Just two thoughts.

1. Things are going exactly like the Club of Rome laid out for the world in 1969. Falling birth rates are a feature, not a flaw.

2. In the US, Gen Z is the most self absorbed, lazy, useless, lacking in critical thinking skills of any generation ever produced. They can’t even bother to have sex. Hell, most of them have no idea what sex they may be. Sure, there are exceptions. But get any hiring manager in a dark corner of the local pub and ask for a mind dump on Gen Z. Be prepared to buy a second round. And a third.

A decade or so in the woke Marxist culture of gubbmit schools is producing the desired result.

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Please, please, please don't get the government involved in the birth-rate problem. It has castrated nearly every social area it tried to fix. Of course, if they were to establish a new Cabinet Position, I might be available. I moved into my 90's recently and can't perform too well, anyway.

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I'm in my 60's, and the Missionary Position still works fine. I suppose I'd be willing to try this new Cabinet Position, too.

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Get a room you guys...


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Those Cambridge students who cancelled the debate, by that admitted that they are wrong. If you have a valid argument to promote, you don’t cancel, you debate.

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Excellent piece Joel. There is too little written about this serious problem affecting, yes the West, but Russia and China as well.

The good news, if there is any, is that those who are anti-heteronormative and anti-baby should in theory just eventually die off as a species. A fitting conclusion to their delusion, yes....

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At age 93-3/4, I won’t have to watch too much of the destruction of our society and the country I love. But I weep when I think of my three children and their two children.

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Seems those millions of aborted babies will have the last say in future decades after all.

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Hola friends -

RE.: The Declining Birth Rates in the Industrialized World

The excellent documentary referenced below seems to pinpoint the beginnings of this trend in or around 1974ish. For S&G's, let's start a list of all the things that 𝗺𝗮𝘆 be contributing to the aforementioned dilemma:

1. Reduced long-term Fertility in BOTH sexes through food/drink packaging, additives in most Municipal Water supplies, chemical/pesticide use, increased usage of prescription drugs, manufactured food additives, etc.

2. Feminism and the modern "empowering" of wimann - "I don't need no man", coupled with the marginalization of the traditional Family and all that entails. Conversely, convincing men that being a slut who can't even spell the word "Commitment" is the best way to live.

3. A tax system in most industrialized nations that requires two incomes to provide a modicum of "abundant" life, removing care-givers and nurturers from the Home.

4. The acceptance and celebration of a Homosexual (etc.) lifestyle that leads to 𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗢 procreation.

5. The brainwashing of the young to believe that Family and Tradition are for suckers and one's "career" or "good times" should take precedence over all other goals in Life.

6. The mainstreaming and Celebration of Abortion as a form of birth control and it's ease of availability while minimizing any stigma attached.

Feel free to jump in any time. You can't start finding a cure for a problem until you identify the causes, even though we seem to already be in the autopsy stage at this point...

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Yes brother Starboard, all true and caused by man. Toxic foods and plastics are the main culprit's and need to be addressed.

Sperm counts and the loss of testosterone in men are the tragic results of this poisoning that has been happening for the past five decades...

Of course the powers that are behind this are ecstatic about how well their plans are working...

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All very interesting. Here is a snippet from a KWN blog:

"The world’s central banks are responsible for creating a “market” for their product, “currency backed by nothing,” by fostering a population boom and consumers who are dependent on their product.” —GM

Greggory Mannarino writing for The Trends Journal. I think he makes very astute analysis of our present day problems.

For those interested its short.


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So insightful. How sad that Americans still labor under the overpopulation fallacies of the 70's. In a Tucker Carlson broadcast, he asked women who invested in their careers at the expense of families and children if they were expecting the Human Resources personnel of their companies to hold their hand on their deathbed. As an older single woman that stung but it is a certain truth.

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People aren't commenting on this population / demographic problem because media is pushing their narrative on everyone and that is dominating the conversation. Furthermore it seems likely that this false media narrative is likely a major cause of lesser births.

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Yes, we’ve been warned for decades about the “population bomb,” as the reliable contrarian indicator, professor Paul R. Ehrlich, called it. Turned out, we were through the looking glass, as usual...

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It’s worse than that. Too much media exposure re-wires your brain so that it soaks up all that comes without analysis. That’s why Eric Schmidt could say: « I don’t think folks want Google to answer their question. I think they want Google to tell them what to do. »

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I fear and even predict that when the big governments/super powers are suddenly aware of the issue at large, or it becomes more imminent than inevitable, just like all other races to the top (or bottom), this will be the justification for test tube babies at large. The government fix for population decline - quasi "Matrix" style - without the battery hookups, just the labor.

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It's processed food, I tells ya. I don't think sub Saharan Africa food gets as much processing. Anyway, how do the LGBTQ people think their demographic is exempt from population collapse? Maybe the root cause is IQ collapse.

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Could we get a Demographic/Geopolitical “ Jam Session” together?

We would want to include All of the BPR word/thought musicians and have Peter Zeihan as lead guitarist.

And maybe Rick Rule on sax.

I think that in a 60 minute session, you all could make more, actionable, sense than Congress and Academia has in the last 76 years.

Up for it?



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I’m down

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Yeah Baby!

Looking forward to Tom’s “Investment Licks” about how we do as well as we can and leave as much to our kids as possible.

We have saddled them with this Mess...and we owe them a chance to find a new way.

Let me know where I can buy tickets to “The Gig”.

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Wonderful article, Joel. Thank you for your research as well as such a straightforward encapsulating presentation. Indeed, “grave” if not actually scary. I doubt it will garner international, albeit even national, attention. It makes too much sense Love your Sunday Sessions. Tom.

PS: We have one of those downtown Merry-Go-Rounds in a nearby city. Took my wife there on a “romantic” outing not that long ago. Yep, we were the only two that day on horseback.

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I grew up on a farm in the 50's. We had to help our neighbors with some farming events and they would help us. The previous generation had to have hired hands (and their families) to get by. It was a labor intensive job. Now the farms are ten or more times larger and the equipment can do more in one day than a man could do in a season in the past. Most farm families are now much smaller as well . Most rural schools are only a fraction the size they once were. Your combine (which may wear out in 4-5 years) cost almost twice as much as your new house. Things have changed and will continue to change, it will be wonderful to see how we all adapt.

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Hi Joel, Yes the situation is grave and the ditch between the generations is deep. The older segment is concerned because they enjoyed the challenges of life with all of the struggle and work it involved and the sense of accomplishment and self-approval that resulted. For a significant segment of the younger generation struggle, work, and accomplishment are expected to be borne by others and distributed to all. But that doesn't grant self-approval and self-respect for the non-participants. Steve B

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So how many babies have been aborted in the USA? Asking for a friend 😉

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