We are in a recession. It has checked all the boxes. We can say it here. If Trump was President, they would be calling what we have now a depression. That's the beauty of the scam. The government is not racist or political, they are taking us all to the cleaners together.

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“They” keep the wealth, “we” pay the debt via inflation. Seems pretty simple.

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Its a debt based system and I m not sure how many printers the Fed will have to keep running 24/7 to catch up with the Sh...t they ALONE created and with prior and present adminstrations who have created so much shit that there's not a shovel big enough to shovel that Sh.. t. I dont think war is the answer save for the jarheads, nor printing additional confetti is going to solve it with those closest to the spigot. I remember a time much younger then, where as a family we never had enormous amounts of money however, we were happier and much more free ! Everyone else was too, if I recall. I believe Doug is right its the death of Western civilization. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Yes gentlemen, seems like a perfect storm coming to flood, or burn the world...

A good cleansing is way overdue, and no better way to clean house then a thermonuclear war, or a world wide flood of bankruptcies and total collapse of world economies. Not sure which one would be less painful, but either way many of our good citizens may be screwed...

I'm still hopeful that Putin will drop dead, or just pack up and get out of the Ukraine, and Biden will force the fed to print more fake money to cover his fantasies and corrupt agenda.

Instead of paying off loans for students that honestly, if incapable of paying off their own loans, are way too stupid to have gone to collage anyway, he should just print a few more trillion, and pay off the national debt, eliminate the central bank, and go back to the gold standard, with an ounce of gold worth a hundred thousand dollars.

In that happy, safe world, the dow would hit 50,000/75,000, our homes will triple in value along with our hard earned salaries, and Gold along with Bitcoin will be worth over a hundred thousand dollars :)...shame, it could have been a reality if America wasn't fundamentally transformed into a banana republic, and we had secure elections, laws that were enforced by politicians that honored our constitution instead of pissing on it, teachers who taught, preachers who preached and citizens who loved and worshiped the incredible nation they were born in.

We were so close before China unleashed a little homemade common cold on the world, and millions were murdered in the name of science, with most of the globalist leaders, bought and paid for by Xi, forcing their innocent, clueless populations to become a Petri dish for the common good of the world...for the common good of themselves...

Not sure where we are going at this point, but we should all be prepared for that rainy day, Yes, a storm is coming, but most in this room should weather the storm, and look forward to sunnier days :))

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Hi Steve, right on brother.

Convid and the election STOLEN in 2020 may turn out to be the two events that have the greatest impact on modern Civilization. And neither in a good way...

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I'm a bit behind as I was out of town on business. But, this missive was spot on, thank you for that!

I'm guessing you spelled college as "collage" on purpose, but either way, that is hilarious.

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Yes brother, I was one of the smarter kids who knew my limitations, and stayed out of school. I’m doomed without spell check, but otherwise, made a brilliant choice on doing what I’ve done best since eleven years old. Good old fashioned hard work pays off! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I started at UCLA as a freshman, back when Caucasians were still being admitted there (that's a joke for the racially obsessed). I lasted until the last quarter of my sophomore year and "left college to get a real education" (I've always loved that line from a Harrison Ford clunker, er movie). Like you, I ended up pursuing my passion and eventually made two successful businesses with it. That's why I tell people I've never worked a day in my life.

Naturally I encounter my share of the jealous and the haters. They like telling me how good I have it and that everything came so easy to me. I just smile and tell them, "you're seeing me in year 37, you didn't see how hard I worked in years 0-25. The harder I worked the luckier I became."

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I’m disappointed in you Bill! Off course they can ditch the debt and keep the wealth. Do what the Mexican’s did (and surely the Argentines). In the late 70’s and early 80’s (don’t remember the exact years), the Mexican government devalued the peso on multiple occasions, but two particularly stand out. The first, the peso was at 8 pesos to one USD and devalued to 12 to one USD. The second, the peso went from 12 to 24 pesos to one USD. The Mexican government outlawed the general public from holding USD in Mexican banks and from moving USD to American banks. This did not deter the wealthy, they saw this coming and moved as much as they could to American banks, having accounts north of the border. But the middle class, which was growing in population during the 60’s and 70’s, got slammed. Again, not remembering the exact time frame, when the peso finally got to 100 per USD in the late 90’s early 2000’s, the Mexican’s created the NEW PESO; now today valued at 20.41 pesos to the dollar. Basically, the peso has gone from 8 per, to 2040 per USD. Not surprising that every Mexican president for the last 50 years has left office a billionaire. But this is the good old US of A! Never happen here! Really??! Just create a CBDC, giving the wealthy time to shift funds to gold, then a year later outlaw the ownership of gold, after the wealthy have had time to purchase RE and Stocks, then raise the price of gold. With the growing amount of gold held in IRAs by the middle class, problem solved; but who would really care if the Federal Government defaults anyway?

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REAL estate rent has to reflect Real Estate value. Historically this was determined by multiplying the maximum monthly rent by 100. This gave a 12% gross return and 8% to 10% net return annually. Seems that amateurs drove the market out of balance speculating on rising prices as a substitute for sound business practices. As in the business world today, there is no longer a correlation between value vs. income. I expect real estate prices to drop as rents continue to rise until balance is restored. Unfortunately neither Investors nor the Public are going to be happy with the results.

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Perhaps the reason we have not had the people in the street protesting is that those who have secured fixed rate low interest loans on their homes are not feeling the full force of inflation. Normally one pays from 30-40% of their income on mortgage payments. This expense is sheltered from inflation as the payment stays fixed. Those that rent feel the full effect because of increases in their rent payments. However, owners and renters have all the other costs of a shelter which are becoming more costly due to inflation.

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No one is really angry yet. The changes taking place haven’t severely affected enough people for mobs to form. I saw in Madrid and Barcelona people living in the streets in 2014 who had lost everything in the 2008/9 crash. They were begging. My friend explained that he had met some of them and pointed out a couple that had had a nice high rise apartment and two well paying jobs. It was terrible to see how far they had fallen to become beggars on the city streets.

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Hi Dow ,

In 2008-2012 in the sub prime Spanish and US citizens were begging. It hurt all the persons involved in this real estate pyramid.

We did not learn and it will happens again in the years to come .

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LMAO, and so true! Think we could be good friends! Enjoy your success and keep up the good work 👍

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Dollar is inflated too high. Should drop like a lead balloon!

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Heavens to Betsy. What to do, Mr Fed? I expect more inflation. Closer to depression. Mind boggling!

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I’m a mortgage loan officer with 22+ years experience. Let me tell you, the market is almost at a standstill. People are having a hard time swallowing a 7%+ mortgage. I think we will be facing what we are calling a “mortgage rate lockdown”. Few people will move because they’ve refinanced and/or purchased at 2-3% rates. The housing industry will suffer, for sure.

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