Bill, I absolutely love your writing. Its not just the years its the accumulated wisdom. One can learn a lot spending their lifetime attempting to connect the dots. Your writing bears the fruit of this journey. Another of my favorite authors, Richard Maybury, uses his accumulated wisdom to build and continually refine his model for how he sees the world. I'm very thankful to have access to the writings of giants like you and Richard.

You'll get no argument from me that the apparatchiks at the Fed will continue to be wrong. Central Planning has never worked for the commoner, but its a great tool for the elite to enrich themselves. We'll most likely get a temporary reprieve from this current bout of inflation with a nasty recession. Then the apparatchiks will crank up the printing press again and we'll get more of their sacred elixir, inflation. Yeah, its inflate or die rather we like it or not.

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"But the inflation readings soon did ‘overshoot’… like a pilot who aims for LAX and mistakenly lands on the moon."

My hope is that Bill outlives us all. I want to be able to shuffle off this mortal coil, laughing to his missives until my last days.

Yeah, I'm selfish in that regard. Almost as bad as federal policy makers?

Yeah, no.

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Bill, another great missive. One area that BPR needs to add is an "expert" on the new asset class of bitcoin mining. There is a stampede of institutional investors, HNWI, nation states and companies showing interest in this space for the very reasons set forth in your article. Hope you will get current with the times. Expecting bitcoin mining to go away is like expecting the internet to be a fad.

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Inflation is not something to be concerned about. The government is balancing the consumer price index relative to the higher prices in the oil and food sectors. You may see $5 a gallon price notch on one end, and a pair of jeans or T-Shirt price drop of 25% or higher on the other, thus balancing the domestic growth price fluctuations that promote consumer spending to maintain equivalent junction points across the board.

It seems that a main concern is the stock market and how it reacts to bond and inflation movements, but that should be the least of our worries, the black swan on the horizon will make Chernobyl look like spilled milk. 😂

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Not much purpose in raising interest rates to control inflation while spending trillions of dollars while doing so.

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Bill, As you have pointed out historically,Powell doesn't have to go back to college and get a Master's degree in transitory inflation to understand what is going on, he just needs to re-read Volker's actions in 1979 -80's to know what to do to arrest inflation.President Carter tried many different options to arrest inflation,no luck,solution hire Volker.Why do we continually elect and hire clueless idiots? Answer=cause I'm a clueless idiot?

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tried to long on the Byron King "meeting". every time I try to logon and "find" a link I must be too dense to find it, or you guys are doing a poor job of posting it. I clicked on "follow this link" which took me to a new page where I could comment (along with a whole bunch of others), but no link or connectability.

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no link to today's Bryton presentation...pls advise how I can listen in...tks.

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No link to follow here

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