They know what the hell they are doing.

It’s not about peak oil or peak global temperature or peak sea level

It’s about peak people.

The number picked decades ago was 8 Billion. It couldn’t go above that, or rather couldn’t be allowed to go above that. This was (and is) our planetary existential crisis. Everything gets easier, the operative synonym being Sustainable, when we get the world’s population down to where it belongs. The target number is no doubt arguable. Gates and Buffet have no doubt discussed it at length. Countless others. How many back room, or front room, Brie and claret clinking conversations(or arguments) have been held attempting to establish the grounds and logic for the right number? It appears to have settled in the range of 1 to 2 Billion.

But how to get there?

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So what comes in a $110 breakfast Bill? A small silver or gold coin perhaps ?

Do tell. I am agog to know!

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Reality always trumps B S. At some point the idiots in Europe and here will get it. No that won’t happen ……it is the reason they are idiots.

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Don't misunderstand! I am not surprised by the intent of the woke. I am surprised that the people have not recognized what is going on. The "great reset" or whatever is evil beyond comprehension. Now, whether the people stand around and wait for it is another matter. Reminds me of a Roadrunner cartoon!! Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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Blame it all on my roots....I showed up in boots.... ruined your black tie affair..Garth!

Front row seats! Germany! No Gas!

Europe flattens out like a race horse this winter! 😂

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My two cents -- The quick and dirty fix will be for governments to freeze energy prices and beg (force?) the EU people to cut energy consumption as much as possible. Also, governments may impose a windfall profits tax on energy producers who have low energy production costs and thus will make very large profits (I totally disagree with this idea!). These actions will be very costly and disruptive, so they will only work for a short period of a few years. The long term fix is to eliminate restrictions and provide incentives to bring new energy sources on line as quickly as possible, even if fossil fuel. The Planet Savers will fight like hell, but they must not win this battle! Meanwhile, Putin's Russia must be made to pay dearly for cutting off the gas by continuing the sanctions and helping Ukraine defeat Russia! Things will continue to get uglier.

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I have wondered since the BPR energy discussion back in Dec and your continued Europe energy coverage, what is the unintended , not fully known/seen consequence that will bring this problem more fully to the US (exclude CA). While we do not rely on Russia for gas what sequence of interconnected complexity will impact the US in a big way?

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Sounds like a recession is ordained, certainly in Europe. If more of everyone's paychecks are going to be dedicated to buying energy to stay warm and to prepare meals, then there will that much less to buy everything else

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Excellent article on the jam the EU has put itself in and how the US and others are determined to follow

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I am just a novice investor. Only good enough to be dangerous. I have a question. You are recommending the trade of the decade. I checked into some of the stocks in the portfolio. I have a fair amount of them individually as stocks. Would you recommend still purchasing XOP? Would a position in maybe BOIL, BPT or LPG make any sense as an addition? Stupid is as stupid does!!

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It's a controlled demolition.

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$110 for breakfast! The whole Bonner clan must be there.

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Ironically, there are always solutions. Just that they’re not convenient. A possible nightmare, is that if sanctions were “now” pulled back - it could feed an unbelievable ego in mr P. and not achieve a thing (anymore)

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I am speechless. The insanity! What can I add to your missive? What is there to prove?

Don Harrell

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