Thanks for this Bill. I’m sure the Creator of man & woman loves you, as do I for bravely talking the talk ...(I know Elizabeth will understand the “agape” love I mention...not “Eros”. ? Lol. )

So now that’s out of the way you’ll enjoy the following conversation (edited for brevity on here) between my 5yr old great-grand-daughter , Jessica, and myself yesterday. (I’m known as GG..as great-grandma is a bit of a mouthful for her).

GG: “Hello and how’s my beautiful little girl today ? Did you enjoy school? Learned anything new?”

JESS: “we mustn’t make fun of Jo. He wears a dress”

GG: “ well, I suppose that’s a kind thing to do , not to make fun of anyone , especially if they’re doing something a bit different that we’re not used to”

(GG breathes sigh of relief .as we chat about how Jessica’s great-uncle Mark - my eldest son - has been made fun of all his life as he has cerebral palsy and walks “different” ).

JESS: (staring intently at the wrinkles on my 83yr old face)

“Jo is a girl...but he still has a penis. So until it’s removed I think I will say ‘he’ not ‘she’ because daddy said I have to do that. ...but The teacher is going to talk to us about these things next week...she’s asked daddy to phone her”

The conversation moved on to my asking her if she thought God would be happy if Jo had his penis removed ....stuff like that...normal conversations these days here in UK with kids. I could write an essay Bill. But it’s your column not mine.

The saddest thing of all was when Jess said “I’m telling daddy tonight when he comes home from work that I’m a boy”. When I asked why she wanted to be a boy , her reply spoke volumes “because my brother won’t let me join in his rugby games with his friends ...he said I spoil the fun cos I’m a girl and he hasn’t to be rough with me”.

There’s a thousand talking points that will come from that very idea...! don’t be rough with girls?

Whoever indoctrinated our kids with such an idea....especially when they’re older and 9 months pregnant and trying to join in the rugby game , fellas. It’s ok to tackle ‘em to the floor ...equality , diversity, makes the game more interesting for all...

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Wise words: “We get together because we are different, not because we are the same...”

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Bill you are the best I have bought and read all your books and you have had a profound influence on my worldview. I was born, grew up and educated in Communist Bulgaria, defected to America 42 years ago. I'm a semi retired physician

I can't fathom the transaction that has occurred over the last few decades.

On a more positive note I may get lucky and personally witness the demise of two Evil Empires....

The Soviet and the American. Best wishes and thank you. God bless you and your family. Happy Easter, our Easter is this Sunday

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We are all descendants of people who did have children (at least I can't think of an exception). That so many, for whatever reason, are now choosing not to procreate simply means that the human race will go on without their genes. Think of it as evolution in action. There are many ways of being "less fit" such that one's genes do not get passed on.

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When a society reaches a point of time surplus, it starts a new era of discoveries. America as always is number one and in this case specifically. Fed by the movie industries, communication technologies, social media we have an opportunity of turning boredom into behavior that some call degenerative other praise is as highly innovative.

I live in Southern California and when I look at the attendance of our state and private universities I see a change from the days when I was a student. Call me racist, call me someone with visual acuity for nationalities, call me anything you wish but the truth is that majority of students don’t look American. There is nothing wrong with it and I swear I mean it but regardless of how one feels, the facts need to be interpreted somehow.

I choose to interpret that observation that American students are busy discovering their gender identification, drugs to help them feel like they are on iCloud, how to do put their needs to use without having to do much. Not everyone is college bound but does one see other educational opportunities and interest like trade schools, vocational schools on the minds of the young and restless. My daughter had a high school friend who asked her if Texas is in California after graduating from high school. With that kind of system and reality we have to wonder how does America become great again. I have no clue, do you?

Perhaps Americas future depends on immigrants who never experienced a surplus of time and learned the importance of cerebral recordings vs. iCloud. A good example is our present president. Never had a meaningful job, most of the time the highest public servant (or pretending to be a public servant), knows nothing about the working men and women, never rubbed shoulders or even his pinky with them, developmentally retarded, elected by the people for the people.

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Spot on Isaac, except for the "elected by the people"part. The retarded believe that a mentally disturbed troll, campaigning from it's basement, and gathering no more then a couple of dozen other trolls when it came out of it's hole, won the election. And it ran with the weakest of all the mentally deranged candidate's in the field of psychotic derangements!

I know you know better then that my brother!

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IJ: Why don't you also give us your opinion of Mr, Trump. If you have read any of his history. He lies, he cheats and not an overly smart person. I think somewhere, somehow we should be able to find a better person as our next President.

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Bill...no one writes better....thank you

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"How is they?" That used to be racist, but now it's au courant. It would be funny if it weren't the end of society, the very "construct" that has guided human conduct for millennia. We are losing our grip on reality, and like the money, when that goes, EVERYTHING goes. Best always. PM

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God does have a sense of humor. I know this, that I am glad my Mom and Dad had the good sense to have me and my brothers. We each have an assignment as to sex, work, play, loafing, etc. When we fail our assignment we pay for it, knots on the head, am I a boy or a girl or something else, what are my pronouns and I lose track of the options. The world is upside down and backwards these days and guess who predicted this day would happen? In the book Helter Skelter, the author points out that one day America would be running around helter skelter. Stated by none other than Charles Manson. Who'd a thunk it? Just sayin'

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Every time I hear about transgender people, I always get the song “Lola” by The Kinks stuck in my head.

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Full disclosure: I had to look up Boog Powell's average for 1966 (.287, 21 points ahead of his career mark of .266). In 1966, Boog was 24; I was 14. Baseball was still baseball, and America was still America, even though she was startling to get a little wobbly. If you're in Bawlamer, crack open a long-neck National Bo(hemian) and head out 33rd Street to Memorial Stadium... Best always. PM

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Bill, I have always enjoyed your posts, but todays is the cream of the crop. How can God’s premier creations get so mixed up ??? ( Satan !!! )

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The idiocy knows no bounds. Editorials were supposed to be about opinions, not easily falsifiable assertions. From a Charlotte Observer editorial: "There is an incomplete body of evidence to support the claim that biological male athletes have an inherent physical advantage, especially since there are so few examples to point to." Well, at least the latter part of the statement is correct; there are damn few examples of female NBAers, or MLBers, or NFLers, or NHLers, or 100-yard dash champs, or.....

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Yeah, so take the next step: how much longer will there be the things you mentioned? Not long, my friend. "Trans" is nihilism incarnate. It will destroy everything. Best always. PM

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Claptrap, boondoggles, shenanigans, gauchos....ect. 😂

Either you’re a man or a woman! 😂

Everything in this world is all about sex! Period, it’s all about sex! Hahaha!

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I loved this one, Bill. I have been saying for a while, “we often seek what we have not.”

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Off point, but are you going to bring back the Doom Index? It was one of my favorite go-to macro indicators. Other than Dan! Lol!

Shameless plug. I'm trying to publish my memoir. But my family and friends seem to believe it's a tell-all book because they have completely ignored my emails and texts. It's hard not to take it personally.

If you want to help out a fellow BPR member and support this endeavor, check out my GoFundMe page, which summarizes my motivation for doing so, and please share the link. Thanks!


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If the exorcism doesn't take I would give a mixed up kid a shock treatment before getting any older. Give him a fresh start from scratch before he misses too many important life milestones.

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