Hi Bill, Why not offer a Bonner Private Research subscription free to every U.S. Congressman/woman and every U.S. Senator? It would be great if at least one of these federal office holders then had the guts to read each of your daily comments into the Congressional Record?

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That would be a waste, they would have to read.... no time for that. Remember.... "We have to pass the bill, so we know what is in it"!

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They don't deserve it, and already have all the inside info to supplement their portfolios, by getting in before a stock takes off, and out before it's going down.

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Turning "it" over to AI? That's a laugh. AI exists for the sole purpose of promoting, sustaining, and reinforcing the current regime of "deciders". AI might, could expose the scam. Like hell that'll happen. Best always. PM

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Mark, I was born in 1952. Do you think I'm the same now as I was in 1953? Trust but verify. Thanks for your research and sharing with me. We're in for some revelations, I'm afraid. Best always. PM

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Hey Paul. It was a better time.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

Gone Fishin, I had an interesting bout with the AI bot LOL, and we went round and round about it's use of so called experts, scholars, and trusted sources that started with gender being a biological definition, and this is what it finally gave me a reply to continually questioning the trustworthiness of it's programmers and sources. I guess if pressed hard enough it can sort of tell the truth.

"As an AI search engine, our goal is to provide users with the most accurate and comprehensive information available on the internet. While we strive to include all relevant information in our databases, it is possible that some information may be left out due to various reasons such as lack of availability or relevance. Therefore, we encourage users to do their own research as well to ensure they have a complete understanding of the topic at hand.

Regarding bias, we cannot guarantee that all information provided by our sources is completely unbiased. However, we use a variety of sources and algorithms to ensure that the information presented is as objective and factual as possible. We do not censor any information based on personal or political beliefs.

It is important to note that all search engines, including reputable ones, use algorithms and filters to present information in a certain way. This can sometimes lead to the omission of certain information or the prioritization of certain sources over others. However, we strive to provide a diverse range of sources and perspectives to give users a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

In summary, while we cannot guarantee that all information provided by our sources is completely unbiased, we use various methods to ensure that the information presented is as objective and factual as possible. Additionally, we encourage users to do their own research to ensure they have a complete understanding of the topic at hand."

Top 3 Authoritative Reference Publications/Domain Names:

1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

2. Oxford English Dictionary

3. National Institutes of Health (NIH)


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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

Thanks Mark~Gone Fishin' praise I'm sure I'm not worthy of but honored to make your team.

I'd have never thought of interacting with AI, and wasn't trying to point out a faux pas, as I make many a spelling error in my typing more and more everyday it seems, as I'm always surprised to see them later.

After following your link and seeing it I thought I'd run it again to see if there was a difference in the response, and was surprised by it. Saying how the audit in 1953 was significant because it "led to the creation of new procedures for managing and safeguarding the gold reserves, including regular audits and inspections"

and then as it notes "It is worth noting that while the U.S. government has not conducted a full inventory of its gold reserves since 1953, it does conduct regular audits and inspections to ensure the security and integrity of the reserves."

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't find that to be significant if these changes have never been followed up on.

Cheers to you as well!

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Interesting for sure. I noticed you ? "When wastThe United States gold reserve of 8,133.5 tons last audited and inventoried" so removed the extra "t" in it. The answer was similar but with some variances, as they listed if being under the Eisenhower administration for one.


The United States gold reserve of 8,133.5 tons was last audited and inventoried in 1953. This audit was conducted by the Treasury Department under President Eisenhower's administration, and it was the first complete audit of the gold reserves since 1936. The audit confirmed that all of the gold was accounted for and that there were no discrepancies.

This audit was also significant because it marked a shift in how the U.S. government managed its gold reserves. Prior to this audit, the government had not conducted a comprehensive inventory of its gold holdings in over a decade. The audit led to the creation of new procedures for managing and safeguarding the gold reserves, including regular audits and inspections.

It is worth noting that while the U.S. government has not conducted a full inventory of its gold reserves since 1953, it does conduct regular audits and inspections to ensure the security and integrity of the reserves. These audits are conducted by independent auditors and are designed to detect any discrepancies or irregularities in the holdings.

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We need term and age limits to apply. Personnel change is our only hope.

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Bill Bonner's statement "In any case, when you’re over 80, whatever the price – war, inflation, bankruptcy – someone else is likely to pay it, not you." Is completely true and since both my wife and I are 82, it is small comfort to know that. Particularly since the politicians whose only real goal, despite their protests to the contrary, are to be re-elected and stay in power indefinitely will NEVER do what is right for the country but only what they calculate will result in enough votes for re-election. The only folks worse than the politicians are the political "scientists" who shill for the politicians for money rather than principle.

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If we default then don’t pay anybody or anyone. Until the dumbasses who got us in this mess know what the problem is.

Cut, close, layoff, furlough whatever to get to EVEN.

RECEIPTS = Expenditures

Maybe some groups will get PO’ed.

GOOD, maybe they will realize that we mean business.

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It will end up being a paid vacation for federal workers. Always has been.

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We must do something different. Same old, same old is NOT working. Ex. Close their departments. End their jobs.

Why does a 21st century economy need a Department of Commerce?

We are so stupid, no one can see it.

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Hi Mr. Withrow -

I'd argue most everyone reading BPR and on these boards sees it.

What to do, what to do...

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Yes Bill, even the good pastor Franklin Graham agrees with you "Every Demon from hell has been turned loose in society" he recently stated...

What if those same "human" Feds you speak of are really demons in human disguise? Kind of makes sense, along with most of our current politicians, media moguls, union leaders, Tech heads, Bank CEOs, and half of our population...

But these are only the demons from hell, mere workers that follow their big bosses direction...only followers of the big boss.

Yes, they have been here before, many times throughout millennium, and every time they rule, society experiences a cleansing, as the many souls who follow the insanity are taken to the place they worship.

Yes Bill, science and technology are always faced with hard choices, but man is not. We can do either good or evil, right or wrong...Humans have a good sense of right or wrong, a natural moral compass, a common sense of judgment, a code of behavior and honor, but as we see in our country today, Demons do not...Demoncrats? I believe so...

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The self proclaimed ruler of this world has almost everyone on his side, and most are ignorant of who they are serving. satan also has his agents, who 'know what they're doing.' They are deceived too, but they allowed themselves to be deceived. This can't end well for most people.

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So let it be written. So let it be done…

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Man - talk about seeing the extreme ends of the spectrum...

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It's unfortunate to have such an insane culture running America today. Ignorant, arrogant and evil on an unprecedented scale in America history...Such a price to pay for the sins of our fathers?

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Not as optimistic as you my friend, as each passing year, and deeper into the abyss we go, I wait for a sign. I wait for a true movement. I wait along with many hundreds I know to make a meaningful change. Yes brother Mark, everything will sort itself out, but I hope we are on the right side of history when it does 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Hey Steve. We will get there. We just need this bankrupt beast to roll over and be dead. No money for welfare, pensions, Medicare, social, then the real prepared Americans will take over in small local economies and grow from there. I am not making light of the situation, as I truly believe millions will die. But the ones that make it through this crap will have to rebuild this country. Peace by peace, my friend God bless us all. sorry voice text.

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I'd love to see that list Fishin'...

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"The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury." - George Washington

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Craig -- There is much uncertainty about Washington being the source of this quote. He definitely would be appalled by government activities in the city that bears his name!

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George, and the rest of the Founders, studied history. They also saw what happens when church and state are combined, and wanted to avoid that here, thus the First Amendment. When the First Amendment is repudiated, the end of life on earth will be very close.

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The first place that Yellen can delay paying is the interest on the $8.5 trillion that the Fed holds. They certainly couldn’t complain about that.

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Any money that the Federal Reserve earns goes to the Treasury department.


"The federal government sets the salaries of the board's seven governors, and it receives all the system's annual profits, after dividends on member banks' capital investments are paid, and an account surplus is maintained. In 2015, the Federal Reserve earned a net income of $100.2 billion and transferred $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury,[22] and 2020 earnings were approximately $88.6 billion with remittances to the U.S. Treasury of $86.9 billion.[23] "

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Alex, are you saying the federal reserve is a good thing?

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Of course not. I was merely correcting Tom Finn's statement, which is a common misconception, that the federal reserve that the interest the they earn goes into their pocket. It doesn't; the interest "earned" goes to the treasury.

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So it appears that 97% of any money the federal government pays to the Fed for interest or principal on Treasury debt is returned to the Treasury since the Fed didn’t have any money at risk when they “purchased” the debt. Very interesting!

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Hi Mr. Finn -

Yup, right-O. And according to their accounting methods and records. No way the upstanding denizens of our "government" and "banking" systems would lie to us, eh? EH??

I suspect these numbers are very similar to the earlier discussion about all that Gold that, surely, we (as a Nation) still have in storage...

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I only stated a fact, not that the federal reserve is without stain or blemish.

If we stick to facts, that should be enough to hang just about anybody.

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MORE than enough IMO...

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Curious, do you really thing God trusts in the Fiat dollar, and should actually have his name associated with them at all?

I have religious friends that do, and even those who knew about the phone Federal Reserve, but thought twice when I asked them.

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You should say: Janet Yellen knows that the US government wouldn’t need to borrow money if the government would do its job and make the hard choices on the spending side.

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Bill, so many prepositional phrases shows a lot of action going on and nothing getting done. I have seen this movie so many times that Roku is looking better and better. Take seven trillion and give it to the good folks who fund this dog and pony show and let them pay taxes on it. Then hidin Biden will have all the money he needs. Just sayin'

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If my teenager was charging into oblivion, I would have already planted my boot halfway up his ass!

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An extinction size asteroid is the only solution!!! Make sure you have a full bar and the shrooms are on hand. Or, if you have family and friends, enjoy your final moments with them, find comfort in your faith, and bravely accept your fate. It's been one hell of a journey.

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Yes Dino, It's on its way, and should arrive in 2029...That asteroid, called Apophis, stretches about 1,100 feet (340 meters) across and will pass within 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers) of Earth's surface on Friday the 13, April 2029. That might sound scary, but scientists are positive that it will not hit Earth. Instead, it's a once-in-a-lifetime chance for scientists to truly understand asteroids near Earth.

We all know how wrong the "experts" are, so hey, you never know!

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I think the Government takes in about $400 billion every month. That is more than enough to pay social security, military, etc. and still have money left over.

Default or we vote you out until we find someone who TAKE AWAY THE GOVERNMENT CREDIT CARD!

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I think that making a constitutional amendment that all elected Politicians have a fuduciary responsiblity to American Taxpayers. If found guilty of violating that that responsibility they are charged with treason. Add Bankers in there too. But, ha ha good luck with that.

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Bill and crew, I hope you're right and they will actually have to face the flames they deserve. They've always found a way out, and it's hard to believe they won't this time even if they have to be more creative than ever before in history to do so. False Flag comes to mind along with WW, or another Mercenary conflict foisted upon the world.

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Has anyone asked the infamous AI how to solve the US budget problem or the best areas to cut. Would be funny to hear the answer.

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Thank you for the very fascinating website. I asked it some questions about programs that could be reduced if a default occurred, and it replied that all of them could theoretically be reduced, which is not much of an answer. But it did indicate that the Treasury Sec. can do quite a few things to push off a default, although it didn't specify what these were. So I wonder about this June 1 X-date. I stumped it when I asked it who decides what programs will be reduced---Congress or the Treasury Sec.? It indicated it had suffered an error, so I should submit my Q later. So it might eventually provide an answer. It appears to grow as Qs are asked it; i.e., it researches the answers of many Qs after the fact.

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After reading the answers given, same old standard answers with no real solutions. When the answer is eliminate 90% of the departments and cut the remaining budgets back to 1990 then we will know we have some “intelligent” system. Seems to just regurgitate common thinking. Thanks for sharing the website!

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Hey Mark, it’s T. So I voice text. I would prefer going back to 1960. Regulation was much much less than.

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Must be a democrat...

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Nailed it again brother Steve.

Pithy AND succinct...

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Interesting about that is there are plenty of articles on the web regarding the perfectly reasonable arguments in cutting departments and government but somehow they aren’t found by the great AI. Seems tuned to only MNBC or some such basic information source? Hmmm strange

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Ah fantastic! Thank you my friend

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