"Truth is the greatest enemy of the State." -- Joseph Goebbels

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I agree with 99% of what you say, PGV. Perhaps I should have elaborated regarding my quotation of Goebbels. I was thinking, primarily, of Trump and his administration, where the vast majority of Trump's statements and those of his underlings were lies. If the man TRIED to tell the truth, it would stick in his throat and choke him! Even now, he continues "The Big Lie" by claiming that the election was stolen from him and he has his minions, from the My Pillow guy to Steve Bannon to Jim Jordan, et al, plus the talking heads on Fox News all falling into lockstep and supporting him. Goebbels would have been impressed!

And, regardless of whether you label January 6, 2021 as an "insurrection" or a "riot," it was an attempt, set in motion by Trump, to overthrow a free and fair election and allow him to remain in power. Had it succeeded, we would most DEFINITELY now have a fascist dictatorship in this country with Trump as Hitler 2.0! And, the scary thing is that he and his sycophants haven't given up. If he runs in 2024 he will surely be re-elected, thanks to the voter-suppression laws passed in the red states by the Republicans, and their gerrymandering of the voting districts to make it all-but-impossible for a Democrat to be elected. Steve Bannon made the boast "We're taking over all the elections!" That should scare the hell out of any freedom-loving American!

So, we're not out of the woods, by a long shot. Trump still has aspirations to set himself up as a Nazi dictator and there are plenty of people out there who are willing to help him achieve that goal.

Re bitcoin . . .

I've invested in bitcoin and I think it may surprise the skeptical. It is gaining wider acceptance and several investment firms are now allowing their clients to invest in bitcoin. Chase even has a bitcoin ETF.

The greatest advantage to bitcoin is the fact that it is impossible to inflate. The algorithm that creates bitcoin has a built-in limit. There can never be more than 22 million bitcoin in existence. Once the last bitcoin has been "mined," the algorithm shuts down. No more bitcoin. Not the Federal Reserve, the government, the World Bank or anyone else can change that. It's impossible to mine any more bitcoin once the algorithm reaches its end, so NO ONE can "inflate" its value.

Since bitcoin is a mathematical construct, it can be infinitely sub-divided. Meaning that, even though there will never be more than 22 million bitcoin, we will never run out.

Let's say that one bitcoin is worth $1000. $1 would equal .001 bitcoin. At a value of $10,000 for one bitcoin, a dollar would equal .0001 bitcoin. If bitcoin was worth $1 million, one dollar would equal .000001 bitcoin, and so on. That can continue indefinitely. The supply, though limited, is infinite . . . oxymoronic as that may seem. With math, all things are possible.

I don't know what's going to happen with bitcoin, but I think it could prove to be our salvation. If the entire world went on the "bitcoin standard" inflation would become a relic of the past.

And, even though Bill, and you, detest bitcoin, the one thing you have to remember is that as long as people place value on something, it HAS value. Various societies have used everything from sea shells, to cattle, to salt, as money. We, in modern America, may laugh at them, but their civilizations worked just fine with those things as currency. Bitcoin is no different. The jury is still out. We'll see what happens.

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I won't argue with anything you said, but you have a much higher opinion of the political class -- and people, in general -- than I do. I have a dictum: "ALL politicians are liars and crooks." That applies to both parties. Maybe its naive of me, but I've always believed that anyone who SEEKS power is the very last person who should be GIVEN power.

The people who have the intelligence, morality, and decency to rule have no desire to do so for the very reason that they ARE intelligent, moral, and decent.

I can't think of the name of the Roman farmer who was given absolute power when the country was threatened with invasion. Rome had a law that allowed for one man to be given total control of the country if it was under threat and deemed necessary. He took control of Rome and its army and defeated the invaders.

The law that had made his ascension to power, possible, also allowed him to remain in power for a period of one year (I believe) after the threat had been eliminated. The farmer had no desire for political power. He immediately resigned as "emperor" and returned to his fields.

THAT'S the kind of person we need in all of our political offices! But, those kinds of people are few and far between, especially in the corrupt, immoral, and self-serving world of today.

Praying to God for honest leaders is about all we can do. But, as Bill has often said, "You get the kind of government you deserve." Given the hateful, avaricious, deceitful nature of modern society, we ARE getting the kind of government we deserve. Unfortunately, people like you and I -- who are in the minority -- are getting the government that the majority deserves.

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The heinous crystal at the heart of it all, is our unconscionable war-making. If a bank robber robs a bank, and anyone dies in the course of that event, then that robber is guilty of murder. What about all the people who died in all the countries we destroyed with our military? Iraq, Serbia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Syria, tons of undeclared mayhem (as my ex-Marine friend described it, "rockin' and rollin'") in Central and South America, etc, etc, etc? Who's guilty of those deaths? And our mainstream media just blips over that. No more wars of choice! If you can schedule it, it's illegitimate!

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Great article, again. I find myself "sharing" more and more of them.


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Hi Bill,

I don't know if you have Netflix in France, but try looking up the movie "Don't look up",

It's a good social comment on what is happening in the US today, it might make you laugh

and cry - this is how bad it is!

I am moving to my house in France as soon as possible!

Keep up the good work, I have been reading your writing for years.


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Has anyone checked on Sweden? Last I saw they were doing better than most! Lockdowns do not work, at most they may spread out the hospital admissions a little.

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Bill Bonner...philosopher, historian, economist. What a great mix! And thanks for your recent book and all the daily musings.

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And just this morning Jerome Powell during his congressional confirmation hearings informed us, "We know that high inflation exacts a toll" and then pledged "to use the central banks full suite of policy tools to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched.

What in the world is a "suite of policy tools"? Is that the shed with tools such as "hokus pokus" and "abracadabra". After all, wasn't it Jerome who issued the command. "Let there be light"'

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Your analysis of the present circumstances is so to point but sadly very few Americans are taking the time to see the light and situation for what it really is. They are so fixed on the media's parrotting that they haven't a clue. Sad commentary on life in America. David

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Glad you are well. Am a little older and have appreciated your quest for insight for something over 30 years. Thank you

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Not certain what to call mainstream news media anymore. It doesn't provide any information that one could feel comfortable basing a decision on. And it's starting to resemble an intranet page for a large corporation.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

As usual, your observations are right on target. A fellow substacker of yours, Matt Taibbi, has been covering this very topic for years.

Around our household, a certain nightly propagandist is known as “D.C. Rose”.

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Was there a sequel to the Bolthole series? How can I find a sequel?

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Boosting one's immune system to combat a virus would seem to make sense only for those who have a decent immunity system to begin with. This thus precludes most of the elderly and the immunocompromised from gaining hardly any advantage by "boosting" their immune system.

During this entire pandemic, the CDC has failed to emphasize the importance of one's immune system and how to optimally maintain it. I have always thought the message should have been - get ur fat ass off the sofa, go outside, get some sunlight (vitamin D) and exercise.

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Great insight!

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bill, wish you and your loved ones a speedy recovery. keep writing your musings of the whatever, including personal things. some people might not like, instead i love an independent thinker with no fear to get exposed and nothing to prove. vittorio

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Nie istnieje życie bez wirusa czy bakterii...

Człowiek może próbować ograniczyć niepożądane skutki...

Lecz nie zwalczy tego.

Ponieważ stanowi to integralną część natury tu na naszej ziemi.

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