"Then, they would accept their poverty gracefully – as they now bear airport screening and Covid rules…

…in the mistaken belief that it is for a good cause."

Methinks wearing a mask to prevent Covid is about as effective as keeping a rabbit's foot in your pocket. Yet, the sophists, scientists, socially-conscious people still wear masks, even outside.

(Remember when they said your mask protects - not you from getting Covid, but - someone else catching Covid from you?)

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‘Your mask protects me my mask protects you’ - the collectivist mindset of communism

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And my mask protects no one lol.

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when next you go into surgery I hope no one is wearing a mask you be better off dead!

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Thank you for your response. Is surgery like Covid? Are masks worn in surgery to keep germs / bacteria / viruses from the open incision? Or to keep splattering blood and bone fragments from entering the mouths of the medical team? And to keep droplets of spittle from entering the incision? Covid is an aerosal that remains in the air for weeks, and much smaller than a human hair. If you can squeeze a hair between the mask and your skin, the mask does not protect you from Covid.

Again, thanks for your comment, and I wish you good health and a positive, respectful attitude.

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Occasional brownouts in the summer have become the norm. My concern is what happens when heating bills for natural gas in every hamlet and larger city across the U.S. triple this winter. Most people heat with natural gas because it has always been less expensive than electricity. Are they going to be told to put on a sweater, ration their other expenses, and just feel good that the U.S. is able to export LNG to Europe so they can give Russian gas the thumbs down? The common man will feel fully scourged!

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Bill, are you inferring that they are still killing us, but maybe more slowly. I actually can buy that as they seem to have slowed down in their demand that we disappear! Now to get that monkey pox thing working and up to speed. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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They are still Killing us? Are we killing our own now?

Why not, the Romans did it.

Are we the f***n Romans?

Nico Toscani and Nelson Fox in Above the Law! 😂

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Bill the one area of NON contention by anyone with a basic education or intelligence will tell you that their climate has changed no matter if they are Inuit's or Aboriginals across the entire surface of the planet our species has cast it's rubbish like a huge dung heap we have polluted the river seas and oceans and nothing you or BR colleagues say will change that it's a fact of reality today. Never mind the naysayers and doubters they will always say that just like the climate the economy will sort itself out .. but you damn well know it won't because just like the weather/climate and economies are all stuffed up by the SAME do gooders as economists it's not a conspiracy just a fact and unless you live under a rock and your senses have been destroyed by over seven (7) major hurricanes or your house burned down anywhere in the Southwest or Spain or Australia Africa Canada USS-R every satellite image that we process indicates the exact some FACT we humans have altered the planets Biome perhaps irreversibly only time will tell but just like you encourage folks to buy Gold/Silver etc so to all the observable science indicates we are going to be in deep shi* just as YOU predict about the economy so it will be for humanity only home unless of course your Catholic past is still saving a place for you in the after life? Sadly that will not help you grandkids who will have to live with the shi* you left behind so I'm sure that Elizabeth will ask you by what evidence do you deny human induced climate change? guess what, the SAME evidence you proffer each day about the worlds economies is also based on your assumptions empirical or otherwise so don't be such a naysayer or try sailing back to Yankee land and see how much rubbish is floating around almost as much as the FIAT currency and gimme/stimme checks you've noticed. Ok probably have'nt convinced you but will send you some data on the volume of material that Australia shipped to China over the past 20+ years enough to cover the entire island of Tasmania by over 200 meters! the weight of it alone along with the Three River Dam in china has actually altered/increased the earth's wobble even tho its a minute change but equal the the minute change in your body temperature (+3 deg) and I'm sure you won't feel well but then maybe you will if you drink enough of your Malbec ! the difference between existence and destruction is MICROSCOPIC unless your an idiot who never heard or looked down a microscope .. so get with the program or your grandkids will have to move to the high country .. so who cares right as long as you and yours are alright who cares ? I got my gold and silver the the hell with the rest of the planet .. like denying anything there is never enough evidence is there ..or is there?

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Except that even climate scientists admit that over the past 10 years the overall temps have gotten cooler. To think that man has the capacity to change the weather even 1 degree is such arrogance (or a politicians'-"researchers'" grift) it's laughable.

It's like that other canard "common sense gun laws". You see, deep down, politicians and bureaucrats know that they are overpaid and that there are far too many of them. Therefore, they have to keep coming up with reasons to justify their existence. They chant the never ending mantra "we have to do something". When actually, the more they do the worse things get. I think Bill would agree with me on this.

You should read more. The "Climate Change" boondoggle was actually concocted in Europe. It's a major component of the "De-growth Movement". They thought it would be a way to foist "Socialism" on societies everywhere, but they are getting really impatient because it isn't working as quickly as they expected. Do a little research and you won't be so convinced that the planet (there's no such thing as Mother Earth) is in any serious trouble. What is in peril is the civil society and the policies of the Marxists-Socialists-American Democrat Party are the root cause.

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Back in my high school days (70’s, oil “shortages”), we were told to fear the coming ice age, and that might still occur since “global warming” has been reworded to “climate change”. Now anything that happens has been correctly predicted!

I agree that it primarily has to do with mass manipulation. Unfortunately, there are now at least two generations of the fully indoctrinated.

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I remember that cover on Time or Newsweek where the Earth was depicted as an ice cube. As a proud graduate of the class of 1976 (the bicentennial, but I'm betting against there being a tricentennial) things were so much different. I had High School teachers that actually taught the curriculum and were willing to tell their students the painful, unvarnished truth.

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NOT "What if".... It is the plan. Biden is hugely successful. His is the Globalist agenda and he is executing it magnificently. While we are all yakking about his 'mistakes' and awful things he is doing to the country, he is implementing the WEF agenda. That agenda is to subvert the sovereignty of the US and put the country under control of the One World government. Besides undermining our infrastructure and power, he is trying to put us under control of WHO. That is the foot in the door to foreign control of our policies.

He is undermining our society successfully. Import 2+ million aliens. Destroy food and material distribution. Make energy scarce or too expensive. Neuter the military and deplete our munitions (Afghanistan and Ukraine). Subvert the electoral process. Encourage disorder. Attack free speech. Persecute opposing parties. Control the media. Reduce health (Covid and vaccines). Collapse the financial system (in process). Subjugate the populace (lockdowns).

My REAL point is that this is all by design and intentional. Biden wants us to be weakened and give up our power and independence. By the way, when I say Biden I mean the powers behind him controlling him as a useful idiot. They are surreptitiously bringing us under Globalist control. Meanwhile we argue and complain about this and that not being right as we take the high ground. Then they are pulling the rug out from under us.

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Joe Bribem & Co. worship Lucifer as their god ... putting his oration of

"god willing", in context !

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Hope you get sued for your statement. I think you went too far.

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Bill, sometime in the near future can you do an overview on your feelings of what the top five or ten things that the government and organizations should do to correct what has been happening these last many years to put us where we are at today.

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The City of Boise has received 36 million dollars from the Feds under the American Rescue Plan. The Mayor will take almost a third 10 million to fight climate control. She doesn't say how, but I suspect a lot of new electric cars will be bought.

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libtards will be libtards ... there were originally over 25 different climate models. Many qurstion as to why the most dire/apocalyptic one was chosen as the one to be endlessly promoted !!

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in Idaho?, that is a lot of cars!

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Friends, we hope the question you raise here is leading to practical actions steps different than those you are already advising, and valuable enough to be worth the enormous risk of raising it for discussion. We subscribers would suffer greatly if you were shut down by our watchful protectors.

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You are the best. I can agree with your opinion on the elites running the world as they see fit. However, I can NOT believe the press is also on board. Until the Woke/Communist Press change their bias reporting... we're doomed. I've lived in the best of times.

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The problem is that the elites have bought the corporate media & have brainwashed the masses into happily accepting things like masks mandates & lockdowns, whatever next

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Therefore, enjoy Substack while it lasts.

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‘Let them eat cake’

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I'm an uncommon man with a less than commoner income.

Bill writes, "today every tornado and heat wave is taken as a forecast of catastrophe – like the whiff of a gas leak before an explosion." Yet even with a record drought, over the past twelve years I've been watching growing patches of never-melting snow in the 14,000 foot peaks across the valley from my writing perch. Larger every year. An impossibility based on all those climate modelers who speak with such authority and their elitist followers.

I fought the wars. I pay the taxes. I stand in line, fill out forms, and wait for orders.

The major effort to lower the gas costs at the corner station isn't just a fraud - it is a talking point for politicians wanting to keep their never ending lifetime appointments to Congress. None of it is true and can't possibly be true. Without spending millions building new refineries, improving old refineries, constructing cross-country pipelines to get the raw oil to the refinery. And most importantly - eliminating all the environmental hoo-haw and law suits to get it done this year.

Otherwise, "‘de-growth’ be good for de-people and de-planet" as Bill writes.

Where I live the people won't accept our future poverty gracefully. We have firearms. We have ammunition. We have cattle and local Amish slaughter houses and processors. We raise our own chickens and sheep. We back up our elect. co-op power supply with solar and generators - so long as the propane remains available.

And if you are about to become a water refugee from Phoenix, LA, or anywhere in CA, or NV - don't come here! We don't want you. We don't need you. Except to buy our Marijuana, get high, and then go back to where you came from.

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all part of the plan, what I refer to as the nefarious agenda

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Natura rządzi się swoimi prawami...

Umożliwia i podtrzymuje życie biologiczne na ziemi.

Nasz biologiczny podsystem nadrzędnego systemu natury jest jedynie szybko przemijającym „pyłem” w istniejącym w rzeczywistości całym wszechświecie.

Ludzkie ziemskie prawa nie w pełni są spójne z naturalnymi...

Obce m i. są dla natury nasze sztuczne podziały...

Tak garnitury jak i pozostali ludzie wcześniej czy później zderzą się w tym samym stopniu z niekorzystnymi skutkami swoich poczynań niebędących w zgodzie z naturalnymi prawami...

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I would proffer that McCarthy and McConnell are no better than Boehner and Ryan. McConnell is especially compromised and seriously needs to be ousted. I doubt there's enough intestinal fortitude in the Senate to make that happen given he controls so much money. Short of miracles both in November and in 2024, I think this "great experiment" is over and it's going to be every man for himself.

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still believe the teo parties are different in anythinh besifes rhetoric ... As for the Trumpmeister, he long ago sold out to his Talmudic zionist handlers.

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