“Twenty-six of 32 four-star admirals & generals who retired from June 2018 to July 2023 were later employed in roles including executive, adviser, board member or lobbyist for companies w/ significant defense business."

ABOVE IS EXACTLY the reason I could not recommend that any of my children to volunteer for the Armed Forces.

I explained to them that their great grandfathers fought in every war that America has engaged. But it is no longer honorable due to MONEY.

I just could not sacrifice them for money.

I am heartbroken as a true American whose family goes back to 1692.

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Yes Bill, we all hate something or someone, some more then others, and our human nature is what it is or isn’t.. but the insanity of the globalist, and what they have done in the name of immigration, diversity, equity, climate, environmental and all the BS social issues they falsely created to divide the people is truly treasonous and needs to be addressed before it ends our world as we know it 🤔 because now they want a WW and they mostly get what they want...

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Ike is most known for his farewell address, but his Cross of Iron speech is if anything even more powerful. Look it up. The last presidential candidate to oppose the war machine was George McGovern, who said: "I’m sick and tired of old men sitting around in air conditioned rooms here in Washington, dreaming up wars for young men to die in." Imagine anyone saying that today. Ok, maybe RFK, jr. But if he gets any real traction he'll meet the same fate as his dad and uncle....

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Ireland is for the Irish. Italy is for the Italians.

China is for the Chinese. The Arabs have lots of countries where nobody else is allowed. But the Jews can’t live in Israel in peace. Got it. Maybe life is complicated and Goliath (what droll irony is this!)🙄 is in fact what he appears to be - under attack by savages.

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Yes Tanto, as is America...

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Yes sir. 💯

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Jesus Christ said to those who would hear: “ Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you.” Those who hear and act this out are truly Christian, one may say. So how many such Christians are there out in the World nowadays?

St. John wrote: “He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.” By concentrating on hatred we darken our minds. The world of hate crime is a world of darkness where love is banished and we are all murderers, for “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.” We deal in death.

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Excellent point however it is your duty to defend yourself. You may love your enemy but kill him in defense of yourself. Do not be the aggressor.

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Thank you Bill!

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If someone hates you, you can ignore them. If they hate you and also try to kill you or invade your land and kill innocent civilians and decapitate babies, to ignore them means you will die. But then again, Christianity embraces death. That is, the afterlife is more important than life on Earth, which is only a test to get to the joys of the afterlife by showing that you love your fellow man unconditionally and dedicate your life to sacrificing for him. By this morality, to sacrifice yourself for the most vile humans on this earth is to reach the height of virtue and it guarantees you rewards after death. The people that embrace sacrifice are called saints in the Catholic church. Did you ever ask yourself why? Why is it good to love your enemies, to love murderers, and other vile humans, and those that would harm you? What purpose does it serve? Maybe some of these people are salvageable if you can help them without harming yourself. By if you want to live a life of flourishing on this Earth, maybe you just might want to associate yourself with people who share your values. If you are interested in a morality that serves man's life on Earth, respects other people's rights, and advocates a life of rationality, productiveness, achievement, integrity, independence, and honesty, without the need to sacrifice - read Ayn Rand.

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You never read my booklet, Discourse On Agape, did you? If you did, you didn't understand it, or you didn't believe it. Do you really think the papal church represents Christ? Your statements show you don't understand Christianity at all. Have you even read the Bible, or just atheist books about the Bible? Or did you read the Bible with preconceived ideas? You should educate yourself, so people will take you seriously. Not just you, but many others here as well.

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There are very few true christians in the world spreading the word of God's Kingdom to come. We will be hate crime targets.

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If Israel decides to remove it’s enemies, it is entirely capable of doing so, provided it is willing to endure the “hate” that would come after. The Arabic world is concentrated in cities or by water. Take out the Aswan Dam, hit each major Arabic city/military base of significance and there won’t be an Arab world to speak of. It truly is a Goliath situation. But, we think of David as the good guy, so maybe that isn’t the best analogy. If the USA ever disappears as a protector of Israel, I imagine Israel would quickly remove the Arab world. My personal opinion is that the US Ford carrier group is being moved as a political ploy, but also as a limiter on Israel. Sure, we will help if asked against terrorists, but we don’t want to allow Israel to go so far that oil flow is interrupted.

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Hi Mr. Hurst -

I've been getting a strange premonition these last three days. The Ford Carrier Group may be in for a VERY big surprise, and we may be fixing to lose the largest warship in the world.

Look at what has been happening in Ukraine to the much-vaunted, formerly-unstoppable weapon of war known as the modern tank. These multi-million dollar machines are regularly being turned into smoking hulks of scrap metal by improvised weapons that often cost under $1,000.00US to produce and deploy.

I'd hate to see the same fate for our proudest Aircraft Carrier, but it's not your daddy's war anymore. Different weapons, different tactics meeting heretofore unacknowledged vulnerabilities. And it might not even take a hypersonic missile to put that ship and many of those sailors at the bottom of the sea...

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Agree Starboard, even the unimaginable, the absolute insane, the totally impossible events that we could only dream of in our worst nightmare are coming to light, and it all started with our first true Manchurian candidate, Barack Hussein Obama. I know, the name sounds so American, and how could the good public not vote in such a worthy, upstanding community organizing, American hating, Muslim candidate, especially after the 9/11 attacks on our nation?

So yes, they then gave us Trump, who talked the talk, and who won the hearts of our most patriotic, yet who 100% was and is a peice of the globolist puzzle, and definitely didn't walk the walk... and now Biden, who died two years ago, but is just too stupid to lie down, and of coarse the Squad, those other upstanding America hating trolls that actually were honestly voted in by their fellow, ignorant, Illegal, cheating, demented American hating constituents. With millions more just like them...

So yes brother, I can see WWIII starting soon with the unimaginable, but as sweet Mr TORRANCE opines below, "Love your enemies and do good to them which hate you"...just remember who wrote the book...

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I could never understand why Israel allowed Gaza to exist independently.

It made no sense. Just a fire waiting to happen. Which has proven true.

Anyway Gaza is a problem that must be dealt with. House to house search & destroy of Hamas belligerents will be bloody.

And you can absolutely bet that the bad guys will be hiding behind skirts.

If it was me I would use overwhelming force.

Really the only way to minimize casualties.

Israel can effectively focus on Gaza from all sides.

The U.S. Navy will pound any heads that pop up to the North.

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God's word tells us to hate a man is to kill him. I refuse to hate a man I do not even know let alone the ones I do know. Jesus taught "love one another as I have loved you". How is that working out? Let's care for one another while there is still time.

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I agree wholeheartedly. On the other hand, the blind, virtue-signaling level of Love you refer to is nothing to lose your head about...

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America’s debt clock currently rests at north of $33 trillion dollars and apparently is due to pass the $34 trillion mark by the end of the month. Remind me again, how do you define a banana republic? Similiar circumstances evades Canadians maybe not warfare although, if one digs you can find excrement that needs a good bleaching. No. Welfare, subsidies, tariffs, carbon tax, federal, provincial tax, levy, luxury, property tax, now!, "white" tax, income tax, sales tax.... this can only end in one of two ways as I figure it. To hell with Israel, to hell with Ukraine, Iraq, Russia to hell with Iran, Palestine, the Saud's...ad nauseam. For those who want to fight? Take your own hard earned money, get on a plane get down there, stay there, we have no need to break any new records.

Understood ?

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While it's true that bankrupting the nation is not the way to make a strong America, the problem is that the Rich Men North of Richmond know of no other way. Heaven forbid that they would accept a reduction in overall government spending; their graft will decrease.

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Having recently retired from a 30 plus year career in the defense industry, you are spot on. I was overruled by Navy officers when I tried to hold defense contractors accountable and these officers later almost all worked for these same contractors. The ones that suffer are the sailors and marines it is shameful.

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If you just look at the micro situation Israel might be Goliath but, you have to look at the big picture with Iran, Saudi Arabia et al and you’ll see that Israel is David.

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True Tom, but David threw a stone to defeat his enemy, Israel will be throwing nukes 🤔

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No they won't. They'll be launching missiles. American made missiles.

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Bill, you brought up the Civil War and the invasion of the Southlands. As a Northern New Jersey guy, born a bit too late to join in the festivities, I can at least, watch on video, the removal of monuments to dead Southern Generals. In doing so, I can be instructed that "slavery is bad" (who knew?). However, what is missing on the nightly news, what one has to delve into books to understand, is another and perhaps more enduring lesson. This lesson involves the corruption in the late 1850's in Washington DC. There the monied interests in the Northern textile industry had succeeded in passing legislation requiring all shipments of cotton, coming out of New Orleans, to be required to first sail up to Perth Amboy, NJ and pay a tariff before being allowed to sail onto European markets. Of course, this took a bite out of profits so many merchant shippers simply sold their cotton on the docks of NJ for discount prices, all to the satisfaction of the Norther Mill owners. I lament the tearing down of monuments, not because these generals were "my" Generals, but because an opportunity to impart a very valuable lesson is destroyed at that same moment. The lesson that very often "lawfare" will precede warfare. Perhaps, even precipitate it. How else to explain the simple fact that most of those Southerners slain in battle didn't own any slaves.

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Thank you Ed for the slight history lesson 🙏 but here in the new Amerika, nobody wants the truth 🤔

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"Donald Trump commented that “there were good people on both sides;”

Sigh. He also TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY, 𝗶𝗻 𝗻𝗼 𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝘀, condemned "White Supremacists" TWICE in that same speech. But BB, like all the hacks* in our media, neglects to point out that rather salient detail.

*Note that I didn't type "like all the 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 hacks"...

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BB is disappointing at times despite his gift to turn a phrase. Joel disappointed me in his missive by ignoring the fact that the amount the Chinese Communist Party spends on their military has no connection to reality given that they are a communist country and don't use the same metrics or any connection to truth to derive their numbers.

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I once read a short book: "Return from Tomorrow" by George Ritchie. Near the end, he recounts what he saw as a young soldier when his unit arrived in the camp at Wuppertal. It inspired me to write a ;poem:


When we arrived in Wuppertal

In nineteen forty five

The prisoners looked ghastly,

Wasted and half alive.

But one of them was different,

So cheerful and serene.

His face was calm and confident,

His body fit and lean.

We thought he`d come in recently,

A week ago at most;

But his record showed for five long years

The camp had been his host.

When his loved ones were arrested,

And shot before his eyes.

He`d begged the executioner

To shoot him down likewise.

But he`d mastered many languages

Which meant he was of use

So they spared his life and sent him

To the camp for more abuse.

A lawyer by profession

He thought upon his past,

And the bitterness arising

From cases which are lost.

Reflecting on what happened

He saw how hatred poisons life,

And resolved to love all people,

Even those who`d slain his wife.

He served all those around him,

The wicked and the good.

He comforted them tenderly

For their sufferings were rude.

For him, suffused by holy love,

That hellish place became

An open door to paradise,

An earnest of the same.

He bore his cross with patience,

Showed his enemies great love;

And thus drew down upon himself

Great grace from God above.

(Based on the account of Private George Ritchie 123rd EVAC US Army, in “Return from Tomorrow”)

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Very beautiful Andrew 🙏

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We may not like it but cannot ignore the facts that Space, Aviation and other defence technology breakthroughs, have at times also been the bedrock of technology developments and innovation, not just for war industry buyers but for civil outcomes and industry change, electronic developments, digitisation through to robotics etc.

Technologies eg Sensors, Software, Microchip automation for military R&D projects for Defence (DARPA & Space shuttle & space travel), subsequently often are adapted, become ‘dumbed down’ for commercial applications, right down to home use and personal convenience.

It’s all well and good to damn the Military Industrial Complex, often times they are the source of breakthroughs, we take for granted in our day-to-day Civi-Street.

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This is true JC but we may have been better off without these "improvements"...

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Bill, of course the word hate isn't in the ten commandments. Hate isn't in God's vocabulary. Read the New Testament when you get some time. It is full of the word Love.

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Of course it's there. If you break the last 6 commandments, you demonstrate hatred toward your fellow man.

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Go to jw.org and increase your knowledge.

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