Quite surprised by the vitriol Mr. Bonner pours forth against Israel. Without any mention of the direct shooting, raping, and beheadings of defenseless Israeli's. he rails about the Palestinians dying in the Gaza. Show restraint he says, do not go after the Hamas leadership. Let them go until the do it again and again. After strange struggling to tie Epstein to Israel, he then says. "On American campuses, students are voicing their displeasure. They think the US is wrong to support Israel in its hour of revenge." If the USA declaring war on Japan was revenge and the storming of the beach at Normandy was revenge, then one can use that word here. He is supposed to be connecting the dots for us, it appears his personal biases are rising to the surface.

It is surprising to me the depth of his distain for Israel has bubbled to the surface in his messages day after day.

Least you think I am a biased Jew, I can tell you I am of German Christian decent.

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Right on the money Pancho…plenty of personal bias by Mr. Bonner

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Amen Pancho. Bill has revealed himself as quite the old skeletal anti-Semitic curmudgeon mixing his hatred’s with masturbatory word play. I remember not so long ago when I thought he was writing about finance. Silly me.

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"it appears his personal biases are rising to the surface."


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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

That link gave a 404. Try this --


PS - Pfffftttt. Just more made up bank records, email and sworn personal testimony. Right? RIGHT?? Quick - somebody hack zerohedge...

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Thanks for the back up Mr. Star. What does Dorothy and cat think about articles on Substack about this? I have said this before if you can defend this current Democrat party you are either evil or very very stupid. In the 60s the Democrats literally ended the war in Vietnam. God bless them for that. But that party is long gone.

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In case you didn't see my comment above:

THE ROOTS OF WAR by AYN RAND: https://aynrand.org/the-roots-of-war/

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Great article.

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go and live in Gaza for a few months .. then you'll understand the emotion called 'hatred' you have to build up an awful lot of hatred over decades before that much cruelty or PUS can ooze out of a festering wound .. or are they just born that way eh ?

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Muh - maybe not born that way, but demonstrably and objectively conditioned to be that way from INFANCY.

Sure Altschule - the hatred they teach in their stories, songs and schools has just GOT to be the fault of the Juice, right? No personal responsibility on the part of the "palestinians" (fake name, fake country, fake people) is expected or required or necessary...

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edge felt the same way until I stayed there for only a few days .. that's all I could take just as they say like a open air prison .. only place I've been that was worse was Mumbai and Delhi the to absolute assholes of human cities .. but sadly the PLO have much greater intelligence and know they are in a prison where the folks in India have zero knowledge of anything out side of their own space and not much of that so basic hygiene is non existant in India where the PLO have hygienic practice's but given their subhuman conditions they know there being suppressed by a very intelligent people and these folks are mostly sympathetic but the radicals/Zionist among them have only one solution for ALL palestiniens kill the bastards before they kill us .. which is of course exactly what the mirror of life reflects back in your/there own face .. ie you always get what you reflect into the mirror of life eh .. most of the Israeli's I know life up in Haifa and they are very worried that the extremists will create the very holocaust that they are so afraid of were the PLO folks have nothing to loose ..

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Yes, 'as you have measured, so will it be measured to you.' That is a principle that will not fail to be played out, and not just in Israel.

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Hi Altschule -

Totally take you at your word and defer to your on-the-ground experience in the area, which I have not had...

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Pancho, It doesn't matter who you are, only that God's prophecy of his Kingdom to come is nearing and nothing man does can stop it.

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"But day after day, the women and children of Gaza – not to mention the men – pay for someone else’s sin"

Hi Bill - are these the SAME women, children and men that VOTED Hamas into power and were filmed cheering, singing and dancing in the streets of Gaza after the TERRORIST ATTACK on Israel?

Are those the babes of innocence to which you refer?

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Yes brother Starboard, very much like America, these beautiful babies are born onto the world innocent, then created, formed and indoctrinated into these things, these vile, empty souls of puss that worship evil and all the murder and insanity that live within it.

Seems the more you feed it, the larger it grows, and the less control you have over it. Is there a lesson to be learned from it?

Like an incurable disease, a living Bubonic plague, Pestilence in our world on a biblical level...the Black Death.

Yes brother, we have been here before...and innocence does not exist...

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Facts my friend, facts.

And yes, there are evil, nasty people on the Israeli side too. But I haven't yet read where they rape, torture, kidnap and/or behead their "neighbors" (squatters) of ALL ages...

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Agree brother, there are no innocent 🤔

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Thank you Mr. Bill Bonner for your deep insights, I guess humanity still exist in a few men who have an issue with "mowing the lawn". This deliberate campaign to dehumanize a whole "people" by calling them 'human animals' is so devious as the objective is to numb peoples' emotions when mass mowing eventually happens. History has a precedent when a certain group were called 'rats' to precondition the mantra to what eventually happened. This problem in Palestine could be solved easily if all parties respected international law. There are security council resolutions waiting to be implemented if only the super powers that signed them would apply the same rules that created a new country when Bill and I were born in 1948, and yet they fail to create a country for the people who were displaced. People want to live in peace and they are sick and tired of waiting for the international community to do something. Peaceful resistance didn't work, arm struggle is not working, violence is a sure recipe for more violence. What's needed is to stop the double standard - if Ukrainians can be freedom fighters against Russian occupation why not the other people! Some one will say but Hamas is a terrorist organization, and I say, there's no Hamas in the west bank, how come civilians are being killed every day. It is the OCCUPATION.

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If a septic tank keeps breaking in your back yard and flooding your house with shit, you aren’t “occupying” the septic tank when being forced to contain the shit. But unless you want to stay in shit, you need to try.

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Thank you for some sanity in this discussion and being so blunt, because that's what it takes to sift through all the exaggerations and lies. Bill Bonner must think we hang on his every word as he picks and chooses which events and facts he wants to present, as if we don't know most of what he says about politics and war is sheer manipulation.

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Sure, and commit multiple war crimes in the process by cutting excess to water, food, electricity and occasionally air.

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True or False:

Israel recently murdered 500 innocent women and children when the bombed a hospital in Gaza in furtherance of their goal to carry out genocide on the Palestinians.

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False. By photographic testimonial and radar data. Update your info.

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My info is current. You pass the mental status exam. Still waiting for Khalil.

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Don't hold your breath, Doc...

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Not that it matters, but it is VERY clear to me that neither side is the "good guy" in Hamas v. Israel. Yet here we are - most of the world is trying to make Absolutes out of RunDown Stew...

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NONSENSE! It's not that Palestinian lives don't matter, it's that Jewish lives matter more - much more. Many more Palestinian lives have been lost since the creation of the glorious State of Israel (blessings on her name), but I can't really remember the details, so they don't really exist. Jewish lives are the most important ones on earth; no others are God's chosen people. Gaza can be wiped out without even pausing. Problem solved - you're welcome.

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Hmmmm, I love ya Alex, but that's not at ALL what I said...

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Hey Star. His answer seemed absolutely bizarre. All he does is pontificate to us about Christianity. I know you are a strong Christian like myself. His response seemed more than strange. I understand retribution has to come. You can’t be attacked and not respond. But his response is some serious, Old Testament blood, let’s kill the kids.

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Mr. Alex. Christian you say. The book of Luke chapter 6, verse 2728 quote to those of you who are listening, I say, love your enemies. To go to those who hurt you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you“. I fully understand the shameful attack on Israel and there needs to be retribution. But to hear you bloviate about Christianity your response seems little strange.

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I have met a few people that do not understand irony or satire. PLEASE, do not go on The Onion web site.

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Please stop your pontificating, and/or bloviating about your knowledge of God. Appear to have none

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Yes Khalil, what is man’s occupation, if not taking things that are not earned(our tax dollars) spewing lies, deceit, delusion, deception, envy, greed, arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy, hatred 🤔 our world in now fully Occupied by such scum……………..:………it’s the OCCUPATION of evil…

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Bill, you forgot to mention the “mowing the lawn” of the Israeli women, elderly and children by Hamas who will certainly do it again. This was not mega politics.. just plain murder. And survival by the Jewish state. “Never again.” Please keep your biases to yourself.

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Hi Mr. Redstone -

Actually, BB's biases come with the substack. Just continue to call it out so all readers/commenters can see it equally.

What is more annoying is when he says that PBR, and BB in particular, don't cover/comment on "politics." That is patently false - BB comments on that subject over and over - typically bending pretty hard to the "elitist" left...

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Do you have a solution to control Hamas? If you think being nice to them will work you need to read some more history.

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Bibi was politically on the ropes ... still facing felony charges, while watching massive protests over his repeated attempts to rewrite the laws, and corrupt the existing balance of power ... a good diversion (Hamas, his own supported, funded and aided, mercenary), a terrorist 'sneak' attack ... that 'sudden and unexpected' attack, momentarily puts those already pending issues on hold. Now he can devote all his efforts on pursuing the genocide of non-zios in the controled and occupied territories. Meanwhile, the tools, stooges, and mindless, dumbed-down sheeple all go along with the talmudic-zio, genocidal depop agenda. To add to his sins, Bibi also sold out his fellow Israeli's to his buds @ Pfizer.


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Mr. C, your response was perfect. Netanyahu is another elitist piece of garbage. He playing the whole thing, a whole false flag on his people. Now they are all worked up just like us after 911. It always works. That’s why they always do it.

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It is truly amazing how many of the comments seem to suggest an equivalency between Israel and Hammas, Iran, etc. Israel has some semblance of respect for individual rights, the others do not. Arabs are citizens in Israel. Israel itself is but a small sliver of land surrounded on all sides by large areas populated by Arabs. Yet, Israel is the evil presence here?

The following essay was published in 1966 and therefore does not include events after that, but it does explain the cause of wars. This is what intelligent analysis consists of as opposed to what we get from Bill.

THE ROOTS OF WAR by AYN RAND: https://aynrand.org/the-roots-of-war/

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Wow Bill. Those are some amazing dots being connected.

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Yes some amazing dots.

It's hard to find concrete positive direction.

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You are clearly on the same page with the truth tellers Bill. Many are hand in hand with you celebrating your “humanity”. You share that page where trying as hard as you can to kill innocent civilians becomes blowing up your own parking lot and killing four dozen of your own people only to somehow morph into 500 babies and saints killed by an evil empire of Jews trying to commit ethnic cleansing against you for no darn reason except their determination to commit genocide. Yes Bill, you are one fact based fellow with a view of reality not deterred by any data or evidence that trifles with your fantasies and grudges. Are you applying this same exquisite analysis of facts to the stated purpose of your publication? Curious to know if your take on financial realities is as rock steady as your humanitarian grasp of political realities?

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Bill has been obliquely writing antisemtic thoughts for long time but now it’s become blatantly obvious

This was meant to be a financial letter with repeated statements that you’re not interested in anything else. Nw

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Agreed. The service has devolved because of Bill. Slowly at first and then all at once. You really do need to wonder WTF is going on with this guy that he can no longer control himself from prancing around his open assed anti-semitism in a financial newsletter. Old enough to wonder about dementia. Boozer enough to wonder about intoxication and brain damage. Who knows the cause, but the screws have definitely loosened.

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I am also concerned. I've generally been amused by Bill's articles, and greatly appreciate Dan and Tom's financial direction. But this tack by Bill on Hamas and Israel is antisemitic, as much as I hate labels. Or a deliberate ignoring of facts and truth. His selective history on crusader / Muslim conflicts is a clear attempt at moral equivalence.

I'm hoping that someone close to Bill (Joel, Tom, Dan, Maria?) can find the proper screwdriver to tighten the screws. And do it soon.

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"In June of 1099, Christian crusaders, led by Godfrey of Bouillon, laid siege to Jerusalem. A month later, they attacked and took the city...The Gesta Francorum records the battle: “…our men were killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon"

Said writer of The Gesta Francorum possibly meant the area of the former Temple of Solomon? Since it was destroyed almost 1700 years earlier in 586 BC by the Babylonians? Even the second Temple, built about 516-350 BC, with its Temple complex rebuilt and greatly enlarged by Herod the Great around 20-18 BC, was completely destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, never to be rebuilt.

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Hi JW -

Yet, my friend...

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Yes Bill, Sinners & Saints...and Saint Epstein had many friends who enjoyed the perverse immorality of the powerful and elite wealthy.

Many hundreds of men, and women enjoyed the friendship of the dear and kind Jeffery...The Donald just wanted to "grab them by their pussy"(his words, not mine), Clinton just wanted another young girl to smoke his cigars with him, and the Prince? We all know how royalty behave, it's just another day in the life of the British Empire...

"One might hope that nine centuries later, some progress in human affairs might cause leaders to emulate Saladin, rather than Godfrey. But day after day, the women and children of Gaza – not to mention the men – pay for someone else’s sin…with their own lives." Yes Bill, we can Hope all we want, but we know humans will never change, and so do they...

Sinners and Saints, Wolves and Sheep, we all pay for the sins of our fathers, as our childern will pay for our current sins for allowing such weakness/incompetence and evil to rule us...

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Is it too much to extend the list of suspicious self hangings and drowning off boats and yachts to the mysterious suicide of James Forrestal? His life ended after accidentally falling from a 16th floor window. That was after President Harry Truman forced Forrestal's resignation as Secretary of Defense over irreconcilable differences.

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He differed with respect to the formation of the state of Israel, being opposed. (Wikipedia). The window he fell out of was in the naval hospital where he was being treated for depression. Post traumatic stress from World War 2, no doubt.

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Before my time, but sounds convenient...

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Well said as usual, Bill.

But controlling the dots played is a power of itself until the curtain is held back. Only then we don’t see the truth, but the only the lie.

I take Ezekiel to mean just that: he’s showing the hearts of men…and wo-men today.

So the US…largely…did the same as Saladin and like Saladin but only AFTER destroying the capacity to champion a particular(ly) evil in the heart.

Or we can look a different discipline (chose one, ha) the secular hero, science. Thomas Kuhn denied that the evidence of science could be tested outside the structure in which the test is grounded: to whit, paradigms and their ideas don’t die, only those that believe such values die. Claud Shannon turned knowledge, the old structures, upside down with his definition of information, but said the same thing: their can be no precise identity (message) in communication if the the codes (language) are different.

Ideas don’t die, just people. Be careful which idea(s) you chose to babble (Ezekiel) and live. Maybe, also, consider what happens if the idea has Chosen you.

But we can observe the fruits of ideas (ideas make things) and chose to try to understand and live the ideas that made them.

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How interesting that Mr. Bonner starts with Ezekiel 9. But Ezekiel 9 really begins in chapter 8, and is a prophecy about the 7th and last church, which exists today. The 7th church has filled it's cup, and is consumed with idolatry. The church is not the current counterfeit Israel that was established in 1948. Mere men will not carry out the death sentence, but angels from God. The deaths, which could reach into the millions, will not be explainable, and the world will be astonished when this prophecy takes place. I believe we are close to the fulfillment of this prophecy, so keep watching, and praying, that God's will be done. When Ezekiel 9 comes to pass, the final events can then be fulfilled, culminating in the second coming.

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Hola Alex -

IMO: Hence the recent Legitimization of "Aliens" and "Alien Life Forms."

The evil in charge knows what is inerrantly coming to this Earth and the people - they need a scapegoat that offers zero opportunity for revenge and the ability to completely blame all manner of things on...

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Mr. Bonner, thank you for another thoughtful masterpiece and scholarly level article. The haters on this blog should go read a blank book and improve their minds! Hahaha

The Libs want your mind, voice, and soul. To them it’s ok to murder 50,000 people, as long as it’s not 51,000. They can bomb the living snot drip gummies out of any place on earth and simply say in unison, “well.... it wasn’t me” hahaha!

Keep it up Sir, just like our American Savior President Trump, he gives voice to the silent and hope to the poor. Hallelujah! 🤩

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Bibi supported Hamas too ....as a foil against the nationalist (a two state solution, per previously signed Peace Accord ....which Ins'treal doesn't want) P.A. & P.L.O.. Hamas does not play the representive roll for Palestinians in the West Bank.


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Let’s start with a brief assessment of mental status.

True or False: Israel just killed 500 innocent women and children at a Gaza hospital by targeting them with a bomb to further their goal of ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestinians.

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False with pictures and testimony and phone recording that it was NOT Israel but Pij missile gone wrong and only parking lot of hospital was damaged.

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You too pass the mental status exam Naomi.

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Why has my reply disappeared? I am truly an arbiter of peace in the middle east. As the senior president George Bush once said on SNL " I speak their language.... " LA LA LA LA LA LA LA ...."

What's old is new and what is disgusting is stupid remains the same!

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