wow. Speechless. This is a keeper. A perfectly woven story telling it more or less like it is. It needs to be read a couple times to let the substance of what’s been written sink in.

And I need to Google who this santos is...

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Not much has changed since H. L. Mencken published his “Notes on Democracy” in 1926:

“What [the masses] want principally are safety and security. They want to be delivered from the bugaboos that ride them. They want to be soothed with mellifluous words. They want heroes to worship. They want the rough entertainment suitable to their simple minds. All of these things they want so badly that they are willing to sacrifice everything else in order to get them. The science of politics under democracy consists in trading with them, i. e., in hoodwinking and swindling them. In return for what they want, or for the mere appearance of what they want, they yield up what the politician wants, and what the enterprising minorities behind him want. The bargaining is conducted to the tune of affecting rhetoric, with music by the choir, but it is as simple and sordid at bottom as the sale of a mule. It lies quite outside the bounds of honour, and even of common decency. It is a combat between jackals and jackasses. It is the master transaction of democratic states.”

And just a few pages later:

“The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. The demaslave is one who listens to what these idiots have to say and then pretends that he believes it himself. Every man who seeks elective office under democracy has to be either the one thing or the other, and most men have to be both. The whole process is one of false pretences and ignoble concealments. No educated man, stating plainly the elementary notions that every educated man holds about the matters that principally concern government, could be elected to office in a democratic state, save perhaps by a miracle. His frankness would arouse fears, and those fears would run against him; it is his business to arouse fears that will run in favour of him. Worse, he must not only consider the weaknesses of the mob, but also the prejudices of the minorities that prey upon it. Some of these minorities have developed a highly efficient technique of intimidation. They not only know how to arouse the fears of the mob; they also know how to awaken its envy, its dislike of privilege, its hatred of its betters.”

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Typical of politics and politicians: They only lose popularity when they tell the truth. Doesn't matter if its voluntary or involuntary. Truth is the enemy of the state.

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One of the best columns in all of the years I have been reading them.

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Imagine if every American voter could read this one! Telling it like it is, and entertaining at the same time.

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This should be the dictionary under the definition of a politician!

I would suggest an accompanying photograph with the politician wearing a NASCAR style jumpsuit showing the 'sponsors' that are their real constituents.

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Truly a man for all seasons. but hey lying has worked forJoe Biden all his political life.

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This makes me think of the saying, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." Our current political system nurtures, encourages and rewards this type of behavior.

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The GOP need to expel Santos from their political party, and quickly. They have to make clear that mountebanks, charlatans and pathological liars have no place in their political party. If they don't, then like the proverbial bad apple in the barrel, Santos will spoil the remaining good ones. He will become the face of the Republican Party; the constant topic of TV Talking Heads and a seed of noxious doubt in undecided voters throughout the nation.

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Do I contradict myself?

Very well then I contradict myself,

(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

-Walt Whitman

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Great post Bill, very funny. It is the serious ones on here who don't get the entertainment value of your writings. I look forward to a good laugh every day! And from the comments especially.

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And the masses who just dont get it

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where do we go from here?

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I feel like you read my mind and put my thought into words.

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Santos is from NY! What more did you expect?

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Churchill is quoted as saying, "our form of government is the worst in the world except for all of the others". Since Shakespeare, who has had a better way with words?

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