bill S.

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Thank you...know it all..except how rude and arrogant you are.

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As you already said/ confessed..everything out of your mouth is above your pay grade; thus, you admit to being uninformed. And, calling for the assassination of a world leader, on this venue, seems quite worthless to me.

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Anyone supporting war in this century, are either extremely nieve, or mentally ill, and you can use the same logic to the support of the democratic party today. Both war and the democrats are disastrous to America.

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Absolutely, Steve...hence it is a good thing to be an isolationist. Granted, Putin having control of Chernobyl is terrifying [who did not see that coming, btw].

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Another socialist, FDR, had the opportunity to make America great for a thousand years by taking the advice of great generals, and take all of Germany before appeasing the Russians and giving them the go ahead to move into the east and rape, torture and murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Those same generals wanted to continue into Russia and take out Stalin and the communist. FDR also had the opportunity to support Chiang Kai-shek in China, but instead took the terrible advice of his socialist/communist advisers, and supported Mao. Communism should have died with the end of WWII, but because of the control of higher powers, and the many terrible choices by weak men, history was directed to the loss of millions of innocents, and to our current demise.

America is in no shape to fight a war now, after the Afgan disaster and the disaster in the White House. Biden has purged any hope of strength and replaced it with lgbtq, woke and morally broke weakness.

The question should not be about Putin, but about how American business/politicians were allowed to build a communist country into a power that now controls us.

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