Wow, as a long time BB reader and admirer I have to say that this is one of his best EVER. He nails it concisely and with precision in a few paragraphs… disgusting but blatantly true to this 76 year old “spear barrier”… who’s Dad landed on Normandy Beach 1st wave, lived to tell (though he never did until after the 50th Anniversary that I attended with him and the movie “Saving Private Ryan” came out ) …. and he, accordingly, would be even more disgusted than me if he were still alive that he risked his life and OUR result was…. Well this… exactly what Bill describes …. He and others in that “The Greatest Generation” did it willingly in the hopes of a better safer World and just as Bill nailed it WE screwed it up for the next 78 years. I would really have liked to use the “other” word instead of screwed but then you could not print. Sadly too I see from Bill that we were not the first, probably not the last and we are always pawns to the POWER…. Money source at best / cannon fodder at worst.

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The people of this world are sometimes able to define the problem, but the vast majority either miss it or don't want to know. Even fewer implement, or begin to, the only true solution to man's ills. (Of course, I cover this in my booklet, Discourse On Agape.) Out of the billions on earth, only perhaps a few hundred million will choose to receive the life of Christ, which is agape. While it's a huge number, never before seen in known history, it's small compared to the ones who, inexplicably, hang on to their dying life, and reject eternal life. Crazy, huh? That sort of thing just can't be properly explained.

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Curved ball thought. Well maybe?

So in this crazy dog eat smaller weaker dog world we have inhabited and fought over since time forever.

Where do the philosophers of old and new, the artists & sculptors of all time, the composers of musical sensations past and modern, medical nursing and health care angels etc, fit into this picture of despair and sackcloth & ashes deliberations?

Are we so driven by morbidity and back lashings, to not be able to see life’s beauty and have some thankfulness to have been born? What nothing anywhere?

Even after 75 years, I still wonder and enjoy sunrise and sunset, our vision of the milky way of stars & universe, even conversations with others, as I am sure most of all of our respective forebears of old also have done in their time.

What a crazy dreamer I really must be !

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PS My forebears were like yours cavemen, mine included those of AngloSaxon & Scottish roots - well noted for use of axe & swords, as well as harps & bagpipes !

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Following is quoted from the first paragraph of the article at the following link on the Regent University web site. Each paragraph includes the reference number for its source at the bottom of the web page:


One of the foremost constitutional theorists of the founding generation, John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”1

He wasn’t the only Founding Father to hold this view. Indeed, James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”2

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You've hit the nail on the head as "sufficient virtue" is now totally lacking among men that are supposed to be leaders.

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I'm on page 250 of your book, "Un-Civilizing America". It is quite good and I'm thankful it is nowhere near as cynical as today's column or some of your other columns. I'm not saying that many of the issues you cite are incorrect - you're spot on on most. I do have a quibble about your assertion that the Southern States had the right to secede from the Union. My reading of history is that the Constitution began with the words, "We the People.." for a reason. It was essentially a pact between the newly formed federal government and the people, not a pact between the federal government and the States. Hence, the States did not have a "right" to secede. How that should have been resolved is a separate issue. Be that as it may, your explanation that it is innate in humans to want to dominate others does not get to the core, fundamental, moral, and philosophical understanding of how humans should live in order to flourish. So far, your book gets closer to this idea with your "win-win" vs "win-lose" alternative. That being said, the novelist and philosopher who actually gets to a clear understanding of this issue is Ayn Rand. I read her fourth, and last novel, Atlas Shrugged in 1973 (it was published in 1957). It taught me, for the first time in my life, what morality really is. A famous speech in this novel is called "the money speech" where one of the characters answers an assertion from another that "money is the root of all evil". I believe it can be found online and this five-page speech is a defense of money, productivity, etc. on moral grounds. It really is breathtaking in its scope. As a brief sample, the character's response begins as follows: "So you think that money is the root of all evil?"...."Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value....Is this what you consider evil?" As the speech proceeds, it gets broader in scope, and differentiates between the men who live by force vs the men who live by trade. This book started me on an intellectual journey exploring many issues including economics, politics, philosophy, etc. After "Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand wrote many essays on the timeless issues that confront us, most of which were combined into books, such as "Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal", "The Virtue of Selfishness" (I know, this title goes against the grain, but she explains the title in the introduction), "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution" which was latter republished with added essays as "Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution", and many other non-fiction books. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" is also excellent if you want to understand how concepts are formed and validated. I believe the combined works of Ayn Rand gives us an essential and fundamental understanding of our human "predicament" and offers a philosophical solution to put us on a sustainable path of human flourishing.

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Honestly, Bill. I do at time wish that you were not so clear about all of this….and yet this is whaat we all need to recon with. Thank you for your courage and clarity. As you say, I’m much more able to connect the dots now.

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Bill's candid assessment of the human animal is discouraging albeit persuasive. Happily, it's an endorsement of my quiet conduct. Briefly, I've been surreptitiously planning for some time to take steps to declare my kingdom.

Initially, it will be small. It will encompass only land that local authorities already recognize as mine. Frankly, living in a rabid 2nd Amendment state, I don't want to tip my hand to my neighbors that what's theirs will eventually be mine.

Since I abjure pain and enjoy only pleasure, especially pageantry -- a raft of trumpets in particular announcing important visitors -- I've decided to sell royal appointments to all my immediate neighbors.

I want them to be happy subjects. Duke, Earl, Count even Prince and Princess will be available for a price TBD.

More to the point: Like potentates everywhere, you will appreciate that running a kingdom, even a small a one, is costly. Coronations and banquets aren't cheap, especially given the Fed's penchant to inflate our currency.

Best of all: I'll provide inflation adjusted discounts to all my royal appointments to any of Bill's subscribers

But stalling me is my need to get my flag, coat of arms and anthem in place first. Fortunately, my home is already my palace.

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This has been done throughout human history. I just finished reading a book by A.T. Jones, Empires of the Bible. He spends some time on the Syrian empire, and how, after generations of pillaging, looting, and raping, the leader had amassed enough loot to live a life of luxury. Then other nations began to attack the Syrian empire, till it was no more. Rinse and repeat, throughout all history. Selfishness never pays. What you do to someone else, you are really doing to yourself.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Great stuff Alex. Bill occasionally makes the point that those who reap the true rewards in this life, which include great long-term relationships with others, spiritual faith, and yes, financial wealth, are those that give their time, their attention and their God-given talents to help and benefit others. It's worked for me and my family as I'm sure it's worked for humans throughout the the entirety of human history.

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I guarantee that I will be a kind and good King. I'll even set up a program where I send a Joke-a-Day to your phone or computer (for a small fee). No pillaging or other dastardly deeds either, guaranteed. Free beer instead (also for a fee).

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You know you could do those things without being a king, right? (I think that was your point. :))

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Bravo, Jimm! This was a good fantasy read lol.

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Many a truth is said in jest.

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Hey Jim. Could I ask you what rabid Second Amendment people do? Could I ask what state you live in? Here in West Virginia we do believe strongly in the constitution. As they say an armed society is a polite society. I guess in America today if you believe in the constitution, you must be a white nationalist, misogynist, racist, etc. etc.

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Hi Jimm -

Are you hiring parasites to be the integral part of your "government"? If so, I'd like to apply - though I'm quite weak in the qualifications department...

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When I get around to the interview process, be aware that all candidates have to be able to tell ten jokes that trigger sufficient laughter from an eclectic gaggle of my subjects. Audience approval required for the next step. You may wear a funny hat if you so desire. Fee of course required (for beer for the audience, my subjects all)

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While I'm not very strong in the Art of Leeching -- jokes, I have in abundance...

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Oh, how I wish that I could disagree with you and claim that you are exaggerating all the awful acts and crimes against people that you are describing; but I cannot. I wholeheartedly agree with your descriptions of the past; and at this moment see no hope that the future will be any brighter.

I pray everyday that this will change! Thank you, Bill!

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Most excellent commentary. Obligatory Trump dig notwithstanding.

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LOL, I thought he was doing so well avoiding yet another slap upside Trump's head (which would have been a first) and then the second to the last paragraph happened.

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Hey Brother D -

I hope all is well! Looking forward to Fall down here...

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Hey My Brother,

Me too here as well (though except for July this summer hasn't been too brutal). We'd have laid a couple hundred thousand square feet of big roll Tif Green Bermuda this week, but for the damn hurricane making a mess of things. I thought of you.

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Meh - roll it out yellow. As you know, it'll green up!


Is Tif Green one of the cultivars that can irrigate with salt water? Does wonders for weed control...

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

It's not about the color, we needed to let the sub-base dry out. The site took 3" of rain over about 8 hours. We're starting today, but won't finish this week.

Tif Green doesn't like salt. None of the varieties of Bermuda we use like salt water. Doesn't the salt build up in the soil and stop the water from percolating? That must require a lot aeration. The turf they use at Pebble Beach has to stand up to salt because of the salt content in the air.

We run into a lot of trouble with turf fields when recycled water is used. We've had to put injection systems on the front end of sprinkler systems and use acid to balance the pH.

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Yup - I've heard of the need for an injection system to keep the pH correct. Kind of common here because we use Reclaimed on a widespread basis on all kinds of properties and some Counties/Municipalities are now mandating the additional install of Lavender mains when developing new infrastructure. Pretty cool that RB and Hunter came out with the colored caps to go on the sprinkler heads - brilliant.

I'll have to check with my Sports Turf guys to see what the exact variety I'm thinking of is called ( I think it's Seashore Paspalum), but I remember that is is relatively new and many coastal golf courses in FLA have used it with varying degrees of success. It was hybridized specifically to be irrigated with salt or brackish water and you make a great point about aeration frequency requirements. Obviously the need for selective Herbicide and Insecticides goes WAY down when you are throwing salt water over-the-top on a daily basis. Meanwhile, I'm slaving away over here on the Commercial Install and Maintenance side, but the end is in sight...

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Hey Tonto. He just can’t help himself. Sorry voice text.

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If you hold a thoroughly biblical worldview you must hold that history is driving towards a point, that things are in fact narrowing. Narrowing never means better, for freedom is wide. But what about this point? It is the denouement of all of history. Without it there would be, not a point, but a giant explosion.

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Yes, you nailed it. We are racing toward the end, the denouement of all history. Stay tuned.

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Thank you Bill. A great summation. I would love to know how you think we should reform this entire shit show. Short of non compliance and mild resistance, us little people have no real method to displace uniparty/ defense/ pharma/ WEF domination. I’m thinking something serious needs to get the global proletariat into the streets ala Arab spring like.

Maybe a Russian nuke will do the trick, or one from the US that catches Victoria Neuland off guard.

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I think Bill would say that there is no reform possible, that history tells us this “system” will continue forever.

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Bill would be correct. But not forever, that's impossible. Selfishness is self-limiting.

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Hi Mr. Finn -

I agree BB would say the "system" is perpetual, but let's not forget that part of that system entails everything burning to the ground and Society needing to start from scratch again. Then the "elites" start to take over, people get pissed, things catch fire - and on it goes...

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We can find dirt on just about anything or anyone. Sometimes very little digging is required and NOTHING is as it seems.

There's a Book I know you are familiar with that mentions how these days will be marked by incredible levels of Deception. We are there...

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There is no reform among men. Human effort is like ropes of sand. See my post above.

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She is the resident tick in the dept of state. Forever leeching any goodwill for the USA from every country she touches. Watch what happens next in Niger🥴

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Hey Fishin' -

Though I LOVE what the Niger(ians? Wouldn't that be people from Nigeria and NOT Niger?? This is confusing. Anyway)...

Though I LOVE what the folks in Niger did to the resident evil from State, me thinks that History shows they likely made her angry. History further shows that no one likes her when she's angry. It is extremely hazardous to a Nation's wealth, health and longevity...

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I have a small, cat-themed thrift store table in my living room with a faded sticker underneath that says "Made in Rhodesia"...

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I think Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge fame is lurking here.

Yesterday we had this thread, then today we get this:


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She’s a beast on the inside and the outside.

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Hey Mr. fishing. I like a lot of those sites, but zero hedge is truly the 800 pound gorilla in that room.

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Excellent Mark. Thank you for the info...

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Robert the Magnificent, father of William the Conqueror, died in 1035, over 60 years before the first Crusade. He went on a peaceful pilgrimage to Jerusalem to beg forgiveness for his many sins. He died in Nicaea, a city near Constantinople, on his trip back home.

He is said to have done many bad things, but at least he tried to say sorry. Do any of our modern leaders do that?

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I think R.J. Rushdoony said it best:

"The mainstream of Western civilization is thus apparent, the desire to control and change others as the essence of true power. This lust for power, the pathology of all fallen men, is common to cultures all over the world. It is an expression of man’s original sin, his desire to be as God (“The Death of Meaning”)."

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To be their OWN God. That was lucifer's sin, he wanted to take the place of the Son of God. Impossible, since the Son created him. Colossians 1:16,17; Ephesians 3:9, and others. You can't make this stuff up.

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Especially hard to argue after covid and now the current strain of covid mandates again being put into place at universities. We must follow the same failed policies! I suppose especially the folly of continued greater debt despite slowing growth and productivity and income differential and continual war. It becomes increasingly sure that the foolishness will continue until there is a significant economic collapse.

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Hi Mack -

I submit that the first go-round with convid wasn't the Intelligence Test. This second farce is.

How many truly irredeemable sheep will fall for this proven BS AGAIN??!

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I'll bet fewer than last time.

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Yes that will be the interesting point. Along with Alex I think it will be fewer than last time because the take up rate on boosters is around 12-20% from what I've seen.

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Especially the people that got a "bad batch" (they're all bad...). A lady I used to work for got the shot, just so she could go on a cruise, despite my numerous attempts to educate her. It was so devastating, she vowed to never get another shot again. We'll see how that goes.

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Ditto for my oldest brother. I begged him not to AND showed him the facts. Still, the idiot cruise was more important. So disappointing...

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Hey Star. I have a brother in your fine state that was wearing two masks on airplanes. My siblings are here could not stop laughing.

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Hey star. Me and mine knew by June 2020 it was all BS. Who falls for this the next time? We will see.

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One minor correction I've seen in both your and Joel's pieces lately. The country spelling is Colombia, with an O. The people here get really upset about the misspelling. I've been a follower for years and I love your work, thank you very much.

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Bill....Your consistent, ironclad ability to view the world from out in space, like an alien seeing it all for the first time, is so very "centering." This kind of objectivity is rare for us Earthlings. I appreciate you! Glenn

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My offering for today:

Shoved aside

like abandoned orphans,

we caterwauled.

Our screams,

washed away

by mob-screams,


Nothing left,

turning aside,

seeking refuge,

gathering ourselves,

we learn

to garner wisdom

and to choose

better battles.

rKf 22 August 2023

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So goes the human condition from the beginning of his tenure. Who wants to be top dog at all costs? Difficult to imagine that everyone sits back and accepts their role as being a "pawn of history." There is a long history of one person making a difference in the course of mankind. It seems surreal that current events show our major cities locked in downward spirals and a lone voice says this has to change, yet the establishment is deaf to the call. At some point it all has to stop and we have to refocus. Unfortunately, a lot of voices get submerged in the elite's pool. We can hope that the short burst of vision will last and bring about change for the better.

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