Great article, especially the part about the scamdemic, and Fraudci. A lot of people have become aware of the scam(s), but the propaganda has worked so well, for so long, that most do not have a clue, even though the evidence for the scam is easily found.
Update: Your Local Epidemiologist, here on substack, has 190,000 subscribers. (Her latest substack defends Peter Hotez) Don't know how many BPR has, but I'll bet it's not even close. Out of curiosity, I checked how many subscribers Dr. Sam Bailey has on odysee. Only 47,000 followers. But wait! To my surprise, she has 335,000 subscribers on youtube! However, not all of her content is allowed on youtube, as she humorously explains here: So, you can see what part of the problem is. To be fair, youtube, a for-profit business, is making more money from government and corporation sponsored censorship than they are from people telling the truth.
People wanting to know the truth will always be much fewer than people wanting to believe popular delusions.
Unfortunately, when the cities die off, those same inhabitants( democrats) leave and infest outer areas until those are also destroyed. It seems the world is numb to the fact that the demented/ evil cult of insanity is the cause of most of our world’s problems( minus China and Russia as they are the true creators of it) and most turn a blind eye until it bites them in their ignorant ass 🤔
Correct! Eighty million Americans voted for Joe Biden. Most are in big cities. Half the people in this thread voted for Biden. And they have convinced themselves that everything is peachy.
Sorry brother, but no more than 30 million deranged, demented, ignorant, evil idiots voted for Sloppy Joe and the thing that acts as his vice. The other so called 50 million votes are all part of our banana republic/ third world shithole Obama and his Chinese handlers created 🤔
SL: Spoken like a true Republican. I could say the same thing for all those who voted for Trump. But we all know how honest and what a true and upstanding person he is. Just read all the books about how wonderful he isn't. I know you won't...I'm sure you are way to busy to bother. Just keep defending him for whatever reasons you probably won't matter in the long run.
Love you my sweet Dorothy, and know you are not a bad person, and I also can say the same thing for most of those who voted for Trump!
Given the insane choice between a piece of shit liberal NYer(Donald Trump) and a truly evil piece of NY shit(Hillary the Whore Clinton) we the true American's had no choice.
Never did I defend Trump, ever my sweet Dorothy, but you are right in one not only won't matter in the long run, it definitely will not...
I’m 71, live in Northern Virginia and my life style changed almost not at all during the pandemic. I played golf every week, took a car trip to New Orleans in June 2020, playing golf at 4 locations along the way in Georgia and Alabama, visited Bourbon Street and flew home on Southwest Airways. I got the first two shots and one booster in 2021. I still haven’t had Covid despite sleeping with my wife when she had it without wearing a mask.
I only hope one day Pfauci will do his time in prison, but it seems like a long shot. Besides, there are too many who are guilty & the lies told by the bought & paid for media too big to ever roll back on, they've moved onto new deceptive narratives now pushed by the same parasitic globalists.
Please provide a note to explain the following .If money is created from nothing and lent to others for a fee. The whole system is built and expanded on debt, that really is not. Can we send the debt holders a pretend cheque for the pretend money and neutralize the whole pretend charade?
BV: Hahaha..Good try. If your pretend money actually bought you something, you're out of luck. Only the Fed gets to do that! I'm sure you already knew that; but it would be nice if one really could do that.
No need to be sorry. It’s not your fault. All I know is that I hate my government, but love my country. And I will never vote again until the Democrat Party is disbanded. I’m out Off the grid. Even my employer is starting to implement their woke agenda. Washington DC is extremely corrupt and no one is doing anything about it. It will all implode soon!
When will the whistle be blown, on the commercial property building portfolio ‘grisly valued ASSETS’, of all retirement funds ?
What’s the betting the bubble bursts on the Magnificent 7 big tech stocks, Apple, Amazon, Google, Nvidia, Tesla, etc when 50 to 80 times REVENUES share prices get impacted by the ‘Oh! Gosh!’ realignment for unbelievable nakedness.
Cities in death cycles, harbinger of the big companies collapses, and retirement funds even trillion $ Blackstone’s & Co, up S... Creek without an outboard motor.
No money in any federal piggy banks or any other commercial banks, for the MIC, Pharma Mafia, Banks with armed guards ... small business operating on the barter system?
Check out Lebanon to see the real world vs South American devaluation dreamtime.
It used to be a civilized country once upon a time.
From the Human Rights Watch "report" (courtesy of G. Soros), 2nd sentence :
"Marginalized communities, including refugees, people with disabilities, children, older people, migrant workers, and LGBT people, have been disproportionately impacted."
Yawn. Do these tired, flatulent, repetitive ignoramuses' even HEAR themselves anymore?
Good prose! Good reporting! Sad situation in Inner Cities; very sad, but true. Los Angeles CA has been that way for at least 15 years. In the center of the city there are homeless from the building walls, across the side walk, and the parking area: families with children and singles in tents and makeshift shelters.. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.
Bill, very sorry to read about your businesses/buildings in Baltimore. No doubt your businesses will not only survive but prosper. Still sad none-the-less.
Let's not forget that Trump started with 15 days to "slow the spread." And then extended it 30 more. And then many states ran with the "concept" following Trump's example and locked everything down.
There are easy solutions to most all the nations problems. HOWEVER, It would take a Genghis Khan type person to implicate the necessary changes and the Constitution and *Bleeding Hearts would have to be ignored.
*bleeding heart
in American English
1. A person who makes an ostentatious or excessive display of pity or concern for others
Great article, especially the part about the scamdemic, and Fraudci. A lot of people have become aware of the scam(s), but the propaganda has worked so well, for so long, that most do not have a clue, even though the evidence for the scam is easily found.
Update: Your Local Epidemiologist, here on substack, has 190,000 subscribers. (Her latest substack defends Peter Hotez) Don't know how many BPR has, but I'll bet it's not even close. Out of curiosity, I checked how many subscribers Dr. Sam Bailey has on odysee. Only 47,000 followers. But wait! To my surprise, she has 335,000 subscribers on youtube! However, not all of her content is allowed on youtube, as she humorously explains here: So, you can see what part of the problem is. To be fair, youtube, a for-profit business, is making more money from government and corporation sponsored censorship than they are from people telling the truth.
People wanting to know the truth will always be much fewer than people wanting to believe popular delusions.
Good riddance to the Big Cities. Most are dangerous, loud, filthy and a pain in the rear!
I work from home in the suburbs. Suburbs are boring.
Am trying to move to the country. Wife is resisting. Soon she will wake up and see what I see.
I hope and pray the cities die off.
Unfortunately, when the cities die off, those same inhabitants( democrats) leave and infest outer areas until those are also destroyed. It seems the world is numb to the fact that the demented/ evil cult of insanity is the cause of most of our world’s problems( minus China and Russia as they are the true creators of it) and most turn a blind eye until it bites them in their ignorant ass 🤔
Correct! Eighty million Americans voted for Joe Biden. Most are in big cities. Half the people in this thread voted for Biden. And they have convinced themselves that everything is peachy.
Sorry brother, but no more than 30 million deranged, demented, ignorant, evil idiots voted for Sloppy Joe and the thing that acts as his vice. The other so called 50 million votes are all part of our banana republic/ third world shithole Obama and his Chinese handlers created 🤔
SL: Spoken like a true Republican. I could say the same thing for all those who voted for Trump. But we all know how honest and what a true and upstanding person he is. Just read all the books about how wonderful he isn't. I know you won't...I'm sure you are way to busy to bother. Just keep defending him for whatever reasons you probably won't matter in the long run.
Love you my sweet Dorothy, and know you are not a bad person, and I also can say the same thing for most of those who voted for Trump!
Given the insane choice between a piece of shit liberal NYer(Donald Trump) and a truly evil piece of NY shit(Hillary the Whore Clinton) we the true American's had no choice.
Never did I defend Trump, ever my sweet Dorothy, but you are right in one not only won't matter in the long run, it definitely will not...
I’m 71, live in Northern Virginia and my life style changed almost not at all during the pandemic. I played golf every week, took a car trip to New Orleans in June 2020, playing golf at 4 locations along the way in Georgia and Alabama, visited Bourbon Street and flew home on Southwest Airways. I got the first two shots and one booster in 2021. I still haven’t had Covid despite sleeping with my wife when she had it without wearing a mask.
I only hope one day Pfauci will do his time in prison, but it seems like a long shot. Besides, there are too many who are guilty & the lies told by the bought & paid for media too big to ever roll back on, they've moved onto new deceptive narratives now pushed by the same parasitic globalists.
Please provide a note to explain the following .If money is created from nothing and lent to others for a fee. The whole system is built and expanded on debt, that really is not. Can we send the debt holders a pretend cheque for the pretend money and neutralize the whole pretend charade?
BV: Hahaha..Good try. If your pretend money actually bought you something, you're out of luck. Only the Fed gets to do that! I'm sure you already knew that; but it would be nice if one really could do that.
lockdowns will never be forgiven
Yes Jim, like 9/11, already forgotten…
Bill, do me a favor and stop referring to cities run by Democrats as Democratic. They are far from being democratic.
No need to be sorry. It’s not your fault. All I know is that I hate my government, but love my country. And I will never vote again until the Democrat Party is disbanded. I’m out Off the grid. Even my employer is starting to implement their woke agenda. Washington DC is extremely corrupt and no one is doing anything about it. It will all implode soon!
If voting made any difference, it would be illegal.
Hey Don. literally can’t wait.
When will the whistle be blown, on the commercial property building portfolio ‘grisly valued ASSETS’, of all retirement funds ?
What’s the betting the bubble bursts on the Magnificent 7 big tech stocks, Apple, Amazon, Google, Nvidia, Tesla, etc when 50 to 80 times REVENUES share prices get impacted by the ‘Oh! Gosh!’ realignment for unbelievable nakedness.
Cities in death cycles, harbinger of the big companies collapses, and retirement funds even trillion $ Blackstone’s & Co, up S... Creek without an outboard motor.
No money in any federal piggy banks or any other commercial banks, for the MIC, Pharma Mafia, Banks with armed guards ... small business operating on the barter system?
Check out Lebanon to see the real world vs South American devaluation dreamtime.
It used to be a civilized country once upon a time.
Hi Mr. Cee -
From the Human Rights Watch "report" (courtesy of G. Soros), 2nd sentence :
"Marginalized communities, including refugees, people with disabilities, children, older people, migrant workers, and LGBT people, have been disproportionately impacted."
Yawn. Do these tired, flatulent, repetitive ignoramuses' even HEAR themselves anymore?
There were so many code/woke words in that sentence I lost count-LOL.
Beirut, the Paris of the south. How sad it is.
Good prose! Good reporting! Sad situation in Inner Cities; very sad, but true. Los Angeles CA has been that way for at least 15 years. In the center of the city there are homeless from the building walls, across the side walk, and the parking area: families with children and singles in tents and makeshift shelters.. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.
Bill, very sorry to read about your businesses/buildings in Baltimore. No doubt your businesses will not only survive but prosper. Still sad none-the-less.
Let's not forget that Trump started with 15 days to "slow the spread." And then extended it 30 more. And then many states ran with the "concept" following Trump's example and locked everything down.
Trump was Americas final nail. Biden is digging the grave…Kamala will put us in the hole, and China will say our final farewell 🤔
There are easy solutions to most all the nations problems. HOWEVER, It would take a Genghis Khan type person to implicate the necessary changes and the Constitution and *Bleeding Hearts would have to be ignored.
*bleeding heart
in American English
1. A person who makes an ostentatious or excessive display of pity or concern for others
"Doom Loops" gaining momentum everywhere...
Bill: Quand en Poitou , "Plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose"