Mar 20, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Mr. Joel Bowman you have a very great mind Sir. This is another fabulous write and you're so on it. Bill has such a great team! Just when I thought I'd miss the Rogue.... wow this was a smart move. The Sunday Sesh is a highlight. We do all know that Trump's wife is from Venezuela....right? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the doom to America is......

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

You have a unique ability to expose the absurdities of the current world with wit and sarcasm. Very similar to Michael Tracey and of course, Bill. Keep it coming…

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Best Sunday Sesh yet, Joel. Keep 'em coming....and this one even ended with the traditional arguments-in-the-corner of the pub.

To PW, the other PW, TS and PG V (thanks for saving me the trouble of initializing, PG V), consider the almost, but not really, commandments of the one true religion (maybe), Pastafarianism, which states, sorta, that killing for any excuse is bad.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Wit, sarcasm, turn of phrase. This epistle has them all. A brilliant encapsulation of the machinations of the hypocritical muppets that are currently running this planet - badly.

Thanks, it has made my day.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Glorious piece, the humour more than compensating for any depression caused from the light shone on the hypocrisy of our leaders

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

I love your efforts to liken old scenes of yore to today’s situations. We know the irony of the saying ‘what we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history’.

If only we could or … would.


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Joel, Absolutely loved this one. Laughed out loud when I reached the section on the great speaker of the house. Safe travels!

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Much as your Putin apologist stance has some validity in that Russia doesn't like the idea of NATO on its doorstep, it still doesn't excuse the current aggression. I interpret your response below that if the west had just postured about the Ukrainian invasion; and not imposed sanctions; that Russia would not have had to use so much death and destruction when it invaded? That supposition implies a rational response from politicians on both sides, signally lacking overall. Very sorry, but nothing justifies the actions taken by Russia in this area. Would have every sympathy had Ukraine shown some aggressive invasion attempts to annexe Russian territory, but that is simply not the case, nor was there any expressed intention to do so.

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Much as I agree with most of the Liberal versus illiberal views expressed here, the one argument that just doesn't work for me, is the assertion that certain Russian persons have been financially persecuted without due process. This may or may not be true, but what cannot be disputed is that it is not Ukrainian soldiers operating in Russia and that all efforts at diplomacy have been roundly ignored in practice. Regardless of western agression in the last few decades and whether it was legal or otherwise, please advise what you would consider a sensible response to a country that considered invasion, wanton destruction and murder of non combatant people as reasonable other than draconian sanctions. I am wholly against all national agression, whatever its source (including all of the examples cited in the latter part of your essay) but do you not agree that there are some folks in charge of countries that need to be stopped pretty much at all costs and therefore that crippling sanctions such as these are much preferable to military escalation and/or potentially even nuclear confrontation?

Western agression is unacceptable too, but we've already had one example in the last 75 years of a leader without any scruples whatsoever, that grew almost beyond defeat due to lack of adequate response in the early years?

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I totally agree that any violent aggression is wrong, but simply examine the history of the Ukraine since the breakup of the USSR and you will see that this war was forced upon Putin by the antics of the US in Ukraine and the stupidity of not realizing how logically and rationally important Ukrainian neutrality was/is to Russia!

It is actually much again like how the actions of the winners after WWI actually caused the rise of Hitler and the unnecessary destruction/deaths of WWII, including the holocaust.

If the west had realized and acknowledged that they had precipitated the invasion of Ukraine by Putin and just condemned it but no other response, then I would expect that it would be all over much quicker with far less death and destruction with the eastern Ukraine controlled by Russia, which would be all the Putin wanted. He is certainly not in any manner thinking that he can conquer Europe! He simply wants to stop the Ukraine from having NATO forces on his doorstep.

"do you not agree that there are some folks in charge of countries that need to be stopped pretty much at all costs".

Absolutely not! The costs must always be considered! If you want to go and try to stop him, go right ahead!

If that were the case then there are far more national and state figures in the US and Canada to which this should apply than to Putin. And how about the Saudi kings and princes!

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I told you: your money or your life,and you made the wrong choice so don't blame me! Ha Ha

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So cynical & rightly so. Seems there is a lot of maneuvering & positioning going on behind the scenes in politics, banking, finance, money. Is Bitcoin the cause as it seems to expose all the lies, deceit, thieving, ineptitude, corruption & greed that is endemic in government & business. The internet is "freedom" of information and Bitcoin is true freedom of money.

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all block-chain technology is based on HOPE that humans can be controlled by their own greed (initially) and stupidity .. it's the best way of herding all into a never ending cycle of absolute control from cradle/womb to death and possibly beyond ..?

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Joel wow again ! not since Mazarin Metternich Richleau have I read such conjunctification of diverse ideas/quotes from opaque sources .. really great read to close off the Sunday/Monday Sesh here in Oz .. thanks for tickling them old brain cells!

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That read like a brutal, yet beautiful poem, peppered with wit and humor. Had to savor reading it twice!

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Joel, Thanks for showing both sides of the issues.Are our politicians in Washington for real or is it really just a comedy skit (very expensive one) on Saturday Night Live.Richard

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Russia seems to be getting inspiration from "US handling of Japan resistance in World war II" in handling Ukraine resistance.

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If the "wise", including you Bill, hopefully, would like to increase your knowledge, thus putting you guys toward increased wisdom, you might read the "greatest book ever written,IMHO" urantia.org - written by one Melchizedek nearly 2k yrs. before Christ. Not all religion, but longer than the bible and totally FREE & totally TRUE. Many corrections of the confused past.

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You must read the book "urantia.org" - you will never know the truths "till u do" - you will be amazed with what u will find. Your next life is what's so amazing!

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I forgive you for you know not what you do/know unless you read the book urantia.org - no cult - God gives you a choice - no more from me!

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well said and superbly structured as a legitimate and intelligent counter argument !

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I suspect that you have always been "a disturbing influence" to the class as one of my teachers used to say .. so when reading the comments/replies I'm always drawn to the ones that are raising the most vociferous response .. what I invariably find is that it's not 'what' but 'How' you formulate your thoughts/ideas and express them .. and then always the inner reflection that 'knows everyone I hear/see is just another version of ME! you have a great mind that is well connected to your heart that provides a balanced view so keep it up as I enjoy your comments as much as the articles/presenters ..

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