Russia has a leader who looks backward to the so called "glory" days of the USSR when Russia controlled most of Eastern Europe. Putin wants to be a Russian leader worthy of comparison to the ones who really mattered over the centuries.

Ukraine is fighting for it's liberty, but if it falls then Russia will then go after Latvia, Estonia & Finland plus maybe Moldova, Romania, Poland, Norway & Sweden some of which might submit quickly.

Would Russia stop there or take on Germany & France?

Finland & Sweden have been neutral for decades but recently applied to join NATO because Russia is a very credible threat to them now

The fact that Russia is causing the EU economic pain is absolutely nothing compared to all the pain Ukraine is suffering and that to follow if they lose which will roll on throughout free Europe

It's an existential war not an economic problem

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Andrew, I would like to suggest an alternative view for you to consider. Rather than Russia as the expansionist, I'd like you to consider the view that NATO is the expansionist in this conflict.

You may be unaware, as I was, that in exchange for reducing nuclear weapons and allowing Eastern Europe to go their own way, Gorbachev was promised by Reagan that NATO would "never expand east of German borders." This is a promise that Bush & subsequent presidents haven't kept.

I grew up during the Cold War and went through nuclear war drills that had us children hiding under desks. I hated the Soviet Union. I prayed for its destruction. When the Soviet Union fell, I celebrated the Eastern Bloc's freedom and enjoyed the 1990s suffering of the Russian people, believing that they deserved to suffer for holding the world hostage for 40-plus years. Apparently, members of the United States government had a similar attitude to my own. Instead of helping a defeated enemy, like we did with Germany & Japan, we abandoned Gorbachev and his people to their fate. For over a decade, the Russian people went through "hell." Hence, Gorbachev became one of the most hated men in Russia, even though he freed both the Russian people and the people of Eastern Europe.

Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin all tried to join Europe. They sought economic ties and even asked to join NATO as an ally. We snubbed them. One U.S. leader called them a "gas station masquerading as a nation."

Over the last three decades, NATO has expended well past German borders. Russia bore the broken promise without retaliation, until it came to Ukraine. In this last decade, Putin has warned many times that Russia could not and would not tolerate NATO troops stationed in Ukraine. We didn't listen.

British Intelligence & the CIA under Obama staged a coupe to make sure Ukraine had a pro-western president. Ukraine ended up with a president with a reputation for extreme corruption -- including money laundering that members of three U.S. administrations have taken advantage of. I assume that you are aware that Zelensky has banned all other political parties and shut down all opposition media. We used to call leaders like that "a dictator," rather than "a freedom fighter."

Over the past few years, NATO, in particular Britain, has been training troops of the Ukrainian army, making it into the largest and best trained army in Europe -- at least, prior to the invasion. These are some of the historical facts that I was previously unaware of.

When NATO officially offered Ukraine an invitation to join NATO, Putin made plans for invasion. Having grown up during the Cuban missile crisis, I understand some of Russia's concern. A quick look at a map will show that a large part of Ukraine, is actually located EAST of Moscow! Would we be comfortable if nuclear arms were staged only 500 miles from Washington, D.C.? We were willing to go to war when they were staged in Cuba. Why do we not understand Putin's concern about this?

I am thoroughly anti-communist in my view and NOT a Putin lover. I sincerely wish that Putin had not invaded Ukraine. However, I have come to believe that we (NATO, Europe, and the United States, in particular) left him with little choice for some of the reasons I have mentioned. In my view, this is a conflict that we shouldn't be involved in. It's a conflict between two dictators, not a conflict between communism and democracy. And we definitely shouldn't be financing this war "until the last Ukrainian dies." 80 billion dollars has been provided by our congress and our president to "the most corrupt government in Europe" without appointing an inspector general! What are we thinking?

If you are willing to have your views challenged, here is some information that you can access.

* Jim Rickards: "Russia and Ukraine Explained": https://youtu.be/qHVcCyDmzgA

* Jim Rickards: "Why Putin is Winning the War": https://youtu.be/-eP7LtLK6m4

* John Mearsheimer: "Why Ukraine is the West's Fault": https://youtu.be/JrMiSQAGOS4

* Jeffrey Sachs: "U.S. Policy & the West's False Narrative -- Stoking Tensions with Russia & China": https://youtu.be/wmOePNsNFw0

* Tucker Carlson: "We Are at War with Russia": https://youtu.be/1PC7DzTRS7A

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Excellent post Mr. Rupert. EVERY point you make is 100% accurate and verifiable, yet most are seldom mentioned or considered.

Now if only all the "I Stand with Ukraine"ians would stop slurping up narrative and expand their knowledge of the facts and realities associated with the current conflict, perhaps we (as a Country) would start demanding that our "leaders" quit throwing away our money and tsunami-surfing us toward WWIII...

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Quite correct, USA promised the USSR if we were to free East Germany NATO would not cross over the German boarder and yet we have done so. The real culprit is found in the Petro Dollar the only value in the USD. Our proxy wars all over the world have been to direct all oil exports from OPEC members. OPEC is a cartel propping up the cost of a barrel of oil. OPEC creates shortages, while demanding only USD or Gold be used as a means of exchange. Look at the world of military intervention and the role of the CIA as one directed to controlling the price and supply of oil.

Russia has more oil that all the other nations combined they lacked a warm water port. The solution was Afghanistan and the only reason Russia invaded the nation. We in turn armed and funded the Taliban another for use in a proxy war against Russia. Alas this caused Russia to annex the nearest warm water port of Crimea. Crimea was originally part of Russia, but was added to Ukraine by the USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev who identified as Ukrainian. There is no separation genetically between the Ukraine and Russian they are the same people. Russia being if you can believe it less corrupt and less hostile. Ukraine was never really a separate independent nation, it has always be dependent on Russian aid.

Simply USA has now taken up the cost of supporting Ukraine and in doing so we will be bankrupted and most of Europe will be so also. The difficult thing to understand all info surrounding the conflict in Ukraine is sourced from Ukrainian outlets. We are being dosed with propaganda. Ukraine is in fact loosing the war, their nation is being destroyed. No one knows where the billions of USD has gone, there is no oversight.

In the West's attempts to financially isolate Russia we are going to destroy the value of both the USD, Euro, and the Pound. The USD might in fact lose its status as the world's reserve currency. Russia is rich in natural resources, other nations will purchase from Russia especially in the light of our limiting US oil exports.

Some advice look before you leap, the net might in fact not appear to save us.

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Could you be more specific?

I would think not, as you are all 3 on the list. If you like I'll post verse from the Hebrew where in God states all that I have about religion. It's much easier to simply read His opinions on the first tablet God etched with His finger into stone and gave to Moseh to read over the people. By the way every time God personally interviewed in the life of His people it was to save them from religious, militarism, and or political slavery.

This was confirmed to me when I followed the translation of the sodom and gammorah story relating to the removal of Lot, Abraham's nephew before the 6 cities in the valley below were destroyed (not 2). Quite an eye opener the story was not in fact about destroying homosexuals but about destroying people like exist in USA and the rest of the world today. The cities were destroyed because their Woke opinions were a danger to Abraham's family living on the mountain above.

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you live in the USA. I live in Europe...

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

From the rock I'm sitting on: Each of us has a circle of INFLUENCE, and a much larger circle of CONCERN. All time spent on our circle of concern diminishes our circle of INFLUENCE toward ZERO.

The Ukraine and most of what is going on in the world is, in my view, purely circle of concern. Nothing at all in the world that all of us together, and all of our friends and family can do anything about. Your vote does not count a bit.

Maximum Safety Mode is an important part of each of our circles of INFLUENCE. Every minute spent on one's circle of INFLUENCE expands it out into our circle of concern.

Focus = Exclusion. Isaiah 58:6-12.

That's how it looks to this frog.

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In 1991, as the Soviet Union was dissolved, Russian president Boris Yeltsin sent a letter to NATO, suggesting that Russia's long-term aim was to join NATO.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki

Russia–NATO relations - Wikipedia

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

So when presented with the lynchpin evidence of Mr. Rupert's very coherent, accurate, and rational post - your reply is "Boris had a drinking problem"?

C'mon PG, you are better than that.

You make it clear that you have no time or interest in Russia-philes, Putin Sycophants, etc. I hear you and actually agree (I've no time for the all-in cheerleaders for either side.) However, you are not looking past the log in your own eye when it comes to insisting that ALL things Ukraine/Z good, and ALL things Russia/P bad...

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PG V, try a simple Google search. Here is the first example from The Guardian, not noted for their conservative views and certainly not a Putin sycophant: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule

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Russia has been very patient with the west with all the broken treaties.

. This is their 62 missile crisis. Putin is right here.

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Thank you very much for your measured response. No name-calling etc. myself and many others see this situation quite differently.

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Eternal indeed, and steeped in irony today, on the anniversary of the Worcester Revolt in 1774. The revolt was an armed insurrection in response to the Massachusetts Government Act, which required that all government officials be appointed by the Crown. The insurrection led directly to the fighting at Lexington and Concord, so the Worcester Revolt is arguably the true beginning of the American Revolution. The primary concern behind the insurrection? The majority of Massachusetts citizens were rural landowners, farmers who regularly carried large amounts of debt. They feared that courts controlled by the Crown would foreclose on that debt, and that was unthinkable. So history rolls along impelled by debt, and energy, with political hubris always ready to add some sand to the gearbox.

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Just to be a contrarian:

We have been using the term "fossil fuels" for decades now without real evidence that it is such. There are a number of people who think that said fuels may be produced by the earth's core.

Just consider coal for awhile. It is often found in layers quite thick. How? If ancient plants died and decomposed, there would be no coal. How did the many feet of plant material get deposited and then covered up to create coal? If the dead plants fell over, they would decompose as they do now. If they somehow didn't decompose, how could more plants grow on top of them? Oil is a bigger conundrum. Just how many dinosaurs had to jump into the oil-making pit? :-)

Anyway... Just food for thought.

But we must stop using what the earth provides (one way or the other).

Since this CO2 driven global warming, errr climate change emerged many years ago, how many on this site remember "the butterfly effect?" The notion that a small event on the other side of the globe could have devastating effects elsewhere? Has anyone calculated the impact of extracting energy from wind? Can this at least partially account for the abnormally low winter temperatures in Texas, which has a lot of wind turbines. Ask your automotive engineers how much energy you can extract from the engine exhaust before the turbo is counter productive.

I know this is a financial site and this is a technical question. But... is there a limit to how many wind turbines you can line up without adverse consequences?


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Hi Mr. Sayer -

You are right on the money with regard to Hydrocarbons NOT being a finite resource dependent on how much plant/animal matter was laid low oh so many millions of years ago.

From Science Magazine before they went woke:

...the "data imply that hydrocarbons are produced chemically" from carbon found in Earth's mantle."


Oil and many other Hydrocarbons are the TRUE renewable resource as the Earth continues making more of them, even as we sit here today.

And I agree that so many wind turbines must be having some type of effect on our weather patterns, perhaps (likely?) more detrimental than anyone has considered. Do I have proof or expert knowledge? No. But I do have a touch of common sense and critical thinking skills. The winds move around the globe in a generally predictable pattern - that is what allows us to site wind farms in the most advantageous spots with regard to generating energy. Perversely, the installation of these farms then retards, breaks-up or even stops these natural patterns which are responsible for producing most of our weather. Hmmmmm.

Your analogy with an ICE's Turbo mechanism makes a whole lot of sense...

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Not being a geologist, I suspect that the ultra deep wells that I understand produce much of Russia's oil are far below any old dinosaur remains, and that petrocarbons are in fact a rapidly renewing natural resource.

Never thought of the windmills and climate change, but it's the lack of land mass wind resistance that is thought to cause the extreme winds of the antarctic. "The Roaring 40s, Furious 50s and Screaming 60s."

Wind turbines are not land masses, or anywhere close I don't think, but...

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Its always some war, any war, good or bad, lets get on with it. And someone should have told me Janet was Yellen she had authority in the oil business, I must have dossed. How is it we exalt people who have enriched themselves through ill gotten gains or simply put, committed fraud and theft lets leave murder out for now and simply focus on the wholesale destruction of the human condition.

What could go wrong ? And while pondering that thought is not overly taxing, I read today there are countries sending additional aid to the Ukraine from neighbouring NATO European countries. Its as if they despise their own constituents. Taxes? Yes ! of course they will go up. Only, the Biden admin. will take it from the deplorable's. And those who lost over the pandemic hysteria? What could go wrong?

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The great covid fraud, the biggest scam in modern history. The response was only ever about mass vaccination, surveillance & digital authoritarianism. The world's corporate media was enlisted, the same lies & propaganda were ubiquitous. Regulators & institutions were captured, & big tech complicit. What's worse is that it became a cult & deeply politicised. The Great Reset.

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Alistair Crooke, quite a character, banned from social media. Gold, Goats n’ Guns podcast episode 100.

Gives an accurate account of Russia and the battle for Ukraine. Made me understand my natural inclinations which are alien to the American psyche, the propagandized mental state of most people.

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My, how times change? My dad used to tell me stories about driving a buckboard from Gilmer, Texas down to Round Rock to see relatives. He would take his mom and dad along as they were older. Money was almost never seen by him as it was scarce. (1918) But he would make a little money when someone got stuck in their car and he would pull them out. The trip took almost 2 weeks. People would wave them down at lunch and dinner time to stop and visit and tell them the news from up the road. They would even invite them to stay the night if they didn't mind sleeping in the barn. My dad said just to have a roof over their head was enough for him. But people were glad to meet strangers and even help them out if needed. Fast forward to present and we find our dear leader calling half of the country radicals. Seems that the country that helped build or rebuild half of the world is at a crossroads. Which part survives all this hostility? Will the people who try to deprive the citizens their right to free speech, and all the other rights given by God, or does their evil deed defeat the best part of mankind? Words to ponder over. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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The inflation rate is lower in Russia than in the United States. Oh, you want facts Charlie? Facts ain’t worth a plug nickel! 😂 384 BC Aristotle was born, labeled man as “the animal that laughs”, Turkish hyenas are a rarity, travel another 2400 clicks NE* by land, air, and sea and their laughters true meaning can be heard in ukie land.

Help is on the way partner! You need help Earl!🤣

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What happened, this is the last report I have received. Didn't get the Sunday Shesh, Sunday, nothing yet this week?


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I'm with Hugh Hendry's view on Economics. 98% of it is complete rubbish. Just study statistics & where they come from in detail

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Religion, politics, and militarism, 3 faiths that have made life miserable for so many and for so long.

It boggles the mind humans will go to such great lengths to defend their flavor of faith, even to killing those who have weighed the evidence and reject all three. Very few have done so, Bill Bonner mentioned building a chapel in his Argentinian ranch. Goes to prove overtime lies become truth. God openly condemns all religions on the first tablet given to Moseh, and goes on to explain who will enter heaven and who will not.

Instructions from God; For indeed, I, Yahowah, your God, am a zealous and jealous God, Who is desirous of exclusivity in our relationship, reckoning the perversity and sin of twisting and distorting, of perverting and manipulating the way, by the fathers upon the children concerning the third and the fourth generations of those who hate to Me. Religions are all based on twisting, distorting, perverting, and manipulation. The same is true in politics, and the militarism.

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Just for the sake of history , BB now works for Netflix , what I suppose He commenting his the croisade of 1212 which went from Germany and France . The Germain diluted in Genes et the French one around Marseille , never mention of to part the Mediterranean in two , a part today from Moses Bonner . Bill you are writing to subscriber who read and thanks the Lord went to school, do your home work before writing «  n importe quoi « 

As I said yesterday stick with finance and economic.

If one day Tom and Dan , switch the same way that would be the last time I subscribe, a bon entendeur salut !

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Just looking at the great photo of the French countryside and it occurs to me that those wind turbines are certainly a huge blot on beautiful landscapes. But they will be gone in thirty years, and those gorgeous pieces of architecture will probably still be there in 100 years from now, or more.....

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Someone should send this to Secretary Yellen:


Though like most of the green energy zealots, I doubt she would comprehend it if she even bothered to read it.

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That was great Bill. And it is nice to know we aren't the only time in history to be so foolish as to cut off our necessities in search of a better way, no matter how foolish. I like your "jackassery" word. It cuts to the chase without too much vulgarity.

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