Chris Mayer, Dan Denning and Others ; Thank you all for this interesting and informative article! The worthwhile investment information I get every day, along with Bill's stories, at low cost makes Bonner Private Research an excellent investment. Keep up the good work!
yes, Focus on Good Business, even going Contrary; that's exactly what I did: XOM when it was at $ bottomed twice at this Price; also 2 Canadians: OVV & CVE; I made that Decision when.....get this ...Oil Futures was ...Negative !
I have noticed the same thing (Bill) you can always tell what the dems are doing. They are doing exactly what they are accusing the gop of doing . Never fails. And the beat goes on. Just sayin'
There are few investors that can identify great businesses and then just stick but private investors have a massive advantage because they’ve no one to answer to but themselves (and their partners which admittedly can be scary 😟) and if your time horizon is for you AND your children then you can be quite sanguine about the rollercoaster ride that the markets sometimes take you on.
absolutely - after taking a break for my daily does of BPR, I was back out planting garlic, raking leaves for mulch piles, spreading my freshly delivered mushroom compost, collecting my chicken eggs, etc. But I did get in truck and bought 2 more 40# bags of chicken feed just in case. buying electric outdoor tools /equipment to charge with my solar in case fuel and systems go down or price goes UP UP! Keep busy preparing everyday SHTF soon.
Chris Mayer, Dan Denning and Others ; Thank you all for this interesting and informative article! The worthwhile investment information I get every day, along with Bill's stories, at low cost makes Bonner Private Research an excellent investment. Keep up the good work!
yes, Focus on Good Business, even going Contrary; that's exactly what I did: XOM when it was at $ bottomed twice at this Price; also 2 Canadians: OVV & CVE; I made that Decision when.....get this ...Oil Futures was ...Negative !
I have noticed the same thing (Bill) you can always tell what the dems are doing. They are doing exactly what they are accusing the gop of doing . Never fails. And the beat goes on. Just sayin'
Don Harrell
Thanks (@Chris) for sharing. Enjoy your writing very much. Read your signed copy of World right side up more than once. Thanks for being here.
There are few investors that can identify great businesses and then just stick but private investors have a massive advantage because they’ve no one to answer to but themselves (and their partners which admittedly can be scary 😟) and if your time horizon is for you AND your children then you can be quite sanguine about the rollercoaster ride that the markets sometimes take you on.
I am still laughing at Bill's message in the audio!
When should I start crying?
Hi Rick -
I reckon most of us are here (in at least a small part) to alleviate the need for future tears...
absolutely - after taking a break for my daily does of BPR, I was back out planting garlic, raking leaves for mulch piles, spreading my freshly delivered mushroom compost, collecting my chicken eggs, etc. But I did get in truck and bought 2 more 40# bags of chicken feed just in case. buying electric outdoor tools /equipment to charge with my solar in case fuel and systems go down or price goes UP UP! Keep busy preparing everyday SHTF soon.