Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Another great example that government isn’t the solution to our problems government IS the problem

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Further proof that the government is the only entity that can legally break your legs, then fix it by handing you a crutch. And you better be damn thankful for that crutch, or it might get taken away. So stupid what this world is coming to...

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, without a doubt, that was the finest literary sarcasm I've ever seen spread, since the likes of the dear departed P.J. O'Rourke's 'All The Trouble In The World', almost got me kicked off a flight for manaical, uncontrollable laughter!

You heaped it on thick, on all the rightfully deserving parties, like the 'menace to sobriety', and the organization she bearded for, what was it again, the Covid Derangement Corporation?!

But all jokes aside, I for one desperately want to see everyone, who through their malicious malfeasance, got blood and money on or in their hands do the die & dance on the end of a rope with their pants on fire! Nothing less will suffice!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Ever notice in pictures of the Wuhan lab the sign “ Wuhan Institute of Virology” is in ENGLISH. Is that so Fauxchi could find it while conducting his banned “gain of function”(germ warfare) research?

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Ohhh dear Joel so wonderfully entertaining .. mate you've got the gift! we have a small group who meets for coffee on Monday mornings 'only because we don't get your sesh missives till Monday Oz time so this makes for an absolute terrific agenda for us old boys to share a laugh with our latte's .. yes the "sharks" in the canals was a great Ossie era but we've improved and moved up a class in how to really scare the sh*t out of folks by allowing the croc's to breed with absolutely NO culling allowed .. even when caught they are roped and dragged out to sea .. well we wouldn't want to hurt them or disturb their biological breeding patterns ..would we? or for that matter the feeding habits which seem to have improved especially for the taste of the rather sausage'y Europeans who seem to think the beach/coast warning are a joke and their sharp eyes tell them the waters look clear calm and deliciously warm so .. in we go ! well check the shark attack registers around the 44 thousand kilometers of Australian coast line and you'll get the picture .. obviously our species has become the delicacy and flavor of All shark types but especially the bull sharks you're familiar with .. even young school girls diving in for a Quick dip off the back of the houseboat in one of them famous pretend Venetian canals along the gold coast are not off limits .. and what a hullabaloo 'not for the young girl' but for the poor shark who is still being sought by an entire brigade of beach warriors and life saviors .. ah life is good as long as you stay within your environment and area of competence not straying into unknown waters or believing that you/ our species are the greatest smartest things on earth who've been chosen by nature? to reign supreme .. the lesson of 'diminishing returns' suddenly makes sense when you/we realise we are just part of the food chain ! so enjoy your steak/wine and be happy to laugh another day mate!

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This. Made. My. Day. Thank you!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

An outbreak of a new pathogenic virus starting in a town that has a P4 lab. Despite my post grad degrees in immunology and medicine it took me all of about 2 seconds to make that association. Wet market my ass.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

I truly believe that we might see very serious consequences post Covid 19 vaccinations in years to come

In GB there are more people dying daily now than in 2020 2021 or 2022. I can’t find any data about USA and the rest of the world .

We shall see ...

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Hi Marek -

We are already seeing it - verified, factual numbers and you don't have to look too hard.

It's just that the hate boxes in everyone's homes and hands will likely never show the true extent of the death, destruction, miscarriages, cancers, heart attacks, sterility, birth defects, etc., etc., etc...

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Gee, the government admitting this wouldn't have anything to do with fomenting a more hostile attitude towards China, would it? Not preparing for possible confrontation in the South China Sea and wanting the public straining at it's leash to engage these bad bad people? Nothing to do with the global elite using every distraction available to obscure their machinations and the destruction of the American Spirit? The whole free thinking world spirit? Nah!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Re: Caption under canals photo

My good sir,

Please be advised that Ariel is Disney's Little Mermaid. Photographs taken above ground level by airplane, drone, kite, selfie-stick, or bat are aerial. Do I pass the test?

Carry on with your connection of dots and highlighting of the omnipresent gaslighting in your wickedly witty, subtle/not subtle, impudent manner! Anythey? Hahaha, quite right.

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Too much time watching cartoons with my daughter, apparently. Good catch! I’ll leave it uncorrected, my eternal shame on display for all. Cheers!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Yet another great read Joel👍. I look back at the Plandemic as an intelligence test. I just laugh to myself when I see someone driving alone with a mask on, or hear someone brag about how many boosters of the clot shot they’ve stuck in their veins. These will be the same fools who cry foul after losing what’s left of their civil liberties once CBDC’s get implemented. I truly believe all roads lead back to the rise of Statolatry. The world needs one big massive exorcism🤠

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Statolatry...is that akin to State Toiletry? Worship of the State Porcelain contents?

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

This March 5, 2023 New York Post article confirms prior reports that the US paid for corona virus research that probably created the COVID virus that leaked out (or was released?): https://nypost.com/2021/11/04/letter-confirms-wuhan-lab-virus-study-was-funded-by-taxpayers/

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Absolutely released. How else could they get rid of trump, and, get the USA back on the road to ruin?

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Your countryman(er, woman) Sharri Markson wrote an excellent book in 2021 titled What Really Happened in Wuhan. It exposes the whole sordid narrative and is brilliant investigative journalism.

Brien Akers

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Thanks for the reco!

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Now Joel is trying to challenge Bill with the best shark stories and history. But Plato 's noble lie is the winner. Thanks again for a safe, and effective and mandatory reading.


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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel your humor and wit is getting right up there in the stratosphere of Bill Bonner! I love your Sunday Seshes.

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Glad you enjoy ‘em. Thanks!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Chris Wray a Deadhead? Say it ain’t so.

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I really enjoyed Joel’s comments today. I was convinced early on that the virus originated in Wuhan. Let me see, two bats got together and created Covid! That’s a story for children.

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Yes PG, I think your starting to educate yourself of the facts behind this most corrupt crime of our history. The coming price to pay for the survivors of the jab will be historic, and the fact that the evil powers that are, still push it on our children 🤔 now this new truth against our youth coming to light…” There is ample scientific evidence that suggests that the mixture of adjuvants contained in HPV vaccines and other vaccines is responsible for post-vaccination-induced autoimmune diseases in some patients.

Adjuvant-induced disorders have become so widespread that medical experts have coined a new term to describe this umbrella syndrome: Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA).” Funny another “ASIAN” American attack on our children, and so many still don’t get it 😵‍💫…no PG, you can’t fix stupid…

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Hi Steve -

So are we still "scum" for disagreeing with PG and calling the "vaccines" out for being the poison they actually are? No, you say? We're off the hook?? How stunning and brave of him.

I was called nasty names multiple times by Mr. Resume NeverWrong - lucky for him I try to have a fine Christian Spirit and 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 him his many tresspasses against me, a person he has never met beyond my postings on these boards, yet one that he felt compelled to insult and belittle with an unearned immunity. Pffft - I don't even want his apology at this point, but that's only because I couldn't care less that so much of his drivel is turning out to be wrong, as was pointed out to him on numerous occasions. Though it's funny how his tune has changed on several key topics (blown pipeline, convid, "vaccines") and we are supposed to just forget his incorrect, rude rantings and move on - precisely as the dims and our "media" operate. Life is too short to argue with the arrogantly ignorant.

Anyway -

Next Crow on the PGV Menu: the Ukraine Farce...

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Lolol, yes brother Starboard, PG is one of us without a doubt. Thick, stubborn, bullheaded and Set in his belief’s and very often wrong, but still a good American. He did the right thing his entire life, and though not perfect, we just need to look in the mirror for that same man.

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I agree 100%. I have no personal animosity for Mr. PG. Quite the opposite. Once past the occasional insult, he has taught me a TON of things I didn't know and I appreciate him...

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Yes bro, he is quite loquacious in his writings about past history, just not up to date with current affairs. He’s a little old with too much time on his hands. Needs to get out fishing or golfing or whatever, and stop wasting time watching The market…………. “No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that, what he desires for himself." 🙏

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Good one❤️

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