Oct 7, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

You wrote, "They aimed to turn Iraq into an American-model democracy," but it now appears (to me at least) that we are moving more toward turning America into an Iraq-model country. We haven't got there yet, but that's the trend. I grieve.

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Which is not an issue if you don't go in the first place, right?

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Thats the problem in a nutshell. You nailed it and so did Bill many times. Simple but elusive.

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Germany, Japan and Korea (China proxy) were really both threatening and capable of destroying our lives and the lives of our allies.

I am somewhat less convinced Vietnam (USSR proxy),

and not at all convinced Iraq and Afghanistan warranted such a response.

However, I do agree completely that once the decision was made to go in, we were responsible to see it through. IF Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were something we should have done in the first place, not finishing IS the biggest mistake.

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it was never about Viet Nam anyway .. always about the Chinese who supplied the North and kept them in the fight sort of like Ukraine .. and then Kissinger/Nixon went and did a Marshall plan for China to bail out our financial system and the Beltway gangsters!

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Oh boy, here we go again. You should copy and paste your response to JW for when the next history and fact challenged libertarian wants to preach isolationism you can just copy and paste this in response. It is a thing of beauty and only a fool would argue with it.

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"history and fact challenged libertarian wants to preach isolationism"

That is a very large web of inferences to draw from one logical sentence.

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Simply said, you are saying America has the right to own and control the world but for incompetent people.

Just like the WEF, and they are training their people well and inserting them strategically.

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So the bottom line is, how do we as individuals in the middle class survive this lunacy, it is a grim reality that you paint, not only for the retired but for our children and grand children!

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Do not expect the Fed to do anything logical. Truman dropped the BOMB to end a war. Biden wants to see one dropped to escalate a war. Do NOT expect logic!! Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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We can stop price increases by eliminating the products that increase due to inflation. It would be so much of a faster way to create the America the elite want. No fuel, no cars, no food, no shelter, no power, no people. The perfect world for those in control, until they lose control…

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Okay, which part of government sends the CR to the Prez? The current system automatically increases government spending. So, it’s not the Prez. Didn’t congress stab Reagan and Bush the first in the back after the agreed to cuts which only reduce the increase in spending were not implemented. Didn’t Trump call out Ryan for a sack of excrement budget and Ryan basically said FU? Let’s face it our government is nothing but corrupt parasites at all levels.

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The interest payments on the U.S.A., debt, if not now, will in about 5mins. be ONE TRILLION,

annually, hence NO WAY UP or OUT!!

Ralph Wood

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Japan 1,217

China 1

Uk 650 billions

Switzerland 300 billions

Caïman 250 billions

Those five have 3,4 or 50 % Of the debt don’t see where the Fed is hurting them by putting rates up .

US dollar up it s just a consequence of high rate not a stratégie of the Fed to hurt any one , you give to much credit to the Fed .

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Of the 31 trillions USA public debt , 22 % or 6,82 trillions are own by foreign countries , I don’t know if that’s is so bad or not ?

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In one episode of the Faulty Towers , Basil , the owner ask his employees «  don’t mention the Germans as a couple is from Germany .

Today I will advice you do not mention «  unemployment figures to BB «  please !

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The nation has a serious debt. To pay this debt without having to increase taxes, we need to create more wealth to tax. Since governments do not create wealth, it's up to the risk taking entrepreneurs to produce it. Governments -- state, local, Federal -- should enact policies that encourage these wealth-makers. More wealth, all else equal, will generate more tax revenue

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Bill nice to see you showing you age again .. yes we've been around awhile and seen most of the scams boondoggles as 'wars' on anything/everything from poverty to world peace .. and here we sit and watch while an 80 year old guy who wanted to retire and just watch his remaining days go by .. but as fate would have it he was the only guy left standing to front up to bullsh*t trumpet and say we've had enough so now lets see if their is even an ounce of sanity left in the old yank pickup left .. and guess what NOT one single idiot in the beltway or outside of it was willing to take on the task of becoming the next POTUS what ever the hell that is anyway .. all respect for the office and government at every level has been destroyed .. the last thing/career anyone wants is in politics .. it's like being in the MAFIA and now we are fighting a proxy war with the greatest mafia on earth .. thank God it's the Ukrainians because they are the only people with enough guts /determination to take on the little ras-putin and his gang of thieves so stop whining about Biden because neither you nor anyone of your/our generation has the balls to face up to these bastards who've organised blackmailed the entire planet/counties into their Dasha along with their Chinese lackeys who want to big big shits like former masters .. so let it be on poor old Biden unless you got the balls to put your hand up and fight an impossible fight .. as you said they don't listen to you/us so if the Belorussians won't listen why would anyone else ..? unless you hold a bigger gun/bomb to their heads!

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Once we left the first time we had no business going back in, period. You can give all the arguments you want about weapons of mass destruction, but that is no better than making the argument that your neighbor may have AR-15s and he may be getting ready to shoot up the local school so send in the SWAT team.

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Wishful thinking! No one stole the election but Trump tried. For a supposeldy smart man you make up whatever scenario you can to fit whatever is your agenda. Trump should have been IMPEACH and sent to jail or better yet prison. Hopefully he gets what he desires. The Traitor is not Biden; it's Trump and his buddies...you know the ones Trump exonerated.

It sounds like you have inside info about another insurrection; it isn't going to work and I hope all involved get prison time. Do you ever read any books about TRump? He is not Presidential material. Get someone more qualified. There should be someone! Good Luck!

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Sigh, can you name one thing (be specific) Trump did while in office that makes him a traitor? Think very carefully about the pitch you throw because I'm going to hit it about 500 feet.

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pimping your own daughter to the highest bidder .. that's what ever dad should do right .. lets hope you don't have any daughters!

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You're joking right?

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Hi Dave -

Wow. Ol' Alty sure has it bad, huh?

Alty - TDS is NOT your friend...

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If he's saying what I think he's saying he's a total wack job.

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you need to read books + quotes statements from trumpets own family so u can get a picture of the man u elected to destroy your country .. no reflection on you personally or what you'd do to your family ..

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

I read a ton, but wouldn't spend 2 seconds reading "settle score" material written by disgruntled ex-employees and jealous family members. So [I] can get a picture of the man [I] elected to destroy [my] country: How did Trump destroy [my] country? (I'm not sure you are in America or are an American because while spending 35 days touring multiple European countries during the summer I encountered a few ignorant Euros that wanted to tell me all about Trump and American politics and they sounded a lot like you. Where are you from?)

While you ponder whether you should answer my question truthfully, I'll return to Trump. If you call 1.5 percent inflation, $2.00 a gallon gas, energy independence, a secure border where legal immigration was orderly and fair, rising wages for all, a higher workforce participation rate, peace breaking out in the Middle East, and relative to now peace in the world at large destroying our country, PLEASE, let's put that kind of destroyer back in charge!

Contrast that with the P.O.S. currently occupying the White House. He's a corrupt politician that along with his family members took 30 million dollars from foreign governments. It's not debatable unless you are a Hunter Biden Laptop Denier--two can play that game. I suggest you read Peter Schweitzer's book "Red Handed" because he brings the goods on the Bidens that the F.B.I. and D.O.J. are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to obfuscate right now. That makes Biden a true Manchurian Candidate. Even putting that aside, his policies are spreading pain and misery at breakneck speed. This whole "transition to renewable energy" is a farce because the one question he, nor his puppeteers (nor you) want to answer is: Where does electricity come from?

So I'll keep reading things written by people that are living in reality. I'm not crazy about Trump's "style" and ego, but his in fact accomplishments expose Joe Biden for the wrecking ball he is and will continue to be. Joe Biden is the real Destroyer and if you are too consumed with hate, envy, jealousy and pride (too proud to admit you are wrong about a lot) then I feel very sorry for you. I also hope you have millions of dollars socked away because you're going to need them if November 8 doesn't go the right way.

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Traitor might be too harsh, but The House found that Trump had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U. S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. To be continued...I have company who just arrived!

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

"The House found", you mean that bunch of partisan hacks that call themselves Democrats?! . . . OK, now that I've picked myself off the floor and stopped laughing I'll have to wait for the "to be continued" part because though I don't know which "inquiry" you're referring to (how could I given the number of them the Marxists launched at the Trump Administration?). I'd start ignoring them too, because as we've seen over and over again, they are nothing more than political attacks the substance of which amounts to less than molehills. So I'll wait because what you said thus far is so weak it's like a pitch that hits the mascot bull (that's a Bull Durham reference).

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DJ: After reading your last comments, I don't think it's worth my time trying to convince you of anything that has to do with the Donald. If you don't read any factual books or articles (Wikipedia might be a start) then you will never learn all the facts. So sorry for you.

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You do realize that Wikipedia is nothing more than an open forum where anyone can post whatever they want, right? It's "moderated" by a left wing outfit that censures anything conservative (and factual) and allows all sorts of idiotic, liberal nonsense to stay posted. It is absolutely useless as a reference resource.

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Yes, the kiddies already told me that. They said you told them when you were there earlier. I hope you didn't have the mac n cheese; it was terrible.

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Don't worry, President Pelosi will fix this mess.

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Hi PG -

They stole it once, and literal MOUNTAINS of evidence resulted in next-to-zero consequences. We all know that the vast majority of the Country is NOT down with the dimocrats, their personages nor their policies at this time. Yes, the VAST majority. Yet wait and see in November how the magical votes that they need to triumph appear from THIN AIR - again. The "media" will shout "SQUIRREL" once more and our circus of judicial clowns won't let any evidence enter the Big Top this go'round either.

Or maybe not.

Plan B: What started as a sniff and is turning into a stink is how our media and "leaders" are preparing us for some type of nuclear weapon activity ON OUR SHORES.

Where? Who knows.

When? Surely before the November elections resulting in (pick one):

1. Their suspension (will be called a "temporary delay")

2. The imposition of Martial Law (resulting in #1)

3. All-out WWIII, which would SURELY lead to the suppression of minority voters (therefore, again, see #1.)

For extra credit - whom do you think will get the TOTAL blame, complete with fabricated evidence (like a terrorist's passport found on the streets of NY after 911) and a non-stop plethora of "we told you so's?"

C'mon man - this ain't hard.

It will be blamed on Vlad Man Bad, as the sheep suck it up with a straw and our way of life is sucked down the drain of WWIII. Meanwhile, the TRUE culprits in our "government", ic, dod and state department will pat themselves on the back - another "Mission Accomplished" by disgusting traitors at the behest of the even more evil entities that OWN them...

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Meh - trying to find the downside there. /s

Seriously, I know you DON'T buy this, but my belief is that we WILL be hit by some type of WMD (Nuclear, EMP, Biological) soon and it matters not who is actually responsible. It has been gamed out and the strategy implemented to blame VLAD regardless, and the populace has been sufficiently conditioned (including yourself) to believe that lie.

The USA has no reason to be Vlad's enemy and he knows it. It is our "leaders" that have a different agenda, hate for Russia and the 100-year old fear of Russia and Germany ever "buddying" up and handing us our ass economically and geopolitically.

Not interested in an argument here - we have agreed to disagree on this topic...

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