When our overlord elites use the term “democracy”, they are not referring to a form of government. What they mean is “the behavior of the masses.” So when they express concern about “our democracy”, what they mean is that they are concerned about ways that the masses could threaten both themselves and the new political order they have created. That is what the January 6th government response and hearings are all about - tamping down the urge to rebel on the part of the masses. This is really their only political concern. Politically America became a one party state in 2020. The Republicans are Controlled Opposition. Inflation, Public Health tyranny, an ongoing border invasion, international conflicts that threaten total war, etc.; these are all just tools to bring the old system(America) down. The Great Collapse is necessary for The Great Reset.

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Amen! I was thinking of writing a reply, but you said it better than I could have.

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Don't worry about a thing Brien, Michelle Obama will be coming to the rescue of the country she hated her entire life...of course until becoming one of the Elite....

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I think I can add my name to the other commenters, I.e., they, the elites are trying to kill us peons and claim there territory, where we live, their land. They intend to lock us up, put us in camps, re-program and otherwise destroy us. Call it what it is, socialism, communism, totalitarianism, globalism, destruction of the unwashed masses. Does not sound like a good outcome for us. See, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Venezuela, Cuba, and all the states where the"green new deal " is all the news. And it is all BAD, BAD, Bad. But, what do I know, I am an old country printer who likes to drink a toast about the good ole days. Back when men were men and the women were proud of it. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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This is a true story. Believe it if you want.

After Nixon resigned, a lot of Americans were upset because Gerald Ford was president. Ford got the job because Spiro Agnew -- Nixon's first VP -- resigned because of the skeletons in his closet. Nixon picked Ford to replace him, then Nixon ended up resigning and Ford became president, but no one had VOTED him into the job.

I worked with a guy who had a friend who was an agent with one of America's "clandestine" agencies. He never told me exactly which agency it was, but his friend was a government "spook."

Anyway, the guy I worked with was raving to his "spook" friend about Ford being the president, but no one had voted for him. The spook just listened to him with a slight smile on his face. When the guy was done ranting and raving the spook said, "Do you want to know who the next president is going to be?" The guy was taken aback, but he said, "Who?" The spook replied, "Jimmy Carter." The guy I worked with said, "Who the hell is Jimmy Carter?!"

At that time, NO ONE knew who Jimmy Carter was. He was just the peanut-farmer governor of Georgia. He hadn't begun campaigning for the presidency, because the campaign hadn't even started, yet.

Sooo . . . How did the spook know that Carter was going to be the next president? Either the government has a time machine and this guy had been to the future and returned, or . . . ? I think Bill hasn't even BEGUN to scratch the SURFACE of the reality of "the Elites."

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I remember the late 50’s early 60’s, everyone seemed to have a job, mostly men worked and the majority had the American dream. Labor was king, not the technology we have today, the present mile constructed on the interstate had a thousand workers, today machines and it’s hard to find a human. We had a state of welfare, the economy worked for everyone that wanted work.

To me good government equals the welfare of the people.

I cringe when someone says we have to get rid of the Welfare State. Maybe we could start with the trillion a year that goes into the defense-intelligence state.

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Bill, Temper your trope about the Deep State.

It has persuaded some of your readers to believe that there is a secret group of puppet masters (the "elites") who, for selfish reasons, are yanking strings to exploit the vast majority of simple citizens.

One of your followers says, "They intend to lock us up, put us in camps, re-program and otherwise destroy us."

Your cute literary artifice to criticize the Fed and our form of Federal government - which has no constraints to keep it from overspending year after year - is morphing from fiction into an alt-world reality now frightening people.

Find a way to sprinkle some disclaimers in your daily pokes at the Fed and the Washington insiders.

These people are not puppet masters who "... intend to lock us up, put us in camps, re-program and otherwise destroy us." They are simply imperfect individuals who believe they are rendering good public service.

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Sounds like a justification for death camps and gulags. Most were just good citizens doing their best to protect their own ass. I often wonder how, the FBI, doing thorough investigations handed up people to McCarthy. I deeply wonder about the FBI today, those elite agents, how can they participate in what they seem to do.

Ever since I read Solzhenitsyn, I knew it could happen in America; it is. Snowden pointed it out, 40 billion saved American communication every day, that was 2013.

Orwellian doesn’t begin to describe it.

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The FBI agents I've known, one of whom was my college roommate -- a kind and good man -- were simply investigating perpetrators of Federal crimes. Like everyone in every profession, some were better than others.

I'll never forget the agent who found reason to investigate one of the Saudi groups getting flight training in the US but whose boss refused her request to do so. History would have changed had she uncovered the plot concocted by Saudi religious extremists which resulted in the 9/11 atrocity

And I'll forever recall the dim-bulb pair who walked into my office long ago poised to commence an interview that would lead to an arrest. They departed as quickly as they arrived when I explained they walked into the office with the correct suite number but in the wrong building.

Snowden's revelations didn't surprise me. What surprises me is how few terrorists the NSC data-grabs have produced. Currently, I'm more concerned by our trigger-happy local police than I am about our Federales

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Actually what we are seeing is armed, trained militias willing to overthrow a govt and a duly elected president under the control of one mad con man.

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Again Friend - I'm asking you to show us on the doll where the Bad Orange Man touched you...

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Boy, you trust the gummint waaay too much. Reread your own sentence about being disappointed in the NSA's inability to nab terrorists...most of the "terrorists" caught are lured to their incarceration by FBI agents in chatrooms, etc, that plant dangerous ideas, and the means to carry them out, in susceptible, gullible, disaffected losers. As for cops, when is the last time a cooperating citizen was gunned down? Answer: never.

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Mr. Roberts - you are incorrect. The evidence for what Brien and Don posted is out there and voluminous.

We have reached the stage where the people pulling the strings don't feel they need to hide their intentions any longer, and if you cannot see it for what it is, you are not paying attention.

Continue giving our "betters" the benefit of the doubt - right up until the time you and your loved-ones are being loaded into the boxcars...

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What?? You don't think it's ever happened before, and the US elite are by comparison with other elites "simply imperfect individuals rendering good public service". Not meaning to be rude but you clearly are not paying attention

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Sir, if you really believe that you are not paying attention. Just my opinion.

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I love it! The voters, stooges in their own right, are sick of their handiwork!

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Love your work

Do not change it please

As a blunt Yorkshire chap

If it ain't bust don't fix it

John B

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Yes Bill, we know it's coming....."wait for it"...."wait for it"....."Don't shoot until you see the whites of thier eyes", or maybe a little before?

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"Why do people have so little faith in the leaders they elect?"

Maybe they didn't. Maybe they were just told they did.

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Bill, Please rename the DEEP and DARK State...

Evil and we need to put faces to names and start identifying who is the DEEP and DARK State. Only then can the world understand what "they" are doing to all of us...

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