You keep blaming the messengers,the Fed,politicians,etc.The real problem is too much government in the hands of voters,who are short term greedy and long term ignorant.So,changing captains of the Titanic won't stop the ship from sinking.Government destroys wealth,while the private sector creates wealth.When government gets large enough,relative to the private sector,wealth is destroyed faster than it's created.We had our last chance to save the ship,when Reagan was President of the U.S. and Thatcher was Prime Minister of UK.Reagan said,"Govt isn't the solution,it is the problem".Thatcher said,"Socialism ends when you run out of other peoples' money".Too late to save the ship.

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You really think voters select the Federal Government? Our two party system selects who gets on the ballot, and gets the loot need to sway the nincompoops every election cycle.

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The nincompoops could/would vote Libertarian if they had a clue.Since they don't,they end up voting for whomever they think will give them the most "free" stuff.I remember my Democrat friend telling me that 70% of the population liked those covid welfare checks.I think they actually believed they were getting something for nothing.Now,when payback is happening,through massive inflation,they probably still don't understand the connection.

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LBJ had it right when he was quoted as saying in reference to the Great Societies Act; "I'll have those N's voting Democrat for the next 200 years." If only LBJ had known this could have applied to most of the citizenry his party would have provided welfare payments to the middle class as well much sooner.

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I agree with most of your comment! I am an engineer who was involved with refueling the reactors on Nimitz, Ike, and Vinson at Newport News shipyard. Refueling is extremely complex and the ship has to be drydocked during the entire time -- about 3 years total. I was shocked to discover that Washington was been dry docked for 5 years and that sailors were living on the ship. During the overhaul the nuclear trained sailors stand some watches, but live off ship until very near the end of the overhaul when crew services and decent living conditions return. To have sailors living on the ship during the overhaul with the high noise levels, extreme filth, few toilets, no food, high/low temperatures, is abuse of the worst sort! Washington must have some serious problems to be so far behind schedule, but we can't scrap it if we want to try and maintain a total of 12 aircraft carriers. A carrier is supposed to have a 50 year life.

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Lol. It sounds like the Fed has infiltrated your ranks Bill.

PG V wants solutions, and because you seem to be throwing rocks, he figures you should not only be able to replace the window once its busted, but rebuild the house while you're at it.

jrj90620 seems to have the answer. Its simply too late. Even to be complaining about the fact that the hole in the bottom of the ship is just too bloody big. She's going down. So stop squawking for gosh sakes, says jrj90620.

Looks like Ayr Rand had the answer back in the 50's. Let it fall. Let it consume itself. And then rebuild. With the mistakes of the most recent past, fresh in mind.

Just like Rome, and all the other great civilizations in the past, the USA along with a number of other countries will default on their obligations. Governments will break apart. People will be held accountable. Most likely by force. Countries may/may not fall into civil wars. New lines will be drawn. New countries may even form. It will not be the same as today.

Bill's job is to warn you. Over and over again. How to best keep your sh*t together. He is not here to defend the way it was done, is being done. Just to observe and report. And even laugh or chuckle along the way. To illucidate what is pretty simple and straightforward to him, but may be blindingly unobvious to the rest of us.

As it continues to be for the likes of PG V and jrj9060.

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Q? What is the cure for high prices? Answer: High prices!

We have run out of ways to jigger the economy and we’ve found the upper bound.

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Bill is NOT wrong, neither is LBJ. Personal preference rules the world! Not the USD, EUR, Gold. 80% of the world population and countries are with “vlad the bad “. We’ve sh!t the bed so badly that globalization can’t or won’t clean up our mess(s) up any more. World’s personal preference is no longer only for the west. I have travelled the world for business and pleasure. Our fiat(s) no longer cut it.

RoW is moving-on from our abusive relationship with them!

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The last paragraph I believe you are recommending a fascist state of government though I do not believe you meant to.

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deletedMay 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022
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You, and many Republicans, do not understand fascism. Fascists are on the far right wing of the political spectrum. https://www.livescience.com/57622-fascism.html

Here are some ways to describe fascism and fascists: It's about power, seizing power, it's anti-immigrant, it believes that its own group is a victim, there is a national leader or savior, there should be unlimited police power, a dictator should rule, today they are neo Nazis and white supremacists, they believe in racism, violence, are anti-democratic, use propaganda and "the big lie," are against individual rights and civil liberties, are highly nationalistic. Does this sound like anyone you know whose initials are DJT?

You also rail against "antifa" which literally stands for "anti-fascist." We should all be anti-fascist. In fact we fought a world war against the two biggest fascists of the 20th century--Hitler and Mussolini.

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Telling you like it is PG V. Your kind will be the first casualties of war. Then the rest of us will plant wheat in whatever world comes about, over your bones.

The solution is something akin to what Ayn Rand wrote about. But then you might know if you actually read it. Let the markets decide what prices it can bear. Let people exchange goods for goods, services for services, with a monetary system that can't be f*cked, like what every government has ever done when those in power got greedy. Something akin to crypto, but a future version of it.

Yeah if only you knew how to read. And take the caps lock off. There might be hope.

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Doesn't really matter what you got as a mark, does it PG V?

Doesn't really matter Ayn's ethnic background or her sexual preferences. In the end, her story Atlas Shrugged, is much like the story of many other vainglory republics, whose greatness is overshadowed eventually by the greed of those who lead. Those that would rather regulate than do. Those that would rather ride the laurels of those that risk everything to follow their dreams, than risk a single measly skin cell of their own. Or as in your case, put their blinders on and use might to fix everything.

She pointed out what is most likely to happen when government "gets in the way." So whether it is a Republican or Democrat at the helm, it won't matter. This ship is going down. The torpedoes were fired a long time ago. The hull is breached and all water tight compartments have been overwhelmed. It's now only a matter of time.

Why? Because the systems that were built didn't have strong enough "greed protection" built in. The greedy threw enough few false flags at the current system, and in the name of "national security", they f*cked everything up. The rest of us were too busy with our toys and our own lives to care enough to complain or raise awareness. And we both know what happens to those that get in the way of the "greedy", don't we PG V? Dead men tell no tales.

In the end, it all won't matter what you or even I think, will it PG V? Bill is just pointing out the obvious. Yes. So we can get out of the boat and onto a piece of floating debris and make it to shore with something in our pockets. And I just happen to be saying that Ayn wrote a book, that appears to be eerily similar to what is happening now. Whether she boffed your favorite economist along the way, won't matter much either.

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I do love it, when people say things like, "Cant out read me or teach me much."

"Much" is the key word here. So here goes.

For argument's sake, let's say I am a libertarian, because I am espousing the ways of Ayn Rand.

Libertarian: seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, and minimize the state; emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism and voluntary association.

Which means that I would seek to maximize everyone's autonomy and political freedom, minimizing the state, and basically saying, if we're going to have a government it's going to be VERY tightly reined. And controlled. By the people.

Now, back to your argument. You called me a reactionary.

Reactionary: opposing political or social liberalization or reform.

Social liberalization: the loosening of government controls.

You now say, that I am opposing the loosening of government controls.

Yeah, does not compute. But nice try.

Big skin in the game? Or feeding at the public trough? Much like your dad. Who was a defense contractor for a CIA backed "emperor in shiny US military backed and funded clothing." Sorry, PG V, gotta call em like I see em.


Oh well. Live by the sword, die by exile. True warrior, that one.

By the way, I'm not defending Bill. I'm pointing out to you, what you seem not to be able to see past those thick glasses of yours, without sliding into a rant. That Bill isn't here to give you answers to what ails the government. He is merely here to help you keep your war chest as intact as Raytheon's 1st quarter earnings. And have a good laugh at the blockheads running the show, while he's at it. I'm laughing. Appears you're not.

You keep wanting him to show you the yellow brick road. He is simply showing you a way around the forest fire dead ahead.

"Step gingerly to the left young man, lest you singe those stormtrooper boots" is what you might translate his rants into something you might understand.

Now the outright Ayn Rand hater part. Please, tell us how you really feel, PG V.

I've only read that one book of hers, but you've got me interested in what the hell she did to piss you off so much. Meaning I have to read more Ayn Rand and about her life to find out. Perhaps it was that "feeding at the trough" that she abhorred so much. Was that it? Must have been kind of like a slap in face. Ouch!

Strong supporter of Law and Order. There's a laugh. Who's law? Yours? Who's order? President Kennedy's NSAM 263 getting the US out of Vietnam? Or President Johnson's post coup d'état, NSAM 273 putting them right back in the thick of things? Which one, Spike?

Nice resume.

Not sure if I've read thousands of books, but the number is pretty high. I too have busted my ass in dozens of jobs, as most people that subscribe to Bill's newsletter have as well. Haven't done time in the Navy, so you got me there. Not retired. Don't plan to be any time soon. Will die with my boots on, hiking or canoeing somewhere.

So something tells me, that you really should most likely, be taking this issue, of how to fix everything that is wrong with your government, up with your Armed Forces Academy profs. You really should ask those Brainiacs, how to save the government from itself. But then we both know what the answer will be.

Military Coup 101.

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Bill as you point out may not have all of the answers but he does have 20/20 vision (I may even go so far as to say 15/15), he and his peers offer a means for one to mitigate and minimize considerable financial damage in their personal lives. Most of us do not have the time to stay on top of the daily grind as we are to busy making a living or trying to> I find considerable value in the advice given here as a means to stay solvent as compared to most of the talking heads in the investment community. Criticism is generally easy and why there is so much of it - I see it in all levels of government. I do not feel that you have a right to complain unless you have something meaningful to bring to the table as a solution.

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Those 60,000 PhD’s have, for the most part and for the better part of 6 decades, been horribly miseducated. Therein lies our problem. The typical PhD thesis for non-STEM fields has become an encomium to political correctness and progressive narratives. Nothing else can be defended. And the rot has infiltrated the STEM fields in this century, where environmental rectitude in particular must be embedded in every thesis. The corruption of government sponsored Education in America since WW2 cannot be overstated. Also impossible to overstate is the impact this has had (and is having)on our nation. Education is the root of the tree.

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By the way when we had a surplus budget in MN Jesse Ventura said give it back to who we took it from - the citizens.

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We do have one party rule it is the DemoPublican party. They will never let a 3rd party candidate win and therefore change will not have but a slim chance. Ross Perot had a good shot in 1992 however he quit and America has always hated quitters. He tried to get back in but he should not have dropped out. https://people.howstuffworks.com/10-third-party-presidential-candidates.htm Jesse Ventura, took the state of MN as a Governor and was a major upset. I did not vote for him but wish I had. The man was more up to speed than any other candidate before or since and he implemented a weekly show called talk to the Governor and it was on live radio. To my point he did not get re-elected. But I consider his tenure as one of the best. Unfortunately when your from outside of the parties it is hard to steer either in the right direction.

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Sometimes the forest gotta burn dead wood. It’s actually liberating to watch. From the sidelines that is.

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I have a PhD, (it’s not in finance though, now wish it had been😂) and I don’t use it. Paid all of my student debt back with no freebies. Bureaucracy rules and continues to strengthen. Wilson, Maslow, Mayo, Hawthorne expirements. A little bit of both worlds combined with the private and public sectors in democracy.

It’s fun reading this blog, and all the different perspectives, from real people. The more you privatize and decentralize (Reagan), the deeper down the rabbit’s hole we go.

A centralized government with accountability (Max Weber) is the foundational pivotal point in the establishment of “government in action” administration.

Unfortunately, we are dealing with double inflation, (higher consumer prices in juxtaposition with supply chain problems). The economy was never running hot prior to inflation, with the pandemic it was and is already very slow, so now the consumer prices are high for two reasons, lots of fake money, like Mr. Bonner says, and supply chain problems, thus the double inflation (you can triple it by adding the labor shortage, aka unemployment) CANNOT be fixed with higher interest rates because you are essentially not slowing down a hot running economy, it was and is already dead in the water! 😂 You’re basically adding dead fish into the pond. The Federal Mandate is a joke, you’re going to hear from the Feds soon how it’s “all going to get worse before it gets better”. Hahahaha, come on boys, at some point we are going to just have to suck it up! Or leave the country in time intervals and administer other opportunities elsewhere like Mr.Bonner. 😀

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A true centralized government doesn’t outsource jobs, goods, and services indiscriminately, it “makes America great again” 😀 like during the Industrial Revolution, the steam engine.

It transform and innovates from within with a centralized and honest party, like the one President McKinley had. Rapid economic growth and his policies were true to the gold standard. A centralized party gives power to the people, because they lead by example and create real values that help society advance and co-exist harmoniously.

The term centralized vs decentralized is often debated or confused because of its meaning in relation to the government system. In Public Administration, it is usually interpreted as meaning “more government control” vs “less government” which in theory is correct, but beyond that, within our government system, centralized transpires beyond that because our democracy is based on a combination of both through a democratic (not the party) evolutionary process.

Aside from all that, I am not partial to the liberalism ideology, although I often listen to their jibber jabber for fun. 😂 In my opinion, conservatism is the way to go. I think about it this way, who would I pick to create central federal policy, rules, and regulations on how to run my own business? Trump or Biden? 😂 hahaha, that’s a no brainer. Obviously Trump. Biden would probably force me to hire undocumented personnel, give them full benefits, and then have me pay higher taxes! 🤣

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Have to agree with luke.Bill's job is to warn us.He gives us the investment information of what he is doing.We,than make up our own minds as to what our lifeboat looks like.It took them 14 years

to sink the boat (since 2008) and now we are there.We can blame who wish,does it matter.

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"An NFT of Jack Dorsey’s first tweet sold for $2.9 million a year ago; now it’s on sale... top bid so far: $14,000."

LOL! Hasn't anyone else yet figured out that NFT stands for New Fangled Tulips?

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Please give us back the older version of Bill. The one with a good sense of humor and self deprecating.

This endless whining is just boring.


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Liberal?? You talk like you were watching too much CNN my friend. Read some zero hedge or American thinker. There you will find the truth. Not the propaganda you’re spouting

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maybe we buying to many goods from China I don't think we have factories anymore everything I buy seems to be made in China even the Garlic.

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Yes Bill, we are living through the end of the world as we knew it. America and Europe are failing, as China gets stronger, and all the kings horses, and all the kings men, will never put the world as we knew it, back as it was again...which may not be such a bad thing.

We see how mentally and morally challenged the average democrat has become in the last 60 or so years, starting with the communist attack on our entertainment and education system in the late 50s.

Many have been seduced into the demented cult, not fully understanding the history and evil behind the social "equality" it espouses.

Yes, we all know the fate of those useful idiots who promoted their sealed fates, by supporting such vile, anti-God, anti-human creatures. Nature has a way to neutralize insanity.

As elections have consequences, actions and non-actions also do.

The most important duty of our elected is to protect our citizens.

The elected have prompted lawlessness and handcuffed the law, and the lawless rule. We have been here and seen this many times throughout history, but this time may have a slightly different outcome, as we the people who Love God, Family and Country are extremely capable of defending ours, and unlike the results of the past, in countries unable to defend their rights, we will not submit! God Bless America, and those who fight for her!!!

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Its lamentable for USA citizens to be caught up in a sh't position. As an Australian we have enough problems of our own making. Those responsible should be brought to account. The world was closed down by Government intervention due to Covid. What a disaster as all countries are verging on bankruptcy. In an effort to avoid this, they are grabbing at everything they can to make good the dire position they find themselves in. Handing control of the Country to Medic's was an absolute disaster as "economics" was ditched as all will be solved as money could be printed to solve all problems.

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Sure looks like capitalism is hurting the country.

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