Madness is something rare in individuals – but in groups, parties, peoples, ages it is the rule.

-Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (1886)

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

"These currents control us; we do not control them." So eloquently set out by Leo Tolstoy over 150 years ago in War and Peace. I wish wannabe "great men" / "world saviors" would read or re-read Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. It might take up a lot of their time but they might be doing less harm while busy with it or even pause to reflect.

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Two weeks ago Taylor Swift did concerts in Seattle. For weeks prior to her arrival newscasters brought the subject up every single night, often giving facts about her tour. One was about the eighty (yes, 80!) semi-trailers driving to Lumen Field in downtown Seattle. They were loaded with her sound equipment, changes of clothing, trinkets to be sold, etc,. There was not one word spoken concerning all the CO2 emissions these trucks were giving off as they traveled from Swifts headquarters and back from Seattle, as I am sure they run on gas. This does not include all the private corporate jets flown in for the event. But that was okay, it was Taylor Swift after all. The goddess whose tour will collect $4.6 billion in ticket sales, cd's, pink hats and trinkets. In the middle of her performance she has given 15 minute lectures supporting the alphabet group and mutilation of children under the banner of "gender affirming care". Would not surprise me if she did that in Seattle too.

The elites are total hypocrites. You don't have to be rich to be an elite. There are plenty of middle-class, and folks in poverty, who have embraced all of the elites teachings. Climate Change being number one..... unless it's Taylor Swift and Company. That you can ignore.

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Yes Bill/Joel, such BS shoved into the innocent publics heads on a daily basis. Such an assault of misinformation and lies we endure every day. Gays, Blacks, Whites, Trans, Illegals, Elites, Hot, Cold, Warm...where does the all this insanity bring us to?

Well, the US just took a rating dump from a BS AAA rating to a really BS AA+, while the second most corrupt/whore of a so called President, pushes charges on a past, legally elected President.

As I have been stating for many years now. Nothing really matters in the BS world of deceit and lies we hear daily. What matters is real truth and Facts that effect us in the here and now. And unfortunately, the facts lead us to this Banana Republic of these Un-United States. Where we the people have been sold out by a few thousand Traitors for personal profit.

Such incredible times to be alive, to witness the "Fundamental Transformation of America", and how incredible rapid the transformation was.

We only have ourselves to blame, with a little help from the Bush's, Clintons, Obama's, Trumps and of course, whatever this current thing in the White House is. Definitely not an American, Definitely not coherent, Definitely senile...and Definitely bough and paid for by the same good folk who made Obama and Clinton worth hundreds of millions...

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Couple thousand years ago Pilate said to a Man, 'What is truth?' The truth was standing right in front of him. But he didn't really want it. Do we?

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Evidently not, as most men (and women)(and those who still can’t figure out what they are) today can’t handle the truth 🤔

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SL: Since you seem to know so much about the various Presidents, who would you like to run for President? By the way, who was/were the good folk (s) who made Obama and Clinton worth millions? I'm sure you would never find a Republican doing that!

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I wish the jokers running our government would just cut the stupidity they are spewing and learn to keep their mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about. Maybe they should read a few books, do some thinking about things, try to learn something and stop "saving us" from all their made up troubles. Seems the world would be more productive and far safer. The natural order of capitalism under the US Constitution would produce a far more productive and richer society with more meaningful lives of everyone.

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They are stupid, but not in the way that you think. satan is also stupid, the greatest fool in the universe, but he is also the most intelligent being that God created. Think about that one for a while. satan also has his human agents. Both satan and all who join him think they will win. You can't get much more insane than that.

"This much is certain, stupidity is in essence not an intellectual defect but a moral one. There are human beings who are remarkably agile intellectually yet stupid, and others who are intellectually dull yet anything but stupid.

The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us from the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him.

He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and is abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil – incapable of seeing that it is evil."

-Carlo M. Cipolla, 1976 essay, professor of economic history at the University of California, Berkeley

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I try not to watch TV; especially the news Media. It is more commercials than news. The average commercial is about 20 seconds long. Some commercials are double that. When I happen to pass a TV with commercials, I see new diseases and new cure all drugs to combat them. If you are quick enough to see the possible side effects, they seem to be worse than the ailment or disease.

I get my news from Public Broadcasting System. Very few commercials: if any. I like PBS, BBC and the Japanese News. I think it's NGK. Some of the Newscasters just report the News and let you make of it what you will. The major networks ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc., THE MEDIA,, show you a snippet of what happened and then give you their take on it or the networks take of it from the papers in front of them or from a telecaster. I may be wrong, but I've been wrong before. That's my story and I am sticking to it. I can make my own facts from the news I see. Of course, you can't believe everything you see. either.

Now, we have AI coming into the picture doing all our thinking for us, right? Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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I listen to NPR. My BS detector constantly goes off. Sometimes I get so disgusted with their BS I have to shut it off. Like today, when they had some transgender crap on. They're all just news readers, I don't think there's any reporters anymore.

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The rising ocean temperature coupled with; the destruction of permafrost, Greenlands ice sheet, etc implies we are exiting the end of a glacial period and entering into tropical period. The transition from one state to another will likely result in unpredictable weather patterns. The resulting world wide food insecurity will result in warfare to reduce global population.

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Thank you Mr King, I've been hearing that same news for decades now, and it seems the only thing killing humans are vaccines, ignorance and themselves.

The "resulting world wide food insecurity" has been happening for ever. That will never change as long as the ignorant allow it.

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It seems like 20 or more years ago there was talk of a coming Ice Age, Poles shifting, etc. About 40 years ago Howard Hughs was talking about putting Las Vegas, NV under a dome: Climate Controlled and all that. Who knows, but GOD, how many Ice Ages and Tropical ages this planet called Earth has been through.

The Atlantic Ocean warming could be the beginning of Atlantis rising for all we know. The Feds have finally admitted there may be UFO's or UAO's. Maybe they have something to do with all this baloney.

One last thing. The Warren Commission Report on JFK was sealed for 75 years. POTUS Biden did a Presidential Order to release the Report a couple weeks past. The Feds announced it was released. Seventy-five years have not passed. If anyone bothered to read what was released, it was not the Report. The only thing released was the Policy and Procedures for releasing it. It takes an Act of Congress to release it. They don't even have to release the whole Report. But doesn't it make POTUS look good for the coming election. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Nothing could make this POTUS look good…just saying Jimmy 😊

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Could some one please explain to this man that the ocean currents in the northern hemisphere rotate clockwise. That is, the West coasts of the US & Europe benefit from increased Arctic cold as the the ice caps melt. On the East Coast of the US, where I have lived all my 73 years, and the current flows up from the South, the water is warmer than ever, significantly more so compared to my youth. It's simple geography.

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I agree the earth has been getting warmer. A few thousand years ago, right after the flood, there was an ice age. Areas that were formerly warm were covered in ice. Europe and north america were covered in glaciers - 2 miles thick in places. This is accepted by most scientists, they only differ as to when this happened (the usual a million years for them, which can be easily refuted). And, the region known as the Sahara was covered in rivers and lakes. The water level of the oceans was far lower as well, which explains the 'Bimini Road.' Clearly, man's industrial activities did not cause the ice to melt. Unless, of course, you count the Iron Age. :)

There is something fascinating about science - such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.

-Mark Twain

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The International Monetary Fund canceled a talk with physicist John Clauser after he said, “Climate change is not a crisis.”

The IMF had invited Clauser, the recipient of a Nobel Prize in Physics, to deliver a Webex speech on July 25. Five days before the event, Clauser was informed his speech had been “postponed.” The lecture has yet to be rescheduled. Agree or be postponed 🤔

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The proper term is 'cancelled,' not postponed.

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It's easy to believe the world is afire, at least Canada. For the last two years, Canadian forest fires have periodically obscured visibility in Western states. This year smoke from Canadian forest fires got all the way to Washington DC, a first. Hard to imagine that all these fires occurred naturally. Yet whatever the cause, they occurred and are still occurring

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We had unexplained wildfires in Florida a few years back: wildfires. The next year or so after the debris was cleaned up buildings were built. Walmart and other businesses were built. Can't let all that land go to waste. Duh! The fires seemed to follow property lines pretty much. In Duval County you have to get permission to cut a tree down. I don't know about the other counties. Probably the same. Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure it. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Hello Bill,

My wife and I are currently down in Royan, quite close to where you are currently located. We will be traveling in your direction at the beginning of next week, and if you have time we would be glad to stop and meet you in person.

Please let me know.

Best regards,

Richard Holliday

Mobile: +49 15201939652

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Bill, It’s as of you and I were discussing this last night over high altitude Malbec, and both decided to jot down our conclusions:


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The only pushback on the % of the Earth burnt every year going down is how much does that have to do with there being less forest to burn. Not saying this is a "fact" but it was brought up by my far more intelligent than me, wife, as a potential reason for this result.

Keeping an open mind down here in sunny Brazil.

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There seems to be more forest today than 100 years ago:


But, that may be different in Brazil, as we know a lot of land is being cleared for agriculture.

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A war on terror is as dumb as they come. Terror is not a person, not even a group, it is a tactic dating back to the dawn of mankind. A war on terror in the Middle East was unwindable from the start. Who was using terror we needed to stop? Bush was quick to point out it was not a war on Islam, and yet Muhammad the founder of Islam exclaimed; "I have been made victorious with terror!"

Not to give Christianity a pass, the Crusaders, and before them Constantine who exclaimed: "In hoc signo vinces " or "By this sign, conquer" referring to the cross of Jesus.

General Sherman burned the South during his advance that would make him a terrorist

Terror is in the eye of the beholder, especially the on the receiving end.

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Well written Bill and Joel. Keep up the good work. We got your back.

This reminds me of a statement made by a good writer; “You can’t believe everything you read. I don’t believe any fact unless I make it up myself.” Well said Good Writer! Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Last time I checked, chemical weapons were considered to be “weapons of mass destruction.” Not so unlike now, questions were never asked nor proffered.

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Taylor Swift's concerts in the US city of Seattle generated seismic activity equivalent to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, a seismologist has said.

The data was recorded at Swift's sell-out Eras tour performances at Lumen Field on 22 and 23 July.

Seismologist Jackie Caplan-Auerbach said the activity was caused by Swift's fans or the sound system.

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