Bill, your charm and skill with the English language is mesmerizing. I love your art in expressing yourself!

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"............... Do deficits become so habitual that they are scarcely worth mentioning? Is killing ""anywhere"" so common that we no longer notice? Are US politicians so preternaturally stupid and dishonest that there is no longer any point in saying so?"

This is breathtaking!

We all know it, we all watch and listen to it and we are all afraid to do anything about it. We happily hide behind, " it is too far gone to fix ". Breathtaking!

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It's not too far gone, it's just too hard to fix, and would take more work than people are willing to put into it.

America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.

-Claire Wolfe

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I often ponder; are we totally FUBAR'd ??

Or, is there still an eternal expectation (hope springs eternal) of the necessary change just over the horizon.

No se, quienes saben ??

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Zelensky the Clown is back in the limelight today after Israel rebuked his traveling Grift Show. Yup, the Messiah of Democracy along with his merry band of liberty lovers just banned the Ukraine's largest Orthodox Church body. Gotta defend that Democracy at all cost baby :-) Zelensky obviously didn't get the message that Western Style Democracy is supposed to be Communism-Lite. Can't let the Sheeple know what you really stand for. Shorting the Clown by way of a life insurance policy is looking like a nice play :-) Partnering with Neocons is extremely hazardous for your health.

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I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading this enjoyable and educational view of the French culture.

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I always enjoy your every day life reminiscing. A welcome change from the economic, politico, ideologic, and philosophic machinations of our 'Bizarro Clown World' !!

I ran across this article the other day (re.,Report From Iron Mountain) and thought you and other members might find it interesting.


Wishing you and yours the very best of continued health, luck, and productive lives.

C Eti

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C Eti,

Thanks for providing this very interesting and informative link. It puts a lot of the craziness we are seeing today in context.

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I wish I spoke French so I could thank you properly for this delightful read. But being 90, I'm not going to worry about it. Enjoy your summer in the South or your winter in the North. Greet your family. You are blessed; so am I.

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"Merci Bill pour une autre histoire délicieuse de ta vie !"

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I've forwarded this message to my French son-in-law, who will appreciate the stories. His family owns a small chateau that has been in the family since the 1200s, near Tours. Their gardener/caretaker/ "boss" Jean-Claude, is a kindred spirit to yours!

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Thanks for the news. I really enjoyed hearing a slight mention of Zelenskyy.

A good leader of Ukraine!

Little mention about Communist Dictator Putin. A real bad man!

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Are you for real???

Ziolenskyy, the penis piano playing, LBGTQR2S+++, cocaine fueled, genocidal, money launderer extraordinaire, C rated zio-actor ... "a 'good' leader" ... of what?

... The most corrupt nation in Europe, or second, or third most corrupt nation in the world ?!?!

Again, ... are you for real,?? ... or is being delusional just the norm ??

Zionism, is communism lite, "Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism",(Rabbi Stephen Wise, [the Red Rabbi]),The American Bulletin', May 5, 1935) &

("Anti-Communism, is Anti-Semitism"' Jewish Voice', July - August 1941) but, membership is exclusive, and restricted.This in no way gives Vlad any pass either

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I am For Real. And you are falling for Russian Propaganda!

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Sr. Withrow, First a bit of data based facts: According to The Jewish Encylopedia 80-90% of Jewish people today are Ashkenazi Jews. The origins of the Ashkenazi Jews are to be found among the Chazar's

"Charars: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia." - Jewish Encylopedia

Thus according to purely Jewish Sources we can see that 80-90% of Jews today are not Semitic at all. They are descendent from a Turkish Asiatic race that converted to Judaism in the 748 AD. Their nation was called Khazaria. It was spread out over what is now the Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

The majority of Israel, like the rest of the world is Ashkenazi / Khazarian Jews. Thus, according to Jewish sources, Most Israel's and more Jews are NOT SEMITIC.

How can they use the label anti-Semitism against all their critics if they themselves are not semites? How then can they use the term anti- Semitism to stop criticism of their ethnically cleansing a Semitic people such as the Palestinians?

How can they accuse the purely Semitc Palestinians and Arabs of being "Anti- Semitic" when they ( ashkenazi Jews ) are themselves NOT SEMITC?

Operation RingWorm: In 1951 100,000 Sephardic Mizrahi Moroccan (Semitic) Jewish children in Israel were bused into the desert and bombarded with 35000 times the maximum dose of radiation. 6000 of them died immediately and the rest died slowly over time from a host of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers etc..

Even being Jewish is not enough to save people from the rabbid anti-semitism of Jews. "The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus." - David Deri

The courageous American Jew Jack Bernstein's book "The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel" outlines just how racist and anti-semitic Israel society is. Jack was assassinated by the Israeli Mossad for speaking out.

Here's a PDF of Bernstein's book: https://archive.org/details/jack-bernstein-the-life-of-an-american-jew-in-racist-marxist-israel,

Ziolenskyy backs all of this inhumane madness, even going so far to declare the Ukraine (whatever is left of it) "A New Greater Israel", I'm sure he put that to a ballot for a vote by all Ukrainian citizens. The rest of what I 'alledged', is all common published knowledge, and by no stretch of even your blinders on imagination, limited to 'Russian propaganda'. Thus you are either delusional, or deeply entrenched in denial. Banning all other political parties, and canceling other religious worship, does not make a 'good' leader. Neither does pumping up the drafted, sacrificial frontline troops with methaphetimines & speed, exhibit any ethic, or any commonly accepted, moral leadership. I viewed his piano penis playing performance, and his homosexual dance routines on widely distributed, non-Russian videos also. To not even attempt to approach any negotiations (with the opponent that NATO & Assoc. used him to repeatedly provoke,) reveals his character roll is just another zio-neoCON lackey, put in power by a corrupt olicharchs & intel associates (CIA, MI6, Mossad, etc., et. al.) He allowed the US to maintain multiple, unsecured 'bio-labs' on Ukraine territory. Allowed weapons provided by EU, US, and NATO allies to be diverted to the M.E. & Africa, and who knows where else these arms will eventially emerge.

This info is all published public knowledge, from a plethora of sources also from all manner of biased persuations. For you to deny reality is troubling for your eternal soul's salvation. Ziolenskyy is at a minimum, a genocidal tool ... of the world's UN/WEF/Davos etc., etc., et.al. depopulation policy organizers.

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None of that really matters. The Israeli's view themselves as jews, whether they are semites or not (and there is some debate on the matter) is irrelevant. What DOES matter is that they are not fulfilling God's promise to them, and are still looking for a 'Rambo Christ' - which, BTW, will never appear. Of course, all that requires a bit more thought than most are willing or able to bear, so it will always be the minority view.

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The following comes from "Islam in History", 1973 by Bernard Lewis

"The Semite, like the Aryan, is a myth, and part of the same mythology. Both terms -- Semite and Aryan -- originated in the same way, and suffered the same misuse at the same hands. Primarily linguistic, they date from the great development of scientific philology during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when European scholars made the momentous discovery that the languages of mankind were related to one another and -- formed recognizable families. The term Aryan, of Indian origin, was first applied to a group of languages spoken in south Asia, to which Sanskrit and its derivatives belonged, and then extended to a larger group of languages in Europe and Asia, more commonly known as Indo-European. Semitic was applied at about the same time to another family of languages including Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, and, later, some other languages of the Middle East and North Africa. The name of course comes from Shem, one of the three, sons of Noah, from whom, according to the Book of Genesis, the Jews and most of their ancient neighbors were descended. The term Semite in "this sense seems to have appeared in print for the first time in 1781, in a contribution by A. L. von Schlozer to J. G. Eichhorn's Repertoriumfur biblische und morgenlandische Literatur."

The complete excerpt intitled "Semites and Anti-Semites" can be found at

https://web.archive.org/web/20110514133732/http:/middleeastinfo.org/library/lewis_antisemitism.html. It is informative and Lord knows this group needs information.

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Hey C -

Great post and 100% true.

Obviously however, you don't get it yet. Orange Man Bad, Putin Man Worse.

That is literally all these blinded, useful idiots have to spout out...

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We, the US, is more corrupt. Here's an example: In Mesico, you get pulled over by a cop. You end up paying him 20, 30, 40USD (inflation, ya know). Done. In the US, a cop pulls you over. You don't pay him anything. You go to the traffic "court" (in Kalifornia, breaking one of the rules of the road is an infraction, not a misdemeanor - there's a reason for that*). You pay or plead. Then the "judge" (he's actually a commissioner) sets your court date if you plead 'not guilty.' So you come back and state your case. YOU WILL LOSE. Not always, just 99% of the time. In the first appearance, you pay several hundred dollars. The "judge" is 'sympathetic,' and is willing to reduce your fine - pay today. If you go to 'trial,' you will pay even more. After all, you took up the 'courts' valuable time. Our corruption is institutionalized. No one even thinks twice about it, and fewer still recognize it's corrupt. There is corruption in Mesico, but at least it's honest corruption. And, it costs less. Which would you rather have?

*Several years ago, I was in traffic "court," and asked one of the clerks why road violations were changed from misdemeanors to infractions. The clerk, a black lady (I don't believe a white lady would have been so forthcoming), said that too many people were going to trial, and a sympathetic jury was finding them innocent. It's all about the money. I estimated that the little traffic "court" makes about 30 to 40,000USD per HOUR. Fines are expensive because you don't just pay the cop, you pay the commissioner, all the clerks, security, heating and air, and so on. Incidentally, I have never paid them anything. I show up on Special Appearance, don't plead, and file a bunch of paperwork which pretty much guarantees a dismissal. I cost THEM money. If only 5 to 10% of the people in there did the same thing, the system would grind to a halt. One more thing: drivers licenses are commercial in nature. If you use the public roads for private commerce, for example a chauffeur, truck driver, bus driver, and so on, you need a drivers license. (A license is permission to do what would otherwise be illegal. The 'Commerce Clause' in the constitution is limited. No problem for a State bureaurat, just bring everyone into commerce.) But if you travel on the roads for no one but yourself, even if you are going to work, no license is needed, nor is registration or insurance. Betcha they didn't tell you that at the motor vehicle licensing division, did they? Some people do this even today. They junk their title, turn in their license (Kalifornia even has a form for that; if you don't, the license is still on file, as suspended), and travel on the public roads. There are probably still some youtube videos on this, search for 'right to travel.'

This institutionalized corruption is only one of the reasons this nation will be destroyed; it has really destroyed itself.

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Curious as to the parameters employed in the CPI's study research. Did CPI include the latest FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried's crypto/ money laundering scandal ? Any idea on how dated is the data on money laundering human/organ/sex trafficking since the Russian SOP commenced, in their latest country corruption tallies ??

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May I ask why you attack the man who is trying to defend his home from invaders? And say nothing about the murderous despot named Putin.

The entire world can clearly see what happened in Ukraine. And Russia is losing that war because her soldiers are defecting the LOST CAUSE.

Plus Russia’s inferior weapons are a global joke. They can’t give away military hardware! What a laughing stock!

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Ummmm -sure.

Verified, reliable SOURCE please? Hint - it can't be mainstream "media"...

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Having lived for many years in French-speaking African and Asian countries, this essay is a joy. Generally speaking, We tu-toiyed most of the men we worked with and the other members of our embassy. With the President, his staff, and his ministers, we always used vous, but in CAR we tutoiyed even the ministers. I was a pretty warm relationship. And of course the French Ambassador was always "vous". Good memories. Thanks, Bill.

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Good times, Good times.

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Oh Mon Amie you are giving you age away “Mademoiselle is reserved for young women, those unmarried, under the age of 50 or so." unless you're looking at more than their "virginity" mon amie! vous 'étés un Tet de con!

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Why does this sound like a TV show from the 60’s…Green Acres, anyone?

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Loved this piece. Because your writing is so vivid, so alive, reading one of these "diary entries" is almost like recalling a memory of being there. Especially since I'm already familiar with some of the characters. Thank you much for your writing over the decades. My life is more informed because you publish your thoughts. For free! My investment account thanks you also. So glad you started BPR - advice from people who think like I do. Only better :-)

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And La France has been “Edged”.

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