There are quite a few books out that seem to prove that global warming and cooling isn't affected by humans. That it runs in approximate 30 to 50 year cycles and that the science on the other side is only studying one of those periods which is the time humans have been adding CO2 from our industries while the earth is in a heating phase of the planet. We may be entering another cooling phase now since the global temperatures have come down for the past two years. Yet the politicians want to change the whole world and impose what I see as a global tax on being born into their world. Only God should have that kind of power! My question is : Why aren't the big oil companies and automakers up in arms over this and trying to lobby and get this infoformation to the world to save their own businesses? The NRA seems to be able to hold off the government from making rules for them. So why is the oil industry taking this lying down? I believe this is the most important issue in the world but the sheep just seem to be doing what they are told to do to the detriment of everyone.

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

Your missive is spot on. The problem is that this has very little to do with "climate change" or "global warming". That's all a rouse to impose Marxism (disguised as Socialism) on the entire world and install a small group of globalists/elitists to rule over it. Their new slogan is "You will own nothing and be happy."

They know that the environmental impact of mining the minerals required to manufacture the batteries that run EV's and the panels in solar panels is far more detrimental than the techniques and processes used to harvest oil and gas. They don't care. (They just ban the mining here in the U.S. which speaks volumes and proves they know it's all a sham.)

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The whole increase in Carbon in the atmosphere story is a big lie because although carbon emissions have increased and will no doubt continue doing so as human activity on earth increases the actual carbon content in the atmosphere has been measured very precisely and accurately by the Mauna Loa observatory since the 1960's and subsequently by other observatories all around the globe, three of which are in the UK . They all have readings which are largely in agreement with Mauna Loa, showing the current carbon in the atmosphere being somewhere between 400 and 420 ppm. (Parts in a million) and admittedly increasing annually but by less than 2 parts in one million. (0.000002)

The world is an enormous carbon sink with all growing vegetation, and in fact the vast expanses of ocean absorbing carbon as it is introduced into the atmosphere. Vegetation needs carbon to grow and this carbon comes from the atmospheric carbon. Pre human activity, this carbon was introduced into the atmosphere from volcanic eruptions, natural wildfires, electric storms and asteroid activity and still continues to be so.

Anyone who believes that 2 ppm annual increase in carbon in the atmosphere can possibly cause climate change really need to re-evaluate their basic premise, when we have 200 MPH jetstream variations, a vast fluctuation of the frequency and magnitude of sunspots and vast variations in ocean currents all of which have an indisputable influence on the climate throughout the world.

Please don't be influenced into believing that carbon emissions are responsible for climate change in the world. This is a concept to try to control the activities of the population of the world by power hungry demagogues. It must not succeed. Carbon emissions do not cause climate change.

Climate change is something which has been with us since the world began with ice ages and super hot periods varying with each other over the ages and these were not necessarily caused by variations in carbon in the atmosphere.

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Elucidating reply. I pose this question as a layman: if not CO2, then what is causing climate change?

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The Sun!

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And their models don't even account for it, what a joke.

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CO2 can only be a cause of climate change if it is shown to be increasing in the atmosphere at a significant rate. This is not the case the 2 parts in 1 million increase currently being scientifically measured is imperceptible and cant possibly be the cause of climate change.

What causes climate change. I dont know but I am certain it is not due to increase in carbon in the atmosphere.

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It’s because the global elite are too powerful. They shut the world down with ubiquitous fear propaganda in the corporate media over covid. The climate con is part of the same agenda.

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I am not a scientist nor do I follow the perpetual argument over how much if any is mankind responsible for warming or cooling the atmosphere.

However, it’s hard not to recognize there are billions of our species on this planet; too many likely.

The vast majority cause carbon dioxide to be voided into the atmosphere if not because of our industry then because our species has destroyed most of the CO2 absorbing tree canopy that our planet once possessed

One fact I think all can acknowledge is burning evermore fossil fuels doesn’t reduce CO2 in our one and only atmosphere

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Here's the Woke BBC actually destroying the myth that a 1.5 or even 2 Celsius rise in temperature is going to kill everything.


The one curious thing about all this hysteria is - Fossil Fuel. The clue is in the name, Fossil. This CO2 was once free in the atmosphere and animals and plants took it up in vast quantities. So IF all these living organisms were there when the CO2 wasn't fossil, what are we so hysterical about? I can assure you, Global Freezing is a lot more deadly than warming. Bjorn Lomborg has sensible answers to how to adapt to it without costing the earth. Prof James Lovelock, former Doyen of the Greens due to his Gaia hypothesis even 'recanted' his 'alarmist views' - now the Greens hate him. Is he stupid? When asked why he recanted but so many scientists didn't, he pointed out something we have discovered in spades during the Covid hysteria. Scientists are happy to lie if they need the money. Lovelock's answer to the question was "I am an independent Scientist, I do not need Grants, others do." Go figure, is I believe an American Expression that basically says - 'and there is the reason.'

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Thank you very much for the information on Lovelock. It is not only edifying, but it confirms what I've been screaming for years.

These so called "scientists" and "researchers" are predominantly funded by governments all over the world. They know what the "outcome" of their "studies" needs to be in order for the gravy train of grants to keep running. There didn't need to be a Memo telling them what their "findings" will show. They have eyes and ears and empty wallets to fill. It's one of the greatest "The fix is in" (another American Expression) crimes of all time.

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“Scientists are happy to lie if they need the money.”

You nailed it. Climate change may have begun as a theory by ignorant people who meant well but it’s been weaponized by others who want money/power.

The same goes for Wokeism, the LGBT movement, etc. Interestingly enough, all of these movements also meet the definition of being cults.

And don’t be fooled by large corporations who say they’re good “corporate citizens.” They don’t give a sh*t about doing the right thing; they just want to make money and will go as the wind blows to ensure they continue to profit (examples: Mitsubishi/BMW in WWII; any Fortune 500 company today).

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Watch this video on population and the myths (such as there are too many of us) and you'll see why the biggest disaster we are facing was caused by Central Bankers bailing out the Sub-Prime instigators with QE/Low interest rates for almost 15 years, and how lock-down inflation is now about to explode that and cause millions of deaths. It will also push more back into poverty and the large families they need to survive when poor.


Chimps did better than UK Graduates on the tests the late Prof Hans Rosling gave!

The conclusion - The Industrial Revolution was the greatest thing in history for Humanity.

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

All I have to do to shut these fools that shill for "clean energy" up is ask them one question: Do you know where electricity comes from?

Then it's poof, they vanish into thin air. Ignorance must truly be bliss.

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One more comment. If you read in the Bible, God plainly states that this is His creation. He will be the one that destroys it. He will control the thermostat. No help needed from John Kerry or Biden. Can we all agree on this? Don Harrell

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I'm with you ! F God's planet ! I'll pollute as much as I want.

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CO2 isn't a pollutant. Only a green would think that.

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Sorry about this naughty comment, but Bill's constant refrain about naked swimmers pushed me to it. He's to blame!

"I'm hoping that golfer/influencer Paige Spirinac

invested heavily in Microstrategy and Luna. The tide is out. I'm looking for her!"

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Naked swimmers aren’t all bad.

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The smartest man ever, Solomon, said there is nothing new under the sun. Stocks rise, they fall. Still, we invest knowing this. If we keep our heads while all others are losing theirs, we will be ok.

Don Harrell

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I'm certainly no expert on climate change, but here in Northern Virginia, it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I'm not sure if that will ever change. ;)

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Two things: check out the theory from a Serbian geophysicist from the 1920's named Milankovitch. Pretty brilliant analysis on climate change cycles involving Earth's tilt on 3 axes. And the oil companies are under the control of Wallstreet, ie. Blackrock. They control the boards of these companies, and are shifting them to ESG policies. Some states like W. Virginia are fighting back, telling Black Rock, et al. that they (the State Treasurer) will be divesting their massive retirement funds out of investments controlled by the Wall Street wackos. Seems to have gotten their attention. Wouldn't hurt if you live in a state that is an energy producer to call your Treasurer and give them a heads up.

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What are your thoughts on Circle, and its USD Coin and Tether?

Tell more about being a tobacco farmer.

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We live in a digital world; most money is stored in a computer. The government might go totally digital. They will do this to control everything and spend at will.

Will this money have value, does it have value now?

Someone, at Bonner, wrote a good definition of value.

At some point, if you exchange worthless government money for Bitcoin, will Bitcoin have authentic value?

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If I didn't know better I would think I'm on Twitter reading through these comments.

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Hi Bill. Yes there are many crypto that are worthless as you have stated over the years, but many as you do Bill, don’t completely understand bitcoin and forget how much it has grown as an asset. Even at $500 a bitcoin, the price has risen many 1000x. Let not forget what it was designed to do. Regardless of the drop from it high of about 70%, i at 19k per bitcoin it is still up incredibly. Our useless governments are trying to create CBDC that are centralised. When this happens, lets see where bitcoin stands and what it will be worth to the masses to own it. For some reason there is feud between people who have gold and people who have bitcoin. I know you don’t agree, but bitcoin is one of the 2 forms of hard money along with gold. Owning both, and not one will be safety moving forward in my view.

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The same way them phony crypto companies paused crypto withdrawals, is the same way the phony world government is going to pause ATM withdrawals, and totally limit bank transactions globally, reaching the US and Europe, once the stink hits the fan. 😂

Due to “National Security Concerns”, this ATM machine is temporarily out of service. 🤣

J/K, that only happens in the movies, or does it?

You can raise inflation 20 points or higher, but it won’t matter. People don’t really care about inflation ir spending money anymore. They are willing to buy cars with a $10,000 mark-up and pay 8% on a home loan. Hahaha, the implosion will be spectacular.

Instead of spending less, people are going to spend and borrow more even if the fed increases the rate. The mentality has shifted, heck, if you survived covid, what the heck does 1 million dollars mean to you? Nothing. The unfortunate people that are no longer here, were healthy, wealthy, and young, but lost the battle to Covid dent the mind and exposed a new perspective on life. What does it matter? So the new generations seek easy money, and some of the old don’t care about spending it anymore. Here today, gone tomorrow. An inflation spending crusade is about to intensify that will destroy the global financial system. Perhaps only faith will save the world from the near future.

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I have been reading Bill's comments for several (more than 10) years and agree with all of what is said. Unfortunately, despite the common sense and truth of it all, the crash hasn't happened. Why? I can see that MMT, Federal/Reserve Bank/government policies etc., are all insane, but the crash you keep warning us of hasn't happened. I know you don't know any more of the future than do I, but there is obviously something either we are all missing or something much deeper holding up the fraudulent economy.

Any thoughts?

Kind regards,


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Bill's skepticism about all the excessive speculation in crypto's, NFT's, zombie companies and other dubious asset classes is totally spot on. Please enlighten us on other things to watch out for and how we should be thinking about investing in these troubled times. I have been utilizing SQQQ to hedge against the insanity by moving in and out as the stock market dictates. Also, should we still be playing the Trade of the Decade (XOP) with an anticipated recession and related slowdown in economic activity on the near term horizon, which presumably would reduce demand for oil. I am sure Tom will have a perspective on these questions too!

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Question to the Fed - "How to you collect up helicopter money?"

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South Sea Bubble is all I can say. Naked greed without sufficient substance and an oversufficiency of optimism and FOMO, to follow the crowd and the easy buck. Not to worry, Isaac Newton, possibly one of the greatest mathematicians of all time got caught out - big time.

Time to reflect on what is value, something tangible; time to sit in a corner with a book and wait for the constructive destruction to shake out all the company's built on the sand of cheap, printed money and though it may take a couple of years, then it will be time to take stock (figuratively).

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My comment is this: Many years ago I enjoyed Bill's comments and column enough that I signed up for a Lifetime Subscription. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I only qualified as a free subscriber to Bonner Private Research, and I would have to join again to be a paying subscriber. I really do enjoy this column, I just feel bad about having to pay again. Thanks for listening.


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Except 'Lifetime' suggests just that, I'm surprised Bill hasn't done anything about it. Such as 'refund' the payment or simply add this gentleman to his new list for free.

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