my gosh dan, one of the most round the world discussion interviews i’ve ever read about things from a geopolitical tree top.

Thank you again. I share a quasi similar background of Byron’s, so it helps in terms of understanding to looking around the corner without being shoe horned by the media.

Mister Trump indeed has his hands full. it’s best at this point i believe to invoke the power of prayer to unfold this worldly challenge ahead of us.

Steve Hoffman

Aberdeen, MD

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Trump is so hated by the dems, RINOs, and the global elites because they have very little control over him like they did with bushes, obama, and harris/biden. They got around him last time by using their career government stooges that obama installed (think Lois Lerner, etc) to do as much damage as possible plus the global elites own the media. Trump will have a huge fight on his hands plus harris/biden are doing as much damage to America as they can in their last 2 months.

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Thank you Byron, Dan & Bill Bonner. Great insights and historical background. I am from a military family having lived in Germany as a child and worked ( military) in Vietnam and S Korea ( DOD civilian) and trucked 48 states & Canada. When you travel you get to see & understand how others live & think and you discover their culture, history & prospective and respect & value it. It’s refreshing Byron to hear you talk about ill advised & counter productive sanctions & animosity towards Russia and a political culture in DC that stymies & discourages open discussion with Russia. There are Good Russian people out there. We are not naive about Putin . Putting ourselves in his shoes with world history events & previous invasions of Russia…anyone with a brain could understand why the US & European encouragement of Ukraine into NATO would cause Russia heartburn. Of course I am not in support of Putin’s attacks and tactics against innocent civilians. I agree Byron…supporting Ukraine militarily is not in our national interest. Let them work their boundaries out themselves. As I understand it most of the people living on the East boundary speak Russian, have close economic & family ties to Russia & it’s been that way for centuries. Terrible loss of life and horrible Biden Administration decisions ( on going) that have wasted our national resources & caused economic instability and risked World War lll ( which some believe has already started). Thank you all for these insights

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A great education from a person with a world view. Lots to think about and I hope Trump has a bunch of smart people around him. Not just "yes" people.

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I'm a 90 year old who dabbles in history... so I guess I'm only a "novice" history buff. So take my comments for what they're worth from an old guy.

I've learned more world history in this 'private briefing' than I ever knew. (Granted that I probably have forgotten a heck of a lot over the years.) This briefing was a grand education. Looking forward to the next briefing whenever it comes.

Keep up the good work !!!



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Thanks Byron. I worked on The Javelin back in the mid 90s. Lockheed made the launcher and Raytheon made the missile. Back then we made good weapon systems, well at least better than what we build now. Spent a lot of time at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville. ALso worked on ATACMs there too.

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Good job Dan. Your reviews with your guests are always interesting and I believe informative.


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Thanks for your thoughtful analysis.

Jim Modrall

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Thank you Dan and Byron! Excellent explanation of many useful tidbits! I couldn’t agree more with Byron on his Russian expertise and understanding of Putin and history. Those who don’t understand and are fully ignorant of what has happened to our relations with Russia need to read about the Hillary Clinton’s “Great Reset Button” embarrassment back in early 2009 while working for Obama as Secretary of State. They honestly tried to get Putin involved with their globalist agenda and of course he just laughed and the rest is history. Gets much deeper into the wormhole for those who want to truly understand the corruption of the American democratic cult and the RINOs that ride their backs, but that’s a story for another day. Bottom line is anyone in American politics/media who supports Ukraine is a traitor, and needs to be at least investigated for the guaranteed corruption, kickbacks and laundering that has been committed. Biden is the perfect example of one who is buried deep in the Ukrainian Shit! 💩 💩💩. Wake up America 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Excellent and insightful interview, Dan. Byron knows what he's talking about. Factual and informative, keep it up!!

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Very insightful and educational, thank you. I could not find the downloadable pdf file

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Thank you ! Excellent interview. I couldn’t agree more with Byron on his Russian expertise and understanding of Putin and history.

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Absolutely one of the very best, provocative, technically useful and just darn interesting pieces I have ever read coming from the Stansberry 'family'. Thank you for sharing, and I am hoping to see a continuation of similar insights into other aspects of the World's ever (and faster) changing business, social, and humanatarian structures.

Tom Powers

Bradenton, FL

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I enjoyed the discussion. The one thing I was disappointed with was the shallow discussion of why the Soviet Union fell. In one word, the answer was Reagan (you will find his statue in the park near the parliament in Budapest - the grateful Hungarians have not forgotten). The outstanding movie "Reagan" contains the essence of the story, though there was a book from the late 90's that spelled out exactly how Reagan and Casey managed to bankrupt the Soviet Union.

Richard C. Eden

Briarcliff, TX

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". . .who came up with that hair-brained stupid, crazy idea?" Please tell the person who transcribes your tapes it is "hare-brained", as in something with all the intellectual heft of a rabbit (hare).

Thanks for a good discussion. I suppose there's no benefit to it now that the personnel have retired or moved on, but I would like to see some consequences meted out to the State Department officials who were behind our policy at the time of the Maidan revolution. I won't mention names as we all know who they are.

I liked Byron's comments on wind and nuclear energy. It is well past time for Americans to wake up to reality about the green new deal.

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I am a close friend of Donald Trump. No, really, I am. I get texts and emails from him every day and every text, every email he tells me what a great friend I am. I am going to text him back tomorrow. Byron King for Secretary of State.

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It sounds like a lot of defense spending to restore our weapon stock. Not gonna be cheap. Stop fighting so its not leaking out the bottom faster than it is going in. Stop the killing, on both sides of the birth canal so we can replenish human resources.

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