Fishy Rishi the globalist WEF stooge who nobody voted for. His chancellor was installed just before he was, Jeremy Hunt the CCP admiring, zero covid zealot.

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I wanted Kemi Badenoch who was an anti-woke outsider who did well in the initial running that Truss ended up winning. I don't think it makes any difference though to be honest, the media is in control, & hence whoever is pulling their strings is the real PM.

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Ok Dan , what will happens when the Fed announces a usd on CBDC , apart from controlling people 100 %. What they do anyway now .

What will happens to the crosses eur/usd , gold silver , stocks , bonds , what would be the consequences, or may be it s just business as usual . I believe it will be business as usual , they will control how they can print or put on the market , they will force you to use it if not they disappear from your account , they will know where you were and how you use your money , no more fraud etc etc , nothing new under the sky .

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"Which is why we’ve urged readers to panic now and beat the rush."

Advice worth the subscription price, right there. Thanks Joel...

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I have heard several people from different sources say there is only about 3 weeks left of our diesel supply. This seems like a big deal to me but you don't seem worried about it. Why is that?

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Market up, oil dropping......what a big win for Biden. !!

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Yes my little friend, what a big win for America....

A new survey by the Nationwide Retirement Institute reveals that, "nearly a quarter of young people skipped meals or didn’t buy groceries because of high inflation."

Food inflation is worsening for a number of reasons that all lead back to flawed policies by the Biden administration:

Covid lockdowns of food farms and food processing facilities, leading to supply chain disruptions.

Continued money printing operations that devalue the purchasing power of the dollar.

Government policies that pay farmers to destroy crops or not plant them in the first place.

Biden's cancelling of natural gas pipelines, resulting in severe fertilizer shortages and price increases.

Sharp increases in diesel fuel prices due to Biden's anti-energy economic policies.

In addition, over 100 food facilities have been set on fire across America in the last 18 months in a pattern of attacks that appear to be deliberate sabotage. Someone is trying to burn down America's food infrastructure.

Biden will starve the useful Idiots that voted for him, all 30 million of them :)

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Hi Steve -

Wasted keystrokes my brother.

They are too intellectually flaccid, arrogant and dishonest AS A GROUP for facts and reality to make a whit of difference.

Make NO mistake - the current crop of dim "politicians" and the people that support them with their votes (against all rational thought or common sense) ARE the domestic enemies the Constitution warned us about...

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She is delusional.

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Yea that's good news alright because we're all to stupid to remember that the SP500 is down 18% this year and the price of gasoline is 70% higher since Joe's inauguration.

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We were recently energy independent but who wants that. But as the libs say " no more mean tweets".

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Yes my brother, libs can do any immoral act including murder of babies, and it’s good, but a mean tweet sends them directly to the insane asylum…such a mentally corrupt cult…

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Will be a big loss for Biden, in November

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If Grassley is any good he would have spoken out about the 2020 riots. Or the J6 political prisoners. Are you kidding me? Another part of the establishment.

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