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What a great outpour of facts so skillfully presented. To understand it it takes some knowledge of one’s own and the honesty to share it with strangers. Bill Bonner must be confident that there are enough of us worth addressing and hoping that we can become a seed in an evolution to change for better. Regardless of convictions there is hope. Regardless of how one feels about Donald Trump, in my mind, he represents the first step in openly discrediting our government. It is my believe that regardless of the mount of criticism, history will record Trump as the one who initiated changes and provided the inspiration to changes.

This current leadership will show the enormous powers a country’s leadership possess in destroying just about everything is set to destroy.

We remember events, we know facts and we understand the human race. Our role is not only to recite the meanings of the words but to become missionaries of new ideas, new ways to abolish the existing form of government and replacing with the best humanly possible. America is known as a country of the greatest constitution and it could become a model of government. I disagree with Trump’s slogan “make America great again”. America was never great but as far as one’s ability to earn a living, it was a place of greatest opportunities.

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Apr 27, 2023
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GF: I think that Eisenhower was one of the best Presidents that America has ever had. He expressed concern about massive spending, esp., deficit spending; This concept is foreign to the present candidates. God Bless America...We are going to need it...badly.

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😳 did you just say that my sweet Dorothy? You just proved that not only Jesus could resurrect the dead, but Biden can resurrect the brain dead, and change democrats into living beings 😊👍🇺🇸🇺🇸

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SL: I think that was suppose to be a compliment. Thanks

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Damn Dottie. Just when I start getting sad by thinking you are beyond rehabilitation, you come out and make some sense...


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SE: Surprise... Surprise!

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"Aren’t they – Biden, Pelosi, McConnell et al…all the old humbugs and ‘heroes’ who have pulled the strings for the last half a century – responsible for it?"

Bill, you spelled "humbug" wrong. It's spelled "scumbag."

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Apr 27, 2023
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It's also very difficult to tell the humbuggers and the POS'ers apart. It gets murky down there in the mud and slime...

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To your list one must add our John Kerry special envoy to the WEF.

"When you start to think about it, it's pretty extraordinary that we — select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives — are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet," he said.

"I mean, it's so almost extraterrestrial to think about saving the planet."

Delusions of grandeur. It must be wonderful to feel that good about oneself.

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Hey Andre. He is one delusional pig.

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A litany of platitudes, mostly canards, from the "team" named in the excellent article by Mr Bonner!

"A tale told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"!

There is honor among thieves, but it is a quality lacking among politicians!

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Did I miss the part about unleashing bio weapons upon the populace in order to terminate a few million deplorables so they can be masters of the green universe?

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Hi Taco -

If you missed it, no sweat. There will be another kicking off just about the end of this year. And it might be real this time...

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Bill, your focus on Ukraine's border --suggesting it is insignificant because it was drawn by man -- trivializes the theft, murder and destruction Putin and his apparatchiks are undertaking.

What the Russian invaders are doing is different than the needless trillion dollar invasions we made of two dirt-pile countries neither a threat to us -- Iraq and Afghanistan. At great expense of man, material and treasure, our former invasion unleashed Iran and the latter allowed Afghanistan to return to the 14th century

But Putin's invasion is a classic one. He wants to consume Ukraine; to eradicate the notion that there is a group of people, Ukrainians, who are so different from Russians that they have their own country, language and traditions. He's doing to the Ukrainians what Hitler sought to do to all Slavic people

If Putin succeeds, then those men who established the original border between Ukraine and Russia will find its moved east to abut Poland. In so doing, Putin will refute his ostensible fear of NATO being near Russia. It will now be adjacent to two NATO countries: Finland and Poland, both from which Russia has snatched land in the past by invading each in 1939.

All this leads me to believe its better for all if the Ukrainians prevail. If they don't, then China will be emboldened to snatch Taiwan. What a mess that will be.

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Hi Mr. Roberts -

Blahblahblah and yadayada. No, I am not making an ignorant statement - I am dissenting from the puke-worthy globalist narrative you continue to parrot about the entire Ukraine situation. You and those that believe as you do are consistently clutching your pearls about what Putin "might" do and how down-trodden the poor Ukrainians are. Pffffft. How about looking backward at facts and things that HAVE occurred to provide yourselves a little context? As I'm a nice guy with a few minutes to spare, I will break my rule about trying to educate the willfully ignorant/indoctrinated - to wit:

1. The coup of 2014 where our CIA and State Department overthrew the duly-elected President of Ukraine and installed the pervert degenerate Zelensky. Pay special attention to the rapid rise in corruption and money laundering as a byproduct.

2. The multi-years of artillery shelling, murdering, raping and disappearing of citizens in the Donbass and nearby regions who speak, dress and act Russian (because they historically ARE), plus they had the gall to vote several times to separate from the Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Muh "democracy", eh?

3. The proven elements of Nazis and Nazism that are an integral part of the Ukrainian Military, "government" and psyche - and was one of the main reasons put forth by Putin for beginning the Special Operation to remove that evil from his neck of the woods.

Please believe me, nothing personal Mr. Roberts. For the most part I truly enjoy your posts and the knowledge you impart and the thoughts you provoke. It's just that, as I have mentioned here previously, I am not going to remain silent when I see something that is verifiably incorrect while supporting the positions, ideologies and narratives of the group of people who hate America and Freedom.

So - sorry, not sorry...

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May I add the continuing encroachment of NATO to the Russian borders which was completely at odds with post-Soviet agreements with the West?

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Always spot on brother Starboard!

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I'm not sorry either.

I'm sad

Sad that one man, Putin, decided by force of arms to acquire a neighboring country

The death and destruction he's inflicting on the hapless Ukrainians will inculcate within them a hatred of Russians that will last generations.

Unlike our unnecessary invasions, Putin intends to seize and keep. He's the Slavic reincarnation of Hitler. My guess is he will suffer Hitler's fate too, deservedly so

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Yes Jimm, I agree, you and many other so-called American's are sad, very sad...because you don't have a clue on reality nor history.

Just a fact...any government official, talking head or human that backs Zelenskyy backs China, WEF, Biden and his demented minions like Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Scholz and all the other bought and paid for communist shills.

"What"? you say... This must be "Russian Collusion".?...lolol, yes my friend, we have all heard that before.🤔

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I'm awake. I have no mission. Like you and all other sentient beings, I object to thievery.

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I know Mr Roberts...Then you have Waken? If Woken, you're a parasite and suck off your brothers (like Zelenskyy, Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush)... If Waken, you contribute to humanity (like DeSantis, Reagan, Eisenhower).

We the people are 100% under attack from a real bad parasite. It's called the Democratic Party in America. Other nations have had different names throughout history.

If you object to being robbed, do what any true American would do, and defend yourself, your family and your God!

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Why does the US feel duty bound to involve itself in conflicts that really have nothing to do with keeping its own citizens safe and secure? What it only succeeds in doing is putting its citizens in greater danger and prolonging the conflict by giving false hope to those it has purportedly meant to save. Think Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan now Ukraine and soon Taiwan. All a terrible waste of human life and material damage. Ultimately all these conflicts will sort themselves out without the US's "help".

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It's our problem now. Kinda like a undisciplined child where it's parent must be responsible for.

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Hey Jim. Did you really say “if” Putin, prevails? Of course, he is winning by a large stretch. Again, I ask you did you cry for Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria? Or is that OK because it was being done by American “exceptionalism”? Or maybe you don’t care if dirty brown skin people get slaughtered by us, but by God, if Russia kills a white skinned Christian, you clutch the pearls.

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Mr. Bonner’s clever paraphrase of “I sing a song of the saints of God” certainly brought back long forgotten memories for me when I, too, as a youth (then a believer and former participant with this once venerable ecclesiastical institution) sang lustily of these beings of whom one now doubts the existence, at least on this planet. To further a paraphrase, as Henry II, allegedly mused, “Who will rid us of (these) meddlesome (and self proclaimed) priest(s)”. Truth is, alas, a rare commodity these days, perhaps because it requires effort to ascertain, persistence to maintain and faith that it has a future amongst civilized men.

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When the tide goes out and they are caught naked and exposed, then is the time we appreciate our First Amendment and freedom of speech. Only then are these cretins exposed and shown to the world that they are not gods. When I first heard comments from them when appointed, I thought to myself, where in God' s name did we find these morons? What phonies to appoint to the most important posts in our government. At least the truth came out before our "historians" made monuments to them! Just sayin' And these are the group that killed Patton. God help us.

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Great book from Bill O'Reilly, "Killing Patton". Funny how Mr O'Reilly was taken out in a similar fashion, but lived to write about it...

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Hi Don -

I too love the exposing and wish for more and more every day in every way. The domestic enemies, traitors and straight-up communists among need to have the brightest possible light shone on them, their ideas and their activities.

Sadly, I feel that the overwhelming apathy and ignorance of our "modern" citizenry makes all the proof, facts and finger-pointing for naught...

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LMAO, lololol...Too funny brother Starboard! Those enemies you speak of have the "brightest possible light shone on them, their ideas and their activities" everyday! Just turn on the NEWS...

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Yup Mr. Steve. And we all see what little effect it has on their continued activities. Half our Country is brain dead and cares not what the travesty is when inflicted on the rest of us by a dimocrat, mainly because the tv ignores or downplays the infraction/crime/treason. But just let anyone on the Right step even a tad out of line and DOWN COMES THE HAMMER. J6 and the ongoing treatment of the sightseers is a perfect example - and just one among hundreds.

There is a long overdue 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗸𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 coming for the unrepentant lawlessness perpetrated by the left and their ilk. Two things I know for sure - it will be severe, and it will be well-deserved...

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Yes brother, we need to get it together and end this insanity once and for all! Definitely won’t be easy, but hopefully well worth the coming pain…

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Gone Fishin’

Yes, examples like this are many. Let me bring one on that was presented in a PBS documentary and many other resources. It’s about the missile crisis during Kennedy’s rain. American didn’t like Cuba a sovereign country to have a Russian base. Kennedy provided 30 million dollars to assassinate Fidel Castro. On the other hand we are interfering in a war in Ukraine that was brought on by Russia insisting that Ukraine does not join NATO.

We had a Monroe doctrine and Russia had a Putin doctrine.

America the worlds police has standards for America and standards for the rest of the world. It must have come from a Bible I am unfamiliar with.

I am not a Russian agent. I am an American who is critical of America as the policeman of the world.

We interferes with the life’s of many countries not only because of the interest of this country but also without legal international laws, without the consent of the people, without any moral standards. I will leave it to others to figure out the reason we did it and continue to do it.

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Hey Isaac. Money. Money for the defense contractors to finance the campaigns of the pigs we elect.

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What about the present goings on in Haiti? People are grabbing the warring faction criminals from the police and hanging or burning them with gasoline! The PEOPLE have had enough!

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Same thing happening in another third world shithole where the Clinton's have screwed an entire nation for profit.

Communist are grabbing good American's from their homes and businesses and burning their livelihood's with false accusations of a made up lie called racism, created by the communist to be the judge and jury all in one.

Works awesome in every free country against it's own freedoms.

Works even better in communist countries, as those who decent are exterminated for even thinking...this is what America's youth embrace, as non thinkers or "Useful Idiots"...

History never repeats, but the rhyme continues...

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Did they not asked them, we the people!? Is this the question. Obviously!

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Well said bill. You’re not alone!

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Really Bill? Enough of truth and facts, as it doesn't resonate with the mentally ill left wing of our society.

"The well-meaning elite have so many reasons to feel good about themselves. When they look in their mirrors in the morning, they must all see halos over their heads"

Yes Bill, we all know the road to hell is paved with "GOOD" intention, but we have never lived through a period of multiple demented leaders purposely paving our road with psychotic, mentally deranged, moronic, ignorant, "GOOD" hating "democratic" (socialist, communist, satanist) scum!

Yes, many other nations have fallen to the same evil, but America? Is it possible? Anything is possible, even Trump being "elected" president. Even Biden "elected" president? Who's next? Michelle Obama?

Really Bill, we the people know better, as now we shut our tv's off, and focus on our own personal survival...

We all know that You Know, but most in our declining nation don't see shit beyond their sad social media world, where 40% of our "educated" youth suffer from severe depression. Can we blame them? No we need to put the blame where it belongs, on us.

Now, how do we "Focus" on true change, and educate those who are ignorant, open the eyes of the blind, explain to the deaf, and try to save the dumb? Can we do it?

I don't know Bill, but I believe you have changed many lives in your beautiful daily narrative, and "Whoever saves one life, saves the entire world"...lets start with America...the once so beautiful, and try to make "America Beautiful" Again:)

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Another masterpiece. Thank you Bill for illuminating us. With Tucker gone there are no more truthtellers at all left in the mainstream media.

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Disinformation is the truth of the 20th century. Alas we are easily fooled because the vast majority of humans would rather believe and trust while having faith in the easy things of life.

Why come to know that mean old God of the OT when that same God sent a single man who offered a new nicer kinder man god. This nicer god offers any one a ticket to heaven only faith is needed to form a life saving relationship. No need to listen to the old mean God, in fact the new god has dispensed with the OT.

This makes perfect sense, god sent one single man authorized to teach an opposite message. How convenient.

The church lied, then why not government, why not medicine, academia? We all have to believe in some institution of human creation? I don't think so. We are told and most believe our military fights for our rights under the Constitution. Interesting idea, but alas they don't these rights are supposed to be self evident. Historically all standing armies have turned on the citizen and ours will also.

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Hi Dennis -

I've been praying for you brother. I'm hoping you can put aside the anger, forgive whatever caused you pain and come back to your Father...

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You're not paying attention. I'm not an atheist, I simply have no faith in Jesus , without any doubt Jesus and the NT is the greatest fictional story ever told. How can I make such a bold charge? In the last 10 years no one has been able to use their bible to prove this claim in error.

I'll give you the same charge; Use your bible to prove that Jesus, Yeshua, Yahowsha, Iesous, or any form of the name was the messiah, and son of God. I'm going to limit you to the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. My claim is the Christian NT is wholly unreliable, was not inspired by God, and as such is fiction. There should be no problem proving me wrong with only the Tanakh. Christians claim what they call the OT is filled with prophecies of the coming messiah.

I'm going to make this easy: Read Isaiah 9:6 from the Hebrew Qbible is a site making doing so easy. Next read Psalm 89, next 23, and then 22. Use the Hebrew grammar to understand the Stems and Mood of the verses.

I agree the Tanakh is loaded with prophecies speaking of a man who as the son of God would l act as the Passover lamb. This man would die and return in the future to rule over Israel as King. When this man returns Israel will weep for the one they pierced.

What you're going to find if the challenge is accepted: Every prophecy Christians claim speaks of Jesus is actually referencing David or Dowd from the Hebrew. This is what I learned 10 years ago. Learning the truth has in fact brought me closer to the Father than I ever was as a Christian. You have faith in God, but I know God as Father, I know His personal name, His will, and His plan.

The basis of Christianity: The mean god of the OT created hundreds (rabbis claim 613) of laws or Torah, no one is able to keep. If one fails to keep a single law they are guilty of breaking all. Moreover, because the Jews killed the Christian Jesus god got mad, he took all the promises given Abraham and bestowed these upon the church of Jesus.

Torah does not mean law, Hebrew nouns are defined by the verbal root of the same word. The verbal root of Torah is Yarah or 'to teach'. As such Torah means teaching, instructions, direction, and guidance not law. The word Hebrew word 'shama' is translated 'obey' Christian bibles, yet the word means 'hear, or listen' in fact there is no word in the Hebrew language that can be translated to mean Obey. Shamar is translated 'keep' when the word actually means 'guard, observe, revere'. To sum up; Torah is not a book of laws that must be obeyed or kept. Psalm 119 is a love song written to Torah using each of the 22 letters in the Hebrew language each directed towards how one is to observe Torah and not one word suggests doing so is a curse. Humans are not bound by their promises, Yahowah however is bound to His and as such there cannot be a new anything. Abraham was made promises that cannot be broken or changed.

I'm Torah observant, as such I listen to Yahowah, and act upon His teaching, instructions, and guidance. He promised anyone acting rightly in this manner have their feet planted on the narrow path. All other paths lead to destruction.

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Apr 29, 2023
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Agreed no amount of religion no matter what flavor is going to save your soul. You believe the words with in a book named after man who could not have been named John as he was Hebrew. However, with the aid of simple logical progression:

Religions which alter and contradict in any material way the testimony upon which they assert their authority, words which they claim were inspired, are a farce. This would include Judaism, Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Evangelical varieties), Islam, and Mormonism. And in this case, it does not actually matter whether Yahowah’s Word was inspired or not. Because, if the Tanakh was not inspired, the authority of these religions vanishes, and so does their credibility. And if Yah’s testimony is true, these religions are false because they convolute, conceal, corrupt, counterfeit, and contradict what God revealed. This is why it is impossible to be an informed and rational practitioner of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or Mormonism. No amount of rationalization, justification, excuses, explanations, opinions, faith or feelings changes this reality – nor does tradition, longevity, popularity, or political correctness. It is simple logic.

Yahowah established the Covenant on the basis of the relationship He developed with ‘Abraham, then Issaac and Jacob. The Covenant is presented and explained in the Towrah which also details how the relationship was lived out in the lives of the Israelites, especially as they were freed from Egypt. It was affirmed throughout the Prophets, who also foretell its impending restoration.

There have never been two covenants, and the seven Miqra’ey are not “Jewish holidays” but, instead, the embodiment of the means Yahowah devised to approach Him. The “Church” did not replace “Jews” as God’s chosen people. Jews, not Gentiles, will be the beneficiaries of Yahowah’s fulfillment of Yowm Kipurym when He affirms and restores His Covenant by integrating His towrah guidance into our lives. (Jer. 31:31-34)

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Hi Dennis -

Thank you for the thoughtful and detailed posts. There is a ton there to unwrap and I have started doing so. However, a couple of observations from the cheap seats where I am SRO:

1. As I read your first reply my overwhelming thought was along the lines of "Well, it really boils down to Faith." Then I read this -

"𝘕𝘰 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴, 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴, 𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴, 𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 – 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴. 𝘐𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤."

I agree with pretty much everything in this list, except for the Faith part. Faith changes reality all the time. I've seen it in my own life and the lives of countless others. To deny this is not rational. That is what divides us on this subject. I have Faith in the entire Bible and am not looking to tear it down nor hunt out the contradictions inherent in specific words and passages. Maybe that is a sophomoric way to study/worship in your opinion, but Me and millions of others are sticking with it. Note please - OVER AND ABOVE what I just wrote is that I take it as FACT that Jesus was a man, born in the manner described, was ALSO God in the flesh, lived His life the way it is portrayed, was murdered and Resurrected then sent the Holy Spirit to comfort and convict us until His return - just as as the book says. I have the Faith to believe ALL of that is true and factual. The biggest stumbling block that I can see for you is that the Bible also clearly and repeatedly says the belief in Jesus and the Salvation He represents is the 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 way to the Father. That is a rather large pill for a person to swallow if he is starting from the premise that Jesus was/is a fictional character.

2. The other point I would make is that your posts, while learned, represent a philosophy about God, "Christianity" and Salvation that don't point to a "narrow" gate into Heaven, but rather point to a gate that is basically non-existent. You say you are not an Atheist - is it reasonable to conclude that the God you do believe in would 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗼 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗯𝘀𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲 for those created in His image to enter His kingdom for all eternity? Wow. Talk about setting the bar high.

Again, thanks for the thoughtful posts Dennis. I am going to continue to pray for you bro...

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I'm going to address your main points but this will not be a short reply: Faith is counterproductive to knowing. 'Faith changes reality', I don't think so, you can have faith jumping out of a plane without a parachute will end well, but reality will not be changed with the application of faith. A drunk swearing off addiction in the name of Jesus does not make Jesus a reality. if the drunk is successful he could have just as easily claimed the Cat in the Hat gets the credit. I gave up smoking 2 packs a day when the price of a pack hit a dollar, inflation saved me?

All truth emanates from the Father, as such Torah or Yahowah's teaching, instructions, directions and guidance are all eternally true. Something lost on those who are not familiar with Hebrew (most all Christians): Verbs in Hebrew are not stuck in time as they are in all other languages. As such Torah of Yahowah is eternally true, as are all promises made by Him.

Where you and most all religious people err is in believing and having faith not in the words of the Father, but in the words of men. The idea a book called the bible was handed down and could be considered inerrant takes quite a bit of faith if one pauses to examine where this book came from and through whom.

I believe I've previously posted a link from a Roman catholic site with the translated letter from Jerome the author of the Latin Vulgate to Pope Damasus. Jerome was under attack from his fellow clerics as to the contents of the new Roman bible. Jerome offers as his defense: the poorly kept Greek manuscripts of which "No two are in agreement" he goes on to state the old Latin texts are worthless as they conflict with the Greek. Jerome is clear his job is to "create a new work from the old". Aka create a narrative in which Roman doctrines are supported.

Eusebius was credited with fleshing out early history of the Christian church and did so over 300 years after the fact. What is the chance Eusebius told the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Keep in mind Constantine was at this time a sun god worshipping pagan attempting to unify Rome under a new State religion. A religion crafted to be inclusive, universal and Roman. The Roman catholic church readily admits even today many of its rites were modified to incorporate those of other religions in an effort to more easily convert new members.

Without Matthew 16 there is no church and yet no copy of Matthew 16 existed before the 3th century CE. Equally true no Greek manuscript before the 8th century CE exists of John 8. These are not my opinions this is fact, if you look at the margin notes within your study bibles this is noted. Yet these verses are not removed?

Now for the bad news, your faith has lead you to believe God wants to save the world if only the world would listen and embrace Jesus. Here's the problem with this Christian idea: On the first tablet given to Moseh, Yahowah is clear those who show hate towards Yahowah, will corrupt their children to the 3rd and 4th generation with religion. However, those who listen to and act upon Yahowah's teaching, instructions, guidance and direction will receive mercy, these are counted in the thousands.

Contrary to faith in Jesus saving the world, God said thousands which is one in a million not billions of Christians. One in a million is a narrow and unpopular path one Yahowah calls set apart.

It was Dowd who sung in Psalm 119:105; Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Yahowah's words are eternal as such His words, or Torah are still the only illumination required to find and walk upon the path leading to reconciliation.

There's a reason Rome persecuted the Jews in the formulative years of the church. Jews were driven underground or outright murdered. The reason is simply they knew the truth, Rome was using Torah and the prophets to provide credibility to their new religion. Exposed to the light of the Torah all religions can be shown false.

Logically for Christianity to be true God would be a liar, a capricious deity who changes his mind and breaks promises. Yes, the bar is set very high from the prospective of the religious, but really He is doing all the work all we have to do to benefit is listen and take action.

Taking action will require walking away from human contrivances, religion, politics, militarism are counterproductive to free will and to maintaining an open mind . Shabat on the 7th day not the Day of the Sun god or whenever one chooses. There are 7 times a year for man to approach Yahowah, these are 7 days of Matsah with Passover marking the first day of Matsah (unyeasted bread) leading to First Born Children or Bikkurym, next 7 times 7 shabats marks Shabwah or the day of 50, on the 7th month the festival of Trumpets/Taruwah, next Yowm Kippurym or the Day of Reconciliations /Atonement , leading to Sukah/booths/tabernacles. There is no room for the pagan fertilty festival of Easter, or Rosh Hashana or Hannukah or Purim, these are all human contrivances.

I know this is possibly an information overload, but its all verifiable, and is found in your bible,, but you'll need to do some digging to find it. Clerics over the last 4000 years have done their very best to hide the truth and replace it with faith and belief. Rabbis are known for adding to the instructions. Orthodox believe killing a chicken and then whirling it over their heads can forgive sins. RC believe God can die and they teach the Passover lamb was resurrected, this is news to the Jews who've never experienced that in 4000 years of observing Passover.

Faith like every other religion is a contrivance, a group of men created the doctrines and then enforced the same with 1500 years of turn or burn do or die.

Bill will tell you in Ireland anyone deemed a witch or those who questioned the authority of the Roman church were burnt at the stake. The Irish catch on very fast, keep the faith while believing in fairies in private is the way to go. The rest of Europe fell in line. The few mostly native peoples all over the planet were enslaved, reeducated, or burnt at the stake. In our modern age we simply take what our parents taught us as truth. Grandma is waiting in heaven, very comforting but not true. However, don't fret the mean god of the OT did not send granny to hell, in fact 99.9% of the people born since the beginning of human existence simply ceased to exist, body and soul. Love cannot be compelled, every soul must begiven free will to choose a relationship with Yahowah or to choose the way of the world. The folks who've earned an enteral stay in She'owl are those who by twisting, obfuscating, the truth or removing the free will of souls to make this choice have earned a one-way ticket to eternal incarceration.

Keep in mind the way to Yahowah was simply stated with in the pages of Torah, it was humankind, the meddling of men that made coming to know the path so difficult. We cannot blame Yahowah knowing has become unpopular while believing and faith have become the norm. I'll even extend believing and faith into the secular state of humanity. Macro evolution in the light of DNA is impossible and yet academics refuse to concede they are wrong.

Archeology long ago proved Darwin a fool, the finding of what has been called the Cambrian explosion proves all animal life literally sprung from nowhere as they are all found in one layer of sediment. There has never been found a single fossil of a transitional life form. The charts showing a monkey or horse for that matter ascending a scale to the modern creature has never been found. Dinosaurs did not become alligator or giraffes for that matter. This is taught as fact when it remains a theory. Faith is the lazy mans approach to knowing God. I've had many Christians claim a life altering personal relationship with Jesus. And yet the man could not have been called Jesus the letter J is not found in any language until about 500 years ago.

What you never heard that before? Find a 1611 version of the KJB no J will be found.

Additionally, there is no V in the Hebrew language existing before 1100 CE. No V and no J so no Jehovah.

To form a close personal relationship it is necessary to know the other's personal name and use it when addressing the same. It also follows you'd take the time to listen before asking or speaking to the same. Hence no where in Tanakh does God ask for or expect prayers or kneeling. in fact if you read the Aaronic blessing given to Moesh for Aaron to speak over the children from the Hebrew it God says He kneels down to lift up His family. This fits very well with all good earthly fathers, I never prayed to my father nor did I lift him up. He most certainly knelt to me, and I grew with his assistance. Why is our creator thought to be any different?

I'll leave you with this; I have given up nothing of value, but gained more than I can imagine in this life and the next. This might not be the correct forum to discuss this subject. I can be found under the name appearing in this forum on FB. It that is too public feel free to send a PM, or email Detreacy@comcast.net. I'm not here to convert anyone, nor am I running a religion or involved in one. Don't kill the messenger without first confirming your faith or opinions are grounded in facts.

Yes, faith is alluring, so is fiction and many live with in a fictional confine created for us all.

I've chosen to question everything, I don't want anyone to believe me, but I'd be very happy if all would choose to examine what you have come to believe is true.

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Hey Buddha. Matthew chapter 6 verse 33.

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