As always an excellent article well written and including elements that most of your affiliates are too scared to say for fear of backlash. I am so glad your not one of them and so sad that they dont have the balls to tell it like it is.

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Argentina: BOHICA is the word of the day. I wonder if they use the same voting machines that are used in Pennsylvania and Michigan?

As for Israel - Gaza, it's not about Hamas. It's about seizing more land from an already disposed people. It expands Israeli control of the coast all the way to Egypt. Offers tremendous financial opportunities for builders of resort hotels, and shipping ports. They just have to move 2.2 million people off their land.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Bill would like to take this added opportunity to once again invite all anti-semites to congregate for a heartwarming early morning exchange of revisionist history, pseudo intellectual phallic exhibitionism and the warm glow of pleasure that comes from pouring out lifelong hatred’s and personal defects like a warm stream of urine into an adult diaper.

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Dr. B, from my pretty objective viewpoint, I interpret Bill's writings as taking a disciplined and independent stance, driven only by what has gotten the country (not mine, by the way) into the desperate straits it is in, and suggesting what has caused the current, unfortunate situation. You, on the other hand, seem to start from a pretty extreme, biased position (forgive me if I have this wrong) making you blind to Bill's motivation and analysis.

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Suicide bombers and Beheadings tend to give decent folk a rather extreme, biased position...

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Sure, I agree. But that's not the objective of BPR. So attributing a political/religious leaning to Bill's writings are misplaced here - even if valid and accurate.

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I forgive you.

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Bob H : it’s always hardening to know there are people who think with their brain and not their spinal cord!

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And sometimes, it's even heartening.

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Absolutely love your posts!

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Meanwhile, lots of Gaza parents will experience a parent's worst nightmare -- burying one of their children, and lots of Israeli children will experience a child's worst nightmare -- loss of a soldier parent killed in the war. But the arms makers will make lots of money. I say a pox on the politicians on both sides who created this mess! The only politicians who actually tried to achieve peace -- Rabin and Sadat -- ended getting killed for their effort!

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Nobody wants peace. Just check out the replies above.

Politicians want war. It's good for business. Therefore it's good for the economy and reduces unemployment. Good all around. Unless you are the one wearing the uniform... or catching the bullets and bombs.

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What Phelps said = Bullshit

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Bullshit would be a promotion.

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Oh, such a great point! Israel could not survive if not for a few hotels and shipping ports in Gaza. What an insane comment!

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Don't forget about the natural gas fields there Dr. Riches a plenty! War humff what is it good for!! The Israelis will get what coming to them for extreme reaction to a terrible crime!!


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To conclude your War quote: Absolutely Nothing!

Follow the money.

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Considering the ongoing death and destruction committed against Israel by Hamas that seems like a fair exchange to me and nobody is going to miss 2.2 million vermin anyway.

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Please tell that to their faces after they are relocated to your neighborhood.

I remind you that democrats are calling for this relocation.

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Vermin is a bit strong. And the real problem here is that many people living in Gaza are not supporters of Hamas and are suffering Israel's vengeance against the Hamas terrorists. I fully support Israel but wish they could find a way to hunt down and kill every member of Hamas without killing some many others.

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Ya think? And your solution shows you don't understand the problem. Watch the documentary Altschule posted the link for a few days ago: https://iview.abc.net.au/video/NC2310H024S00. In a nutshell, a part of the Israeli population thinks that land is theirs. (As if God is a real estate agent.) They won't stop till all the Palestinians are dead or off the land.

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God is a lot more than just a real estate agent and a careful review of history will reveal the Jews claim to the land is superior to that of the "Palestinians" who actually never had a nation there.

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This is the only history that matters, Lee: Matthew 23:37; Matthew 23:38; Matthew 27:25. That last prayer was answered. The Jews currently in Israel are not fulfilling the promise God made to them in Genesis 15 and Exodus 19, therefore, they will be removed and replaced by a people that will cooperate with God, and do His will, Revelation 14:12. The current lot in Israel are either atheists or are praying for a Rambo messiah, who will never come.

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I doan no bout all 'at Alex. Imma let God sort that one out.

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Based on elections and video evidence - gonna need you to define "many", Mr. Skip...

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It is hard to tell, but for starters there are a lot of adults that appear to be non-fighters (ie: those without guns) and there are lots of kids. Even if it is only 5% of the population, no one, regardless of their political views, can get out of Gaza alive. Israel is more or less forcing everyone in Gaza to be anti-Israel.

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Hey Skip -

You nailed the existential and everlasting "Catch 22" when dealing with islamic extremism, IMO. So very sad. I see a lot of babies being thrown out with the bathwater in the current scenario, but I also don't see an option. They refuse to segregate themselves into evil and sick vs. somewhat normal and willing to live in Peace...

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Yes, Auschwitz was peaceful place while it last

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It is most decidedly apropos.

There were many Germans killed in WWII who were not Nazis. There were many Italians killed who were not Fascists. There are no civilians or innocents in war. There are only the living and the dead. That's what the doctrine of Total War is all about.

In this case the Israelis have lived under daily rocket attacks from both Hamas and Hezbollah. I don't suppose I need to go into the history of the death wreaked on Israelis by these two groups over the years.

We hear constantly about these "innocent" Palestinians. Silence on their part is essentially approval of what Hamas is doing and if you asks those "innocents" in private they will tell you it is Allah's will the Israelis be destroyed and they are fine with it. And yes, they elected Hamas to govern them. In the be careful what you wish for department, now they are going to get what they wished for.

Even after the Israelis have exterminated Hamas (and a good portion of the "innocents") there will not be peace because Hezbollah is poised to take on the winner of the Israel/Hamas contest and Iran still exists.

So no, there will still be no sympathy forthcoming from this county for the vermin. If you fool around long enough you will most certainly find out. Now it's find out time.

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yep and they are doing a great job of it .. but then they are experts at extracting moral blackmail for the 6 million souls on whose graves they continually weep to extract sympathy and allowing them to treat others exactly as they have been treated .. it's only fair ..eh?

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One must consider that if printing money has been so notionally successful for the ruling elite, printing the required number of votes to remain in power should be a breeze!

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Cannot, yet, decide my absolute favourite quote from You Today.....

1. Ref “Jav-Mi”

“He is advised by his dead dog.  We see nothing disqualifying about that. Much better a dead dog than a live economist. The advice will be better. “

2. “If you go seeking Vengeance, bring two coffins”

Just Perfect.

Thanks Lads. 👌

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I'ma go with the "Dead Dog." Brilliant...

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I like the "two coffins"

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The Argentines are thinking of attaching economy to the U.S. Dollar. A sunken ship attaching to a sinking ship. What a wonderful idea. I guess there are degrees of being messed up. Choose a currency that is being attacked and sunk to use as your national currency. Fabulous.

In Argentina the U.S. dollar is probably seen as a beacon of light. Well, folks, do you see it that way?

At some point, soon, debt will swamp our economy and our currency. Then we all drown together.

I am going to assume that Argentines are hopeful of resurrection. But it aint gonna happen without a very big change of attitude and direction. Socialism/communism just does not work. Everyone may wish it worked and keep spending more and more on trying to make it work. But it does not work.

Granted, capitalism has a lot of flaws as well. Prosperity to crash to prosperity etc. ad nauseum.

At least one has a hope of personal success. With socialism there is only promises and bankruptcy.

Argentina has so much potential. And so little will to control their budget. Yeah, I know. So do we. But we just print up trillions. They can't do that. So, we muddle along and they crash over and over.

The whole damned thing is probably going to crash for all of us. The world is on the bring of fiscal insolvency. Then what? Hell, I don't know.

What I do know is that the clowns running the show need to be replaced with new clowns.

Clowns that have a sense of proper finance and economy. Just dreamin'

Since that is not going to happen, I am doing what I can to keep as much of my money out of the hands of the clowns. I suppose the Argentines do the same as best they can. A lot of them will suffer badly as their economy implodes....again.


I am not a Reagan Republican, but he did say that the way to keep the government small was to starve it of money.

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Argentina could make a great start by demanding one citizen/one vote, thumb dyed purple and hand-counted ballots next month. The world might be just AMAZED at the results.

If we did the same here, DjT would likely garner near 80% of the vote next year...

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you had your chance .. unless you were one of the few with some vision and courage who voted for Dr Ron Paul .. the solution was and Is simple just read Ayn Rand and follow the simple advice she gave that even her best pupil Milton Friedman ignored in the end when he had the chance to save America from the greedy assholes who control the economy and everything that matters $$$ I'm sure you know who they are right ?

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Not a fan of the Israel v Hamas scoreboard.

After all, the Gaza death count comes from Hamas, & whilst the scenes in Gaza are horrific, there is a fundamental difference between a kid being killed by an indirect explosion & one that is slaughtered in their bedroom with the deliberate fire of an M16 round. The Hamas bodycam footage is available on youtube.

I have zero trust in the MSM, & the usual suspects (BBC etc) are showing round the clock footage of the wreckage in Gaza, so I have to ask what they're up to this time? It's like the 2 sides are (left/right) are being played against eachother.

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Its just wholesale killing thats all. And the lame, the ignorant, and delusional will continue to fuel it unfortunately. On the bright side certain stocks are sure to rip.

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Yeah, hold your nose & buy the Military Industrial Complex stocks.

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Not a fan of Hamas or Hezbollah.

The Gaza and West Bank live feeds are available constantly on Instagram. Including feeds by Americans trapped and not allowed to leave Gaza by the IDF. Except that the IDF is intentionally targeting media cameramen and reporters. Or their families. To stop the truth from coming out.

But then, I'm biased. Having been in a number of conflicts, and seeing the difference between on the ground reality and what the media spews (on both sides) I go with the people on the ground.

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The MSM is up to the usual: If it bleeds, it leads. Nothing new there.

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The purpose of the MSM is to manipulate public perception.

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There is no sympathy for Hamas or the Palestinians forthcoming from this county. They have made their bed, now they shall lie in it.

As to the Argentinians I suspect they will complete another chapter in their ongoing tome proving beyond a reasonable doubt insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results which brings us to the good ole USA. We're screwed no matter what.

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Israelites (at God’s command), [Muslim conquering terrorists], crusaders (initially intending to recover conquered or destroyed Christian lands but led astray by non-Christian greed and leaders), [Irish terrorists], English, [Palestinian Muslim terrorist-murders], Israelis trying to bring justice to the terrorists, who make use of other Palestinian self-martyrs or unwilling Palestinian human shields.

Why were the Muslim terrorists left out of Bill’s list? There can be no negotiation or compromise with evil (people), who carry with themselves innocent collateral damage, which is on their heads, not the defenders of justice heads. Murder carries a death sentence, by God’s Law. The defender does not carry the culpability of the aggressor.

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are you sure ? who won the 6 day war by destroying everything in sight then annexing Gaza?

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I don’t understand your question or point. Israel didn’t start the Six-Day War.

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Bill, I will defend your right to write on any topic, even when I totally disagree. But I do wish you would give Israel a break...and give your readers a break from this "crusade" of yours.

A few things from today. The 6,000 death count from Gaza "Health officials"...this number brought to you by the same terrorists that claimed that 500 were killed by the IDF bombing the Gaza hospital. Which was quickly proven, by multiple sources (including Al Jazeera and Palestinian terrorists), to actually be a rocket launched by Palestinians. Oh, and it was the parking lot, not the hospital that was hit. Is that 500 in the 6,000 number? These numbers from terrorists are pure propaganda, feeding the moral equivalence narrative. Bill, surely you are aware of this?

Your recounting of history again is quite selective. You hold God, Israel, and Christians accountable. But never Muslims or Allah? Dig a little here, and you'll find much more to write about in regards to conquest and tolerance for other cultures.

You can have a balanced perspective the history of the Jewish people and still not believe the US should be involved in financing or participating in foreign wars. If you can't, then take a breather on Israel, please.

I enjoyed the updates on Argentina, thank you.

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Excellent comment. When Bill started in on the Israel-Hamas matter, I thought the way he was going was to eventually urge restraint when pursuing justice, such as proposing at least a law enforcement strategy rather than massive military engagement. But he appears to me at least to have gone totally pacifist (or something else???). Terrorism in this instance involves assault, torture, and mass murder, which are serious crimes. So at the very least, I thought he would support the IDF pursuing these (very) bad guys in a law-enforcement kind of way, like the FBI and Maine state police are pursuing the disturbed U.S. Army reservist (let out of a mental lockup of all things) after he allegedly murdered 18 people and injured 13. I’m certain Bill does not support letting criminals off the hook here in the U.S. or anywhere in the world. I’m still unsure of his position, so I hope he will be more specific if he addresses this matter again in future essays.

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sure being EXACT about the number of DEAD bodies really matters right?

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Maybe, maybe not. But inflating a number or picking one out of your a** to try and justify evil and garner more hatred is surely not the answer, right??

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now how would do such a thing .. have you ever known anyone to exaggerate in war or peace?

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Thank you for bringing some sanity to the discussion. Politically, Bill is as close to an idiot as there is. When he sticks to financial topics, he's pretty good.

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me think you're showing some political bias ?

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I wouldn't say "idiot" - not by a long shot. He IS however, colored a deep-blue shade of sh*tlib "elite"...

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and you of course have NO color at all right ..

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Of course, I have the TRIFECTA - Red, White and Blue. Granted, leaning more to the Red and White, but that's only because the current blue has decided they want to be pure, unadulterated domestic enemies. I also swore an oath to fight them - to the death if necessary.

Sorry/Not Sorry Mr. Altschule...

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don't forget to bring your coffins ..

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Sadly, the way this is likely to go, there won't be enough desert to bury the bodies - from all sides...

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is that retribution for the last time they kicked the ass of the rebels ..?

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There's an oft-heard saying here in recent America:

"I haven't seen the dimocrats this mad since we took away their slaves."

Facts are a sticky, stubborn thing...

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Mr. Bonner is holding God accountable? I wish him the best of luck with that one. Although, God IS on trial, and we, and all intelligent beings, are judging Him. Romans 3:4; Revelation 14:6. Spoiler alert: God will be found innocent of all the accusations against Him, His government, which is agape, will be acknowledged as superior, and the wicked will pronounce themselves guilty, after which they will, in mercy, be destroyed forever.

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RE: The death count. Maybe you're right. The papal church murdered 50,000,000 Christians who believed the Bible, rather than papal doctrine. However, they claim it was only 5,000,000. I guess that's better(????)

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Bill writes: "What will come from the destruction of the Gaza ghetto? Just to take a wild guess, it will lead to more violence. . .(from Hamas, presumably). . ."

My question: If Israeli violence against Hamas will lead to more violence against Israelis, do you propose to say that less Israeli violence against Hama will lead to less violence from Hamas against Israel? That's what I'm reading into your statement. Alas, we will likely never find out.

Joel: Please ask Prof Hanke how much the Argentine Central Bank would have to devalue the Peso in order to afford a dollar replacement. I think this is a very important consideration.

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I would say give'm hell , Bill. BUT, Israelis have already given themselves hell along with the PalestinianI oh BTW half the Palestinians are under 17 right? The Israeli soldiers will have difficulty feeling good about doing the same damn thing the Hamas did. I an old man with lotsa friends who are Vietnam Vets. They still have nightmares and realizes the sins they have committed even though most can and are forgiven! How much killing will be enough 10-1 or maybe a 100 bagger or perhaps if we are really successful 1000 bagger! Spread the misery and sorrow and be proud of it!

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And for the record. We are in WW3. If you can’t believe that then please define what a world war would look like to you. For those cheering on either side, I’d agree with Bill. Order a couple more coffins. Very sad

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"You get nothin' from nothin',

tell me who can you trust?

We got what you want,

and you've got the lust.

If you want blood, you got it..."

- AC/DC, If You Want Blood, 1979

Great song, great band...


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Bon Scott missed the 27 Club by 6 years.

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Hi Alex -

Yup. But "at least" there were no "fishy circumstances" surrounding his death. What a personality - WHAT a rock-n-roll voice...

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YUP! Coincidentally, I watched the Tom Sawyer vid with them in the living room and all the snow outside earlier tonight. I haven't been to a concert in a few months (last one was Skynyrd and ZZ Top, Sharp Dressed, Simple Man Tour last August), so I spent a couple of hours tonight pissing off my neighbors at full blast for a couple of hours.

I've always been fascinated with the GREAT music that has come from rock trios. Consider:

RUSH, The Police, Jimmy Hendrix Experience, Nirvana, Grand Funk Railroad, GreenDay, ZZ Top, Primus, Cream - and the list goes on...

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I got it, and HOLY CANNOLI!! Why is this information not Top Shelf on every Fin newsletter?? That is a BOMB right there. And THIS:

"2023 Final Critical Materials List. Silver and Gold are Not on this LIST. "

Crazy. Total INSANITY - and watertight evidence that yes, we ARE in a managed destruction.

That was nuts and I'm saving it. Thank you Mark...

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deletedOct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023
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Got it brother. Sending you a text --

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RE: Argentinian election, perhaps Massa took lessons from the DNC.

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Why is it that we ordinary folks ( who are supposed to inherit the earth ) are historically manipulated and crushed by our oh so few abnormal kin? It is obvious that by our sheer numbers we ordinaries could crush the abnormals. Yet we lay back day after day, year after year, century after century, millennia after millennia and await our abnormal demise. Fascinating!

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I can’t take any more of Bill’s “Gaza Freedom Fighters” and “Gaza Ghetto” musings.

So, Argentina gets what they deserve for not voting for Bill’s guy but Israel must turn the other cheek for the murder, rape, torture and hostage taking of it’s people and just accept that it will happen again when the “Freedom Fighters” feel they can get away with it. Not happening in the real world.

I did enjoy the daily reading of everyone involved in this publication but I’m canceling my subscription

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sure tell that to the thousands of palestinien teenagers who've been shot for throwing rocks at the prison keepers .. go there and live in Gaza for 6 month if you had the guts before you shoot your mouth off !

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1) Israel left Gaza completely in 2005

2) “Thousands” of rock throwing teenagers weren’t shot.

3) Ask Goliath what kind of damage you can do with a rock. It’s a deadly weapon

4) Read the story of The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf. Do you really think anyone gives a flying Walenda about the standard issue lies pedaled now for 75 years?

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He's got it BAD, Doc...

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I’m with you Mark. Dan and Toms good research work will be a loss, but not worth putting up with Bills tangential disturbed creepy self indulgence.

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I really don’t think Bill is taking sides. He emphasizes over and over again that it’s a perspective thing. Some people see Hamas as freedom fighters, and some see them as terrorists.

I think the one consistent point he makes is that all of war is bad inherently, and does not lead to anything good.

Except profit for those who start the war, but do not fight in them...

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Bill's viewpoint is overly simplistic. Yes, war is bad, unless you are defending yourself from countries that want to either annihilate you or take all your resources away and rule over you. While some of what Bill says is true, but he completely ignores the obvious need for self-defense. Here's an article that I've posted elsewhere that will help you understand the "Roots of War". https://aynrand.org/the-roots-of-war/

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sure Bill is simplistic and your not .. really?

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My use of the word "simplistic" was not correct. Many fundamental and true concepts are simple statements. Sometimes it's the application of simple concepts to reality that is complex. But, of course, that's not what you are contesting. You accept the concept of "simplistic" and say I am also. I find it curious that you focus on that one word, as incorrect as my use of it was, and ignore the rest of my comment including the link to an article presenting a more comprehensive explanation of war than what Bill gives us. I have read Bill's book, "Un-Civilizing America (How win-win deals make us better)". It is much more measured and reasonable than his daily columns, although he goes on an unhinged anti-Trump rant for a few pages in the last chapter. But I digress. My problem with Bill's comments on war is that he doesn't discern any difference between the two sides of a conflict - between the aggressor and defender. Most of the examples he gives about the history of war are between two sides neither of which recognize individual rights. The "citizens" of these countries are often times just cannon-fodder for the ambitions of the leaders. And, of course, he hates war because they are win-lose propositions, and he would rather see us partake in win-win propositions. I can't quibble with that. He almost gets to the point where he makes a moral distinction between the two, but not quite. So, he recounts numerous wars across the globe going back to ancient times without making any moral analysis of those wars, and then using these examples as a sort of proof that all wars are bad. So, my use of the word "simplistic" came from the fact that Bill doesn't do any deep analysis of any of the wars he mentions. He thinks that mentioning this war and that war, and mistakes made by the USA concerning this war or that war, automatically means that all wars should not be fought, no matter what the circumstances. This is what I object to.

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great now I understand your meaning of simplistic and what you object to .. all wars are simplistic and stupid to a incomprehensible degree .. humans are the only species that plans and enjoys their own demise through revenge hate envy etc .. when you get to Bill's age or god forbid mine then you can look back much further and see the similarity in all of human history .. the fact that you defend Trump against Bill's gentle but factual criticism says more about you than the comment above .. but I respect your right to express your views as I'm sure you respect others to express theirs ..

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Another excellent article John.

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I used to be a really big Ayn Rand fan… However, I have softened my heart after finding the Lord. And I do understand the realities of life. My preference would be to stop all wars.

Or if we have to have a war, let the presidents and the Congress and Prime Minister’s, chancellors and all their ilk, duke it out with M16s and leave us regular folks alone. Putin would make short work of our senile poor excuse for a president.

I know, also not realistic in today’s world. But one can hope.

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Mr. Bonner knows history. When the jews did the same thing to establish "their" homeland, they were "freedom fighters."

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Its always been about centralized power and control.

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Nobody forces anybody to read anything (yet). Or to be open to possibilities , nuanced or not.

And Bill's not the only writer here.

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Dr. B - I hope you don't go. Bill's rantings are only an irritant. He's obviously a cranky old man. But his rantings are not the real substance of what BPR is all about. Plus, you make a good counterpoint to his idiotic political/war opinions. I stay, not for Bill (although I agree with most of his financial only columns), but for Dan and Tom's research.

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I second John's comments. I suspect I would very rarely agree with the two of you on Cultural or Political issues, but don't want to see either of you leave. The more ingredients in this sauce, the better...

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They should go. Just go.

-Israeli settlers to Ed Bradley when he asked them about the Palestinians

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Thanks John. I would miss some of the other contributors but I do have misgivings about sending cash to an anti-Semite. For now, I’ll content myself to just cancel my membership to the Bonner Wine Partnership. Too bad really, since that high altitude Malbec does make a nice steak pairing. I’ve also pledged to make a fresh contribution of $360. to the IDF for each of Bills antisemitic missives. That’s starting to get expensive… but worth it. For anyone who would also like to contribute, please check out FIDF.org

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At the pace that Bill is writing his anti-Israel columns, your contributions could run into the millions! Glad to see that you're staying on.

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You make a good point. I’ll cap it at 50k just in case.

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Yep, go read something that accords perfectly with your own views. Avoid any counter-points, and be blissfully happy surrounded by the media equivalent of yes-men.

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Mr. John. He’s just looking for an Echo chamber.

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Aren't you describing the MSM?

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Bill is an occasional idiot and not worth the time and effort for his absurd posts. When he writes about financial stuff, he's usually pretty good. I've decided to take the good stuff from Dan and Tom and ignore Bill's dysfunctional political posts.

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