I would add the third-world peasant invasion across the U.S. southern border to war and inflation hurting the American middle-class, especially if these big-govt.-supporting third-worlders are ever legalized. And Pres. Trump did not lock down the U.S. during the pandemic. He left it to the 50 state governors to decide. He was, unfortunately, a big spender.

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I’m loving a RFK/ Gabbard ticket. Even though Vivek has a good message he will not out Trump the Trumpster. We need the deep state dismantled period. This may be our only remaining shot at it. And if RFK can mess up Biden chances then all power to him.

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Gabbard, while a drilling reserve officer, endorsed a communist for president in 2016; said Sanders is what “we” need for Commander in Chief. She’s yet to recant or apologize.

So spare me the Gabbard crap. She’s just a shameless opportunist. To hell with her.

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If I could start your remark with your third sentence, I'll endorse it. Surely, that's what Mr. Bowman had in mind as well. Otherwise, I have misjudged our venerable co-host. Best always. PM

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re: “military/industrial/spook/medical/ university/media complex — Bill, you forgot “judicial” ….

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The problem with those who consider themselves small "c" conservatives or libertarians is that they are too willing to embrace anyone on the left who agrees with them on a particular issue. RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard for that matter, are predominately very left-wing on most issues, while agreeing with conservatives and/or libertarians on a few. There is a certain "reasonableness" to them on certain issues which is not seen elsewhere in the Democrat party which seems to be populated by progressive/fascist/nihilist nuts. RFK Jr. saw that the push to make everyone get vaccinated was government coercion and I agree with him. Yet, as I understand it, he embraces the pseudo-science of global warming and is willing to impose the Democrat agenda on the nation to stop it. This will have dire consequences. And while I am not a Trump apologist and there is much to criticize, he never confined people to their homes as Bill suggests- any of that was done at the state level. Did he mismanage some of our COVID response - absolutely. He should have pushed back more on Fauci and never should have approved the stimulus payments. And by the way, by the time the so-called "vaccine" came out, we had been lied to and misled on so much about COVID that I decided to research on how this "vaccine" worked, and it didn't seem like a good choice for me to get it. I don't even consider it a vaccine. My main gripe with Trump is that he never advocated for a balanced budget, and he believes that the Fed should keep interest rates low, which leads to misallocation of resources. These are the two main issues - there are others.

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No Trumper myself I still see as the lesser of 2 evils. So Trump it is if not just for the entertainment factor

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100%^^^^^^true John!

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Unfortunately electing the one "correct" individual has a miniscule chance of changing anything. Debate and discuss for entertainment but don't get your hopes up. This massive blah/blah/blah complex aka deep state will not change until the money runs out. The candidate that takes up the "End the Fed" mantra has my vote. Don't care what he or she labels themselves as.

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You nailed it!

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“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy family, environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist, and author, announced his campaign for the 2024 United States presidential election on April 19, 2023. He is challenging incumbent president Joe Biden for the Democratic Party nomination.”

That means he is running as a Democrat. The Democrat Convention will be wild and crazy.

Uncle Joe will run on his record. While inflation rages, war escalates and Fed goes broke & bust.

Meantime, media will say All is Well!

Americans will be deceived once again!

I continue to say the best way out is Give the Democrats as much rope as they want. THEY WILL HANG THEMSELVES AND THEIR PARTY WILL CEASE TO EXIST!

Want another 2 Trillion? Sure just pass it and print it!

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Don't know about that brother Don... I believe the democratic cult of insanity and stupidity will end all the confusion inside it's toxic belly and place a proven, well loved and deserving America hating Democrat/communist Into the boiling pot of disgusting human candidates, and place Mrs Obama on the pedestal of the ignorant for top contender in a field of lost souls.

"Over the past few weeks, the media – most of it controlled by Democrats…" and that same media will throw out a barrage of lies and insults to all true American's who question their Hegelian Dialectic strategy and scream at the top of their corrupted souls, Racist...Racist...Racist at anyone who dares question anything the queen B of the communist party may discourse...

Win Win for communism.

As I stated many times, Obama was one of the pallbearers of our constitution and nation, and proud of "fundamentally changing America" toward communism, and his spouse would create the final blow...

As many hope sloppy Joe loses his job soon, I pray he continues his senility show of insanity until November 5th, 2024, and fights to keep his Manchurian candidacy of destroying America.

The Queen B will make sloppy Joe look like Ronald Reagan...

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I disagree the rope we give them will hang us not just that.

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Yep. Probably it will hang everyone. But it’s currently doing that now anyway.

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‘’Both political parties have betrayed the nation.’’ Yep! Now it’s corrupt treasonous Ole Braindead, the Trojan horse FedCoin, the DebtBomb, CommieCrat Cartel and Klaus Schaub’s AmeriKa. And if that’s not sufficient enough for the end game, the future AI*KillerRobots will be waiting in the wings.

Endeavor to persevere Comrades.

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So Bill, tell us how RFK jr’s plan to unite Congress and use taxpayer dollars to pay off all student loans is good for the economy.

Clearly RFK Jr is your guy, so why the case of the lockjaw on this? Tell us how it’s right for a tradesman to have to pay off the the local Starbucks barista’s Women’s Studies degree?

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I have no use for any Kennedy, but would vote for him if he would base the dollar on Bitcoin, raising one token to a billion dollars to erase our national debt, and making all of us believers in crypto, the new elite...damn, such a Brave New World this could be:)

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I’m sure that’ll work like a fart in a flame factory.

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Pretty much as things are working out now 🤔

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Let’s hope he does succeed. We desperately need a strong, focussed and honest individual to lead not just a great nation but the free world through the dark valley we find ourselves in. God bless America and that’s from a Brit!

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Oh, my. You must know nothing of the American Joseph Kennedys! Thank you for your invoking the blessing of Providence on the USA. For that reason alone, you may assist the Almighty by importuning that the bitter cup of Kennedy pass from us. Best always. PM

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You’re right, I do know nothing of the Kennedys so it is hope rather than knowledge that informs my comment. Where I feel on surer ground is the belief that our (ie the West’s) current trajectory is unsustainable and that will project the right person to lead us out of it into power but we rarely, if ever know it’s the right person at the time

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Do you remember how that hopey changey thing worked out when obummer was president?

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If we’re lucky we will see a rainbow rebellion at the dem convention ala 1968. Nothing would make me happier than riots in the halls and dems choking each other into woke oblivion

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I hope Kennedy is elected president. He's like a Democrat version of Trump; both parties will hate him, and not much will be done for the next 4 years. That's the best we can hope for.

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Reality might be a bummer but pleasant thinking is the only way to a better future. It’s called hope.

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Remember Roger Miller? "You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." So, I love the positive-thinking road, but not a big traveller on Hope Highway. Best always. PM

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Hope is a goal, one that you believe is achievable, if you work hard enough and learn from mistakes. The three foundations faith, hope and charity. If you have no hope you have no God. “All things are possible in God.” You could add “good things.” Sometimes, it seems, Bill hates politicians so much, and they are necessary and we have had some to celebrate, that he has no hope, throws up his hands and says everything is terrible and will remain terrible.

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I would love to see RFKJr president

After all his family n chaos around them, he in my opinion is our best man considering the other options

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Based on what? Has he come out with a statement that government be cut by half? Has he suggested we have an enforceable balanced-budget amendment? Has he come out in favor of a moratorium on Illegal immigration? Anything that truly matters? Best always. PM

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Bill and Team.

Fantastic insight into the crazy World in which we live....

Thought, as an insight and a bit of light relief, you all might like this little snippet. Godspeed. B

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Bill sadly life teaches some of us when to keep our mouth shut about whatever suspicions we might dream about etc .. just like if you presented a political commentary like this one then I would have stopped listening to you years ago .. especially in USA .. there are just to many mouths open so wide spraying out their spurious noise that they are drowning out the EARS of the nation and all it's inhabitants .. and the Media just applaud since they don't need to make this stuff up the public do it for them .. click bait both ways free of charge and the entire digital food chain gets paid on these unproductive profits that just distribute more nonsense .. no ones knows 'truth' anymore its disappeared from from our atmosphere .. only distortions lies fantasies hallucinations total ignorance by half the humanity that should have learned better and the other half are desperate to survive although more of them are going to die soon thank God and then all the smart ass know it alls will follow into an Armageddon of their own making .. and guess what ? it won't be a fantasy !

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