Bill, I think you have a blind spot when it comes to China. They are not a country that is concerned with individual rights (at least in the USA, we haven't lost all this concern - it still exists in some parts of the Republican Party but unfortunately is not to be found anywhere in the Democrat party). China allows just enough freedom so their citizens can be somewhat productive, but my understanding is that the present leadership is bringing it all back under the control of the communist party. There is much to criticize about our country, but at least we can criticize and hopefully bring about change. Do you think that can happen in China? I think China is just a little bit different than the baker analogy you make, don't you think? China is a double-edged sword - it has made products more cheaply than we could, and we have benefited from that, but at the same time it has stolen our intellectual property and is now building up its military. To totally ignore this and only look at the good China does will cost us dearly in the end (and yes, I acknowledge our own issue with the military-industrial complex). A country that does not have a free press (however biased our own press is, at least it is free to say and write what it wants) and otherwise subjugates its citizens is a threat to subjugate other countries. We should not be helping to make them economically stronger especially when it comes to advanced and/or sensitive technologies. If China were a predominantly free country, I would have no concerns. They are not!

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Yes John, Bill fears China not due to the control Xi Ping already has in America, and the world.

We are about thirty years too late concerning ourselves with the monster we created. Now we must learn to live with it's insatiable lust for blood and power, as we are nothing more than a mentally and morally corrupt afterthought of the new world leader.

Sad thing the beast we created, has now recreated it's master to what it once was, a third world shithole controled by evil men...

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I believe President Trump had to spend a lot of money on the military because when he got into office there were no bullets... the military was in bad shape. Also he was stuck when Covid hit... he spent a huge amount of money which added to the deficit. He believed Dr Fauci because President Trump isn’t a medical doctor and Fauci had that position for decades and was super to be prepared for a pandemic!

President Trump doesn’t want American to enter into wars... unlike the UNIPARTY (DEMOCRATS & RINOS) that are neocons. President Trump also started the Space Force.... which seems very important. He also made America energy independent which is very important. He also likes nuclear energy. He was trapped by the UNIPARTY that was trying to destroy him from day one! The Russian Hoax was a lie.. 2 impeachments... Fake News... and people that were advising him that were traitors to him!

I believe he is the only man that can help American. I’m not a white supremest... I’m not a racist .. I don’t have pronouns.. I don’t think young children should see drag shows... I don’t think schools should lie to parents about their children that want to change their genders...The Democrats are crazy and destroying America. Biden LEFY $ 80+ BILLION DOLLARS worth of military equipment in Afghanistan. The Democrats have weaponized the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS..as a US taxpayer I resent having to pay for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Veterans need help, US citizens need help. When my 4 grandparents immigrated to America they were LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and got NO WELFARE AID MONEY from the government. Under Biden over 7 million ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have entered the USA. IF YOU IMPORT HALF OF THE THIRD WORLD, YOU BECOME THE THIRD WORLD. Our children in public schools are stupid compared to European children. I don’t really agree with Mr. Bonner.





Who would Mr Bonner like to see as President?

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Hi Julie -

Excellent post and all true.

You realize that the domestic enemies/dimocrats/communists will see your heartfelt words (arrived at by using open eyes, critical thinking and common sense) as simplistic and naïve. They cannot let a moment go by or a comment go past where they will not falsely believe that they and their way of thinking is vastly superior to whatever is accurately and sincerely being stated. Like true evil, they go instinctively dark against anything they perceive as Light. They are lost and dangerous.

Weak, sad and pathetic - but that is what we true Patriots are up against...

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Classic "cult of personality". Look at Trump's actual record and ignore his rhetoric and theatrics. Even though everything done to him since he announced his candidacy was unconstitutional, illegal, and unfair, including the "rigged" election, he still had options and significant power as president. Plus, the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress during his first two years in office.

Yet he filled his administration with deep state bureaucrats and political operatives, outspent every other president, didn't build the wall, supported The First Step Act (jailbreak), didn't hold Antifa and BLM accountable, allowed the radical left to hijack the voting process years before the election, and initiated and supported COVID tyranny that continues. And so much more! Read articles by Ann Coulter, David Cole, and Daniel Horowitz for more details.

Let's move on from Trump and career politicians from both parties, elect a true statesman (Do they even exist? A young version of Ron Paul) and support limited government and honest money.

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Fantastic comment. Donald Trump has demonstrated he can provide the leadership needed to solve the problems that the Democrats have created. At this time in history, he is the only one who can do this.

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I say, write in George Washington in 2024. Sure he's dead and he won't do anything but that would be an improvement. He won't do anything bad compared to the last x clowns (or really semi-dictators who've been president). Last good one maybe Nixon and Eisenhower

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Maybe we’re not at war with China but they are certainly at war with us. As Sun Tsu said: The supreme art of war is to defeat your enemy without fighting.

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"There are only two choices. Either the 'The People' spend their money as they want and get what they deserve…or the deciders do it for them."

Perceptive and on-point as always. But things may be even worse that we think they are.

A recent book posits that "the deciders" have put in place to strip "The People" of their financial assets, and allocate (or limit) whatever "money" they'll be allowed to spend. I just read it and review it here:


The book is at this link:


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Bill, I have an issue with taking too benign a view on China today. Obviously, we exist on a different level, economically, than any autocratic nation, but that is no guarantee for the future and cheap goods are no bargain when the "coin of the realm" is your or your children's future.

I'm old enough to remember when the Nixon-Kissinger team went to China with the goal of "opening up" as well as offsetting the Russian military threat. The idea then was that in opening up trade, China would slowly evolve into some form of a democratic state as the benefits of capitalism were felt. Well, in a nutshell, none of this has occurred.

China has, from the outset, established rules of trade that were predicated on their having asymmetric advantage. For our part, no one thought it wise to challenge them and, instead of ameliorating this disconnect, things have only grown more asymmetric with China now challenging us for hegemony in our own hemisphere, militarily and diplomatically.

I think we need to revisit our original and quite thread worn, plan. Here, I would advise a very simple policy of "Reciprocity in trade". Reciprocity principles would also require:

- full compliance with international Maritime Court rulings from the Hague as a precondition for WTO membership.

-It would require any Chinese investment in Real Estate to be subject to Chinese rules for U.S. Real Estate investment in China.

-Giving up 51% ownership of all Chinese corporate investment in the U.S. - as is required in China.

The list is practically speaking, endless, but the principle, even with something like a Tariff, is that said Tariff would go away if China removed its own trade barriers.

I would also propose that this principle of "Reciprocity in trade" be extended to all of our trading partners, thus blunting any accusation by China that we are hampering their efforts to modernize and provide a better future for their citizens.

In summary, nothing would spread a system of capitalism, protected by the law and the courts, better and faster than the establishment of a fair field of play.

Should China choose to persist in their mercantilist trade policies, they would simply have to become spectators to the relative success of other competing nations, more willing to trade fairly.

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Bill, Any country that imposes a Tariff on Imports, but wants no Tariff on their Exports is not FREE trade. The last time I looked, money spent by the US Government was done by Congress and NOT the president.

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Wow Bill! I would have written this article exactly, word for word as you!

Thank you for speaking my mind, and hopefully will make a difference to some of our mentally suppressed audience!

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Jefferson might be the ONLY forefather of America that I disagree with.

He sided with Centralized Government on one hand and sided with Decentralized on the other hand.

I think this is because of his moderation in government. He knew very well what power in the hands of a few could do or not do!

So he “stayed in the middle” on important issues.

Or, he was so intelligent that his rhetoric flys over the head of the common man.

My contention is to keep it simple.

If you don’t then people will simply ignore it.

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Marty McFly:

Oh Doc, I tore a hole in the gas tank. We'll have to patch it up and get gas.


You mean we're out of gas?

Marty McFly:

Yeah, no big deal, we got Mr. Fusion, right?


Mr. Fusion powers the time circuits and the flux capacitor. But the internal combustion engine runs on ordinary gasoline, it always has. There's not going to be a gas station around here until sometime in the next century. Without gasoline, we can't get the DeLorean up to 88 miles per hour.

(Back To The Future III)

No substance within the vocabulary of renaissance creates the intricate pattern of language. When Harry Houdini marveled at the abdominal forces that gutted the internal pain matrix, Zuko delivered a B-Ball performance that spin topped the weaving nets ability to rationalize existence.

The Wall Street Journal is responsible for the cavitation of the York Lock Box. Wine dine the mind and low point your life when the chemicals inside the brain signal the spine to emotional instability with feelings that reckon anger and challenge our neural intelligence.

The KXA feeds Fred a Turpin salad that makes Star-Man laugh and brightens his day, while Harry Houdini Zuko’s a cookie cutter apple jacks box credential that disturbs his minds eye. Hahaha! 😂

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Hey Gypt -

"that makes Star-Man laugh and brightens his day"

Yup. They are so very predictable, their ideas and insults are so very pedestrian, and their arrogant ignorance is so very laughable.

But WTH - it's 𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗔𝗬 boys and girls! Don't let the clueless losers get ya down...

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It's interesting you quoted Jefferson about government seizing power over the little folks whiles talking about our (totalitarian) "trading partner" in the same breath. China is the number 1 example of what not to be.

Given the choice of freedom or living comfortably in a gilded cage I could never get out of I'll take the animating contest of freedom every time.

Impose the tariffs. Freedom ain't free. It's a very expensive proposition. There's more to life than just turning a handsome profit.

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I disagree that an economy or a society shouldn't be ring-fenced to some extent. for instance, should American solar panel manufacturers have to compete with product manufactured by Uighers in China at the point of a gun? There are hundreds of instances of this type of thing and if you don't insolate your society or economy from them, you will become them. Why is that once great city San Francisco becoming more like Juarez do you think? [And many others like it]

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Hate to tell you, Mr. Bonner, you are full of it. Biden has destroyed our country while President Trump made us energy independent, and had a strong economy. We had a chance to pay our debt down. I will not be renewing your subscription that’s for sure. Please stay in France or go back to your Argentina hometown, which is also falling apart.

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Mr. Bonner, do you differentiate between political elites and corporate elites?

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Great essay Bill !

When the politicians write new laws they sound great (stop China from military advancement using our ideas). The big problem lies in the implementation without damage to oneself.

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Own up… we’re all members of the recipient class.

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If I may try to walk a fine line here, I see 2 issues. I think Bill is talking about greater intrusion into our lives, which is definitely a problem. Separate from that, there are certain things only the Federal Government can do. I lived through the space race and landing a man on the moon required great resources and expenditures. What no one saw, was that for decades after, you couldn't walk into a store without seeing products using engineering principles, manufacturing techniques, or materials developed by that program, not to mention what it did to boost the economy. Loss of privacy and bigger gov are going to be hard to stop, because of advances in tech. Balance people, balance.

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