As I noted the first time you published the comment from Macron, we need to parse his statement a little better. "The best energy is the energy YOU don't use." He was speaking to the public, to the voters, the common people, and he sincerely believes that a lot of us should use no energy at all. However, he fully intends to continue moving around the world in his private jet, eating at luxurious banquets with his peers at the top of the ruling class, and lecturing the rest of us about how WE are responsible for global warming, and the ugly state of the world in general.

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The following Twitter post from a French politician neatly summarizes the attitude of many in the ruling class toward the common people: "Don’t have enough heating? Let them wear cashmere."

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No Good to take this sentence out of the full speech of Macron on the 5th of September , I did listen to the whole speech ... I may did not agree on the full content , but he was just doing what all leader are doing before this winter land ... call us to save Γ©nergie ... I bit simplistic and gossiping your comment ... which leader take the underground or a bike to go to work or meet another leader ... do you think that Air Force One fly Zero CO2 ... or when Biden came to Geneva to meet with Putin with all his cohorts ... was it free CO2 ... No good to take out of context , neither you neither BB

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It occurs to me that connecting the dots can be dangerous too. What if you connect the wrong dots?

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Connecting the dots wouldn't be too bad if there wasn't so damn many dots!

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I’m new to even having the concept of sharing my thoughts on watching our world, as we once knew it, come apart over meaningless thinking and the lack of civility and respect for the basic human concept of recognizing the truth. Politics have become a shamble for there is no level of discourse in the concept of proper debate. Respectful disagreement has been destroyed by the monster of social media. We have no one to blame but ourselves. But yet on this day of national respite, thank the heavens that we can gather together with family and friends and still enjoy the luxury of collective efforts of meal well made. We are so fortunate.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all with much, much appreciation for all your reports and commentaries. Your inputs keep me going steady and enriched. With all the very best wishes, TMZ

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Mr Bonner,

I have read all your books and love them also I really like your diary.

I have been trying to become a member of your wine club but because I live in Alaska I can't.

When do you think this will be possible.

Thank you


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The world is full to overflowing with dots at this time that can, and sometimes, should be joined to help us make sense of the situation we find ourselves in. From time to time two incompatible dots will be joined leading to the inevitable, if plausible, wrong conclusion. So be it. We all make mistakes but we can always learn from them.

As for the class of humans that we loosely call politicians we can either (a) ignore their frantic babbling or (b) put them to work in the fields bringing in the harvest so that they get a feel for real work and begin to understand why we use fossil fuels to help.

To the team at BPR I can only applaud your work. Not only do you temper your writing with large dashes of common sense and humility but you never, or very rarely, claim to be standing on the highest hill. That position has always been claimed by the elitist political class.

And to those who do not like your opinions I can only say that the best opinion piece you will ever come across is the one that you don't read.

Take care and stay safe.

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I liked the one Forest Gump remembered best from his sergeant "get down, shut-up!" Just sayin' enjoy the day

Don Harrell

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That was a lot of words used to side step the impact of Habakuk upon the founder of the Roman catholic religion.

When a prophet is called minor or major it does not mean their writings are more or less important or true, it simply refers to the amount of written words on the scroll. Isaiah for instance was a prolific writer.

But let's focus like a laser beam. Yahowah inspired Habakuk to write the prophecy on a scroll. Within the first paragraph Habakuk seeing future events where in Sha'uwl / Paul is teaching the God of Israel does for the sins of the faithful. Habakuk replies, You are from the eternal, you cannot die. As such God was not born, hence God did not die to forgive sins as the Roman Catholic church professes.

Next the character of the man who would surely come to teach an opposing message to Yahowah's. The gentile flock to this man, who soul is not right, and in doing so this man is called the plague of death to the souls who associate with the man. We are not left to guess the identity of this man Yahowah calls him out by name Sha'uwl. There were two men bearing the hame Sha'uwl the king in the time of Dowd, and Paul. The king did not teach against Torah but simply ignored it. Paul teaches in direct opposition to Torah calling it a curse, unable to provide salvation, and claiming it to have been annulled by his new message. Literally Paul claims to have been inspired by the God he wrote in opposition too.

We are left with a few choices, Paul was a liar or God was a liar, if God lied it matters not because God is unreliable, and capricious

Religions is from the Latin word religare 'to bind'.

What you don't seem to grasp, it is impossible for you to weigh God's condemning words against Paul. No amount of verses from the mouth of God would shake your faith. I'm not an atheist, to the contrary I know Yahowah on a personal level I have no need of faith. Faith is counterproductive to knowing.

There is no mention in any prophecy of a future church of gentiles and a new covenant.

Jer 31:31 is most often quoted as proof to the contrary, by Christians. However, the Hebrew word chadash or Strong's 2319 'New' is the exact same word chadash Strong's 2318 and is defined 'to renew, reestablish restore. The later word appears 139 times in Tanakh while 2319 appears once.

Understand Strongs was created to bolster the KJB translation. Moreover verse 32-34 complete the thought and include the subject of this renewing of the covenant as with a united Israel and Judah no mention of a church Christian or otherwise.

So many direct attacks against Roman Catholicism a rehash of the Canaanite religion exist it's amazing anyone is a Roman catholic or for that matter Protestant.

On the first tablet God warns no one will exist with other gods in His presence. Those bring his name to naught will not be left unpunished. God's personal name banned in the Catholic church.

Yahowah teaches we are not to use carved images of any living creature, we are not to bow down to or revere such images or objects. Well hmm all those saints bones, and statues, the eucharist etc.

The Shabat is on the 7th day, not any day man choses, and most definitly not the LORD's day of the Sun. Alas Yahowah knew mankind would ignore His teaching, instructions, and guidance for lieing.

Exodus 20:5 For indeed, I, Yahowah, your God, am a zealous and jealous God, Who is desirous of exclusivity in our relationship, reckoning the perversity and sin of twisting and distorting, of perverting and manipulating the way, by the fathers upon the children concerning the third and the fourth generations of those who are hostile to Me.

6 But I will prepare, perform, and deliver unmerited and unfailing mercy, unearned favor, and undeserved kindness to thousands who love Me, and who closely observe, carefully examine, revere, and keep My teachings, instructions, and prescriptions for living. (aka Torah)

Do the math a thousand is one in a million. Yahowah knew only one in million humans in every generation or possibly in total would listen to and act upon His witness.

Again believe what you will just understand if what you believe is not in alignment with the will of God you'll not be seeing His face. It matters not how many rabbis, clerics, popes, bible scholars disagree with God. Yes, 2000 years of religious scholars can be wrong.

What ever private message you might have received or addictions Jesus helped you overcome it's all in your head or possibly worse.

Proverbs 28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.

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Bill,hope you and yours ,and your whole team and families had a great Thanksgiving,I did.I like this article because it helped define your teams mission,who you are and your objective.As leaders which you have stated you are not,we take the information and come to our own conclusions.Wow,how American is that,Freedom as described by our founding Fathers and the Constitution. Thanks.

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Wonderful synopsis of silly and foolish ideas .. and of course the seasons greetings to all of you at BPR and your efforts to continue to cast light were the sun seldom shines .. life just goes on only when we approach the end of it can we see the past with clarity if our sentimentality does not blur our myopic vision so the seasons continue to roll around and life on planet earth for humans is not improving .. neither it it improving for all other living things so where does it start? by casting your light into the dark and finding better (often older) ways that sufficed to sustain life rather than death!

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Vote for Grayson Chase, if you ever get that opportunity. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Who is Bill and company? Very easy to determine he is a kindred spirit. The difference between Bill and myself he still believes in religion, as if some politician in the church was authorized by God to approach. When Bill sheds this last fiction he'll be free at last.

Humans are funny creatures we're taught from an early age to believe what we are told, first from our parents, then our teachers, and later from our governments. This while the media does its best to instill a ying and yang mentality a good and evil, heaven or hell, right or wrong, moral or immoral must exist we directed to fit into a box, to choose a creed. When the box is chosen we become willing participants in our own fictions. A religious person will reject any evidence showing their faith utterly false. The liberal or the conservative will argue mostly based on media narratives. Each day the talking points are set but Fox, Newsmax, MSNBC, or CNN. In our life the larger narrative is chosen, Heaven or Hell, theist or antsiest, saved or damned. We've even decided or allowed clergy to decide what is a sin and what is not. This is usually a sliding scale based on what sin the particular flavor of clergy and what sins they like to commit.

Bill has rejected the experts, the influencers, I'm sure Bill does not participate in the voting process. He leaves the circus to the ring masters it is their game and you'll not be changing the rules by voting. If you could effect a change with voting the process would be made illegal.

I know this is going to bother a great deal of people but God does exist, His standards are not those of humans. What we have come to believe counts for nothing to God. Good or bad, heaven or hell is a fiction. God created the entire universe and this one planet for a singular purpose, knowing this purpose opens the door to knowing God and His will for creation.

God comes to us as a Father seeking to grow a family. You cannot hope to be counted family if you do attempt to form a relationship with the Father. No amount of prayer, rites, political affiliation, holy waring will profit a man in this relationship.

Simply put a man needs to stop talking, asking, praying and listen. All we need to know God has been told us by God. His name is Yahowah, it can be pronounced as every other word using YHWH in Hebrew can be also. No cleric can lead you to knowing they all lead away from knowing.

Sadly the words spoken by Yahowah have been mucked up by religious men, it takes a great deal of effort to unravel the mess, but it can be and has been done. You will not find God in your NT or OT, Talmud, or Quran.

Knowing Yahowah will require walking away from religion, politics, and militarism, from the common things of human kind. Yahowah blinds the religious, political, and militaristic from knowing or finding the truth. He does so as a filtering mechanism, if heaven was to be occupied by the common it would be no different than the world we live in, heaven would resemble a kind of hell.

I'm not going to leave a link, better anyone wanting to seek Yahowah start with His name. Let me leave you with this fact Jesus is a fictional character created by the Roman church, he was based on the life of Dionysus, and Paul's letters. Paul simply took all the attributes of David including all the prophecies about the man and claimed these were about his Jesus. The man who dies on the cross was Yahowsha, who came to act as the Passover lamb as was promised Abraham. The Passover lamb does not resurrect on the third day but every pagan god from the time of Nimrod did so.

Very hard to accept but alas we've. been programmed from an early age by people we believed had or best interests at heart, and they might have, but they too were programmed. Hence the narrow path few find and fewer choose to walk upon it.

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Yes, Bill is certainly a kindred spirit and I must say I very rarely disagree with his connection of the dots and I would like to wish him, his family, his team and all his readers a very happy Thanksgiving.

We who live in the West are very blest in that we are free to believe what we wish to believe in and for myself I believe fully in the existence of Jesus. Thank you Jaqui for the historical support in your quote.

It does make me very sad that the vast majority of our children and their grandchildren have chosen to ignore the existence of God but I firmly believe that Bill's Winter Nightmare is going to result in a great portion of our population coming to the realisation that they are not as self reliant as the vast majority believe themselves to be and conditions such as those experienced in the Great Depression of the 1930's or as those in Europe during and after the two world wars will create a genuine desire to find a greater good in our world.

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I have told my wife that for the last six months.

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I completely agree with your point when the SHTF religious people of every flavor and the light and the strong in faith will flock to the cleric of their choosing. As they say there are no atheist in the fox hole during the battle. This does not make their choice true or rational in the face of the facts. If not for religion especially in Europe millions of people would have been spared untold misery and death. It's very easy to simply ignore the imposition of the Roman church and new State religion on the world along with the further imposition of Protestantism. Was Jesus on the side of the Protestants or the Catholics during the 30 years war? You might not know it, but the torture devices used by Protestants on the Catholic population were formerly used by the Roman church on anyone who resisted the State religion. This is a historical fact, not the musing of rabbis or Roman historians. Rome kept excellent records but not so accurate when it came to wars won and battles lost. Rome had a tendency like our Western media to spin the facts.

Yahowah is the one true God, this cannot be argued unless one is willing to reject the Torah, Prophets and Psalms. As such He does not and cannot change, He is bound to His promises.

As humans we have been given a free will to choose, we are not bound to keep ours.

This is Yahowah's plan of reconciliation, on the first tablet given Moseh we are told Yahowah is jealous and zealous, desiring exclusivity in His relationship, the religious will not exist in His presence. There is no tolerance, no fence sitting, no politics, there are 3 choices. First among these seek Yahowah by closely examining and carefully considering His witness (Torah) and make a free will choice to follow the (narrow) path He delineated leading to His home. Two, seek the things and ways of humankind and all the world is your oyster all the good and all the bad, when you die it will be body and soul. The third choice, promote religion, politics, military, all constructs created by man to command and control to remove free will. Act in leading souls away from their free will choice to form a relationship with Yahowah. Do this and your soul will be made eternal however there will be no place for it to reside near to Yahowah's family. A place of eternal separation described much as a black hole will be the prison for these souls. A place with no light, a one dimensional construct where only time exists. This will be a place of kindred souls, really the most religious place ever created. There will be no escape no amount of praying novenas to Mary, or invoking the saints, or using the toe nail of another saint as a charm.

Listen to the smartest human that every walked the planet, a man who God called Son, King of Kings, and mashiach (messiah) Dowd who's name means Beloved. Christians, Jews, and Muslims of all flavors believe Dowd was inspired by God, and yet they ignore the man's songs.

Psalm 19:7

Yahowah’s Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning, restoring, and transforming the soul. Yahowah’s testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open minded.

Knowing the above why would Yahowah authorize Paul and the Roman church to create a new means to be reconciled to God? There is no old covenant, and no need for a New covenant. There has always been only one covenant and it can only be found in Torah of Yahowah.

The facts simply put: All 3 religions (satanic cults by definition) claiming the God of Abraham as father pray and worship the LORD and yet the only true God Yahowah teaches the LORD is Satan. The Hebrew word for. LORD is Ba'al. It did not go very well for the clerics who facilitated Ba'al. You can read how that went in Elijah. That day 8500 priest of Ba'al the LORD were put to death, that would be the death of a cleric every 14 seconds. I would guess there was some divine intervention in their parting.

Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Baalzebub

ba-al-ze'-bub ba`al zebhubh = "Lord of flies"; Baal-muian:

A deity worshipped by the Philistines at Ekron (2 Kings 1:2,3,6,16). All that can be gathered from this one reference to him in ancient literature is that he had some fame as a god that gave oracles. Ahaziah, son of Ahab, and king of Israel, went to consult him whether he should recover of his sickness, and was therefore rebuked by Elijah, who declared that his death would be the result of this insult to Yahowah.

I am under no thought any of the religious reading this replay will pause and come to reject what they have come to believe is truth. Bill on the other hand possibly because he's 3/4 of the way there. He has come to the place in life where all the world is folly, he's half way up the mountain where the view of history of man is seen as unchanging. America was created upon the foundational principles of Rome and Rome on Greece, and Greece upon the Persians. All were wrong all these empires fell, some just haven't figure it out. These empires were flawed from the beginning because human wisdom is required to maintain them.

Yahowah's system is perfect as Dowd noted. Living in covenant the Jews, had no police, no prison system, no political parties, elections, no government, standing armies, no generational wealth. They had perfect peace, and prosperity. The system was simple, the Lowy (uniters) were instructed to seek the solution to every problem in the pages of Torah. All disputes were settled according to what was prescribed. A stolen lamb was repaid fourfold, a person promoting religion was stoned to death. Most of what the religious and secular world believes about the prescriptions for living in Torah is the result of mistranslations and outright lies copyedited into the NT. The entirety of John chapter 8 is fictional story added to the NT in the 8th century by the Roman church (fact go look it up).

As I said it matters not what God says the religious are blind and bound to their faith. This is not my claim but that of Yahowah.

Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed and will perish as a result of a lack of knowledge and corrupted information. Indeed because you have rejected and avoided understanding, I will also reject and avoid you, so you shall be separated from serving as My ministers. And since you have ignored and forgotten Almighty God’s Towrah, I will ignore, cease to care about, and forget your children also.

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The fact is, we can find evidence of Jesus’ existence in what secular historians wrote about him and his followers.

Testimony of Historians

For instance, consider the testimony of Flavius Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian who was a Pharisee. He referred to Jesus Christ in the book Jewish Antiquities. Although some doubt the authenticity of the first reference where Josephus mentioned Jesus as the Messiah, Professor Louis H. Feldman of Yeshiva University says that few have doubted the genuineness of the second reference. There Josephus said: β€œ[Ananus the high priest] convened the judges of the Sanhedrin and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ.” (Jewish Antiquities, XX, 200) Yes, a Pharisee, a member of the sect many of whose adherents were avowed enemies of Jesus, acknowledged the existence of β€œJames, the brother of Jesus.”

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There’s lots more evidence which ican give anyone who is interested. But , Bill probably knows all that too and many more of the contributors on here, so I won’t go on and on.

Suffice it to say, If we all tried to live by Jesus teachings (Sermon on the Mount etc) then there would be no hatred, no wars, no lies , no corruption. I’m sure we can all agree on that this weekend. Thanks everyone

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If. you were to read only the words spoken by the Christian Jesus and followed these you'd not be a Christian but Torah observant. You'd probably notice Paul the founder of Christianity teaches an opposite message to that of Jesus. I'm not the first person to figure this out. Thomas Jefferson was noted for creating a personal version of the bible. His version did not include any of the letters scribed by Paul, the later chapters of Acts were removed (most about Paul) and the book of Hebrews. Jefferson noted Paul was teaching an opposing message to Jesus.

I've taken a decent amount of time to prove my claim, and the proof is irrefutable. Jesus isn't even a Greek name, Iesous is claimed to be the Greek version of Jesus but in fact no names are not translated universally they are transliterated Yahowah is an English transliteration from the Hebrew using English letters to aid in pronunciation. Jesus using Greek to define would be Geo Sus or Earth/land Pig.

It is impossible to claim inerrancy when translating from one language to another, especially from a language as complex as is Hebrew. Hebrew is a concrete language all verbs are associated with actions that can be experienced in the human condition. Example: the sky rolls back like a scroll, heaven is like a mustard seed, leaven is associated with sin. Greek, was the worst language to translate Hebrew. The Greek alphabet lacks every letter included in just about every name found in the Hebrew Tanakh. YHWH are not found in Greek nor are there any letters even close.

The reason Christianity, Judaism, and Islam exist as religions is in fact based on the name of Yahowah being purposefully removed from the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms all 7000 times it was scribed, God's personal sometimes appears up to 4 times in a sentence. If He did not want is know or said He chose a funny way to hide it.

There would be no Jesus, no Allah, no Ha Shem.

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You're actually making my point. Religious people believe what they do no matter what evidence to the contrary exists.

There was no letter J in any language until about 500 years ago. There was no Jesus, James (king or otherwise), or Josephus. Additionally not as single word spoken in Hebrew or the close dialect of Aramaic by the Christian Jesus survived. All that exists are 69 pre emperor Constantine Greek manuscripts dating from the 3rd and 4th century, or before the Roman church took control of all reproduction of texts. Eusebius aka Jerome noted in his letter to Pope Damasus noted that no two Greek manuscripts were in agreement, with the old Latin manuscripts wholly unreliable.

Moreover the Christian Jesus was never anointed by Yahowah as is required to be called Mashiach in the Hebrew and messiah from the Greek. To be anointed a priest or more properly Lowy (Levite) is required to pour oil over one's head.

Regardless the man who was sent to fulfill Passover is not named anywhere in the entirety of Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. All Hebrew names have meanings, as such the man sent to fulfill Passover was 'Yahowah liberating, saving', hence the name was 'Yahowsha.' This man was not the entirety of God it is impossible for an infinite and eternal being to occupy a carbon based life form much less the entire universe.

There is no reason to go to the writings of other religious men for their opinions concerning who was/is the messiah. Yahowah is quite clear as to the identity of His anointed one, this can be found in Samuel and Psalm 89. David or in Hebrew Dowd was anointed by Yahowah on 3 different occasions. In fact every prophecy attributed to Jesus in fact names Dowd/David, you are free to look up all 1000.

Christianity was in fact a Jewish cult, created over a hundred years after the fulfillment of Passover. Rabbinical Judaism was a religion spawned by rabbis in order to thwart the cult of believing a new man god in the character of the Greek Dionysus was sent by god.

Judaism is founded on pillars of belief, one of these states god cannot be corporeal. Which if one reads Genesis and Samuel can plainly see Yahowah spoke and appeared to both Abraham, and Samuel.

To sum up, Yahowah is the author of all truth, His words are eternal and unchanging. Yahowah states Dowd is the king of kings, provided valuable council (Psalms), was and is His anointed one. Yahowah also called Dowd His first born son in Pslam 89, He goes so far to say if what He promised to Dowd does not come to pass He is a liar. Yahowah cannot lie, hence all spoken about Dowd is true eternally.

To note Hebrew verbs are not stuck in time as they are in English. Every verb is eternal in nature. Hebrew includes Stems and Moods to provide context. The famous Isaiah 9:6 'Unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given". Was purposely (and continues to be so). mistranslated. The verse is scribed in the Pual stem or Passive, and the Perfect tense indicating a completed action.

More properly Isaiah 9:6 Unto us a child WAS born, WAS given. The subject of Isaiah 9 is in fact Dowd not the future Christian Jesus.

I'm not asking you to believe me, quite the opposite follow these two links one to Qbible a Christians study site. Hover over the words and grammar the verse and confirm for yourself.

Follow the link to Jeromes letter to his Pope.



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Nov 27, 2022Β·edited Nov 27, 2022

Again the proof of Jesus and company to a Christian is solely based upon faith these things happened. The NT by Yahowah's definition does not contain His inspired words. I don't make the rules Yahowah was quite clear His personal name must appear or the words attributed are not inspired by Him. Any words spoken by one claiming inspiration cannot change words Yahowah has spoken. This is especially true for words that annul something already revealed.

The basis of Christianity, God was mad at the Jews (His chosen) for killing Jesus. So mad, all the promises given to Abraham and his descendants have now been transfered to the church of Jesus Christ. This is know as replacement theology and is not supported in the in any prophecy, or mention by Yahowah. Something this important would surely have been mentioned before Paul came out of the wilderness. The Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms is addressing the Jews. The prophets chronicle their rebellion, and their eventual reconciliation with Yahowah. Christianity and Islam were both religions created by rabbis one directly (Paul) and in the case of Islam indirectly as noted in the Quran.

The stories of Mary are pagan to the core the same story has been told since Nimrod. A virgin birth, the death and resurrection 3 days later of a new man god. There is nothing more telling than the Roman church calling Mary the Mother of God, the Queen of the Universe. God is an infinite and eternal being He was not born and cannot die. Don't believe me Yahowah inspired Habakuk to state this very message, along with exactly describing the religion that would become Christianity and calling Paul out by his Hebrew name 'Sha'uwl.' Habakuk was inspired to describe Paul's character and calll him the plague of death to all who would follow him.

I post you the prophecy, however, no amount of warning from Yahowah will change anyone's mind. The reason the path to Yahowah's home is called narrow, unpopular and few find is due to religion. To note Habakuk recorded these words 666 years prior to Paul scribing the book to the Galatians.

Directly from the Hebrew so the verses will not read as they do from your KJV, none the less the same can be discerned on Qbible or anyother study site from the Hebrew.

β€œYahowah my God, my Set-Apart One, are You not eternal, from an unlimited duration of time? Yahowah, we will not die as the means to decide guilt or innocence.

You have actually appointed for him, accordingly the Rock which You have assigned and positioned to argue against and rebuke him. (Chabaquwq/ Habakuk 1:12)

We can conclude God cannot die nor did He die to forgive sins, as Paul claimed the following names Paul by his Hebrew name as the subject.

β€œβ€˜Upon My requirements and responsibilities, I have decided I will literally and continually stand. And I will choose to always present Myself upon that which protects and fortifies.

So then I will be on the lookout in order to see what he will say about Me, observing how he will question Me. So then, how can I be expected to change My attitude, My thinking, or My response concerning My disapproving rebuke?’ (2:1)

Then Yahowah answered, approaching me, and He said, β€˜Write this revelation and then expound upon and reiterate it using letters upon writing tablets so that, by reciting this, he might run and go away. (2:2)

Still indeed, this revelation from God is for the Mow’ed | Appointed Meeting Times. It provides a witness and speaks, pouring out evidence in the end which entraps. The extended period of time required for this question to be resolved shall not prove it false. Expect him in this regard because, indeed, he will absolutely come, neither being delayed nor lingering. (2:3)

Pay attention, he will be puffed up with false pride. His soul, it is not right nor straightforward in him.

Therefore, through trust and reliance, by being firmly established and upheld by that which is dependable and truthful, those who are correct and thus vindicated, shall live. (2:4)

Moreover, because the intoxicating wine and inebriating spirit of the man of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal is a high-minded moral failure, 36and is arrogant with meritless presumptions, he will not rest, find peace, nor live, whoever is open to the broad path, the duplicitous and improper way, associated with Sha’uwl.

He and his soul are considered the plague of death. And so those who are brought together by him, accepting him, will never be satisfied. Most every Gentile will gather unto him, all of the people from different races and nations. (2:5)

They do not ask questions, any of them, about him. Terse references to the Word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, along with allusive sayings, simplistic and contrived equivalencies, and mocking interpretations, controlling through comparison, counterfeit and clichΓ©s, along with derisive words arrogantly conveyed.

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him, and double dealings to be known regarding him.

And so they should say, β€œWoe to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, when neither apply to him.

For how long will they make pledges based upon his significance, becoming burdened by his testimony?”’” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:6)

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deletedNov 27, 2022Β·edited Nov 27, 2022
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Bill is not religious

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Bill noted building a small chapel in Argentina.

While I was in Ireland our tour guide noted the difference between the Catholic Churches and Protestant Churches the later are rarely attended. I noted the Protestants must be better educated. Later at a pub our guide asked for clarification, where I noted how many priest molesting and generally abusing the Irish people does it take before you realize the Roman church is a sex cult based on a long line of pagan sex cults that existed before Constantine created the most enduring version.

Along the way I noted crosses carved over ancient Irish runes, along with Pieta replicas dug into a cliff side. "Imagine the outcry if someone had carved a cross (the oldest pagan symbol) on the face of the Sphinx? While the Roman church occupied Ireland they made it their charge to eradicated the native culture, the Irish language was not taught no allowed to be taught, on an Island the size of Indian swimming was not included in the Catholic schools. Google Magdalene Laundry for more abuse.

Our guide noted the Pope has lost his grip on Ireland, the Catholic schools were all taken over by the government. I left our guide with an abstract thought: What if the Irish had all simply converted to Protestants?

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A big amen for being a thoughtful human being and a pain in the donkey to all those corrupted by power.....See you at the NYT summit meeting!

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deletedNov 24, 2022Β·edited Nov 25, 2022
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You didn't finish your thought . . .

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