“Engineered” elections, “engineered” viruses, “engineered” intelligence, “engineered” money….. and don’t forget “engineering” the climate, a work in progress. “Control” seems to be the common denominator. “The People” better start paying attention.

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" Democracy as Bill writes above, "works fairly well – on a small scale. In a small town, for example, where everyone knows who’s who and what’s what, the voters can form their own judgements – good or bad – and come to reasonable decisions".

This has got me thinking, should we not get rid of the Fed and Federal government entirely, from whence cometh all that ails America. How about limiting government to each state to run its own affairs similar to the Swiss cantonal system, a system of government that has stood the test of time. Does anyone know who the president of Switzerland is?

Each state would govern itself and those who do not agree with the legislation are free to vote with their feet and move across the border to a state better suited. No CIA, no warmongers to waste precious resources fighting wars in countries posing no threat to us, no Fed and money printing press.

One can but only dream.

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Do not take Joel’s warning lightly. The Chan/Zuckerberg alliance heavily influenced electors in swing states in 2020. Imagine if they powered up again with AI in hand for 2024. Be very afraid! There is no legislative chance in hell this can be stopped prior. Especially since no one in congress has a techno clue how to deal with it.

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Bill and Joel, great article,My only question is when have the American taxpayers had enough? The trillion dollar question ?

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Nothing much happening in New Delhi, India. The population grows and the economy thrives. Connected to the world commerce economic sector, the storm is brewing for a domino financial collapse that will warp the fabrics of the cosmos.

Beyond the dollar, is the dollar, as it circumnavigates the path of chakra. Tin foil and amusement pockets are not receivable in the night sky, so brace yourself for the earthly opening.

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Although Bill has been making the same assertion over and over, each time displaying masterful use of the English language, today's iteration sounds more serious, in part, because it contains a woefully exaggerated claim that we are being covertly ruled by Deciders

Despite an FBI leadership (since replaced) that went rouge and fifty CIA employees who signed a letter making a phony claim, there is no organized group of "Deciders" who are pulling strings to enrich themselves at the expense of the the rest of us.

There is, however, a big glitch in our Constitution: to wit, there's no requirement that our nation produce a balanced budget. Every other entity that manages money taken from others to provide services to all are required to live within their means. But not our Federal government

This glitch has now metastasized to the point whereby we refuse to elect someone to Congress who promises to be a good steward of our tax dollars; to reduce funding overly generous benefits that encourage dependency; to abstain from invading third world countries to impose our vision for their future; etc.

Instead, we elect the opposite: a Congress composed of people who are loath to say no to appeals for access to the Federal trough. They're all on the take too. If you'll give 'em money, they they'll pay attention to you. The more you pay (to the Political Action Committees), the more they'll heed your appeal for other people's dollars.

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