May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

I've always felt that America's middle class was the unwitting sacrificial lamb when the U.S. government signed on to the Bretton Woods Agreement. The exorbitant privilege of having the world's reserve currency is not a completely free lunch. Since Bretton Woods the Federal Reserve has had to conjure up trillions of dollars to grease the wheels of international commerce. If all the new dollars went overseas the inflation could have been exported to other countries. As one would expect, the government and Parastrocracy (i.e. Parasite Class) used the exorbitant privilege to enlarge and enrich themselves. This development created inflation which wasn't easily exported to other countries. I've argued that business did a masterful job of counterbalancing a good portion of this inflation by exporting production overseas to take advantage of lower wages. In essence, we ended up sacrificing the middle class to contain the inflation on American soil. In retrospect, if business didn't step up to fix the inflation problem then the government and Parastrocracy would have had to change their ways. Now fast forward to today. The government lockdowns effectively took a sledgehammer to distribution chains which took decades to build. The increasing Balkanization of the world means that new distribution chains must be created and previously off-shored production will return back to American soil. This development will be highly inflationary. I don't believe business will be able to save the day again as they will struggle mightily to keep their profit margins from tumbling. The Federal Reserve will just exacerbate the problem with their current policies and the government will never willingly shrink itself. So the horizon looks like continual inflation and sub-par growth; stagflation. Yeah, we'll most likely have an occasional recession and then back to stagflation. At the end of the day the government and Parastocracy took us for a ride. We unwittingly traded our Middle Class for a bunch of miscreants. Deal with the devil and you're gonna get burned.

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I agree with your premise except in the idea businesses stepped up by relocating manufacturing overseas. In fact the government took a great hand in providing one choice move and we'll provide all manner of tax benefits. One of my largest customers was paid millions of dollars to export his aluminum extruding factory to China. Another now former customer David R. Bell a fellow originally from NZ spent a great deal of time instructing Chinese students and working with Chinese companies when at Wharton.

The customer who shipped all to China lost all in China as his patents and moulds were copied by the Chinese and offered to his customers all over the world at a substantial discount. Not only was business exported overseas a great deal of American exports were permanently lost in doing so. Trumps simple idea of bring manufacturing back to America is in fact impossible we no longer have the factory space or equipment needed to build much of any kind of heavy industrial products. Laws put in place by the major port cites would preclude the construction or operation of any large scale manufacturing.

A good job in Philadelphia, P'A from the perspective of the government is working at a casino or in government. We produce nothing except brew pubs, coffee houses, medical clinics, and idiot mills (College grads).

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I'm reading The Creature from Jeckyll Island......for the 3rd time. He argues that the goal of Bretton Woods was to send money from wealthy nations to undeveloped nations, and to eventually lead to one world govt. Global socialism. In other words, to impoverish the middle class.

They are succeeding.

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That's a great read. No doubt its a rigged game. Get the whole world to use your currency. Make sure your currency is not a store of wealth. Make sure only friends and family have enough of the currency to purchase hard assets and thus escape the devaluation. You end up with a two class society. Competing currencies not under the purview of a government would get us off this hamster wheel. Golds one solution, but I think crypto currencies backed with commodities is another. The current system isn't sustainable and we're near the end of the line. It's obvious the Globalists feel the same way as they're getting more desperate and heavy handed. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. We're all gonna get nicked up let's just hope we don't lose any limbs.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

the ever increasing price of fuel seems to be the largest factor of inflation. Everything is transported, sometimes several times before it gets to market. Most of our travel is by virtue of vehicles or aircraft that are powered by petroleum based fuels. There has to be enough power on the grid to recharge all these electric vehicles. They are already talking about rolling black outs in California because of the lack of power on their grid for recharging electric vehicles. Not to mention if you dig into all things "green", they aren't near as "green" as promoted if at all. Follow the money. And say a prayer for everyday Citizens.

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EV will be worthless if not part of a hybrid design. I drive a hybrid Toyota, 40 miles to a gallon. The one thing I hate about the EV portion of the vehicles is I'm never sure the damn thing has started or that I turn it off.

Either way I own a pre 1970 vehicle, now worth in the range of $100k, not a bad return on the original purchase price of $3500. No electronics, goes on land and water, starts with a key and a button. In a pinch I could do as the Weimar Republic Germans and convert it to run on wood gas.

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Shell & BP

"these two businesses jointly announced some of the largest losses in British corporate history in 2020 after the price of oil briefly turned negative. And these hefty losses forced both companies to reduce their shareholder payouts, underlining the fragile nature of oil company dividends."

BP losses in 2020 where $18 Bn - their 2022 write off of Russian assets (ie the amount they effectively lost in selling at a discount to Putin's friends) was $25 Bn - so that is $42 Bn in losses, approximately 3 times their profit. Is the Guardian reporting on those figures?

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$15 barrel oil under Trump = 107 oil companies bankrupt and 91,000 oil workers laid off. Cheap gas caused that.

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The Guardian is bias to the left

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Good !

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so you voted for comrade Corbyn

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Me and 81 million patriots.

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? Comrade Corbyn uses your maths which is why he didn't get in. There are only just over 70 million people in the UK, never mind eligible voters, so to get 81 Million and 1 voting for him needs either cheating (aka Postal Voting in the UK) or a graduate from the Dianne Abbott School of Non-racist maths doing the counting. i.e Where 2+2 = whatever you want it to be.

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AClown didn't understand your question. He's a far-left wacko that was referring to himself and "81 million" others voting for Biden. Ignore AClown, he's drinking nothing but Marxist Cool-aid.

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Philadelphia, PA has streamlined voting, no longer is there a need to cater to the unproductive in an effort to bring voters to the polling locations. Select Ward leaders have at hand a few thousand filled in ballots that can be dispatched to any Ward needing an excess of winning ballots. From time to time voters get the idea they can vote and make a difference, I can assure these malcontents they are quite incorrect.

Many years ago I was introduced to a wild looking fellow in a bright blue suit with white shoes. He was introduced as the next mayor of Philadelphia. After a good scrubbing, a visit to the tailor he was elected mayor a year later. That's when I realized all things are possible in a one party system.

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Comrade Corbyn wanted a country just like Venezuela, we know what happened there lol

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I've always marveled at England choosing a Parliamentary government which seems until recently to have run the nation to the benefit of the majority, without trampling the rights of the individual to the point of causing a revolution.

Another nation with the same potentially terrible governance model is Israel.

Bill opined Israel as a rat hole, I'd agree to a degree, but only because Netanyahu formed his government with a coalition of conservative hawks, and orthodox rabbis. The rabbis were paid to bob their heads to the wall of the temple mount, while free to breed like rabbits because they're all on the dole.

Daily life under the rabbis includes restrictions on divorce, marriage, and relegates women as the possession of men. These rabbis are some of the most caustic unarguable men on the planet, they are exempt from military service, and most laws. The Jewish population of Israel is 90% or more secular, this when Israel is the most religious while being the most progressive and liberal place on the planet. 90% of the current troubles with Arabs in their midst (there is no such people as Palestinians) originates from their interaction with the orthodox rabbis and their followers during Netanyahu reign. It is noted in the Prophets when Yahowah returns with king David (Dowd) 2/3rds of Israel will lie dead or be extinguished by Yahowah. If. you can't change their minds God simply will not allow them to exist in His presence. The other 1/3rd will have rejected their rabbis, given up on their politicians and military and call out in the name of Yahowah (not the LORD).

USA pre Congress selling out to large corps and special interests (thank Woodrow Wilson for being the first to do so) before lawyers became the majority in both parties the representative form of government was the best effort the founding fathers could come up with. A distillation of all that had been learned from Greece and Rome, with the framework of the 7 statements from Yahowah. Not 10 commandments which are a contrivance of the Roman church and taken up by the Protestant church which in turn is nothing more than a bastard step child of Rome.

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75 years of fighting proves Israel is a failed experiment.

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At a very young age, my dad taught me and my brother how to fish and hunt. Beans and steak taste the same to a hungry stomach. How happy I was my dad taught that to us. My mom used to tell him not to scare us with all the depression stuff, but he still explained it to us. It is all about education! A couple of years ago, my granddaughter asked what was in the meat in a hamburger. My son replied, it is a cow. She nearly choked and said I don't want to eat a cow. Feed a man a fish and he will eat for the day, teach him to fish and he will feed himself for a lifetime.

Don Harrell

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An idea popped in my head this morning. Give a man a fish and he will become a life-long dependent on handouts.

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The UK NHS thinks mother's milk is the ideal formula.

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I live in a blue state, Biden beat Trump 2-1. Every day I read Bill's diary, I read simple, clear common sense. It is not complicated. Yet, people I speak to shrug about the price of gas (and all other situations). Trump's tweets, beating Russia, etc. are more important to them. I think they accept the popular narrative as beyond questionable.

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why do you believe it?

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Only an idiot would support Ukraine. Ukraine has never in its entire history be counted a truly sovereign nation. Its current government was counted the most corrupt on the planet. Crimea was part of Russia for its entire existence, until Nikita Khrushchev a Ukrainian gifted the area to the Ukraine to provide the area with a port. The majority of Crimea population is Russian. Half or Ukraine was called New Russia under in the time of the Czars.

If Russia started building troops in Cuba, USA would go ape. What is the difference incorporating every nation on Russia's boarders into NATO and installing NATO (USA)troops on the Russian boarder?

What benefit to the USA is there in engaging this proxy war?

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

I don't think that's possible as long as you're on this site.

Ukrainians born out by DNA, there is no

genetic difference between a Ukrainian and a Russian.

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I can only assume he is slow. Best to let him post and not comment. He understands nothing of the world.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

Read it and weep fool. The results of the study of Y-chromosomal polymorphisms of Russian and Ukrainian population are presented for Slobozhanshina--contemporary border region, former "Wild Field" boundary, which was inhabited in XVII-XVIII centuries by both the Russians from the north and Ukrainians from the west. In general, Ukrainian and Russian populations of Slobozhanshchina genetically are very close,


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I was surprised to read about all the natural resources and agriculture in Ukraine, just wasn't aware. More important to the world than even thought.

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Time to bring our food, prescription drug and other essential product manufacturing home from overseas.

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agree, among other things. Being energy independent is a national security issue.

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And pray tell if Putin leaves who do you think will step into his shoes?

Use your great knowledge of the world to ponder who Russia is propping up in Syria, yes Bashar al-Assad. The man is a monster but and USA would love to force a regime change and I believe this is at the heart of the proxy war in Ukraine.

Now put on your thinking cap; How did work out for USA and the world when we changed the regimes in Iran, Iraq, and Libya? How did it work out when we forced Israel to give up the Gaza strip? Did any of these blunders bring peace or stability to the Middle East? Nope millions have died, and billions will follow when with our great effort Iran has a workable nuclear device. Contrary to what you have come to believe the first nuke is not headed to Israel but to Saudi Arabia and the city of Mecca. The others will follow taking out Saudi Arabia. Our alliance with Saudi Arabia will in fact bring us into this exchange. We will have crossed the Red Line in the sand as Russia is brought into the fray especially in the light of our proxy war and Biden's calls for regime change. When Syria is left with no iron hand chaos will follow and Syria will become another Muslim hell hole and part of the Caliphate Saudi Arabia has been trying to create for the last 1500 years. A nuclear armed Caliphate will turn its focus on beheading or converting the remaining Shia population in the Middle East and then focus on Israel.

And if you have any interest before this happens, and in an effort to being peace in the region Israel will be forced to give up control of the West Bank. In so doing one of the end time prophecies found in Isaiah (Israel will be thinned at the waist) will have been fulfilled and sad for the world of man, all hell will be unleashed. Israel's military will fail and the remnant of Israel will cry out to their God. The timing on the end is simple to figure two thing must come to pass. . Damascus is the oldest continually occupied city in the world. When Damascus becomes uninhabitable, after a nuke strike turns it into a twisted heap of rubble, and Israel is thinned at the waist, Gaza is gone the West Bank will be so before 2029.

Listen to God on this one; “Rejected and abandoned, deserted and destroyed, even damned, will be the inhabited and terrorized regions and populated cities of ‘Arow’er, the repudiated outcasts and exiles in Jordan and Lebanon.

For there will be roaming animals fighting in militant militias along with their helpers, the Ansar, falling prostrate and failing miserably, ultimately ceasing because there will be no one left to terrorize.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17:2)

“Therefore, the fortified city and its defensive structures will cease to exist on account of ‘Ephraym (a synonym for Yisra’el apart from Yahuwdah), along with the government out of Damascus, including the remnant of Syria and Assyria (today’s Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon), for being similarly vehement and burdensome, fanatical and onerous, dimwitted and enraged. The children of Yisra’el, those Individuals who Engage and Endure with God, shall actually continue to exist, prophetically declares Yahowah of the vast array of spiritual messengers and envoys.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17:3)

“And it will actually come to pass in that day that the size of Ya’aqob shall be decreased to the point of no longer being sustainable or viable, and the fattest, best protected, and most important place at the midsection of his body shall be leaned, shrinking in size, sacrificed in a counterproductive and unsustainable manner in the cause of pagan gods and as part of the hidden agenda of diseased dignitaries.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17:4)

When the above comes to pass the proverbial SHTF.

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I'm surprised that you have not used the established phrase describing the difference between the elite and the worker, Bourgeoisie vs Proletariat.

On another thought you reference home buying rates increasing, with no reference to rent rates also increasing, out pacing the home ownership increase. When one rents they are at the mercy of the "Warden" that can raise their rent for any reason.

David Lowe

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If I have this wrong please correct me. During a recent interview on Fox News Sunday Bret Baier asked Senator Chris Murphy of CT to comment on student debt. Senator Murphy commented ( paraphrasing) some should get some relief but someone like myself my debt should not be forgiven. I couldn’t believe that the next question from Baier wasn’t “ you still have student debt?” If you google Murphy’s education and work history, plus the affluence of his family law practice I’m amazed that US senator is carrying government loan debt for his education at this point in his political career.

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If I have this wrong please correct me. During a recent interview on Fox News Sunday Bret Baier asked Senator Chris Murphy of CT to comment on student debt. Senator Murphy commented ( paraphrasing) some should get some relief but someone like myself my debt should not be forgiven. I couldn’t believe that the next question from Baier wasn’t “ you still have student debt?” If you google Murphy’s education and work history, plus the affluence of his family law practice I’m amazed that US senator is carrying government loan debt for his education at this point in his political career.

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How is mick jagger a Keynesian economist if believes in market solution??

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I hope the ones who should be reading your insights are. Greed is a strong force few can resist. Whilst advisory services are fine in themselves, there is no substitute from those contributing to the goods and services the world needs. These folks tend to be the least rewarded for their efforts. Why? Simply they don't aim to exploit their roles - they do their job and rise to the occasion when it comes to world conflicts. These are the ones who give their all for the good of their families and society as whole, whilst Leaders and their advisors, inexperienced in real world matters/scenarios look after the wealthy and themselves. This process ultimately leads to regime change. Politicians should be aware what their actions lead to and ask themselves is this what the masses wanted. Be careful what you wish for as it appears to me the destiny of Democracy as we know it today will be questioned by the suffering masses. They will ultimately rise up and demand change in ways China and Russia delivered for their masses who didn't want to starve but to have a meaningful existence and reasonable longevity.

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"The Parting Glass"

Of all the money that e'er I had

I've spent it in good company

And all the harm that e'er I've done

Alas it was to none but me

And all I've done for want of wit

To memory now I can't recall

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be with you all

Of all the comrades that e'er I had

They are sorry for my going away

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had

They would wish me one more day to stay

But since it falls unto my lot

That I should rise and you should not

I'll gently rise and I'll softly call

Good night and joy be with you all

A man may drink and not be drunk

A man may fight and not be slain

A man may court a pretty girl

And perhaps be welcomed back again

But since it has so ought to be

By a time to rise and a time to fall

Come fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be with you all

Good night and joy be with you al

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The people have not bread? Let them eat cake...

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Many, many years ago

When animals could speak,

A wondrous thing the ducks befell;

Their tale is quite unique.

Down by a pond dwelt all these ducks

Ten thousand at the least

Their duckish joys were undisturbed

By any man or beast.

One day down near the entrance gate

There was an awful din

A hundred hens all out of breath

Were begging to come in.

“Oh let us in” these poor birds cried

“Before we do expire!

’Tis only by the merest inch

That we escaped the fire!”

Their feathers burned, their combs adroop

They were the saddest sight.

They’d run a hundred miles or more,

All day and then all night.

“Come in! Come in!” the ducks all quacked,

“For you our hearts do bleed!

We’ll share our happy lot with you;

Just tell us what you need!”

And so these poor bedraggled hens

Amongst the ducks moved in.

“For after all,” the ducks declared,

“We’re sisters ‘neath the skin.”

Before too many months had lapsed,

The hens were good as new.

They sent for all their rooster friends,

And those were welcomed too.

To please their hosts, these chickens tried

To waddle and to quack.

To imitate the duckish ways,

They quickly learned the knack.

This pleased the flock of ducks because

It gratified their pride.

But hear my tale and learn how they

Got taken for a ride.

The ducks, it seemed, spent all their time

In fixing up the place,

In growing food and building homes

And cleaning every space.

They asked the hens what they would do

To earn their daily bread.

“We’ll teach and write and entertain

And buy and sell,” they said.

And so these hens began to teach

The baby ducks and chicks.

They traded food and eggs and things,

With many clever tricks.

They wrote great books and put on shows

Of genius they’d no lack.

It wasn’t long till chickens owned

The Duckville Daily Quack.

One day a mother duck who took

Her ducklings to the lake,

Was flabbergasted when one said,

“A swim I will not take!”

“Why duckling’s always swim” she gasped,

“It’s what you’re built to do!

Like bunnies hop, and crickets chirp,

And cows most always moo!”

“You’re nuts!” her son replied,

“That stuff is all old hat!

It’s wrong for birds to swim, besides

It’s damn cold on my prat!”

“Oh fie!” the mother duck exclaimed,

“You’re talking like a fool!”

Up quacked the other ducklings then:

“He’s right! We learned in school!”

“Such talk must stop!” the mother cried,

“Those hens can’t tell such lies!

For sheer ingratitude and nerve,

I’m sure this takes the prize!”

But she was wrong, for even then

The hens did thump the tub

Demanding they be let into

The Duckville Swimming Club.

“But you don’t swim!” the ducks exclaimed,

“To join, why should you care?”

“That’s not the point” the hens replied,

“To exclude us isn’t fair!”

The younger ducks, who’d been to school

Agreed right there and then:

“To keep them out is bigotry!

’Twould just be anti-hen!”

Outnumbered by the younger ducks,

The old ducks soon did lose.

The hens could join the Swimming Club,

If they would pay the dues.

That night the Duckville Daily Quack

Contained this banner spread:



Down at the Duckville Gaity,

The young set laughed with glee,

At cracks about “old fuddy ducks”

In burlesque repartee.

Next day the hens were at the Club;

A petition they’d sent round

They objected to the Swimming Fund

With fury and with sound.

“You use our dues to fix the pond,

To keep it neat and trim

And this is wrong” they said, “because

You know we do not swim!”

“God help us!” exclaimed a wise old duck,

“Those chickens have gone mad!

We’ll take this thing to court, by George!

And justice will be had!”

But when they went before the judge,

Imagine their dismay!

A chicken judge decreed that they

A heavy fine must pay!

“Minorities must have their rights!”

The judge declared right then

“To use hens’ dues to fix the pond

Is very anti-hen!”

Once more the Duckville Daily Quack

Emblazoned ‘cross the page:



In Duckville’s church, on Sunday morn

The preacher spoke these words:

“Discrimination’s got to stop!

Remember, we’re all birds!”

The wisest duck in all the town

Sat down in black despair

“I’ll write a book,” he thought, “and then

This madness I will bare!”

“Let swimmers swim, let hoppers hop,

Let each go his own way

Let none coerce a fellow bird!”

Was what he had to say.

“’Twas wrong to force the hens to swim,

So here’s the problem’s crux:

It’s just as bad for hens to try

To chickenize our ducks!”

“I can’t print that” the printer said

“’Twill put me in a mess!

My shop is mortgaged to the hens

The chickens own my press!”

This worried duck then tried to warn

His friends by speech and pen,

But young ducks fresh from school just jeered,

“He’s a vicious anti-hen!”

Now up the stream a little way

Was Gooseville, on the lake

The hens had come to Gooseville too,

But the geese were more awake.

When the hens began to spoil the young

And Gooseville’s laws to flout,

The geese rose up in righteous wrath

And simply threw them out.

Of course you know where they all ran;

On Duckville they converged

“We’ve got to take these refugees”

Was what the ducks all urged.

The Duckville Daily Quack declared:

“Those geese will stop at naught!

They plan to conquer all the world!

Atrocities they’ve wrought!”

“That’s right!” the young ducks all agreed,

“We’ll help our fellow birds!

Those geese have plans to conquer us!

We’ve read the Quack’s own words!”

They let the hens from Gooseville in,

The whole bedraggled pack

And every hen took up a job

On Duckville’s Daily Quack.

When Duckville’s Mayor’s term was up,

The Quack put up its duck;

A vain and stupid duck he was,

A veritable cluck!

But when he praised the wild young ducks

And cursed the evil geese,

The Quack declared he was “all-wise”

His praise would never cease.

The hens chipped in to help this cluck

Give grain away for free

The old ducks sadly shook their heads,

The writing they could see.

And sure enough, this stupid duck,

He was elected Mayor

From this point on, the Duckville ducks,

They never had a prayer.

The Mayor said, “Gooseville must go!

We’ll wipe them off the map!”

While Duckville slept, the scheming hens

For Gooseville set a trap.

They called the geese by filthy names;

They filled their pond with sticks

They helped the weasels catch the geese,

And other hennish tricks.

The geese got mad and threw some rocks,

“IT’S WAR!” the Quack announced:

“We ducks must fight those evil geese

Till they’ve been soundly trounced!”

The ducks (who knew not of the tricks

Indulged in by the Mayor)

Were filled with patriotic zeal,

And pitched right in for fair.

Now when the ducks had whipped the geese

The Mayor called “Retreat!

Our Henville friends should really take

Goosevilles’s big main street!”

The hens are back in Gooseville now;

They starved and beat the geese

They prayed for peace but organized

The Henville Armed Police.

They drained the Gooseville swimming pond;

And ‘De-goose-ified’ the schools,

They wrung the neck of Gooseville’s Mayor

On lately made up rules.

They formed a council of the hens,

‘United Birds’ the name

The other birds who joined the thing

Did not perceive their game.

No sooner had they set this up,

Than they announced their plan

To seize up Swanville as a home

For all their hennish clan.

They took a vote amongst the hens,

And every one approved!

“Swanville was for hens!” they said,

“Way back, before we moved.”

And so they kicked the swans all out

With Duckville’s help and power

And Duckville could not understand

Why swans on them turned sour.

By this time, Duckville was a mess;

The young ducks had gone mad

They stole and laughed at truth and law

They’d gone completely bad.

The hens were selling loco weed

In every nasty den

But ducks who dared to mention this

Were labelled ‘anti-hen.’

The hens all preached of ‘Tolerance’;

They invoked the ‘Golden Rule’

But they subsidized the indigent,

The greedy and the fool.

At last the very dumbest ducks

Began to smell a rat

“This Mayor is no good” they cried

“And we will soon fix that!”

But the hens had planned for even this

A candidate they had,

Whom even wise old ducks believed

Just never could be bad.

This hen-tool duck had whipped the geese;

A soldier duck was he

Although the hens had set him up,

The ducks all thought him free.

This hen-tool got elected,

Through ignorance and greed,

Through hennish lies in press and speech

And bribes of ‘chicken feed.’

The hens now kicked the ducks around,

Without a blush of shame

Until the Mayor ran the town

In nothing else but name.

They pumped the swimming pond all dry;

They taught the ducks to crow

While duckish numbers dwindled,

The hens began to grow.

The hens stirred up the happy crows

From out the piney wood

To fight and mix and marry ducks

In the name of ‘Brotherhood.’

Things got so bad that fifty ducks

Who knew of days gone by,

Took up their wives and children

And decided that they’d fly.

They flew through storm and tempest;

They froze, and many died

But on they drove, until at last

A lovely lake they spied.

They settled down exhausted,

But soon went straight to work

To build and clear and cultivate,

No danger did they shirk.

Now after many years of toil,

This little band had grown

The fields around were full of grain

From seeds that they had sown.

The first ducks now were long since dead;

Their struggles long had ceased

Through hard work and through suffering

Their joys had been increased.

One day down near the entrance gate

There was an awful din

A hundred hens, all out of breath,

Were begging to come in.

“Oh, let us in!” the poor birds cried,

“Before we do expire!

’Tis only by the merest inch...”

This epic really has no end because

No matter how you fight ‘em,

Those hens will show up every time

And so... ad infinitum.

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Yes, Sweet poem my friend, as poems often sound, as truths and lies have consequences, as let them eat cake, who I believe Joe Biden just opined?

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Fund Managers or Truckers? Which way will it go? Say a prayer for trucker.

Bill may be right, but I’m not so sure... where are the votes? I imagine the politicians want to keep their ‘jobs and heads’ mostly ... but who knows?

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Shallow thinking, one of.my high school chums is Mitt Romney's business partner. Living in Boston, the Republican party initially asked if he would run for Governor. He declined but offered up Mitt stating Mitt was a choir boy and had no skeletons in the closet for the other side to exploit. Another friend asked how he did during the credit bubble of 2007? His reply I still have a few billion to live on and those investments will pick up the slack. I'll have it all back in a couple years. I'm pretty sure the bailout made him additional billions. I know I'd be worried if at Bill's age I was down to my last couple million.

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deletedMay 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022
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Compared to his business partner Mitt was a choir boy. Boston is hard place to find a squeaky clean politician. As such in comparison to the rest of the swamp Mitt is a shining star.

If I did take the time to vote Mitt's Association with Mormonism is a deal killer.

A few years ago one a grand family vacation, we flew into Las Vegas rented a couple SUVs and did circle California, Arizona, Utah, and back to Nevada. While in Utah the nightstand included a free copy of the Book of Mormon. Imagine they wanted the occupant to take a copy and leave the towels. I read it cover to cover and wonder does anyone really believe this voodoo bullshit? Those who do must have an ulterior motive or they're simply fools.

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You are from the camp that more than one path leads to Yahowah's home?

There's a reason the RCC made owning a copy of the bible illegal carrying a penalty of death. Nothing is more annoying to the RCC or any religion than God disagreeing with their doctrines.

Marcion (Roman) had it all figured out and the majority of the RCC agreed with his conclusion. Marcion held there were two gods, the God of Abraham and the old testament (it was Marcion that coined the idea or two covenants(testaments) he surmised the new god Jesus was a kindler, gentler, more tolerant and thus superior god He surmised Jesus was like the gods of old wherein one triumphed over the other. The old God, Yahowah was intolerant, Jewish, legalistic. Moreover Marcion surmised the new god held the keys to heaven and as the RCC claimed an uninterrupted line from Peter, to the pope in office the church also inherited the right to save or damn.

Marcion also figured the old God was impotent completely unable to come up with a plan to save His people from damnation. Hence Paul as called by Jesus to correct the mistaken notions of the clueless 12 disciples. If not for Paul he figured Christianity would not have existed.

Marcion has an interesting point; If not for Paul Christianity would in fact not exist, and this doesn't seem to bother Christians. If not for Rome Christianity would not exist and neither would Protestantism. If the rabbis actually were Torah observant they'd be out of a job and Judaism would not exist. If not for the errant rabbis none of the 3 religions claiming Abraham as father would exist however Yahowah does not change, His witness is everlasting. Rational thinking never enters into religion except in one instance; My older brother is an uber Roman Catholic he took great pride in attacking my wife's Protestantism. I allowed him to do so, until one day I went on the offensive. The next time we met, I was advised to speak only of sports or the weather. Seems his former Protestant wife now a RCC was beside herself with doubt. He on the other hand is like you, no amount of evidence even if God came down from heaven with a different message would you listen to God and reject your religion.

Paul said; Gal 1:8 But even if we or an angel (sent from God) from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we (Paul and his cronies) preached to you, let him be under a curse! (this must also include God who sent the messenger)

Yahowah said about Paul: "Surely the person who proclaims a message on behalf of a deity who oversteps their bounds to speak words in My name which I have not instructed nor directed him to speak, and who speaks in the name of other gods (Jesus)(‘elohym), indeed then that prophet shall want to die ." (Dabarym /Words/

Deuteronomy 18:20)

No dying in She'owl, only eternal incarceration with like minded individuals promoting false religions in an effort to lead souls away from forming a relationship with Yahowah.

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Probably the opposite and upwards of 1 Billion by now. 😂 Expert in taxation and inflation economics. The ball is in his court. 😃

Ukraine needs the money to bolster and ramp its hypersonic missile defense system. Disguised as an aid package, the bill passed by the Senate should be called the $40 billion “Ukraine Pentagon bill”. 😂 More on the way!

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while the US give away $40 billion they do not have. That should help inflation go higher.

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