Bill well said and nothing has changed since Pericles .. but its 2023 and we live in a world were more than half are addicted to materialism or greed for it ,, the other half live in hope and fear of not having another meal or surviving the night and hoping for a better light tomorrow .. so what's not to like ? what really changed ? well the main thing that's changed is the volume of humans now waling about which I guess in Argentina were you live doesn't mean very much until you leave your bolthole and wander back into humanity .. for better or for worse you write your thoughts each day and hope that your words will have give some hope meaning or significance to someone. Alternatively perhaps it's just to stir people up and get them thinking (if their not starving/dying) and some few of those subscribe to your daily missives all in the hope of hearing/ and learning something they did not see from their own perspective .. often that is exactly what you offer a different angle on cyclic behaviour of these fellow humans most of whom that have all they need but still wish to understand or make sense of world events .. Today you've done that very well!

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All good, you sound like me. I do mean that it's a compliment..Need a chill pill. Me too.

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Like most killing animals, we have multiple capabilities and capacities to be killer and or be killed.

Do we observers and commentators about human horror, removed from the fray and proximity to bloody death, outrage, suffering and pain, ever really have any rights to argue, pontificate, preach and even believe, we really understand mankind’s, historic abilities to terrorize, maim, massacre and die in the name or causes, of rights, religion, anger, hatred and mental beliefs?

The human amazing body, a mechanical and computer of awesome capabilities, one day will die, this the one truth we come to know. May we be blessed, that we are preferably granted the capacity to use features, especially our brains, to good purpose.

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Another typical column from Bill. Some good points interspersed with thoughts bordering on insanity. He does this often. When referring to the "Arab vs. Jews" conflict, he writes: "Who's right? Who's wrong? Who cares!" Maybe if Bill or his family were on the receiving end (of war or criminal activity), he would care. I'm not saying he doesn't make some good points; it is how flippant he is at times, and the fact that he never offers any solutions except to suggest that war is bad. Well, of course, it is. But is someone doesn't respect your right to your own life and wants to chop your head off, do you just stand there and say okay? His statement that "war and government go together" is an over-generalization. If there were no formal governments, do you think there would be no war (or, for that matter, criminal activity, which is war on a personal level)? The problem is not government, or "leaders" per se, it is what the role of government should be or what the leaders' values are. A government based on individual rights, populated with a citizenry and leaders who value individual rights, will focus on being productive rather than destructive. Too many governments do not value the individual, but instead are focused on the "common good". This means that the common good comes first and the individual can and should be sacrificed for it. This idea of the common good is what leads to war. If you don't respect individual rights, anything goes.

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Generally, the 'common good' is a kindly thought, yet the common good is usually for the wealthy. Does that include Bill Bonner?

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"If there were no formal governments, do you think there would be no war (or, for that matter, criminal activity, which is war on a personal level)?"

I think that may be his point(???). War is criminal activity that is more organized and efficient than on a personal level. You may consider that better or worse, but I think it's pretty much the same.

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"We could begin by noting that if leaders could prevent public policy disasters, they would never happen. Nobody wanted the Great Depression or the 16 million deaths in WWI. They happened anyway. Our hypothesis is that leaders (or more broadly, elites) don’t stop major disasters; they cause them. "

Who could say it better!! So does human history and the frailty and weakness of man preclude an escape from his past?

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Thank you Mr. Bonner, you are on the money! AAA+! You make CNN and FOX news look like a bunch of ignorant puppeteer clowns.

Breaking News: Congo just launched an unprecedented attack on Ituri Province.

The U.S. of A (World Police) is mobilizing Chinooks in the area and sending 1 billion in “aid” to Africa. 😂

Breaking News: The Boko Haram just launched an unprecedented attack in Nigeria. The U. S. Of A (World Police) is mobilizing 100 M1A2 Abrams in the region and sending 1 billion in “aid” to Nigeria.

Breaking News: Yemen just launched an unprecedented attack against the Hadi Government. The U. S. Of A (World Police) is mobilizing 4 Battleships to the Red Sea including The Red Liner Destroyer and sending 1 billion in “aid” to Hadi.

Breaking News: China just launched an unprecedented attack against the Taiwan. The U. S. Of A (World Police) is mobilizing Battleships and Jet fighters to the Taiwanese Straight and sending 1 billion in “aid” to Taiwan.

Breaking News: Russia pulverizes Ukraine with spear head nukes. The U. S. Of A (World Police) is putting boots on the ground in Russia and sending 1 billion in “aid” to Ukraine.

The US, “We are closely monitoring all situations across the globe, and in outer space to ensure Democracy prevails.”

The Liberal Dunce Hat Cone Heads are destroying America one day at a time. Their smoke and mirror media distractions are appalling and disgusting. Dense Joe is one click away from destroying the planet.

Hahaha, can you hear me laughing?

Save the world and vote for Donald Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!!! Oh yeah boy! He is the only solution to the problem. The American God! Wooooo!!!!

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Who cares? In the case of Israel; we should, alas USA steams toward Israel while we set the scene that created the war today. USA forced Israel to give up the Gaza a ridiculous move to secure peace. As if replaying Chamberlains folly would secure peace in our time. On top of that insanity, America just released 6 billion to Iran.

Sadly this is our last go around, we have just started WW3, Russia and China will back Iran.

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lets hope you're wrong ..

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Hope springs eternal, but the end of the America empire is very close.

When all major universities and the majority of their student body supports a terrorist group while giving Muslims a pass for murder, rape and infanticide the population is too far gone to turn things around.

Peace in the Middle East could happen in a year, simply stop buying oil and stop selling war materials to the Arabs. In a year they'd be back to camels and swords.

One of my business customers is a former fighter pilot and now a Lear jet pilot. He informed every flight of a F-16 or equivalent jet must be followed up with hours up to 6 hours of maintenance. These tune ups can cost $50,000 in parts. The military hardware we've sold to all players in the Middle East would be in the scrap pile in a month without support. There's gold in them thar military support hills. The reason USA wants to arm the entire planet if it could.

Maybe some day Miss American when asked; World peace? Stop supporting the Congressional Military Industrial Complex.

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Two wars depleting munitions, bombs, rockets, bullets, etc, etc. China has yet to fire a shot, but when they do, is there a bullet left to fire back??

Jim Cosby

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Bill seldom do I feel the urge to write again especially in your defense if only for freedom of speech but the trauma that has been festering for decades in the supposed birthplace of our major religions is only the Beginning .. there are many many more tragedies about to befall human kind that will make this slaughter look minuscule when compared to what is about to be unleashed ..

especially by those who PROFESS to be God chosen or anointed ones both from the same prophet yet neither acknowledging the the Cosmic Christ who's forgiveness they can not accept ..

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I get it Bill, it's just our nature, and that will never change. These injustices will contiue as long as man is on earth.

We really should be talking about the open invitation/invasion of 8 million these past few years, bringing many thousands of deaths to our citizens through drugs and crime.

No, our media will not show the extent of the damage brought to our doorstep, but we see it in all our now, third world cities.

We are a nation and a world in decline, but the secret to life is finding that special place that will not be effected by the corrupt and evil of our world...it's out there:)

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Sometimes and for some people, it's only in the head my brother...

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Bill reminds us that the US has strayed far from the path our forefathers chartered

At least we now have a Department of Defense; not War

But, mindful of our species' proclivity to kill others -- a heinous disposition documented throughout recorded history up to and including tonight's evening news -- labels alone won't change this curse of our human nature.

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Women should run every country. Watch war die down.

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it'll take another few centuries but we'll get there .. not it'll make any différence .. gender seems to provide no significant advantages but perhaps different hormones will reduce the volume of noise greed corruption and violence ?

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What a shame that Mr. Bonner is so pathetic, not to address the murder of the children and women and civilian, Israelis, and many other people that were there peacefully. It’s quite obvious to me that you support the Palestinian terrorists and Hamas. Shame on you with your theoretical bullshit. I will be canceling my subscription with you. Goodbye.

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Typical zionist response. And your assertion that Israel is peaceful is beyond laughable. The nation was formed in war, and has been at war ever since. Perhaps one day there will be an "Israel" that allows God to protect them, as He has promised to do, and has done.

P.S. You forgot to call him a Nazi and anti-semite.

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You are pathetic!! All you Hamas lovers just want to kill jewish people!! Fuck you scumbag

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I do NOT want to kill Jewish people. But they have been oppressing the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank since 1948. Both sides need a homeland but so far only the Jewish people have one.

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You should go live with Hamas!! Oh you probrably already do creep!!

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Nazi pig!!!

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Thank you. I appreciate your honest responses.

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Bill Bonner is a Nazi and antisemetic!!! What do you say about that bill?

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yes usual response from the guilty is to accuse others of your own crime .. TRUMPET

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Dude, really?

Why don't you kick the bad orange man from his rent-free spot in your head, Alt?

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sadly your response is exactly the reaction of and ignorant soul that cannot see beyond it's own interest beliefs and opinions .. after 75 years of ever increasing pressure on a people that have as much right to live and be were my ancestors also think they have, you can only see the side of Israel .. AND that is EXACTLY why this conundrum will continue as Bill has so eloquently pointed out .. shame on you for your hatred of your fellow human beings !

kol-tuv chaq sameach

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Shame on you for not condemning scumbags that murdered innocent children , woman and a thousand innocent people!! Shame on you for being a pathetic human being!!!

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the "shame" is all yours .. learn to forgive now and be kind or the same will come again ..

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And fuck bill bonner!

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Please, don't unsubscribe. If you do, all your deep and thoughtful comments will be deleted.

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You are a pathetic sole supporting the slaughter of men, woman and children all of them innocent!! You are a Nazi and will burn in hell!!!

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and may you name be wiped from the book of life and all those who think like you you have become like the Nazi's you accuse others of being ..

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Perhaps this would be a good place for this quote:

Had ten minutes conversation with Henry Morgenthau about Jewish ship in Palestine. Told him I would talk to Gen[eral] Marshall about it. He'd no business, whatever to call me. The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgement on world affairs. Henry brought a thousand Jews to New York on a supposedly temporary basis and they stayed. When the country went backward — and Republican in the election of 1946, this incident loomed large on the DP [Displaced Person] program. The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as DP as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist; he goes haywire. I've found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes. Look at the Congress[ional] attitude on DP — and they all come from DPs.

-Harry S. Truman

Now, I didn't say the above, President Truman did. His words above are a deep insight that all people are inherently selfish. "There is no one good, not one." Once we recognize that, which is only possible through God's spirit, we can change our attitude and behavior. The road to heaven may be narrow, but it's certainly not impossible.

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like the US and a lost opportunity of Dr Ron Paul, the Diaspora of Israeli's who had migrated to their supposed homeland knew and know today that this is a story/fable and the their only modern escape from an "eye for an eye" like the other half of Abraham's lineage was Yitzhak Rabin, but like in the US orthodox radicals thought otherwise and decided to assassinate him and now they have BIBI the biggest cruelest warmonger ever even upon his own people yet now he will become the saviour of Israel from those kite flying cardboard monsters with hardly a rifle or ammo between them to inflict such agony on the INNOCENT people of Israel who bear NO fault except that they live under BIBI's tyranny especially against the PLO LEB Joranian Egyptian etc etc just speak one word of contradiction to the absolute perfection of Hasidic rule ie God's will, and watch what happens! Imagine that coming from an escaped Rumanian Gypsy Jew .. Lacheim Shalom.

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They were doomed from the start. Jesus gives a brief synopsis in Matthew 23:37. They murdered the only one who could save them (we would all have done the same, if we were there - and we were, spiritually). Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D., just as their Messiah prophecied. The counterfeit State of Israel was built on their own efforts, not God's promises, so it must be replaced by something better, in God's appointed time. Perhaps some Jews will repent, and choose to become part of God's everlasting kingdom.

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ba-bye ... don't let the door slam you in the *ss on way out !!!

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You too you fool!!

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Is 'sole', how zionists spell soul now?? Newspeak ??

bbb-bye !!!

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Good riddance

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Did anyone else read about Japan dumping $900 billion of US bonds?


The Treasury (with FED's permission) will just print up more of those pieces of paper also. There is almost an endless supply of paper, and digits in the ether are limitless.

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Can we have an update on the Doom 2.0 results monthly?

Thank you for your excellent reporting.

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Unfortunately, we were wrong about RFK Jr. being against the warfare state. He has pledged complete military and financial support for Israel after these attacks (see below). The Libertarian Party candidates are the only worthwhile ones left.


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hopefully he does not 'FOOL' the many fools who'll believe that he is somehow connected to his uncles (spiritually) .. he has drifted very far away from any reality I want to be part of ..

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Moral abdication masquerading as sophistication today. Should God forbid, the islamofascist terrorists kidnap, rape or murder somebody you care about, your perspective might evolve. Compassion is a thing Mr. Bonner.

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Yes...another war! "Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who cares!" That last phrase should have been a ? question mark following? I care! Right vs. wrong! Sometimes the right and the wrong are exceedingly plain.... (no debate needed) ... images from Israel speak! Real or photoshopped? Vivid descriptions of right and wrong? It seems to me that evil stands out! War begins by someone's choosing...right or wrong. Surprise infiltration and killing, hostage-taking...right or wrong? Fair warning: Minute instructions and directions for civilian safety; right or wrong? Don't you think that even murky things can become black and white?

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75 years of an ever shrinking out door prison and millions dead and suffering and you still don't get it .. you think only Jews ever suffered .. what about every other conquered people since eternity ! maybe your God will come and save you but don't hold your breath of life!

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You are pathetic, you don’t have even to take side to see what did happens was horrific , I am not like a soccer fan taking side , just look at what happens to babies , children’s woman . You are insulting humanity by saying “ you think only Jew suffered .

And then you mention God ... have you any who God is ... and his attributes and his grace and His Son ... born as a Jew and died for sinners like you and me .

Today we should be horrified by what happened to those young people and horrified to what is coming .

And asking God to forgive us . Because really we do not know what we are doing .

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By being horrified, how I am hating anyone if not that in the deepest of myself I cry with those family who are morning and waiting for the love ones , over 700 peoples killed by terrorists , where did you red my hate on my writings . I was horrified to the 9/11 as much as today . Definitely this subscription is not for me , does not represent my values .

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Agree with 95% of your post Juan, we do need you! We know you're a good man and consider all your brothers here, not that we always agree with each other, but isn't that part of life?

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Don't give in Juan! We need you...

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some of us are HORRIFIED EVERY DAY ALL DAY because of people like you who can only return HATE for HATE as if they are innocent until some else takes the stone and throws it as YOU !

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I think Altschule was saying that when the Palestinians were suffering, no one really took notice or cared. When the Israeli's are suffering, it's on the news 24/7.

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The oppressed (Jews in WW2) have become the oppressor (Gaza and West Bank).

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Ah, you might want to brush up on history and facts. Gaza and the West Bank are western constructs that were never identified that way throughout history. What is now Israel was home to Jews 3,500 years ago and there is no such thing as a "Palestinian". That too is a made up term. Those people are primarily Jordanian Arabs that are grifters. They pay families an ongoing reward when they kill innocent Jews. Where do you think the reward money comes from?

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My comment is 100% true. Israel has been oppressing the inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank since 1948 when the country of Israel was recognized after WW 2. Many people and countries wanted to establish two countries at the same time in Palestine--a homeland for the Jews and a homeland for the Arab-Muslims. Too bad it wasn't accomplished back then.

Here is some more history and facts for you.

The land was first called Canaan. Then it was called Palestine and occupied by many nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers, the largest being Philistia from which the name Palestine arose. After the Jews returned from Egypt they conquered the people of Canaan and the land was divided among the 12 Hebrew tribes. Eventually there were two tribes--Israel in the north and Judah in the south. At the time of Jesus only Judah remained. When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D., the Jews were killed, enslaved, or moved to other countries, notably Egypt and Iraq. Later many went to Yemen, Morocco, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland and Russia. After the Holocaust the Jews insisted on a country of their own and much of the rest of the world agreed. Israel was established by the U.N. in 1948.

In fact, right up to the formation of the state of Israel, the territory was still called Palestine. And a two-state solution is still sought today--Israel and PALESTINE. I suggest that you don't want to debate me on religion or the Bible.

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I have one serious question: if the Palestinians are Arab-Muslim (and I suspect of the Shia sect?), and they feel like they are oppressed, why won't any other Shia Arab-Muslim country take them in? Why do they acquiesce to being penned in on all sides by their "enemy?" Is it to maintain proximity and striking distance? I really would like answers..

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Israel won't allow anyone in Gaza to leave, including by sea. It is an open air prison. The Palestinians are mostly Sunni Muslims.

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Utter nonsense. You can preach revisionist history all you want, but there is no such thing as a palestinian (non-capitalization intended because it would legitimize the illegitimate). Now go peddle your pablum to the uneducated elsewhere.

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you obviously have a biased perspective why ? why can you only see one side of the current problem ? never mind your biased 3,500 year claim to ownership, otherwise we'll all be going back to Able & Cain and then Esau etc and none of them were fair unto the master of the universe .. or lets just let All of the NATIVE peoples around the ENTIRE planet have their Lands back and reverse the broken human history .. will that make it right today ? in whose eyes?

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You can stay uneducated if you wish. Too bad. You really should read up on the topic of Palestine.

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Do you watch the news or read a newspaper? If you did you would see or hear the word "Palestinian" over and over.

My cousin Cindy and husband Igal have lived in Israel for 40 years. About 10 years ago they left kibbutz Kfar Aza (in the news a lot for all the slaughter there) and moved across the road to their own house. Their house is the last one before the Gaza Strip. We just found out that last Saturday Hamas took over their house and murdered my cousin and her husband in their "safe room." Their three children and grandchildren are safe in northern Israel and San Francisco.

Do you think this also is nonsense or drivel like everything else I post?

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Mr Bonner , if you can not discern in this precise case or event who is wrong ... than you judgement has been hacked .

Just to remind you the facts in this “very precise case “ 1000 men cross the border killed babies , children , woman young and elderly and men.

Try again who is wrong to treat any conflict this ways .

Obviously none of your family or friend have been hurt ... heureusement.

Today you were like a good wine but tasting cork .

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That is indeed a horrific tragedy. And what if the Mosad were in on it? This is the point, I believe, that Bill Bonner is trying to make. There is very likely an agenda here that goes well beyond the age old Arab vs.Jew. Bill would probably be the first to admit that neither he nor you nor I know for a fact that the Mosad, or rather the Israeli Deep State, were in fact in on it. That only reinforces the point at this juncture. We can no longer parse the fly sh!t from the pepper. What we do know is that the Israeli military were ‘caught by surprise’, off guard as it were, with security forces having been redeployed to the West Bank to deal with security threats there. Perhaps, perhaps not. This in a state that has the most sophisticated early warning system on the planet, with the best technology and the ablest spies, able to detect brewing mischief long before it can coalesce. If a cat is walking on one of their security fences, they know it. This in no way reduces the tragedy of the murders of the innocent. If true it only amplifies it. What it does mean is that we can’t be too quick to call the situation black and white.

The world is starting to rhyme like a perfect couplet.

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There’s a conspiracy around every event these days. Conspiracy like religion is based on faith. It cannot be proved or disproved. The conspiracy permeates the dialog making reality negotiable.

Go look at the social media published by Hamas. Look at the reality.

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To Mohamed (praise be his name) and Judaism revenge is a virtue

to Christ revenge is a sin ..

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Then don’t complain about the actions of Israel. And I don’t think there’s moral equivalency between the actions of Hamas and Israel.

The Palestinians have had multiple opportunities for their own state starting with the moment Israel was created in 1948. Arafat walked away from a golden opportunity back in the 1990’s. So that was two times the problem could have been solved.

But no. There was no grace.

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sure opportunities have been on both sides like assassinating the only PM who could have created a treaty with the PLO, but lucky for you (Israel) now dived like the largest diaspora in the USofA holes .. like a Swiss cheese were there is only room for one kind of hole! just blame it all on someone else .. sure there will revenge on both sides until one side recognizes that there is only ONE way out of that conundrum .. if they don't manage to pull the entire world down into the same vortex .. kill or be killed .. good luck with that lets see how far that gets you in another 10 20 50 years ... Jews should have learned after 1945 that the law of "revenge" eye for an eye tooth for a tooth like their Islamic brothers, is the ONLY rule that will save humanity from it's own destruction, otherwise enjoy your vengeance

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sorry the alternative is to FORGIVE and allow freedom to flow once again first in small rivulets and eventually into a stream and river of cooperation and mutual respect ..

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Now days it appears,

more often than not, that 'conspiracy theory, precedes 'conspiracy fact', by an estimated six months or less. 'The 'Prevailing Soicial Narrative' and 'Normalcy bias', merely slow ithe revelation of the facts down a bit.

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Which ones that meet your criteria do you believe?

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A conspiracy is an intentional and planned act entered into by two or more people acting together in secret for the purpose of evading the law and causing harm.

By that definition, which is the correct one, most of history has been created by one conspiracy after another. You could say that all eventful history is conspiracy.

The terms “conspiracy theory” or “conspiracy theorist” are just modern bromides to try and discredit and deflect.

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It’s really simple! Hamas and the Palestinians violently attacked the Israeli country, killing men, women and children. Every honest person in the world should attack the scumbag criminals that perform these horrific murdering acts. Anything less is pathetic on your part.

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And if the Israeli state knew about it before it took place and allowed it to happen, they are complicit in the horrific deaths of their own citizens. This is not mere wild speculation. As noted in my post there is serious evidence that this could very well be the case. Something is rotten in Denmark here. It points to Israel

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Agree Brien, wag the dog....Mossad knows all, and this limited invasion on civilians is so insane, it doesn't make any sense, except to make the world extremely angry at the terrorist, and support the comming war...

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We have a winner. And the next laundromat for US "Aid"...

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given the lack of visual evidence (which is probably being manufactured) the only evidence to such acts are the fantasies of the radical Bibi, who so wants to be seen by history as another Golda Meier ..

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Yea, IF. remind me what is the motivation to allow Hamas, a group they know to be ruthless to savagely murder and take hostage their own citizens??

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The issue is the world we live in. Nations are no longer sovereign. Global billionaire oligarchs and rogue intelligence agencies are in control of nations and events more than lawmaking bodies or heads of state. There is now a global, one world agenda that includes the Great Reset. These are well known and documented realities. Understanding world events today is much more challenging but starts with the knowledge that the old paradigm of nation State sovereignty, national self interest and the rule-of-law no longer applies. The new globalist agenda, and those opposing it, are driving everything, with money and Supra-national power politics as the as the levers.

Just look at what our own government has done to its own citizens in the past 3 to 4 years. Is that not possible in Israel?

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Hi Theirn -

Newsflash - the TPTB are evil. They gain by whipping up public anger and resolve to start another war and launder money they don't have, for starters. I could write a LONG list, but it's suppertime here in SFL.

PS - It's a tried-and-true method. See 9/11, WMD and nearly every "random" school shooting that "happened" in the US for the last 20+ years. Wake up, my friend. The good guys are all dead and buried...

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Who are TPTB?

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Responding to the 'random school shooting' idea. There have been "random" shootings for far longer than 20+ years, but I agree, they are probably increasing. Do you really think that people are behind this, and not satan and his fallen angels? Note also that many if not most of these shooters are on pharmaceuticals of one kind or another, and that the word translated 'sorcerer' comes from the Greek word pharmakeia. Jesus dealt with demon possessed people, it's in Mark 5.

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Theirn sadly the motivation is a film by Four Corners I saw last night but was unable (yet) to locate on internet .. after this film there can be No doubt that if you apply enough cruelty and hatred to anyone then eventually people will jump back at you knowing it will cost them their life but then the torture they are living in gives them belief that Death is a better result than to face eternal damnation by a people who claim to be God elect people ..

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Again I say, ask yourself WHY Hamas attacked Israel. You think they had no reason?

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well well here we are now a week into another killing festival .. if the Israelis had learned anything over these past 75 years, it's that an "eye for and eye" will always bring the same outcome .. a very wise man once defined this as insanity .. on both sides of the boarder .. Israel is now using this to simply exterminate the Goyim they don't like .. why when they are in fact brothers? why kill you brother Cain or are you able?

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An eye for an eye will only leave everyone blind.

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yes Perfect .. and now there is only blind killing going on because that is what Ben Giwir the police minister wants as do the entire Likud/Zionist party wants an EXCUSE for annihilation of all Palestinians .. they will get away with it because the young people that were sacrificed Butchered were in fact offerings at a concert that was shunned by the Hasidim community.

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And what if and what if ... Hey Brian what if the CIA knew about Pearl Habour but let it happen to enter the war or 9/11 to invade Irak ... sound stupid because It is stupid .

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There is evidence that Roosevelt knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but let it happen because he wanted to enter WWII. Even some in the military believed this. The US also arguably provoked Japan to attack.




BTW, the CIA did not exist in WWII.

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yes Captain Billy Michell warned the Pacific command but he was court martialed for insubordination .. no power in telling the TRUTH to a bunch of self indulgent LIARS .. so is telling the truth about PLO & Israel both sides are to blame and in a thousand years everything will be the same unless ? yes we need his return on planet earth if humanity is to survive .. funny isn't as my friends in Haifa just said the same if only the messiah would come ..

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To this day, the Jews pray at the Wailing Wall for the messiah to come. That prayer will never be answered. It's very sad they do not recognize their Savior - a Star Trek Convention kind of sad. They were looking for a Rambo Christ, who would satisfy their selfish desires for power and glory, and murdered the lamb of God, the 'suffering servant' of Isaiah 53. The whole sordid account is in John 11:41-53. There is no passage in the Bible more full of irony. After He raised Lazarus from the dead, there was no question He was the Messiah, since they knew satan could not give life. Their response was to kill Him, and Lazarus too. John 12:10 You can't make this stuff up. www.discourseonagape.org

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do unto others as you would have them do unto YOU!

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Never argue with an idiot they would drag you down and beat you with their experience .

I am done with you vielle école . You beat me

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Peace be with YOU ..

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Juan, ask yourself WHY Hamas attacked Israel.

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