Trump was and is hated by the Elite because he had, and still has, a very large following of ordinary grass roots citizens. He is Bottom Up. They are all Top Down, and it is Top Down Anarchy that they are unleashing on the word, with a healthy mix of Genocide and an end game of the total subjugation of humanity. Trump represented the biggest extant threat to that agenda by his mere existence. What he said made good theater, but was not the issue.

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Ukraine is not winning the war, far from it. They started with 2000 tanks and now need USA and Germany to send tanks. NATO can field a 100,000 man army but have no way to move these around Ukraine because all the infrastructure has been bombed out. Russia has a 650,000 man army, and NATO is out of arms as is USA.

That's not even the big picture, we've sent 100 billion, this after wasting billions in Afghanistan. Moreover our financial sanctions against Russia and blocking them from the Swift banking system has resulted in Russia.,China, India, and Brazil, forming their own banking system BRIC. Saudi Arabis's largest customer is China. If Saud's join Bric, the USD petro dollar is finished our World's Reserve currency won't be worth the paper it's printed on.

I'm not pro Russian, I'm pro the facts and thinking rationally.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

Hi Dennis -

"I'm not pro Russian, I'm pro the facts and thinking rationally."

Absolutely correct sir, as are all the other points in your post. It is a vanishing skill...

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Yes brother…The Ukraine is home to Biden family's dirty businesses, including bio-labs. An investment firm founded by Hunter Biden provided funding to US bioweapons labs in Ukraine. The current Russia-Ukraine war has been the consequence of globalist mismanagement of the US hegemonic decline in which President Biden has continuously played a central role for more than a decade. Ukraine is also where NATO countries outsource much of their bioweapons research programs, where "elites" have engaged in all sorts of criminal activity. US officials eventually admitted the presence of such facilities in the besieged country.

Emails obtained from Hunter Biden's laptop show that his father, Joe, helped raise funds for Metabiota, the Pentagon contractor involved in disease research in high-security biolabs in Ukraine. Hunter Biden's laptop reveals Biden family ties to "secret bioprojects" in Ukraine. A whistleblower has come forward to contradict President Joe Biden's claims that he was not involved in his son Hunter's criminal dealings with him when he was vice president. Biden acted as "chairman of the board" for his union www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/breaking-exclusive-hunter-biden-firm-.. (2022) expose-news.com/2022/03/29/falling-apart-for-the-bidens-hunter-ukraine.. (2022) www.lifesitenews.com/news/whistleblower-joe-biden-was-involved-in-sons.. (2022) Hunter Biden and his associates raised millions of dollars from Metabiota which was a privatized company that US intelligence used to run the bio-labs in Ukraine that I discovered, they are also deeply involved within the Wuhan lab www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/jack-maxey-reveals-connection-between-hunte.. (2022)……………Way past time for criminal and treason charges for many hundreds of corrupt globalist…all the facts are out there, along with the eugenics program by those same so called “elite” or evil in human terms.

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Thank you Mr. Steve for some interesting, VERIFIED information.

Yes, it is WAY PAST time for tribunals and hangings, but all we are getting are balloons and derailed trains. Go figure...

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C'mon Bill-a little too much of your estate's wine before writing this one? Trump stupid huh- border control is stupid, energy independence is stupid, tax cuts are stupid, taking on the very empire you rightly deplore is stupid? If Trump is so stupid as you stupidly assert, what does that make the brain dead senile goat in the oval office and those who voted for him? That's right-stupid beyond belief.

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Hi Jimmy -

Bill is not nearly as apolitical as he continuously touts. The longer you read him, the more you will notice that fact. He holds a (sometimes) closeted disdain for anything of a Conservative bent, beyond a belief in reduced government "spending" and a cessation to the endless printing of worthless "money".

Hang around and you'll see what I mean...

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Don’t think I need to hang around Edgy. Bill got reckless and spoke out his arse. Just called him out.

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Thank you Jimmy. Luckily, BB is generally spot on and only sems to get pushback when he truly deserves it, versus so much other bickering for the sake of bickering that we see on the interwebs.

Between you, me, pg, juan and numerous others, we'll keep him on his toes...


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Spot on

I don’t understand why Bill can’t lay off my man Trump

Lots of positive and I think more would come if he could continue

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Robert. Yes, Bill, does not give Trump the respect you deserves. I know he borrowed and spent like a drunken sailor. I did not like that. However, he cut regulation, made us energy, independent, reduce regulation, left the Paris climate accords as well as many other things. He has been the best president of my lifetime.

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No!! And what he said!! Just sayin'

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No ! Agreed

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Bill, let Donald Trump go. He is gone. It doesn't matter whether he is stupid, ignorant, or anything else. Joe Biden is the one that you should be focusing on. He is the enemy, the deep state that you reference so often. Go after his handlers, the buffoons in both the house and senate (both parties) that are part of the problem, not the solution. Who is the voice of reason out there? If our vote does not matter, what do we do? Where do we go?

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BN: Your vote does matter. We don't always get the candidate that we want. It has been proven many times that Trump lost. Vote for a Republican next election or whoever. I hope it's not Trump again.

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Oh Dot - such great delusion in such a small package.

"It has been proven many times that Trump lost."

Ok sister - where? Put your money where your mouth is. Not gonna hold my breath.

Meanwhile, back in Reality I and others have posted MANY examples of FACTS and EVIDENCE that your boy TraitorJoe lost by a landslide and is illegally squatting in the WH.

But dims gotta dim I guess...

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SE: I don't know what news you watch, and It's been on many news stations that Trump lost even though they tried to convince everyone that he won. The Election companies are suing because the election was fair and they can prove it, The republications think you can magically change a Trump vote to a Biden vote. Dream on.

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I agree totally!!! I'm praying we get President Biden for 4 more years.

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Hi Meesed -

Please don't breed. Thank you.

- The World

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Gotcha! But I'm sad I couldn't get our favorite lib Dorothy to bite.

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Well boys, it's good to hear from you. I'm home for a few days now and I'm soooo happy you have missed me. If you watch regular news, you have heard about all the hearings that are and will be going on against some of the Republicans. So stayed tuned and have a great day. We will continue our big differences as they develop. Have a great weekend..I planned to!

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Sorry I missed your vibe...

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Star. Me too.

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Really? Because he's doing such a bang up job or because you have to suck on the government tit for your meager existence and think that The Demented One in the White House is going to deliver the milk?

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I’ve often wondered why there’s so much resistance to amicably embrace obvious solutions.

For example, bright people have long since found more than one sensible way to resolve the periodic debt ceiling imbroglios that affect our nation’s creditworthiness

And other bright people, once they found poor parenting the major source of future criminals, have proposed all manner of solutions few if any which have been embraced

It seems that only violent revolutions cause substantive change. The risk, of course, is not all of them make matters better.

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Hi Jimm -

It's rapidly getting to the point of "what do we have to lose?", well, other than our civilized society...

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Star. I am beginning to believe that the only way we get out to freedom is after a total collapse. I feel like you said, what do we have to lose? I say let’s do it! I also believe that’s what is in store for all of us. Bring it.

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Sooner the better IMO Mr. Worm. Let this S-hole burn completely to the ground, followed by a purge of Freedom Haters and Do Gooders - sooner that happens the sooner we get to rebuild.

Rehabilitating this circus ain't gonna happen...

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Regarding blowing up “a major piece of foreign infrastructure,” here’s the latest from eugyppius, based in Germany and an incisive critic these past few years of the idiotic bureaucrats and dangerous panjandrums of the western democracies: bit.ly/3S3feE1

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And here's what you can find in the comments of the Eugyppius piece. It's actually stunning thast a civilian is posting stuff like this. Particularly at minute 25:30. But watch the first five minutes to get a sense of what this guy is doing.


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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

"...may be even worse." Bill? MAY BE??

Well, from down here in Realville, the installed Traitor currently squatting in our White House (and his posse of domestic enemies) is DEMONSTRABLY WORSE in nearly 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 area of "governance." You succinctly write about our increased malaise daily and with great specificity, yet still make the attempt to equivocate the absolute worst with what may well have been the absolute best, vainly striving for some kind of elite-psychosis parity. Um, no. (See what I did there?)

Sorry Bill - we all are LIVING the differences and there isn't much you could possibly write that would bring these two "Presidents" into equanimity - but by all means, keep trying your damnedest as you simultaneously tell us how BPR doesn't choose sides...

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Hey SE,

They're beginning to lose me on Ukraine. I get that Putin's a monster and what they did is horrific, but we've got balloons and other aircraft invading our airspace and our military is saying they can't identify them? They're not reacting to them for hours after they're over the U.S.? And now, we've got a top Republican on the Armed Services Committee saying our radar is antiquated and needs to be completely updated/replaced?

WTF? So if they can't track a WWI era balloon floating around at 60,000 feet what's going to happen when we've got fighter jets or rockets with warheads moving at warp speeds coming at us? And, we're sending billions to Ukraine when we need radar? This is just beyond comprehension.

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Right on Brother Dave.

Contrary to what some particular posters have called me, I'm not a Putin Lover or supporter of Russia. I have merely pointed out the dishonest actions by the west prior to the invasion, as well as what Putin VERY CLEARLY said would force Russia into invading the Ukraine.

I don't think either side is "right" and war sucks for everyone involved except the MIC, the dims thirsting for blood and our traitorous NeoCons.

How about we just bow out at this point and STOP WASTING TAXPAYER DOLLARS ON GRIFT AND GRAFT...

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Star. Regarding the war in Ukraine, I am a Putin, lover, and Russia supporter. Look at all behavior of the last 20 years. Look at his. You know the background of Ukraine. Plus, I believe quite possibly Putin on the world stage is good for people who don’t want to be slaves. Putin will not bow to the west. That’s why we hate him. I truly believe he is helpful to hold back the globalist agenda.

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You guys are so awake and in tune with reality! It’s such a shame there are so many clueless out there. We need to organize for what could be coming down the pike soon 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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100% right Worm. The ill-informed, irrational and flat-out stupid among us (looking at YOU PG) will continue to hate him even as he espouses the EXACT same views those phoney "patriots" among us incessantly harp about...

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Yes bro, couldn’t agree more! Putin has always been a KGB piece of dog 💩…but he did try to work with our globalist presidents, Dems and republicans, to end building the Chinese Frankenstein, to no avail. Obama even sent Hillary the whore to Russia with her Great Reset Plastic Button, expecting Putin to join the globalist cult. Didn’t go to well. The Elite had to shut down Trump from day one with the Russian Collusion Lie, just to continue their support for China. Enough now with this insanity. Zelenskyy is just another globalist whore who is bought and paid for like all the other globalist scum. Their only goal is the absolute destruction of America., and the advancement of China…Wake up people, your days are numbered…🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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This isn't even really aimed at you Steve but I'm always amazed that people can form such strong opinions about other people that they have never had contact with. Putin is evil because he worked for the KGB? - where does that leave Bush senior I wonder? - or because he appears to have, almost single-handedly (although with a leg up from the US and NATO) pulled Russia out of a death spiral in the 90's- instigated at least in part by the US. Or maybe he just has bad table manners? I don't know, but I do know which country has the most foreign bases and by a mile. A staunch nationalist he almost certainly is, Darth Vadar he ain't, sorry. And PG V the leaves of the trees on your planet are a very different colour than mine if you think the Ukraine is winning this - the poor tragic Ukies are getting ground to paste, and for what?

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Yes John, Putin has always been a piece of 💩 as most in power are. You don’t come into his position unless you have certain traits that we can discuss at a later date. But as I stated, he hated Xi and tried for decades to stop America’s insane building of the worlds nemesis. Putin fears China more then any other country. It’s too late now to argue about who’s right or wrong. The damage is done, and it’s all coming down to how we survive the coming storm…but anyone who supports Zelenskyy, is part of the cause.

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Bill safe journey's into the unknown are always risky .. may you live to see your grandkids .. lacheim! saying the NO word is the hardest part of being a human in today's world .. when all around you are YES people who always over commit and under deliver you have our modern world so NO is the best alternative but the guts/character to say it missing in action ..

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YOU WIN THE ONE LINER OF THE DAY........"We are indeed in trouble........"FUNEEE and a little sad.

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Absolute power corrupting absolutely certainly seems to be a thing Steve, so, yes, agree that Putin probably has characteristics/traits that go with the territory. You're also probably right about Putin/Xi as well - Russia and China have a long history, not all of it good, and to that end he (Putin) has called the current relationship status with China as strategic rather than friendly. Begs the question though as to why the US seems intent on poking both bears at the same time? Seems crazy, but a gathering storm certainly looks like a good bet - unfortunately. Won't even start on Zelensky, coke snorting, cross dressing weirdo - no wonder he and Boris seemed to hit it off, he'd have gone down a treat at Eton!!

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The reason Trump won the 2020 election where more than half the country voted for him (which has been emphatically proven in my humble opinion) was in his prior term as President he made sense in a world gone mad.

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Putin's ambition is to recreate the Russian empire and nothing less than his defeat will stop this ambition.

If he defeats Ukraine he will threaten all the ex Soviet states with the same consequence.

The West needs to stop him by giving Ukraine support and saying 'No' to this support is very dangerous.

Chamberlain and the world learnt that giving in to Hitler just encouraged further incursions into other states and the Allies had to eventually say 'No'

The sooner Putin is stopped the less the likelihood of the present conflict developing in a world conflict will be.

Putin has to learn that the West will not tolerate his invasion of Ukraine.

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Ewan. I have to ask. Did you have any problem when we bombed Iraq into the Stone ages? Syria we are still there now controlling your oil fields. How about the debacle? Would Afghanistan, Vietnam? By some estimates we chill between 4 to 7,000,000 people. But I guess you’re good with that. Just keep wearing that Ukraine flag pin.

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Hi Worm Farmer

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Vietnam did not invade another sovereign state and posed no problem to the West and none of them should have been attacked by the USA and the West.

Hitler caused, and Putin is causing major problems for Europe and ultimately the West.

Big difference. There comes a point when one needs to stop tyrants from invading other countries. Bill believes Russia was wishing to join NATO. If this is true it was a major Western diplomatic error not to have cultivated and developed this relationship.

However there must be serious doubts as to whether this really was the case.

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Bill certainly brought the folks, fans or foes, drowsing after a good lunch, into the real world with this ‘letter to the Americanos’ & others !

Meanwhile most of the head in sand ‘She’ll be right don’t worry’ believers, sun bake in resorts or survive just, rather than have to think about the day after tomorrow.

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sadly Trump was a FAKE .. he pretended to be bottom up and still does when it suits his agenda !

nothing but fake pretending to be what they aren't! where have all the real folks gone ? they probably all said NO .. way I'm going to stick my neck out and try to fix this mess so just let it destroy itself .. maybe that should be another NO?

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