Hello everyone (Dan here). Just getting ready to post the weekly update for paid subscribers in a few hours. Stay tuned.

In the mean time, I'm glad to see there is a lively discussion going on here. That's one of the reasons we moved to this platform--for the free and open exchange of ideas. And that's more of a conversation (rather than a monologue, or worse, a shouting match).

In that regard, we are what you might describe as free speech absolutists. Ideas are tested through robust debate and scrutiny. And sometimes sunlight is the best disinfectant. Either way, we believe in questioning everything and having an uncensored but cordial discussion, especially about matters we all feel passionate about.

Please to try to keep it civil and avoid personal attacks. We're a community here. And though we wont' (and shouldn't) agree on everything, we are trying to wrestle with the same questions and solve the same problems. We want it to be a community that adds value to everyone's private deliberations and considerations. Have a great weekend!

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It's disheartening to read many of the comments made by "Dear Readers" who have seemingly learned nothing from Bill Bonner and his team, and who don't recognize the tyranny of their own government. The big topic recently is Russia vs Ukraine and what the USA should do about it (as if it's any of our business). This new conflict is just another in a long unending series of conflicts intended to distract you from the jackboot that is pressing ever harder on your own neck right here in the USA. Do a freedom check. Do a privacy check. When was the last time you did anything beyond the confines of your own house that didn't involve the permission of the state or divulging your most confidential personal information? Since when do free men and women need any other man's (or group of men's) permission to do an act that harms nobody else? The sheep among the "Dear Readers" are not those that question the direction and motives of the USA government, which has been tightening the screws on your freedoms for decades (actually, more than a century), but those who would give it more power and more authority (which it doesn't have and never has had, lawfully) to inflict more freedom killing restrictions on the people of America -- as well as to go overseas again and again to inflict USA government ideology, coupled with real financial and physical pain, on foreigners. "Dear Readers" who support the USA government (and its fellow travelers at the state and local level) as it goose-steps over Americans and foreigners alike, are the individuals in this group that appear to be blind and devoid of compassion, not those who want the crimes (wrongs in Natural Law) of the USA to stop.

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Well said, RAB! I always wonder why, based on the responses, some 'dear readers' are ' dear readers'? It seems they take Bill's reckonings as a personal affront. He is just pontificating, so enjoy it for the manner it is being delivered.

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Looking forward to the weekly update, as always, thanks Dan.

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I so appreciate your story-telling fashion of writing. It truly helps bring home to me a much better understanding of how the finacial world has and is playing out (i.e Agrentina used as an example). Just want you to know and to keep up your writing style. I for one greatly value your postings.

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For all the ruffled in the audience who seem to have such certainty about the evil of Putin, and the unusual righteousness of the USA... it might be worth your while to pick up a copy of Perkins’ “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. Equal weights and measures would require greater disgust with USA corporate/political rape of third world countries than the disgust bestowed upon Putin for his actions in the Ukraine. Great certainty is bred from great ignorance.

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Mar 4, 2022
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You continue to fall prey to the narrow menu given to you by those who control the major narrative. I also recommend you look in to the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. The opinions you are allowing yourself are perfectly crafted by those other than yourself.

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Mar 4, 2022
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I appreciate your response. If nothing more, I simply make an appeal to equal weights and measures

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Mar 4, 2022
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If you are pointing to Vladimir Putin as an example of the horrific consequences of a government system giving itself the power and authority to violate the well-being of other people and other nations, then you and I are in complete agreement. Where I am making an appeal for equal weights and measures is this... that is what all governments do by nature. I share your contempt for war mongers like Vladimir Putin but I am curious about your lack of verbal contempt for war mongers such as George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jie Biden, etc. innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq have suffered no less than the people of the Ukraine under an equally false pretense. You previously suggested that I hate the United States. This is not true. I have distain for interventionalist warmongers, no matter their nationality

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Completely agree Bill.

So many, including some of your readers below, seem to think that the right place to get their worldview du jour is from the media. So if the media tells us that Covid is going to kill us all and that we must all mask up, shut down and shoot up, that must be the right answer. Student body left! And if the media suddenly tell us that the only thing in the world that matters is Ukraine and that one side is Satan and the other side is Gabriel, and that sending nuclear bombers to Poland is the right answer, well, student body right. And since the subject is Russia, it might be instructive to bring up Pavlov’s dog, and to note that even Pavlov knew he wasn’t demonstrating merely canine behavior. If someone gave you or me as much power as the American people have given to the American media, no questions asked, well, we might be tempted to use it. Everyone who’s ever been a crosswalk guard in grade school knows how intoxicating power can be. But the rest of us crosswalkers knew that crossing the street could get us killed, so we decided to check for oncoming traffic ourselves, just in case.

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Mar 4, 2022Edited
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Wow! Bet you feel better letting that out! By the way...Beatles has only 1 't'.

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If you can seize an individual's property simply because they are a member of a hated group (in this case Russians), we fundamentally do not believe in property rights.

Here's something I have not yet heard discussed: Putin has successfully kept the West from stopping him in Ukraine by our (sane) fear of nuclear war. But if his ambitions move to the NATO countries, say carving out a "buffer zone" inside Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, won't he again threaten to use his nuclear weapons? Does Biden call Putin's bluff to save 10 miles of Estonia? And if not, then what?

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It seems to me that no matter how corrupt the current Ukraine government is or how much a puppet it may be of the West or Russia, sending rockets into apartment buildings is not a good thing. Nor is bombing a nuclear generating station. Civilians should not be used as canon fodder.

Putin is evil Look at his record of destruction. Look at Grozny. He used his own bombing of apartments in Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk as a pretext for ascending to power. He killed his own citizens to become the hero that took revenge on Chechnya. Putin is evil and must be viewed as more than just another dictator who wants power and land. He was Colonel Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the KGB. Does this suggest that he may be completely amoral and without a soul? Please do not compare Putin with our own war criminal George W. He is far more savage and amoral.

There is propaganda and there is the reality that Putin will do ANYTHING to achieve complete control over Ukraine. Doesn't it matter that the Ukrainian people had a revolution to be free of Russia? It does. They want to be free. They want to have a sovereign nation. They are willing to die for it. They are dying for it. Military and civilians are dying for their nation.

What is Russia doing? They are killing to subject Ukraine to the New Soviet Union's dominance.

That is a fact. Putin's Liebenstraum is without mercy or humanitarian morals. Putin is a sadist.

It may matter to some that the U.S. has bloody hands and is calling Putin evil. But it does not matter to Ukrainian citizens.

And, Bill, you are not seeing the bigger picture. Putin has his eyes on controlling all of the former Soviet colonies and then all of Europe. You may disagree. But if no one stops him, why should he stop at Ukraine? Why not takePoland back? Why not make Germany pay for all the Russians they killed in WW II? Putin cannot be appeased any more than Hitler could.

In war, there is no black and white, good vs evil. When the bombs and bullets fly, there is only survival.

Ukraine will succumb to Russian aggression. It will happen. But that will not be the end of Russian aggression. Mark my words. Putin wants it ALL>

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Rule to follow...'Clean up your own backyard before you tell your neighbor what to do with his'.

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Mar 5, 2022
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Not happening with Trump in public office.

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I concur with what you say however regarding the bombing of the nuclear power station one needs to be careful of blaming the Russians. This is war and any report casting a bad light on the other side helps one's own side.

I personally believe the Russians being a Nuclear Power know what they are doing and would not do it.

However by blowing up a training facility away from the reactor area the Ukrainians would be gaining an enormous publicity advantage, relying on the fact that the West would automatically blame the Russians, they are after all the aggressors.

Be careful what you believe!

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Bill - My wife and I had dinner with good friends two nights ago. People with open minds, willing to have a discussion. I carefully posed offered an opinion or two and posed some questions along your line of thinking about the Ukraine/Russia war. Whoa! Almost everyone in this country, and I mean everyone, doesn't want to hear why Russia's reasons for invading or how poor of a messenger/example the US is. It does not mean what you say should not be said. And I applaud you for saying it. But it won't get you many paying subscribers.

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But his honesty and unbiased review of what is happening certainly will. I rarely post to things like this, but as soon as I read this one, I knew it would bring out the haters. So I jumped in just to show support.

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You probably ruffled a bunch of feathers again, so I'll balance out at least one of your naysayers. I'm with you 100%. We have NO IDEA what what's best for the Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter as long as the would be world improvers continue in reality to be be the world impairers.

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No one stirs the pot like Bill. Putin has looted his country and is an absolute tyrant, as he has proven again. Oh, but those are my values being imposed on another, ok, now I get it.

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As i have the opportunity to answer … you are right nobody knows what is best for Ukraine … but I DO HAVÉ AN IDEA what s happening is far from the best they deserve and yes there an « agresseur «  and an « agressé » I let you guess which one is which’s

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Mar 4, 2022Edited
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PG V: Thank you for your opinion. (:^) Funny, I don't feel sick. Heh. Like I said at the beginning, I knew Bill's missive would ruffle feathers. You seem quite irritated.

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Mar 4, 2022
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Oh, I did. I saw all your rants (to use your own word). And even I get your wrath just for supporting Bill. And by the way, not everyone who agrees with Bill or anyone else for that matter are sheep. Or sick. I can agree with Bill without being a sheep. Or sick. Name calling shows weakness and no matter the position, loses credibility in my mind. I don't join in these verbal battles and consider them a waste of time. I strongly believe there are far better things to do with my time. This conversation can proceed wherever it wants without my participation.

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Scott, we need you man...don't bail on us.

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PG V. Man...I think you need to start your own 'reckonings' column. You obviously have a wealth of knowledge that should be shared.

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C'mon Bill!! Russia might have had valid grievances concerning Ukraine but they lost all legitimacy when they threw the might of their army to cause utter destruction, deaths and human suffering in Ukraine, just like US did in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere and nearly bankrupted herself. Now with the onslaught of the western sanctions, Russia is guaranteed to became an impoverished vassal state of China. Chinese must be elated now! Regards

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Bill, did Putin call you and threaten to cancel your publication if you spread fake news. You have no problems blasting U.S. economic affairs (sometimes justifiably) because you're free to do so. Email us your Russian issue.

Mike M.

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McGuire last name says it all . G W Bush is and always was a dumb dipsh-t and proved the 3Bushes don/t make a good shrub.

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Bill, when the World finally `responds' drastically to Putin's Encroachment--you pick it apart? Good God! Calm down, perhaps the Russians will throw Putin OUT???

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Something John Oliver said on his show: " George W Bush criticized the invasion for its infringement on sovereign rights and the deaths of thousands of civilians. Then he paused and said, "ok, now I hear what I am saying."

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Yes Mr. Bonner you are correct that the Ukraine is run by their Elites as in every other country, albeit it seems to me that Hitler's genocide of the Jews is similar to bombing civilians by Mr. Putin.

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Very good comment Mr. B. Bonner.

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For God’s sake Bill take a well deserved and VERY long break in the Andes … despite modern communications, your hoping from one continent to another you appear to be rather out of touch and rather exhausted and sound like a broken record… over and over again.. the “ elite “ bla bla just like colleagues Tom .. wanting to uproot his kids again by going to Mexico ( Tom do they play Cricket or Rugby in Mexico? ) or the hermit in Laramie .. basically absolutely nothing new ( maybe I missed the latest potato planting idea ) other than gold & tankers.

For this guy PS V : no name ???

Hi grumpy old git … also please take a long …., long break ; your rants and verbal diarrhoea are nauseating

Did you realise that two in Bill’s team are actually a Brit and and Aussie and that the readership is actually quite international thus your claim that the US “ is the greatest country in the world “ is bloody arrogant ( God save America … why not Luxembourg or for that matter Ukraine)

Regards from another old (79) git

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