There is only one way to make sense of our dystopian world in 2022, and that is to conclude that all of the destructive and deconstructive events of the past 2 years(at least)have been deliberate and planned for some time. Any other explanation is simply non-sensical, defying both Occam’s Razor and any rational understanding of history and the nature of man. There is plenty of the latter defiance to go around, but perhaps the most salient point would be that there is plenty of prima facia evidence that we are in the execution phase of things seminally planned, from Klaus Schwab’s confessions in Covid-19: The Great Reset to the Gates Foundation/WEC/Johns Hopkins ‘Event 201’, a simulation of a Coronavirus pandemic conducted in 2019, almost as if it were a Dry Run exercise for what happened the following year. The common thread is the Globalist agenda, which to be realized must eliminate Nationalist agendas and, as necessary, Nations.

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Bill, you should be ashamed of yourself for doing as the politicians and media by repeating spurious statistics, or presenting them in a way that can be interpreted to make them sound either nothing to worry about or catastrophic. Here's what you printed in your January 13 screed ---

Coal to make up 85% of total US power capacity to be retired in 2022

(Reuters) - Coal-fired plants will account for about 85% of total U.S. power capacity scheduled for retirement this year with natural gas and renewables taking a greater share of the supply, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said on Tuesday.

Are they retiring 85% of total power capacity or 85% of the coal-fired capacity ?

That notwithstanding, I really enjoy your writing and have for several years - Keep it up -

Roland Friestad

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Good points that bring focus back to real argument.

- Price of gas in France is another example. It’s normally 2 or 3 times US price (helping to provide healthcare & other services.

- US empty shelves is another…..like airlines cancelling flights due to Covid absences US price. US price has

- Energy shortage in Germany: why. Similar to Texas failure to maintain system during big freeze……not green related.

Clearly there are problems, transparency and accountability being the biggest ones, for all. Courage is another

Something’s gotta give. Maybe all of it.

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I am a fairly recent subscriber. I have just retired (at least for the moment) from a 35 year career in the electricity generation business. I worked as an operator and manager in both nuclear and natural gas plants.

Retiring electrical power generation stations is not an abnormal event. Plants that are even 20 years old are typically quite a bit less efficient that newer units. Even a few percent of efficiency difference makes a huge difference when you are burning hundreds of thousands of pounds of natural gas per day for example.

The article headline is alarmist for sure but here is what they are really saying. Basically if we retire 1000 megawatts of power next year 850 megawatts will be coal. It does not mean that the genius's in charge are shutting down 85% of the coal fired plants. With that being said there is also a great deal of new generation being built. The problem is that most of this new generation is wind and solar which as you well know is intermittent. The other thing that the public doesn't see is that if the headline proclaims a new 400 megawatt wind farm coming on line the fact is that only a fraction of this 400 megawatt output is generated most of the time. It is like you purchased a large pickup truck and after signing the papers you were told that this truck could only haul the nameplate loads three days out of the week.

The company I worked for was primarily green wind generation. As their only large thermal (636 megawatt) asset our main job was to balance the wind generation on the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington. Our units generation was up and down, all over the place all of the time balancing the wind resource. This in turn hurt our efficiency. It's like the difference between driving a car down the road at a constant speed and in traffic stop and go driving. The public never hears about this issue, doesn't meet the narrative.

Sorry to ramble, I hope this explains the headline to you.

Chris Volk

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Hi! Can you offer any reason why you won’t take my money. Apple Pay does not support Crypto.com Visa Cards. I’m sure you know they are just a prepaid cash card with Visas name on it. Is Apple the only way you allow for payments to go through.



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Hi Patch. Our payment processor, Stripe, accepts most major credit cards. The exception, in some cases, is Discover Card. We're working with them to change this. At the moment, we don't support Apple Pay or PayPal. We're hoping to add other payment options this year and make it as easy as possible for you to subscribe. In the meantime, if you still can't, email us at bonnerprivateresearch@gmail.com and we'll try and work something out for you.

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Why I can not buy a one year subscription with my DISOVER CARD? Ralph E. Wood

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Sorry Mr. Wood. Our bank (in Ireland) doesn't currently support taking payments from Discover Card. We're working on resolving it. Please contact us at bonnerprivateresearch@gmail.com for other payment options.

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