God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

-Acts 24-26

If all people, or even just a majority, would believe the plain word of God, this world would not be in the mess it is for the last 5,000+ years. I'm sorry, but there is no real solution, but to receive the spirit of God, which is agape. (This is described in the Bible, and summarized in my little booklet; I've posted the link before.) I know that's not going to happen, so the few events described in Daniel and Revelation, that have not been fulfilled yet, will be fulfilled. So, brace yourself, and seek the shelter God has provided for you.

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The Religions spawned after 33 CE have made a habit of ignoring the Word of God.

Christianity with its want to be self proclaim apostle. Judaism with it Bar Kokhba (son of the star) and Babylonian Talmud, and Islam with it Quran that claims to fulfill the Towrah (withness of God) while it stands as the antithesis of the Towrah. One cannot claim the God of Abraham while negating His only means to be reconciled.

Something all religions have in common; A paid clergy exists to act as middleman for God as if God was a bad communicator.

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Indeed; most Christians do not understand their own professed religion. There is the beast, and then there is the image to the beast. Revelation 13. We should all be Lutherans, but they dropped the ball, and so did the successors. That's why they are the partially fallen Christian denominations. Each had reformers that discovered Bible teachings that were previously buried by the papal church, but when the Reformers died, they went no further. That includes the 7th church, who rejected the 1888 message. There will be no 8th church, so God must purify the 7th church (see Ezekiel 9), till only 144,000 are left. The world will wonder at that. After that takes place, the gospel commission can be finished.

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The flaw in your argument is simply God hates all religions. How can I make such a statement? I'm quoting God.

There was one man in all of human history that came to know God without laying eyes upon his creator. This man developed a love so strong the will of God was incorporated within his inner most being. So strong was his love for God it's thought the man wrote 4000 songs to guide others along the same path. This man was a prophet, and king, an exceptional warrior, a councilor. David or in Hebrew Dowd had his flaws he was human, but these flaws did not separate the man from His God.

Christianity was created by a rabbi, named Sha'uwl, 2/3 of the books contained in the Christian NT were scribed by Paulos ( his Roman name and the one he chose to associate with). A close openminded study of the Christian NT will reveal Paul influenced most all of its other books. Within the book of Acts Paul had his attaché Luke place Paul's words within the mouth of Peter. Moreover the book of Matthew a work of plagiarism sharing 60 of its 66 books with Mark with other 6 books pilfered from Luke and a lost book titled the book of Hebrew (mentioned by Origen and Jerome in their writings). Summed up a Christian who pronounces Jesus as their savior follows in his footsteps is going to heaven. Paul never got around to telling Christians who they were to do this nor what doing this even looks like, just have faith and be saved. Yahowah on the other hand states one must come to know His will which can only be found in Torah. Yahowah created the universe to support human life for one purpose and that was to create a family of children. To claim to be a member of any family one needs to know the name of the father and participate in the invitations offered by that father.

A child estranged from a family for its entire existence will not be welcomed or recognized by the father, nor would a claim of the inheritance created for the fathers know children be given to a stranger

The Psalms are the key to coming to know Yahowah, Dowd created the Psalms to assist those who desired to follow in his footsteps. If you have a desire to know the will of God and be reconciled it will require a close study of the Psalms. As noted in Psalm 19:7 one will need to be open minded, and that would preclude any religious, political, or militaristic person.

To start one must first understand the bible you hold so dear is not the inerrant word of God. All bibles have been corrupted by religious men seeking to control and fleece their victims. This is not my opinion but an easily proven fact.

But let's not get too far off the subject, what need of a NT is there when Dowd teaches:

Psalm 19:7 Yahowah’s Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning, restoring, and transforming the soul. Yahowah’s testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open minded.

That said all Christians and Jews believe the Psalms to be inspired by God. Dowd starts out speaking in Psalm 89, later in the Psalm the voice is clearly that of Yahowah. Within the Psalm God reveals Dowd is His first born son, coworker and anointed messiah, Yahowah states if anyone states differently they are calling Him a liar.

Psalm 19:7 alone destroys the 3 religions claiming the God of Abraham as Father. When Paul saidDowd was dead and sleeping with his ancestors he was lying. I can say this because Paul as a learned rabbi (his claim) knew Psalm 89.

Paul's plan was simple: Gentiles were ignorant of the Torah, they would simply believe Paul.

If he was able to create a new man god of their liking, while providing this new man god a solid association and mission from the One God, power and riches would be his. The book of Matthew starts out well but shifts to blame the Jews for the acts of the Romans. Paint the Jews as demons bent on killing the new man god, and end the story with the new man god rising from the dead triumphant over his enemies. Basically the same man god story told throughout Greek and Roman mythology. Jesus was modeled after Dionysus, while Paul's missionary journeys were taken from the pages of Homer's Odyssey.

I'll leave you with a translation of Psalm 89 direct from the oldest extant Hebrew manuscripts, the translation will be similar to the words found in your Christian bible. Even so, within your bible Yahowah's name is replaces on every occasion with LORD (meaning ba'al in Hebrew which in turn means master, owner) the other words are pretty much the same. Dowd is the anointed one, the coworker, messiah of Yahowah.

No mention of a Jesus, and Yahowah is clear He has only one messiah, one first born son, if you disagree in doing so you must believe Yahowah a liar, or simply your god is not Yahowah. As Dowd advises writing the Hebrew word Selah; Pause and contemplate what you just read.

Psalm 89:19 I have raised up and exalted the Chosen One from the people

I discovered and then made known Dowd, My coworker My set-apart oil which uniquely distinguishes, I have anointed him as the Mashyach / Messiah (89:20) so that to show the way to the relationship My hand will be established and steadfast with you In addition, My Protective Shepherd shall empower and embolden you, strengthening you (89:20-21)

In My name his light will radiate and enlighten 89:24)

He shall call out to Me and welcome Me, announcing ‘You are my Father (89:26)

I, also, will appoint him My Firstborn Son, the highest of all of the kings and rulers of the Earth (89:27)

For all eternity I will keep watch over him, paying very close attention to him

My unwavering love, unrelenting devotion, enduring affection, and tremendous generosity as a part of My Family-Oriented Covenant agreement are truthfully presented and will reliably endure with him (89:28)

And I will establish his seed, that which he sows, and his offspring, as an eternal witness forever. And his throne is equated to the time of heaven (89:29)

However, if his children continue to forsake, ignore, or reject My Towrah and make a habit of failing to walk according to My means to exercise good judgment and justly resolve disputes (89:30) if they perpetually view My clearly communicated prescriptions for living with contempt, and further, if they consistently fail to observe the instructive terms of the relationship considering what is being offered and expected in return (89:31) then I will hold them accountable with the measure of their rebellion

The consequence of their deviation from the way and of their wrongdoing will be a pestilence which causes widespread death ( 89:32)

Accordingly, My unwavering love, enduring devotion, unmitigated affection, and genuine favoritism I will never remove from him because I will never communicate something which is not true nor will I ever contradict My steadfast commitment to the truth (89:33)

I will never dishonor, nor will I poke holes in My Covenant nor will I ever alter nor change that which has gone forth from My lips. (89:34)

There is only one to whom I have affirmed the truth by having made a promise by My Set-Apart nature. If not to Dowd, I will be proven a liar (89:35)

His offspring and that which he sows shall exist and endure forever.

And his place of honor shall be as the sun before Me (89:36)

Like the moon, it shall be established forever, serving as an enduring and reliable witness in the sky.

Pause now and contemplate what you have just read (selah). ( 89:37)

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Hi Dennis -

I've said it before - amazing how you and maybe a dozen other people have figured out the one TRUE path to God the Creator, yet oddly it is extremely obscure and doesn't fit at all with any modern theories of Theology. Not bloody likely. Not looking for a fight (I long ago actually took several hours to look in depth at your "evidence" and conclusions), yet secondly, I feel that your lengthy posts about the one TRUE path you claim to have found are misleading others. I'm not questioning your right to believe whatever you want and post about it as many times as you desire, but I will reference -

"Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Matthew 16:23...

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That's an interesting theory, but the lack of supporting evidence makes it suspect. There are many prophecies pointing to Jesus as the only begotten Son of God. Here are a few: https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/what-are-the-prophecies-about-jesus.html ; also here: https://www.jesusfilm.org/blog/old-testament-prophecies/ . My own little booklet, which you can read here, contains a few: https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/ . (The booklet request form was broken, it's fixed now.) David himself prophesied of Jesus in a few of his Psalms. The whole Bible is about the Son of God, and His plan of salvation. Some of the Bible characters, like Abraham, Joseph, David, and others, had His spirit in them, and taught us some things about Himself.

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Theory, I don't think so might you have read the attached verses? The claim of Dowd as first born son, messiah and returning king was made by God.

Moreover, God literally states if this is not true He's liar.

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I know this for sure - David is not the Messiah. None of the messianic prophecies in the "old testament" apply to him. With that established, you can proceed to figure out what the Psalmist is trying to say. Psalm 89:20 speaks about David being the firstborn, which he was not, see 1Chronicles 2:13,14, David was the seventh born of Jesse. Psalm 89 is talking about the true king of Israel, the Son of God, of whom King David was merely an earthly representation. Joseph was also a type of Christ, but he, also, was not the Christ. This is commonly used in the Bible; in Isaiah 14:4, the proverb seems to refer to the king of Babylon, but if you read on, you can see that it's really talking about satan. The whole Bible is about the Son of God, who gave up everything He was to be born again as a man, in order to merely qualify to be our Savior, Philippians 2:5-8.

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It wasn't a mess before God revealed Himself 5000 or so years ago?

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God revealed Himself to a handful of people, offered a covenant relationship, He's not here to save the whole planet, only those who listen to His words and answer His 7 invitations to be called out.

Those who answer the invitations will be number in the thousands or one in a million. He does not call it the narrow path where upon few find or walk for no reason.

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"Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Matthew 16:23...

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It was a mess after the fall of man.

If Christ had not appeared 2,000 years ago, the world would have ended soon. We have our football games, but each team gets to go home afterwards. When Rome had their sporting competitions, people died. And Roman restaurants had something you will not find in any modern restaurant, a vomitorium, where people would go to throw up, and enjoy the pleasure of eating once more. Prostitution and slavery were also legal in the Roman empire; it's been estimated that 50% of the people in Rome were slaves. Everyone today owes their existence to the Son of God.

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If we just vote a bit harder and pray a bit harder.... delusional.

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Jul 3, 2023Edited
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Nineveh repented, and delayed their judgement, see the book of Jonah. But they only delayed it. Please note that God is agape, and technically He does not destroy; people and nations destroy themselves. God takes responsibility for His creation, and will hasten the death of the wicked, to lessen their suffering. This is God's "strange act." Fairly good explanation here: https://www.jesus-resurrection.info/fire-from-heaven.html

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Yeeaaa! When I go to church, not often, or when I read the news, I say, to myself, all are complicit. It’s all so contemptuously complicit.

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Complicated stuff. History is full of suffering; the problem is that the innocent suffer, those supposedly close to God. The evil cause the suffering.

I don’t really suffer in life. I suppose I could suffer, suffering occurs to all, it’s just that I don’t suffer in my mind, unnecessarily. I would not want to live in some peoples minds.

We are all supposed to take a part of the Cross. If I do suffer, and I probably have, I will, in faith accept it and it will be as nothing and maybe a joy because I walk the path of Christ.

I think I have “The peace of Christ, a peace the world can not give.” Or else I am a mindless idiot. My mind seems to not be troubled. We will see? What does it say, “Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil.”As the world is, it is difficult not to be touched by evil. “Death, where is thy sting.” In Christ, there always seems to be a way and a truth and it does set us free. It is all of little moment, “Vanities of Vanities.”

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None are innocent, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23. I think you have the right idea, though. We can be at peace and unafraid, even in our suffering for the gospel. I was moved by this amazing account of John Wesley's encounter with a group of Moravians on board a ship: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/25833/25833-pdf.pdf Starting on page 262, upper left page numbers.

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Please suppy a link to the textbook from 1950. I'm not arguing against what it takes to destroy democracy, its well on its way.

The story is just to simplistic, after the fact. Like if more people had read the book, we wouldnt be in this sad state?

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Sorry! I think we would still be in this sad shape. Most of us are like sheep: following a leader or Shepherd.

Make sure you are following the correct SHEPHERD, whose name is JESUS, the CHRIST. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Hey Gf. I believe it was Lennon, who said the three ways are taxation regulation and destroy the currency. So I voice text Lennon is spelled LENIN.

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Growing up in the 60’s in the West as a first generation Italian migrant there was a visible element of racism but no one would dare call it out - my father would just say it was misunderstanding. He was working hard in a real job making more money than he would have dreamed of back home. His pockets were full, hence not in his interest or mindset to complain. Today, however I see little to no racism but yet a whole generation of young people ironically see it everywhere. Perhaps it goes back to interest. No real jobs producing real stuff that people want so they, the elite have instead created an industry of grievance with abstract racism at its core... and it could only be done precisely because it doesn’t exist.

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There are so many cards at play that, for the sake of simplicity, I declare one group the Makers and the other group the Takers

The Makers include entrepreneurs, people with skills in demand; virtually anybody who deliberately spends less than they earn

The Takers look to others, mostly government, for recompense, and have a penchant to blame others for the consequences of their poor life choices.

And look out when a Maker. harms a Taker.

Despite George Floyd rich criminal history and the French teenager’s bold refutation of authority that lost him his life, each murder by police lit destructive fires

Ours created an array of social changes, the goofy Woke movement among them

Not sure what the French will do, but I bet, like our solutions to redress Takers’ grievances, it will overlook the root cause: the poor life choices made by young people that create for them a destiny of barely livable wages, quiet desperation and hair-trigger anger

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Amen Mr. Roberts.

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Bill makes many good points. But when we use the terms "Asians, Whites, Blacks, etc.", we are generalizing. Many decades ago, when I landed my first full time job, the company hired an Asian guy (Chinese). He was one of the laziest people I have ever met. Even back then, that was not typical. On the other hand, if you watch the Fox News Cable Network, you will witness many incredibly intelligent Blacks either as Fox commentators or as guests. The difference is the values you are brought up with. By values, I'm not just referring to the typical ones like honesty, perseverance, and integrity, although those are, of course, important. The main difference is accepting "Western Culture", by which I mean, accepting rational thinking (reason), logic, science and freedom (individual rights). Accepting these values results in achievement and success. Some will say that these are "White" values - they are not, they are universal to every human being. It seems that predominately, Asians (at least in the USA) have adopted this way of viewing life more consistently than the other races have, including Whites. By the way, many Whites are rejecting Western Culture - they call themselves Progressives. Progressivism started as a push back to individual rights which they considered "selfish". Instead, they said you should work for the common good. What they don't mention is that the individual is expendable because the common good is the ultimate purpose of society, not the success of one mere individual human being. Hence the carnage under communist regimes. While Progressives try to position themselves as pro-science, they are, in fact, anti-science. They are also fascists (they believe the government can dictate what you can do with your property) and nihilists (they want to destroy our society to build their "1984 utopia"). One example of their nihilism is their embrace of the global warming/climate change catastrophe cause by the use of fossil fuels which leads to some carbon dioxide being expelled into the atmosphere. They consider CO2 a pollutant even though there would be no plant life without it. They act as if there is nothing that we can do except stop using fossil fuels which provide most of the energy we use today and is relatively inexpensive. They want to replace fossil fuels with the unreliable piddle power of windmills and solar, which they call "green" even though quite a bit of mining is needed for the materials and these energy sources use up a lot of land. This is so idiotic it amazes me that more people don't see it for what it is - a power grab to control human beings by taking their energy away - because our whole economy runs on energy and every human life requires abundant inexpensive energy to flourish. There are many good books on this issue, but one I recently read that I believe is accessible to someone without a technical degree is "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom" by Patrick Moore, published in 2021. Who is Patrick Moore? He co-founded Greenpeace in the early '70's and left it in the mid-80's when it became more about ideology than science.

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Jul 4, 2023Edited
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Mark, thanks for the comment. I remember reading a science newsletter in the late '90s that passed on the idea that if we ever did get into a situation where the Earth was warming, one simple solution would be to disperse tiny particles into the upper atmosphere to block some of the rays from the sun. This would be something you would not see and would block only a small fraction of the incoming radiation. It might cost millions or some billions to do this, as opposed to the trillions of dollars to convert to mostly useless and unreliable solar and wind farms. I've only heard a brief overview of the solar radiation modification proposal and it seems like they want to do more than this particle distribution. It doesn't seem like more is necessary. While life has developed on this planet, it is still a very dangerous place to live - with plate tectonics, super volcanoes, the continued viability of Earth's magnetic field. We have to be aware of all these threats (including those from outside the Earth) and take steps to mitigate them as necessary. That will most likely take a lot of energy. So, instead of wasting our money on piddle power, we need to be improving nuclear fission energy and developing nuclear fusion. We need to be safeguarding our electrical power system from EMF attacks, CME (coronal mass ejections from the sun), and SPE's (solar proton events). The list is long, and we are not going to make any progress while worshipping at the altar of the anti-science Progressive religion.

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I grew up in Atlanta in the 1960s. Where race relations are concerned I have seen it all. It was very clear to me that we had made progress by the 1990s. It was most evident in America’s suburbs, where “new” middle class blacks had moved and integrated into white neighbourhoods. There was a positive and hopeful spirit around what was occurring. In some but by no means all inner cities there was also apparent progress - Bill Bratton’s “broken windows” and community policing policies in NYC were, by the numbers, working. The chief beneficiaries were inner city black youth and their single mothers.

But it was not to last, and it was also very clear to me that there was an agenda to not only halt the progress but to reverse it. The destroyers of progress and the sowers of racial discord and division have been quite successful. It has all been part of the deliberate takedown of America. The perpetrators need to be called out and held accountable. None of this would have occurred if not for the deliberately planned strategy of the enemies of America.

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Racism and prejudice aren’t exclusive to the human race. Look at the behaviour between red, grey and black squirrels. They each try to drive the others out of their territory. Cats and dogs. Different species of birds. They all react to the differences. Hopefully we can rise above our animal cousins behaviour. When people share the same values and have the same/equal opportunities color disappears.

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Great article! But Bill, get ready for an onslaught from the rabid "woke' crowd! To them you are a heretic! "Gather the wood for the pyre, burn him at the stake"! With the Left, there is no longer any logical, sane discussion of differences of opinion! I you don't agree with the Left, they tell you to "Shut up"!

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It was good of you to warn Bill and readers..of the unreachables and unteachables. No, I do not mean anyone should be preaching at them...I simply mean: their minds are made up; do not bother them with facts.

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They have moved beyond being "bothered" by facts, to being enraged by them.

Prepare accordingly...

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Well said, but you're going to catch hell for it...

The problem isn't easily solved as long as you have Government sowing discord. And by Government I mean Government. Not Republicans or Democrats. The differences must be solved by we the people. I grew up in a small town that was primarily one color. Poor. That was our color. Poor can change to middle class with the application of training and opportunity. That is best obtained in a two parent family with schools that provide skills (trades) and technical training (STEM based university). Training taught by almost anyone other than the leftists that imitate university professors like we currently have. I think that by now we have established that handouts don't solve the problem. Leadership that provides an environment where business wants to invest and grow creates the opportunities that these people need. Government needs to fertilize the soil and get out of the way. Unfortunately in a fascist state, this is unlikely to happen without encouragement. Most likely, again, by we, the people.

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Sounds like you grew up where I grew up, Ed. We were poor but didn’t know it, cause we didn’t have a big fancy TV and high speed internet to tell us about all we were missing by being poor. Consequently, we didn’t want to stay inside staring at a box, so we went out and worked.

I firmly believe work, or a lack thereof, is one of the root causes of the issues we face today. Many of the “peaceful protesters” for all these various uprisings are only able to protest because they don’t have to be up tomorrow morning to go to work. Likewise, a lack of work allows fanatical progressivism. The libs don’t work, so they can cook up all kinda crazy ideas. The conservatives are too busy working to notice, and only spring into action in a reactionary sense. If everyone had real, honest work, they’d also be too busy to raise hell and would instead focus on how to better their situation.

My first job was at 10 years old. I’ve been working non stop for 32 years now. I went from dead end dirt road poor to...very comfortable surroundings. I ain’t super smart, but I learned you work for what you want and need. Too many are trying to get by on handouts while simultaneously biting the hand giving it to them.

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Aron, I am like you in a way. I grew up on a farm. I went to work at six. At ten, I went to work for money. I have been working non-stop, sometimes two jobs, and school for 78 years with no end in sight. One thing I did learn is not to try to fill your brain with stuff. Your brain can only hold so much. Who knows how much? Here is my secret.

Don't try to know everything, just try to know people that do know things. Then you can ask them or read them. It works for me. Then you can concentrate on important things, like knowing where to find the best wine. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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You say: “differences must be solved”. Differences aren’t a problem to be solved. They are merely adverse conditions of modern life. Governments tend to see all adverse conditions as problems to be solved by government but they aren’t. They can only be changed for the better by the individual actions of people. Government programs always make things worse for most people, although some individuals may benefit.

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Replace differences with disparity if that makes it better for you. We must offer opportunities for solutions (as I've posited on). Equality of opportunity. I think that this could be the natural outcome if Government would just let business do it's thing. EVERY civilization that has extremes of haves and have-nots has had discord. To some extent it is always unavoidable, but we have exacerbated it by allowing Government to draw us into their divisive narrative. For the record, it isn't only governments that see themselves as the solution to people's problems. A victim class has developed and they want to hear that. We need to stop telling people that someone else will solve their problems, and offer opportunities to help them bridge the gap. The good ones will take the opportunity, or at least that is what I choose to believe. Some won't, and they will ultimately be lost unfortunately. But that is a long-term constant every generation.

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I agree with your conclusion. Just not sure how to fix it as a citizen. I do believe congress could fix it, or leaders in the communities working together could fix it. My belief is the entire school system must change it's curriculum. Back to the basics. Trades: welding, Heat and Air, Plumbing, Construction, basic financial planning and investment, history from the revolutionary war to current wars in progress. The BIGGEST problem is bias on both sides. We must get back to black and white (Not skin color), but truth. WE can't change our past mistakes but we can learn from them. Right now we have politicians that disgust me with their commentary. Hate Speech is rampant. We truly need to go to Washington, drag them all out of their leather chairs and throw them into the street. Find ordinary businessmen and woman, who want to work for the next generation, not themselves.

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You lost me when you claim that congress could fix it. How can a body that helped to make this mess fix it? When you look to government to fix your problems you are looking to enslavement. Wake up for crying out loud.

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The only people who can reliably use Congress to fix a problem are the very wealthy (individuals and large corporations). Senators and Representatives need lots of dough to get re-elected, so if you give it to them by the many means available that are not considered bribes (but actually are), they will do your bidding. Small businesses and the middle class are out of luck.

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I hope we can all become good sheepdogs for our SHEPHERD. I AM 84 years young, in perfect health (according to my VA Labs), with all the results right down the middle. I work 12 hours a day. I get up at 0730 and go to bed at 0100. I am on the Heart Healthy Mediterranean Diet, which includes two glasses of red wine (without Sulfites) each day. All said; I believe I am so healthy because JESUS is my constant companion. He told me I would be here to the end and He cannot lie because He is GOD, the Creator and Sustainer of this Universe and all other Universes. The END must be close. JS! FJ.

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Reparations will fix all the world's racist problems.... I'm ready to say I'm sorry for any of the slaves families my family owned... I'm still waiting for the first family to show up and let me know my family owed their family... They best hurry up I'm not getting any younger..

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“White men are a danger to society,” says a member of San Francisco’s reparations committee.

Coming from a racist who, enjoys the privilege of giving at the expense of the racee. I agree as Bill imdicated its not hard to commit criminal acts infact thats easy, anyone can do it. The hard part is "work". By the way, I was known as a WOP even though I was born a canuck. Go figure.

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"White men are a danger to society." If all white American men, especially those 18-65, which make up only 30%-35% of that age group, were to go on strike for a year, what would happen? What if all white American women and non-whites, 18-65, which comprise 65%-70% of that age group, struck for a year, what would happen? Now what group would have the most impact? With white males dominating critical infrastructure jobs, I think the answer is obvious.

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The Governor (Cannot say their name) once told a dear friend of mine, “If you’re white, then you’re all-right, if you’re brown, stick around, if you’re black, go back!”

What a racist prick! lol, my buddy needed the job, so he stuck around! 😂 In other parts of the world, he is none of those, just plain o’l Joe is what they call him.

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You are right on, Bill! I could not have said it better.

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I just tracked it down....Mr. Roberts is not wrong....Makes some good points

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SBE, what hold you back is religion, or the long process of indoctrination coupled with a constant requirement to confirm what you have come to believe is truth.

I direct you to Habakuk where in the prophet asks a question of God. How long will this person be believed? Why do they not question him. Paul in fact knew the prophecy that named him by his Hebrew name causing the man to write by the Roman moniker of Paulos (Paul).

“Upon My requirements and responsibilities, I will continually stand. I will provide affirmation and validation for that which protects and fortifies. Therefore, I will be on the lookout in order to see what he will say about Me, observing how he will question Me. So then, how can I be expected to change My attitude, My thinking, or My response concerning My disapproving rebuke? (Habakkuk 2:1)

Then Yahowah responded to me, and He said, ‘Write this revelation and expound on it in writing so that by reciting this, he might run away. (2:2) Still surely, this revelation from God is for the appointed time of the Mow’ed Meetings. It provides a witness and speaks, pouring out evidence in the end. Whatever extended period of time is required for this question to be resolved, this shall not be proven false. Expect him in this regard, because indeed, he will absolutely come, neither being delayed nor lingering. (Chabaquwq / Habakkuk 2:3)

Pay attention, he will be puffed up with false pride. His soul, it is not right nor straightforward in him. Therefore, through trust and reliance, by being firmly established and upheld by that which is dependable and truthful, those who are upright and vindicated shall live.” (Habakkuk 2:4)

“Moreover, because the intoxicating and inebriating spirit of this man of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal is a high-minded moral failure, and his is an arrogant and meritless presumption, he will not rest, peace, nor live, whoever is open to the broad path, the duplicitous and improper way, associated with Sha’uwl. He and his soul are like the plague of death.

And so those who are brought together by him, receiving him, will never be satisfied. All of the Gentiles will gather together unto him – all of the people from different races and nations in different places. (Habakkuk 2:5)

But they do not ask questions, any of them, about him. Terse references to the word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, with implied associations that mock, controlling through comparison and counterfeit, along with allusive sayings with derisive words arrogantly conveyed.

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him, and duplicitous dealings to be known regarding him.

So they should say, ‘Woe to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, when neither applies to him.’

For how long will they make pledges based upon his significance, becoming burdened by his testimony?” (Habakkuk 2:6)

“Woe to one who is cut off, coveting, while wickedly soliciting ill-gotten gain in league with him, setting up and appointing his temple in association with heights of heaven, thereby snatching away property and possessions from the paws of fellow countrymen. ( Habakkuk 2:9)

You have deliberately decided upon and conspired at the advice of another to promote a shameful plot to confuse those who approach your religious edifice, ruining and reducing many by separating people from different races and places, and in the process losing your soul.” (Habakkuk 2:10)

“Woe to the one who causes his neighbors, companions, or countryman to drink, thereby associating them with this venomous wrath, but also making them drunk for the purpose of observing their genitals.

You will get your fill of shame and infamy instead of honor and glory. Inebriated, in addition, you also show yourself unacceptable, going roundabout over the lack of circumcision.

Upon you is the binding cup of Yahowah’s right hand. Therefore, public humiliation and indignity will be your status and reward.” (Habakkuk 2:15-16)

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