Bill's troubles in South America..... coming soon to much of the USA. Particularly where there are large illegal migrant populations and squatter rights supported by the politicians.

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Bill, I love your stories about the Ranch. As I have said before, if you are really committed to the ranch, and I think you are: the only way to beat the ORIGINARIOS is to become an ORIGINARIO your self. Right now you are a rich white man in their land. That's their point of view. They have learned that they can use the laws of Argentina against you. Sooner or later you will be ousted from their land. Now if you could find a way to drum up a link to an ancestor of the natives of the Area before the area became conquered by Simon Bolivar or whoever. It doesn't have to be actual or factual. It should be a Chief or Jefe of some kind that the Spanish overcame. Then you could claim ORIGINARIO status with some form of color of title; however fake or false it is. They have nothing but their stories that their ancestors lived there. It would help to have a stone monument be discovered somewhere high in the mountains saying the land belongs the Bonnet Clan, which later became the Bonners. It would have to be in Ancient Incan pictographs on Peruvian stone. A man of your intelligence and wealth should be able to make it happen: all to be done in secret. The really hard part is getting the stone close to an archeological site to be found by digging teams. It doesn't have to be in the ground, but it has to look like it has been there since the Spanish conquered the area. If it fell from a cliff into a ravine at the bottom it may have broken in pieces. It is something that links the Bonnet Clan to the land. Else give up the whole thing and start in another place. Just saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Bill, maybe you should watch a few episodes of Yellowstone with Kevin Costner to see how real Hollywood cowboys handle these kinds of situations.

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Hi Bill sorry to hear about your troubles, Why don't you invite the "Hells Angels" to build a club house on your land. When you live near them petty criminals and minor crooks run away. I don't own or ride a motor bike so I'm not qualified to join them. Most of them are not criminals, the police don't like them because they don't respect the uniform or the badge, but they don't believe in bullshit either. Enjoy the Guinness when you get back to Ireland.

Regards, Charlie

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What a connumdrum for SURE!! I like James William BAYS response for you, your wife's & attorney's consideration. Just 'goes to show' that Truly,'Truth is Stranger than Fiction', Ha!

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Yes Bill, we already have many groups in America working under the same communistic guise as our southern friends, the Originario's. The same insanity may be used against these unless breathers as we have here in our banana republic, where a standing Senator can lie about her heritage, and spew her lie for decades, being of Indian ancestry, why not try the same in your current banana public...Here in the once USA, you can be any heritage you want, any gender, color, nationality, sexuality, animal or whatever our creative minds can imagine, we can be. The only thing you don't want to be in America today, is a white male.

So use that wonderful imagination and as the millions coming over our open borders yearly want, that once wonderful American dream of work, family and the pursuit of happiness, that dream of being and having something that you can create yourself...Yes Bill, you can become an Originario, a women, an animal of choice, a communist, a socialist, BLM, LGBTARD or anything but an American, those are not welcome anymore.

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It is a jungle out there. Why Bill bother to stay in a place like that?

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If Janina intends to charge you with robbery, gender violence, and maybe more coming soon, you should charge her with trespassing so the court would force her to move off your ranch. Since you're a nice guy, you could still offer to pay for her apartment in town and monthly support money.

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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave “

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Hey Bill,

I think your consigliere has a point. Your best play is at the court. Meanwhile, be nice and keep engaging them. Don't give up. My prayers are with you.

By long forbearance a ruler is persuaded, And a gentle tongue breaks a bone. (Proverbs 25:15)

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. (Proverbs 15:1)

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Bill, Amigo! Get the fuck out of there before you or your wife get hurt or end up in some shitty Argentinian jail. Open season on Gringos is coming!

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sounds like 'humans' anywhere and everywhere always creating discontent .. the curse of Able & Cain and all there progeny .. good time to depart allow the inflation to fester and die ..

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

I said recently (after one of Bill's last missives where he discussed his woes there) and I'll say it a little differently now, how can the prize be worth the price of those Cracker Jacks? Now he's going to be paying attorney's fees, possibly court costs and if they get a conviction I can only imagine what time in an Argentinian gulag would be like.

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