Whatever you think of Ukraine, our own house is on fire while we send the bucket brigade to another house. We have an invasion of our own border that goes unreported by the alphabet media. We have an economy in crisis, skyrocketing crime, and perhaps worst of all we have burgeoning crises in our own military and health care systems that have been caused by our own government and are also largely unreported. We have a moral crisis of major proportions affecting our schools and our children. America has internal enemies that have and are doing more damage to America than Putin has done to Ukraine. So tell me why I am supposed to be more upset and energized about what is going on in Ukraine than what is going on right here in my own country? The fact that my elected representatives seem more interested in Ukraine than America is an abomination and highly offensive to me. Where is the $12 Billion in aid for OUR border, where OUR invasion is taking place? Who is coming to the aid of Texas border ranchers who sit with their families every night in their homes with all the lights turned out, weapons on the tables next to them? I could go on and on. What is happening inside this once great nation of America is the most degenerate and disgusting thing imaginable. Crickets from our politicians and the fourth estate who are supposed to protect us. God help us!

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Give them credit for overwhelming support to keep daylight saving time all year.

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Remember Hillary, Uranium One, and $145 million dollars

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sure and you don't have to get up and milk the cows every morning right! leave the fuc*** time alone and stop trying to recreate the planet in human image we ain't that pretty!

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We'll be paying for this atrocious disregard for the criminals being allowed to recirculate ALL OVER OUR COUNTRY, for years, nay decades! ICE should have no trouble rounding up a posse of lawful gun owners to take care of this problem, right? (Name withheld)

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well said Brian .. which prompted me to write above no has the power to successfully combat over 400 million weapons in the public domain plus whatever the military industrial local police/armies now have .. way to much fire power for anyone except the incumbents and participants of the next civil war!

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Thanks Ralph. This may come to a hot Civil War, although nothing like 1861.

Their plan is to implement a Digital Dictatorship which is the purest form of tyranny. This means all your money will be digital dollars controlled by the government, and the digital surveillance state will know everything about you 24/7. This will make any organized uprising extremely difficult. They are not planning on taking on the 400 million weapons. They know that would be foolish. Their strategy is not to match bullets with bullets, it is to match bullets with starvation(for you and your family), financial destitution and the gulag.

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Brien no mater what happens humans have a penchant for improvising and finding work around's since the beginning of mercantilism and regardless of what govt try to impose or force what the human does not give of his own volition can never be forced like Ukraine now and all societies if humans really against they will not comply and find alternatives .. especially the melting pot of nations !

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Another excellent article Bill! As alway's, thank you for your hidden advice, well written into your post, for those who have the insight to read between the lines. For the other dear readers, who just read without seeing, continue on your path in life and wish you well.

Russia is weak, but has real weapons of mass destruction, that we really wouldn't appreciate seeing in our part of the hemisphere. Keep on poking the bear, and it's a question of when it will bite you.

I understand those who live in the past, and dream of America's once super power status, and how incredible our strength was. The day's when we could destroy one of the most powerful armies in the Middle East in one day. When the thought of provoking America would make Xi and Putin cringe in fear. They have caught up, and even surpassed us in technology, thanks to the same corporations that created the monsters and now cry for war with those same monsters as they continue to make billions.

While our generals were busy fighting for "equity" and helping our men change into women, their equals were busy training their men to fight.

Yes, elections have consequences, especially corrupt elections, and as our Military, FBI and CIA were being purged of it's finest American's, and replaced with corrupt progressives who promote wokism over patriotism, our enemies supported the insanity of our those same fake leaders they helped place into power. They are treasonous. They are bought and paid for by China, and will do whatever told.

I always believed Liberalism was a mental disorder, but now realize it's a well planned conspiracy, created by those who want America destroyed, and supported by those who have been indoctrinated to believe in the lies they hear, or are just useful idiots that honestly don't know better.

War is not an option for this current America. Yes, we can continue to send money and weapons to extend the suffering of the Ukrainians, and the wealth of those pushing the insanity, but as more innocent die, more evil profit.

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So my brother, we can agree to disagree, as family's often do!

That is what makes us human. Progressives are not in our family.......

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It seems our politicians have already learned the process Putin used to obtain his power!

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dc/wall st/fed/congress. what a cluster of f#&ks.

but as a wise guy once said, do we blame the master for being the master, or the slave for being the slave.

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again some great views but stop mixing them up with your personal pet peeves .. you're smarter than that!

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Right on, PG

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Look at the stocks of Booze Allen Hamilton(up 15 points)and Northrop Grumman(up 100 points in less than 10 days

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yep don't forget Battelle Mac Douglas Marietta etc etc war makes money eh

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Having a bad day? My observation was innocuous.

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I did not interpret Bill's spirited observation about guns v butter; that is, our representatives quickly spending money we don't have to help the Ukrainians defend themselves, as an endorsement of Putin nor as tolerance for the consequences that will affect everyone on this planet.

However, I did find perplexing his question, "What are we fighting for?" Of course, the answer is: we are not fighting; we are only helping a country of 40 million inhabitants defend themselves from a brutal invader who covets their property and with, murder and mayhem, plans to acquire it.

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Looks like USA doesn't understand Russian mentality. Sanctions won't work (no matter how 'SWIFT and severe')...

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apologies not required .. you have clear mind perception don't let it get clouded by personal perspective .. their are enough distorter's of reality especially media don't be one of them ..

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you got that right .. CIA lost of stuff ups most in South Central America but mideast as well can't do anything about history but entire foreign affairs department/agencies needs to be wiped out along with HUD Soc Sec Educ Ag IE do exactly what Dr Ron Paul threatened to do but scared the shit out of the Beltway leeches and the entire consultancy industries to many blood suckers producing nothing but BS get real producers of goods and services in there for 4 years ONLY no contract extension and payment only on delivery of RESULTS!

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Bill so very well enunciated yes "where are the threats to America" ? well you have identified them beautifully .. they are all WITHIN the USA already just waiting to hatch .. hoping waiting for the savior Trumpet to return and lead them against the infidels/Democrats and all other non compliant/contrarians who dare to think differently. Ukraine is just a temporary distraction like in Turkey Brazil most of South & Central America and most of IndoChina .. how many countries can even pretend, like the US, to have any form of free elections? The scales in all of these countries (inc US) is minuscule swings of bribed voters to one side or the other. Putin Erdogan Bolsonaro etc are all only in power because they have the military/business power brokers behind them to ensure they continue to reap their ill gotten gains while the workers in all of planet earth keep planting and hoping as the planet turns to the shit heap so well defined by America's last dictator/emperor and how close was he to declaring a state of emergency and taking control of the federal govt under martial law ? DAMN Close! so sure let Putin run rampant or any of the others and lets see what the planets life support systems have to say about that .. as you will discover especially in your Argentina bolt hole .. even Ann Rand recognised the finite resources of Planet Earth at the end of her life .. humans are just so full of their own BS intellect they think they have the cosmos/universe all figured out eh?

Very early in life learned to let the 'Bullies' push you around until your inner self said that's it mate .. then the mouse roared and the elephant ran away!

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You forgot Trump, and Bush

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You missed the 25% raise for themselves that Congress added to the bill.

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Useful idiot

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deletedMar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022
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nobody cares what you think troll.

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I care. Good post PG V!

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naughty naughty. We all have a right to express our opinions!

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PG V, I have to say, love your enthusiasm for how the US has defended democracy and “freedom” and we only invaded when others were invaded, but I am sorry I completely disagree. The US has been sticking it nose and meddling in other people’s business since Teddy Roosevelt, all in the name of protecting you the average citizen. Look at Central America, it is our foreign policies that have destablized the region, given rise the the cartels and supported two bit dictators which in turn caused a whiplash of socialist movements seen today. Let’s face it, how many dictators and all around bad people has US policy created? Noriega, Hussein, oh and yea wasn’t Bin Laden one of our original creations to fight the Russkies in Afghanistan?

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yep right since the Monroe doctrine the Americas have been restricted often seen by the US but actually the left over from Spanish/Inca/Aztec Catholicism .. name One single country that is predominantly Catholic which has ever sustained a democratically elected govt inc Italy for more than 12 months .. this is an old UN question that is still valid today! like Cuba only one resident has ever risked Nuclear war and stood his ground JFK now they are all weaklings since Reagan and sadly poor old Grandpa Biden was the only non narcissist self infatuated with his own importance to have the courage to take on the POTUS job .. where are all the real men in America ? Lets hope they are waiting in the wings somewhere because until then Biden is stuck with facing off the biggest Mafioso ! lets wish him well rather than insult/abuse him as the opposition around the world uses Carlson BS as propaganda to further undermine US world image which so many died for!

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Definitely a different lens. Agree completely on FDR. Basically, I don't believe we should have ceded the power to our government that we have. What happened to the Consitution? Either way, hope the Ukrainians kick their ass, got to respect what they have done. Would support anyone who wanted to go over there and help them but suspect anyone that wanted to supply their own equipment would not be permitted to travel. After all, it is the UN pushing the Small Arms treaty; I guess that means thank God for the CIA.

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sadly you are again partly right but most of those 'good intentions' get lost or rolled over by vested interests often in the military .. so just imagine if US had listened to Capt Billy Mitchell or MacArthur or Patton etc etc then all the BS we are now going through would not eventuate because that intelligence was discarded to superior ignorance (Truman) now we have to confront all the shi** that they saw coming if the USA did not exert it's unwanted power to establish a world order that is now falling apart .. maybe or can the EU and the rest of the planet recognise the real threat to human existence?

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you are an excellent example of the breed.

I applaud you.

you earned a bonus on this one.

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