“There couldn’t be more than a few dozen people in the whole US who care whether the Donetsk People’s Republic is controlled by the Ukrainians, by the Russians, or by the people themselves. “. A more factual statement has never been spoken on this site! Who gives a rats ass about the damn Ukraine/ Russian border when America is under attack daily from Biden’s assault on America and our borders!

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yep you seem to be a good'ol boy from the US who can't see further than his ass

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Jealousy is an ugly emotion Andy...

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unsure what you are referring to Starboard

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What about Tibet and the Uighurs - are you wanting to nuke China over either of those? Or more pertinent, Pakistan? Every man and his wife knows that Pakistan not only harboured Bin Laden, but kept the Taliban safe from NATO forces during the misbegotten Afghanistan adventure.

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who said anything about nukes Jo ?

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Quite a few people, though perhaps you've not read them.

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Since we are discussing "broken promises" today, what about this one from the 1994 Budapest Memo where Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons: “Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.”

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LOL - you mean for NATO to take over put Ukraine under the US/UK Nuclear umbrella then put missiles on Ukrainian soil so that even drones can reach Moscow? Yea, I can imagine the US loving that to happen in their backyard. They almost went nuclear over Cuba in the 60's.

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Jo. Yeah, we would not allow it.

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Wasn't looking for a moral... looking to see why you think Putin does not feel threatened?

2014 Ukraine putsch anyone?

Cuban missile crisis happened because the U.S. military installed ICBM's in Turkey...or did you forget?

NATO poses a threat to Putin...

I am not defending Putin the butcher... I am however including the west's behavior as antagonists.

All hands are dirty...

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Amen, all hands are dirty

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Your pro-Russian bias is evident. This is not an example of history repeating itself, no one is invading Russia, that lesson may have been learned, but Russia is threatening its neighbors which is why NATO exists in the first place. You have so much good insight, but it is spoiled by this kind of nonsense. Wake up and look at the facts.

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Every invasion of Russia has been beaten thanks to the vast distances from Europe to Moscow, from Napolean to Hitler Russian/Soviet forces retreated across a scorched earth stretching thousands of Kilometers. Starting from the Ukraine/Donbas border cuts out most of those vast distances. NATO forces on Russia's border are a genuine issue for Russia and anyone who does't believe that is likely to produce WW3 sooner rather than later.

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PV G's screed bought to mind something I observed long ago; Never trust the opinion of one who has to shout.

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Well, You have often lousy hunches. So sick of your same old same old rhetoric everyday..get a life. I think Mr. Trump will down as one of the worst Presidents. Who does things like 1-6 or keeping documents that are illegal to keep, etc. etc.

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P.S. I wouldn't care if Trump was a Democrat, I would still make the same statement!

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Brilliant Bill! So simple! Biden, Zelenskyy, Clinton’s, Obama, Macron, Trudeau etc =globalist…Putin, Trump = nationalist. Putin tried for decades to work with America’s globalist and stop the insane building of communist China…failed. Putin is against the Great Reset and the insanity of the globalist climate change scam…failed. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend…this is how to judge Americans and globalist, and just how full of shit the Zelensky supporters are 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Nope, don’t cancel someone just because they disagree with you. I’m sure no one will.

I found the gentleman’s comments “interesting”.

But there is no reason to make it personal or mean spirited.

Russia is a thug-acracy with nukes. Which makes it very dangerous.

I have no idea how to fix the mess started in Ukraine.

But one thing is certain.

We cannot allow Russia to take a country. Instead Putin should demand a vote from the people of Ukraine.

Their is no military solution in Ukraine.

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Hi Mr. Withrow -

There was a free and fair Ukrainian election in 2013/2014. Unfortunately, the CYA and MIC didn't like the results...

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agreed. If Putin gets Ukraine he will invade other USSR countries.

During his year long self imposed isolation during Covid he brooded about the destruction of Russia's might since the USSR was broken up ( democracy in action) reading Russian medieval history as his guideline.

Who knows, he might return Russians to medieval living with himself as King

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I agree with Angry Iceberg - PG V I do not pay to read you CRAP - just cancel your subscription - you are brainwashed also...its ALL LIES BOTH SIDES OF IT....

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Don’t read his crap when you see that’s PG V who writte it , obviously you are too temped and do read his crap .

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It does make for exciting reading

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Bernhard does not know or has had his head in the sand not seeing in plain sight the CORRUPTION of the state of Ukraine. CORRUPT CORRUPT and the US is just continuing to escalate escalate escalate the situation. The losers are US Citizens $100 billion more debt the CITIZENS have to pay after BRANDON Leaves office in 2024 to build his Presidential museum in Delaware AND the Ukranian people who are Pawns to all the CORRUPTION all these years - Never mind the many many BIOWEAPONS Labs that are or were running in Ukraine for decades. Don't Blame Putin one bit.. NATO encroachment has been on the table the line in the sand for DECADES. PV G had it below!!!

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The guy did send his army across the border with the openly stated intention to demilitarise...let’s at least agree putin didn’t follow protocols for justifying an invasion.

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Curiously the West didn't follow the protocols for many things, mainly in the sphere of finances. It weaponised the dollar, the internationally accepted global reserve currency, and brought to a halt international payment systems for anyone it felt was involved with Russia. The refusal of marine insurance for any vessel deemed to be carrying Russian fossil fuels is also interesting. Basically Biden has declared that you are either for the US or against it in this situation AND that isn't a very clever move. Vast swathes of the globe couldn't give a toss about the Ukraine, they are only interested in the effects of the war.

The US/NATO are not flavour of the month across probably those same vast swathes of the globe and this war, assuming it doesn't go nuclear, has simply split the planet AND will drive more countries into the sphere of influence of Russia/China.

The consequences of Net Zero insanity will also produce, particularly in Europe serious popular protests against the EU/Europhile elite as blackouts and gas rationing are on the agenda. Although I note the current cold spell in the US has already produced blackouts, though how much of that is down to Net Zero policies I've yet to discover.

Russian gas/oil/diesel kept Europe and the EU warm, it won't this winter and I don't yet see Biden's US providing sufficient LNG to save the EU if it experiences a very cold winter. The world is changing and it is not looking to be for the better as long as the idea that Russia has to be defeated on the battlefield remains. If anything that attitude is likely to bring an even greater catastrophe to Europe and the world. A ceasefire and negotiations are what is needed, though Merkel's recent revelations regarding the Minsk accords simply pours fuel of the fire of Russian suspicions that the West will lie yet again in order to beat Russia.

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Instead of working towards peace, the west cretinusly (I’ll claim that word if it doesn’t exist) pushes for “victory”. If it wasn’t so tragic it would be laughable. “Victory”, at who’s expense? And how many are the gains for the (connected) few?? What a load of BS... if people woke up there would be political heads rolling from East to West across the planet.

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2023

Hi Mr. Loic -

I've yet to see any concrete outline for what "Victory" would look like, other than Regime Change and Putin on the outs. That is a non-starter.

Hmmmm, how very DEMOCRATIC of us...

PS - I think it's "Cretinously" and if it's not a word it should be... :)

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deletedDec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022
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If a consortium of Iran, Russia and China were to locate a missile base on the border of AZ/Mexico with Presidents Obrador 's approval; what would the U.S. military do?

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With Biden/Harris is charge, who knows? Seriously, the base would be blown to kingdom come, which is why it would never be built in the first place. In my (feeble) mind, the crucial difference between your scenario and Ukraine is that I believe the USA would not use the base as an excuse to conquer Mexico and turn it into a puppet state of the US.

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Tim. Yes I know we never invade sovereign nations. Kidding, the last 20 years thats all we did.

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Good point. Yes, depending on who is the President, he could decide that 'regime change" is needed and invade. I would hope that the poor results of the last 20 years of "regime change" in Iraq and Afghanistan might deter him from this course of action. But ,maybe I am too optimistic!

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Your "belief" of why the missile installation is there is not the question.

The question is simple;

If there is a foreign military on the border of the U.S. what would the U.S. military do about it?

Some may question this comparison as "no moral equivalency".

But I am not referring to "why".

It is obvious if any military installation were to be too close the U.S. military would take action....

Think: Cuban missile crisis....as it was the CCCP's reaction to the U.S. placing ICBM's in Turkey...

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The Monroe Doctrine basically says the US 'Sphere of Influence' covers most of the globe. Russia isn't allowed a sphere of influence, and the political myths of the West that God is on our side, is crazy. Realpolitik is something that determines the future of us all, let's hope that someone in the Western war supporting class figures that out before we are all blown to Kingdom come. Curiously the West didn't behave the same way when China effectively did to Tibet what Russia wanted to do to the Ukraine. I wonder if Biden's son may have had much influence? Pity we never found out what was on that hard-drive.

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Jo: I'm sure when the Republicans take over we will find out. That's one of their first priorities.

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Probably follow a protocol that gets everyone on their side before they send their army in to demilitarise.

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My guess their put missiles in Taiwan , Poland targeting China and Russia ... will not bother with Mexico ... next question !

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Hm, Guantanamo Bay was good? Invading Afghanistan was good, Invading Iraq for non-existent WMD was good?


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So when we invade sovereign nations we are good? When Russia invades only one sovereign nation they are bad? Madeline Albright's sanctions killed five hundred thousand children. All of the war hawks here please ask yourselves how you would feel if it was your kids.

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Yup. And I don't recall any Iraqi's shelling, raping or murdering Americans for three years before any action took place - such as happened in the Donbass Region by the "beloved" Ukrainians...

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We did, and the evidence is in the public domain. The link I provided earlier to the lecture from Professor Paul Dibb of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre provides references to that.

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Hi Jo -

PG (love him or hate him) has a REAL problem with verified facts and evidence that don't agree with what he thinks, especially regarding ANYTHING that pertains to Ukraine or convid/vaccines.

Very much like our "friends" on the Left in that respect...

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Star...be careful my friend! LOL! Very much like that. Seriously people like him are the end of freedom. They believe all the state approved "facts".

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Dear Mr Bonner,

Have you by any chance read Mr Putin's manifesto in which he explains his intention to be a latter day Peter the Great by reestablishing at a minimum the borders of the Soviet Union? If you indeed did, how can you justify your diatribe against the Ukraine and Mr Zelenski in particular? You remind me of a proverb I heard in Mexico: no hay hombre más ciego que el que no quiere ver.

Many Ukrainians are unsavory characters. Personally I have suffered a loss there of a million euros due to outright fraud. Nevertheless I am very grateful to the Ukrainian people to fight totalitarisme for us. Are all Russians bad people? Far from it, but their leader is a nuclear armed danger to us all. I would recommend you buy iodine pills for your family, just in case.

Best regards

Bernhard Ebner ì

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I guess you really don't understand the question.... I am comparing the NATO's stance in the Ukraine by supposing a similar scenario in the U.S.

Putin is threatened by NATO on it's borders.

What would the U.S. response be if axis powers amassed arms on U.S. borders?

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Yes sir, I think that the coming world war should be named for what will “start” the war. Murphy’s War.

Anything could go wrong and probably will!

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And something we should all be discussing, what are you going to do when your power goes out 🤔 for months?

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Low IQ voters are being indoctrinated globally to take up the fight against the climate.

I have taken it upon myself to battle the utility company and installed battery back-up solar.

As a recourse the Sacramento lampreys that feed off of my tax dollars have decided although it's important to do battle with the climate, it's also racist to own a battery back-up solar.

Oh what to do?

How can I fight nature to help propagate the climate agenda without being a racist?

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🤣😂🤣 yes bro, you pretty much sum up the insanity of the left in one paragraph 🤣😂🤣 how (is the F word still safe?) F-ing moronic the left base is in America/Europe, and how easy it is to control and manipulate these most Useless Useful Idiots!

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well Trump manipulated & controlled the right !

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Careful Mr. White. Much more of that and Trump might decide to move out of that 5-bedroom apartment he occasionally stays at rent free in your head...

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Ask a South African. The water temperature rises, the frogs boil, but the show goes on.

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life is not about burying your head in the sand in a morals free universe, though many Americans can happily do that given most live hundreds or thousands of miles from anywhere other than the USA & so are pretty well isolated from the rest of the world.

Bill travels continuously ( the reasons why aren't obvious) is well read & rich enough not to care what anyone else thinks about his rants, but by not engaging with others and their moral problems he is heading deep into irrelevant old fart territory, much like a stuck record

An ugly characteristic of the mega rich is that they frequently become completely obsessed about not losing money, almost to the exclusion of anything else, rather than using their huge wealth to benefit the less fortunate or solve the world's problems.

Substack allows billionaires to get whatever they like off their chests unedited and without engaging with others , but he is by no means the only blunderbuss on this website

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Bill,When the Elitist (including President Biden) have no skin in the game (no Elitist children) and all the fake money to play,why not play and fill their pockets along the way.President George Jr. had no skin in the game,and declared victory in Iraq in 2003,but we are still fighting there.The American people have skin in the game,their children or their paychecks,or both.The Ukrarian and Russian people have skin in the game,but not their leaders.The people of all nations need to vote for war ,or not war,being as its their skin that is always in the game..

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