Since the Fed is a pimp for the Elites, can you imagine what we should call our elected officials.

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About investing $1,000 in treasuries and getting $950 back: if you don’t know what else to do, you only have $930 if you do nothing.

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After listening to our verbally-challenged president speak this week, the depth of desperation, anger, and vengeance which Democrats are willing to unleash is almost unbounded. They will use all their power plus a full-court press by the press, by the push of University Presidents, and by the pressure of selectively profitable puff businesses to do everything in this election year to hold down interest rates below 4%. After that....Katy bar the door.

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Like 'rats leaving a sinking ship'! The Fed is listing badly and Powell and all his cronies have endowed themselves enough to take the last life raft and float off into obscurity. They don't give a damn about us and without our own life raft, we are either going to sink or swim. It is a big ocean, so you better start pulling your compass out now to find the nearest high land!

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Here's why everyone who can, should get vaccinated: The hospitals are full of UNvaccinated people. The vaccine usually keeps people from getting severely sick or dying. Covid crowds out heart attacks and broken legs. My nephew with brain cancer had to wait almost two months to get surgery--there wasn't a bed for him. So just stop arguing and do it.

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I'm afraid Dan is still living in the fantasy world of the old days when there were still "free and fair elections". But, with voting machines where results are determined by "algorithms" planted by Deep State, who cares about the will of voters?! I'll put my money on Tom, no doubt.

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Is a stock market crash a choice? Maybe they are both right. Maybe in the near future it goes as Tom suggests, but that can’t last forever; (civil unrest is ugly) which brings me back to the stock market will recalibrate and Dan is correct. My vote is for Tom in the near future and probably end as Dan sees it.

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Time to re-visit the the French Revolution and SWIFTLY impose the same fate among the elite and their enablers / co-conspirators ASAP! End of conversation......

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I'm with Dan on this one. The Great Resignation is a very strong signal that working folks are done playing second fiddle to the stock market. The Fed must raise rates and let the chips fall where they may. It will not take much, though, to trigger an overdue correction.

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Clarida, a rascal or a genius? Is this really a question?

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Want to subscribe-can’t-not smart enough. Get rid of “sub stack”, give us a phone number so I can pay you- I’m too old to deal with busy, stupid templates like sub stack uses. John T.

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Our verbally challenged President speaks truths unlike our last President. Maybe people should listen...You might learn something. He's not perfect but anyone is better than what we had.

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Tom is right

Here’s why. The world is run by the elite. The Fed is not a populous institution. It is an institution that is run by and exists for the elite. If the natives start becoming really restless, ie unhappy, about inflation, the government knows just what to do. Whip out the sugar tit. That comes in the form of the government’s Goodie Bag - checks in the mail, rulings that you don’t have to pay your rent, free education, loan forgiveness, generous social security and food stamp payment increases, tax credits, the list of potential bennies and perks for the masses is endless. All it takes to express the sugar tit is, you guessed it .... more printed money.

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