As wealth increased of the average American so did his/hers character deflated.
It is human nature to experience an increase of appetite while eating.
It all led to a disengagement of reality with dreams. American values changed and so did the values of products. The corporations started to set the tone of American lifestyle. To make it clear let’s use the example of a restaurant. The value of the food and all the overhead is irrelevant. What matters is what is a willing consumer able and willing to pay for the meal.
The corporations work in the exact same way. Making a product in some foreign land increases profitability. They know what the buyer can afford to pay and that becomes the value. Corporations together with their corrupted overseers ignored the fact that they destroyed one industry after the other, that a worker who use to be employed in these industries had to replace his old job with a new one for a fraction of what he used to earn. They ignored dependence on foreign countries and the security of our country.
Now new money will be made by the American oligarchy when the current reverses. New weapons are developed to fight enemies we created, new ideas are developed to return to what was forgotten. There is a general need to reinvent a wheel.
The fact that people like Bill Bonner have come to light signals that We are not content with the turns America has taken. It always starts with words and debates but sooner or later the fight will turn to an active rebellion. Our founding fathers predicted some events and some they either did not think of or avoided. Obviously I am talking about the right to poses arms to be directed against an oppressive government. With the government come corporations.
Good points, a mass rebellion and a wildly "unpopular" leader will be needed to tame the oligarchy we created. I like what I've heard from RFK so far - although his own party will see to his dismissal - or worse. I'd love to see him debate both sides and enlist a serious VP candidate to co-manage the revolution. Gabbard?
America is a violent country. We think the solution is a gun. We spend 1.5 trillion a year on war and killing. There is killing in the streets. We fought a Civil War and the causes were never resolved. You can predict the violence will get worse, you can see it in people’s actions, feel it in the back of your head when you drive.
The value of the gun, as a solution, is insanity; the insanity has driven us and drives us.
Yea, he liked the French Revolution and when the British sacked Washington, ran for the hills.
It was Christ that said, “Live by the sword die by the sword.” Or atomic annihilation.
Some people believe he is God and he also said, “Turn the other cheek.” Supposedly he is the creator of the universe and he let them crucify him. Non violence is his message, that is the essence of salvation.
Of course, maybe, you could count his disciples on one hand.
Agree with the overview. Just in case you haven't a copy, try The Crowd by Gustav LeBon. I know it is a bit old, but my best estimation is that we are looking at something that rhymes.
Before we and staff at BPR get too gushy about Mr. Kennedy's candidacy, campaign, love of country, etc., can we pause to remind ourselves how the Kennedy fortune came to be? Was it a result of Granddaddy Joe's win-win deals, sweat equity, and virtue? Or was it something else? Prohibition anyone? Insider advantages? "Leveraged" profits? Just asking... Best always. PM
Hey Paul. He was merely responding to the situation he was put in. I believe it was a Volstead act. Somethings you simply cannot legislate into their going away. Just, for example, if you told a newlywed couple, they could only make love or Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons., would they comply? I think we know the answer.
Read "Creature from Jeckyll Island 10 years ago and to note, nothing has changed for the better. I don't know or can I guess what the future holds. But we are still trying for fix stupid. It is beyond repair, I think. Nothing short of rebellion will sort it out. If even that. And I am an optimist!!! Just sayin'
Bill; You left out an important detail in the above:
In 1966 the gold standard valued an ounce of gold at $35.00. That also was fake, an ounce of gold could not be extracted for $35.00. Homestake Mining Corporation was extracting an ounce of gold from over 1 ton of ore. The fake gold standard was already fake long before 1966. Ask Rick Rule what it actually cost to recover an ounce of gold in 1966. If the U.S. was actually buying gold from Homestake for more than $35.00 yet selling it to France for $35.00 then the whole shebang would have been a losing proposition. While everyone knows Tricky Dick was a grifter, international finance was crooked as well. August 1971 was just a date the jig was officially up.
Gold grades of 15 grams per tonne can be economic at a price of 2000 new$ per oz (30 g for non-metric Americans.) Heap leaching processes have made a difference in the economic grades.
I don't have a graph of Warren Buffett's cube of gold on a football field in terms of the year each increment was brought to light and refined, but it would be fun to compare that with the progress of Bitcoin, using a sensible time scaling factor.
We all know that when selling at a loss we can make up the income by increasing volume!
Trashing the dollar began in the early 1930 under Roosevelt, In 1971 Nixon finished it. Roosevelt is a hero. Nixon -- a bum. In my youth we joked about Roosevelt being a destroyer of America.. Has your youth made you blind to reality? Leonard Hartman
Read "Creature from Jekyll Island" which I did when it was published. Can you get word to Sen Kennedy. I've been following the financial and control issues since then. Should be required reading for every American
Kennedy is dissembling. He has no more interest in win-win than the man in the moon. His whole family wealth and dynasty came from inside deals, connections, and rum-running. Let's get real on this. Best always. PM
Bill -- I wonder if you are confusing matters by admiring "earned wealth" and belittling "financial wealth."
I submit neither exist. Wealth is wealth; it must be made, and capital is its prerequisite.
Without capital -- whether in the form of funny-money made possible by low interest rates set by an accommodating Fed or by a neighbor with a large strong box full of gold coins --wealth simply cannot be produced.
And wealth is only realized when someone buys what was made. All else equal, the more affordable the item, the more wealth is achievable.
Also lost in the noise is the dollar was backed by gold until 1933, and mostly backed by gold until 1972. As I recollect, the dollar has never appreciated in value since the year the Fed was created.
It's not a modern phenomenon in other words: the dollar -- with or without a gold standard -- has progressively lost value since 1914.
I'm old enough to remember Eisenhower urging Americans in the early to mid 1950's to stop buying so many European goods because it was causing a gold drain as the European treasuries exchanged their American tourist dollars for gold in Ft Knox
I read Tom Wolfe's "Bonfire of the Vanities" some decades ago, some time after reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."
In 1992 I ended up at a party in Greenwich, Connecticut, with some of the apprentice "Masters of the Universe." The host, whom I knew, is very bright, but as a foreign provincial I was not impressed with the NY financial crowd in their mid- to late thirties. They have been far more financially successful than anyone I know who actually works for income, although many small business owners have retired "comfortably."
My income potential has been suppressed since I began practice in 1981 as a policy of government in Canada. I have recently sold a property which my parents built in 1971 for the equivalent cost of 1800 oz of gold. 2022 sale was about 900 oz of gold and I am liable for considerable taxable capital gain. Government is very predictable, it gets us coming and going, and even dying doesn't help.
Hi I would love to have the book here in Paris France but it’s not possible to get it delivered through Amazon. Is it possible to have a PDF version of it please ?
I missed the opportunity of downloading the old version in the archives
It would be nice or ideal if everyone was like you. Unfortunately that is not the reality today or ever.
Knifes were made to slice bread and people kill each other, an ax was made to chop wood and people use it to kill each other.
I internet is the most magical thing people invented not for the purpose of scamming the other.
In America, our government is a model to the citizens but unfortunately a very poor model. As the saying goes, the fish stinks from the head. America is an aggressive country not by the choice of the people but by their government(s).
We not only response to international turmoil with aggression but we initiate aggression against others. President Kennedy, a raised Catholic, provided 30 million people to kill Fidel Castro. I am not sure how many dollars are designated to kill other country leaders who are not on par with them. It is not the peoples choice but their choice.
Examples roll out of my mind to a point that I cannot see the end of that list.
Our founding fathers need to be praised for allowing people to own guns. Nobody knows but one day the founding fathers may prove their point.
There appears to be a difference in attitude or perspective when you contrast Bill Bonner's and Stansberry's writings. Perhaps it has something to do with the seasoning of age.
I would like to see some mention of the effect of the decline of Labor Unions in all this depravity of the middle class, caused by the Gov. and corrupt Corporations.
As wealth increased of the average American so did his/hers character deflated.
It is human nature to experience an increase of appetite while eating.
It all led to a disengagement of reality with dreams. American values changed and so did the values of products. The corporations started to set the tone of American lifestyle. To make it clear let’s use the example of a restaurant. The value of the food and all the overhead is irrelevant. What matters is what is a willing consumer able and willing to pay for the meal.
The corporations work in the exact same way. Making a product in some foreign land increases profitability. They know what the buyer can afford to pay and that becomes the value. Corporations together with their corrupted overseers ignored the fact that they destroyed one industry after the other, that a worker who use to be employed in these industries had to replace his old job with a new one for a fraction of what he used to earn. They ignored dependence on foreign countries and the security of our country.
Now new money will be made by the American oligarchy when the current reverses. New weapons are developed to fight enemies we created, new ideas are developed to return to what was forgotten. There is a general need to reinvent a wheel.
The fact that people like Bill Bonner have come to light signals that We are not content with the turns America has taken. It always starts with words and debates but sooner or later the fight will turn to an active rebellion. Our founding fathers predicted some events and some they either did not think of or avoided. Obviously I am talking about the right to poses arms to be directed against an oppressive government. With the government come corporations.
Good points, a mass rebellion and a wildly "unpopular" leader will be needed to tame the oligarchy we created. I like what I've heard from RFK so far - although his own party will see to his dismissal - or worse. I'd love to see him debate both sides and enlist a serious VP candidate to co-manage the revolution. Gabbard?
If the Kennedys are our savior, I'll take my chances in the collapse. Best always. PM
Please, can't we give economic collapse a chance?
Hey taco. I do love Gabbard. I wish more people would hear what she has to say.
If she doesn’t latch on to a campaign she will have to take Tuckers place on Fox🤞🏻
America is a violent country. We think the solution is a gun. We spend 1.5 trillion a year on war and killing. There is killing in the streets. We fought a Civil War and the causes were never resolved. You can predict the violence will get worse, you can see it in people’s actions, feel it in the back of your head when you drive.
The value of the gun, as a solution, is insanity; the insanity has driven us and drives us.
Hey Xavier. I think it was Thomas Jefferson, who said “the tree of liberty must occasionally be watered by the blood of tyrants”.
Yea, he liked the French Revolution and when the British sacked Washington, ran for the hills.
It was Christ that said, “Live by the sword die by the sword.” Or atomic annihilation.
Some people believe he is God and he also said, “Turn the other cheek.” Supposedly he is the creator of the universe and he let them crucify him. Non violence is his message, that is the essence of salvation.
Of course, maybe, you could count his disciples on one hand.
Agree with the overview. Just in case you haven't a copy, try The Crowd by Gustav LeBon. I know it is a bit old, but my best estimation is that we are looking at something that rhymes.
Before we and staff at BPR get too gushy about Mr. Kennedy's candidacy, campaign, love of country, etc., can we pause to remind ourselves how the Kennedy fortune came to be? Was it a result of Granddaddy Joe's win-win deals, sweat equity, and virtue? Or was it something else? Prohibition anyone? Insider advantages? "Leveraged" profits? Just asking... Best always. PM
Hey Paul. He was merely responding to the situation he was put in. I believe it was a Volstead act. Somethings you simply cannot legislate into their going away. Just, for example, if you told a newlywed couple, they could only make love or Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons., would they comply? I think we know the answer.
Read "Creature from Jeckyll Island 10 years ago and to note, nothing has changed for the better. I don't know or can I guess what the future holds. But we are still trying for fix stupid. It is beyond repair, I think. Nothing short of rebellion will sort it out. If even that. And I am an optimist!!! Just sayin'
Bill; You left out an important detail in the above:
In 1966 the gold standard valued an ounce of gold at $35.00. That also was fake, an ounce of gold could not be extracted for $35.00. Homestake Mining Corporation was extracting an ounce of gold from over 1 ton of ore. The fake gold standard was already fake long before 1966. Ask Rick Rule what it actually cost to recover an ounce of gold in 1966. If the U.S. was actually buying gold from Homestake for more than $35.00 yet selling it to France for $35.00 then the whole shebang would have been a losing proposition. While everyone knows Tricky Dick was a grifter, international finance was crooked as well. August 1971 was just a date the jig was officially up.
Yes sir, really all they had to do was to let gold float to the real price and then the arbitrage of the gold window would’ve had zero value.
...and look at the costs now.
Gold grades of 15 grams per tonne can be economic at a price of 2000 new$ per oz (30 g for non-metric Americans.) Heap leaching processes have made a difference in the economic grades.
I don't have a graph of Warren Buffett's cube of gold on a football field in terms of the year each increment was brought to light and refined, but it would be fun to compare that with the progress of Bitcoin, using a sensible time scaling factor.
We all know that when selling at a loss we can make up the income by increasing volume!
Great article and from my perspective totally on point.
Trashing the dollar began in the early 1930 under Roosevelt, In 1971 Nixon finished it. Roosevelt is a hero. Nixon -- a bum. In my youth we joked about Roosevelt being a destroyer of America.. Has your youth made you blind to reality? Leonard Hartman
All I see is a pattern in these historical recollections. Time for a prediction... The unpopular administration will pull a Nixon.
Read "Creature from Jekyll Island" which I did when it was published. Can you get word to Sen Kennedy. I've been following the financial and control issues since then. Should be required reading for every American
Kennedy is dissembling. He has no more interest in win-win than the man in the moon. His whole family wealth and dynasty came from inside deals, connections, and rum-running. Let's get real on this. Best always. PM
I would also suggest Howard Zinn's best seller (apparently just about everything was done to burry and ban it):
A People's History of the United States.
It's a solid read and confirms the jist of Bonner's message.
FYI - Amazon was sold out of the book when I tried yesterday, but Barnes and Noble had it..
Bill -- I wonder if you are confusing matters by admiring "earned wealth" and belittling "financial wealth."
I submit neither exist. Wealth is wealth; it must be made, and capital is its prerequisite.
Without capital -- whether in the form of funny-money made possible by low interest rates set by an accommodating Fed or by a neighbor with a large strong box full of gold coins --wealth simply cannot be produced.
And wealth is only realized when someone buys what was made. All else equal, the more affordable the item, the more wealth is achievable.
Also lost in the noise is the dollar was backed by gold until 1933, and mostly backed by gold until 1972. As I recollect, the dollar has never appreciated in value since the year the Fed was created.
It's not a modern phenomenon in other words: the dollar -- with or without a gold standard -- has progressively lost value since 1914.
I'm old enough to remember Eisenhower urging Americans in the early to mid 1950's to stop buying so many European goods because it was causing a gold drain as the European treasuries exchanged their American tourist dollars for gold in Ft Knox
I read Tom Wolfe's "Bonfire of the Vanities" some decades ago, some time after reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."
In 1992 I ended up at a party in Greenwich, Connecticut, with some of the apprentice "Masters of the Universe." The host, whom I knew, is very bright, but as a foreign provincial I was not impressed with the NY financial crowd in their mid- to late thirties. They have been far more financially successful than anyone I know who actually works for income, although many small business owners have retired "comfortably."
My income potential has been suppressed since I began practice in 1981 as a policy of government in Canada. I have recently sold a property which my parents built in 1971 for the equivalent cost of 1800 oz of gold. 2022 sale was about 900 oz of gold and I am liable for considerable taxable capital gain. Government is very predictable, it gets us coming and going, and even dying doesn't help.
Hi I would love to have the book here in Paris France but it’s not possible to get it delivered through Amazon. Is it possible to have a PDF version of it please ?
I missed the opportunity of downloading the old version in the archives
Thank you
Mr. Xavier Narutovich reply:
It would be nice or ideal if everyone was like you. Unfortunately that is not the reality today or ever.
Knifes were made to slice bread and people kill each other, an ax was made to chop wood and people use it to kill each other.
I internet is the most magical thing people invented not for the purpose of scamming the other.
In America, our government is a model to the citizens but unfortunately a very poor model. As the saying goes, the fish stinks from the head. America is an aggressive country not by the choice of the people but by their government(s).
We not only response to international turmoil with aggression but we initiate aggression against others. President Kennedy, a raised Catholic, provided 30 million people to kill Fidel Castro. I am not sure how many dollars are designated to kill other country leaders who are not on par with them. It is not the peoples choice but their choice.
Examples roll out of my mind to a point that I cannot see the end of that list.
Our founding fathers need to be praised for allowing people to own guns. Nobody knows but one day the founding fathers may prove their point.
One wonders what kind of place are we leaving behind for our kids?! 🫣
There appears to be a difference in attitude or perspective when you contrast Bill Bonner's and Stansberry's writings. Perhaps it has something to do with the seasoning of age.
More to do with personality than anything. Stansberry is the Trump of the money-publishing biz.
We subscribed to Jeff Brown there and a few others within Stansberry Research. Good crew mostly.
I would like to see some mention of the effect of the decline of Labor Unions in all this depravity of the middle class, caused by the Gov. and corrupt Corporations.
Government labor unions have not declined, in fact their power and influence have only increased
And with what result?
Nothing good, that's for sure.
The red line on chart #2 is actually the assets held by the Federal Reserve. That fact isn’t clear from your presentation.