You keep suggesting that the elite will pay the biggest price during the coming correction. True enough in actual numbers but when someone goes from 50 million to 25 million in net worth, where's the pain? The average Joe on the street on the other hand is the one who suffers.

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I beg to differ, the elite will never ever pay the biggest price, it will always be the poor and middle class, from 50 to 25 million during disappear, it just gets shuffled around our transferred to another asset class.

I like how the “experts” use all kinds of numbers and reference history to try and predict what will happen next based on the past, but every event is different, so numerically they are only using one example in their sample, how accurate is that? 😂 what’s coming our way is going to make the 1929 crash look like a fender bender. 😂

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2 ways of saying the same thing, no?

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There’s more than one way to skin a cat, but who really cares, as long as the skin comes off! 😂

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Yep. Only this time around 80% of the people will not have chickens, goats and a large garden. Our economy in 1929 was primarily agrarian. Now we have just in time deliveries at our local grocery store. Head for the hills, that is certainly what I am doing.

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Hi Bill.

Anyone who has been reading your missives for as little as even 30 days probably gets it by now. You are starting to sound like a broken record, and please don't try to chalk it up to "bringing our new subscribers up to speed."

Things suck, our "betters" put us here and there is no way out. OK - we get it. We also get your core premise regarding "what comes next", as well as the BPR mantra of "Maximum Safety Mode" and the attendant breakdown of what percent of any money each of us has should be allocated to one of the 3 Pillars (Cash/PMs/Stocks.)

Most (all?) of us here agree completely and are grateful for the rational, logical approach you and your team provide - so let's move on please. How about some of this -

Any tips on what we can do to hasten the collapse so as to begin building back better SOONER? Most all of us have been preparing and are likely in a reasonably good spot to weather the coming storm. The waiting around for what you deem inevitable is only wasting our time at this point, and not a one of us is getting any younger. So, how do we get this party started?

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Broken record? Bill, Dan, Tom, and Joel are doing a brilliant job of following the macro trends and providing insights and strategies for dealing with them. Remember, almost everything is out of our control. So, focus on your circle of influence, keep FOMO in check, sit back, relax, stick with the plan, and add a few personalized tweaks based on your unique circumstances and risk tolerance.

For example, I don't follow Tom's trade suggestions unless they pass my technical analysis. Plus, I can't stomach large drawdowns. Before I initiate a trade, I prefer a bullish candle touching or near the EMA 10 or 30 on the Heikin Ashi weekly chart. The EMA 10 should also be above the 30 (50/150-day exponential moving average), and both should slope upwards. I prefer the Heikin Ashi chart because it filters out noise and it's easier to interpret. I also ignore most short-term trades based on the daily chart due to extreme market volatility and systemic distortions because I've seen too many false breakouts.

Short term, I only trade volatility using the VIXY ETF ($VIX) and base my trading signals on the price action using the Heikin Ashi daily chart, EMA 10/30, RSI 14 w/EMA50, and MACD. I also use various custom ratios to judge market sentiment and watch the major indexes. Most importantly, be patient, don't get in too early, and set your stop accordingly.

So far, I've been in the trade for almost five weeks, and I'm up 19%. And I also moved my stop to lock in a decent profit if it abruptly reverses and drops. But I believe there is a higher probability that it will explode higher to catch up with the MOVE Index (bond volatility). If not, I still make a good profit and sleep well at night.

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Sep 27, 2022Edited
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Actually, that was pretty good comments.

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There was never them or us. It was always them. All this could have been prevented years ago if only the republicans had fixed the border, built the wall and fired Paul Ryan. But no, in order to continue the demented death to the vile creatures of the earth in flyover country they (there are no "D" or "R" ), there is only them. There is only so much stuff on the planet and "they" want it all. So, there is not enough to go around for all because so many are unproductive. Like the ones they send checks to every month to keep them at home to make way for the new work force strolling across our southern border. Cheap wages and low maintenance to replace the ones who put pressure on our education, health and welfare systems to the point that it is hopeless. Are we done fighting? Is all we can hope for is a plot of ground to bury our dead. This is what "they" offer. Not enough, me thinks!! We will wait around to see what is next. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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Well it may take a few years before the party get started , has Tom , Dan and Bill are waiting the ratio Down/ gold to go to 5 we are stuck at 18 for the last 12 month more or less ... yes it s but boring but I agree with them the opportunities will come when this ratio go below 5 . In the meantime I agree with you , but it must be hard to write everyday something . 😉

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Hi Juan -

Very true - it is difficult to do ANYTHING day after day - particularly if you're supposed to be simultaneously enlightening and entertaining.

I suppose my comment was just the tip of the frustration that we all feel showing through a little.

Hey Bill, here's a further suggestion: How's about throwing in the charmingly fuzzy communiques about family, farm houses and local color a bit more often? That would be way better than "Doom Porn" or suggesting ways we can help burn all this down anyway.

PS - Right there with you on the Hurricane Ian prep PG. SEFL here, so only expecting a glancing blow. I was trying to count up how many of these I've lived through between a lifetime of FLA and Caribbean domiciles, but I find when there are so many it is only the serious ones that stick in memory...

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i recently read two MSM articles about some state pensions already being impacted. So another scare tactic by the Establishment. But inflation can hurt pensioners whose pensions don't have COLAs. I doubt most pensions have COLAs, but I could be wrong.

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My best friend was able to escape his pension fund in oregon shortly before it happened.

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Check out with the Bank of England just did in order to save their pensions. Coming to a city and state near you I am afraid.

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Yes Bill, the end of the world as we knew it. Such a fun run we've enjoyed!

I'm sure we all realize that all the kings horses and all the kings men, can never put the coming world Dumpty back together again.

Do we think all of this mess was by mistake? Was it a test? Or did the psychopath's in power create this by intention? All of those evil geniuses( Clintons,Epstein, Gates, Fauci etc) and mental midgets(our current administration)...

Our survining offspring may learn about it, if schools are still available in the coming Biden/Trump/Obama/Bush New World Order....

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