In unrelated news:




So π—²π˜ƒπ—²π—Ώπ˜†π—Όπ—»π—² around Zelinski the Billionaire, Failed Comedian, CIA-Installed Pervert is filthy dirty with corruption, π—²π˜…π—°π—²π—½π˜ for him, right?

Ok, got it. Time to send another $100 billion now that the riff raff is cleaned out...

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The supposedly anti-corruption fighter, Midget Zelensky, has also been revealed as an offshore money launderer (Pandora Papers). Neocons would literally have no issues with whoring out their own Mothers. Dumbass Neocons would make the perfect cheerleaders for this era of Peak Stupidity :-)

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Back to Ireland? What happened to Argentina? I miss your interesting posts from the ranch.

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Feb 1, 2023
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Maybe he's concerned about being in trouble with La Policia en Argentina? I seem to remember that there was a warrant or some order for his arrest issued down there. Somehow stormy seas off the Emerald Isle seem far more appetizing than a stint in an Argentinian jail cell.

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Bill Bonner thrown in the can?

Not a chance, he probably owns the Argentinian poliza! πŸ˜‚

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Or, he will in order to get out-lol.

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Gold has been above $2000 in recent years, so not the first time ever.

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I agree with your commentators or followers. I long to hear more about the Ranch, Winery, the Originarios. I still hope to retire and expire in Argentina. The only thing keeping me in Florida is my Toys. I have way too many toys to do a relocation. When I get rid of all my Toys, I am out of here.

When I do go, I am going to become an Originario; by hook or crook. Just saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Bill - I note you are going back to Ireland. I seem to remember that you usually head for Argentina at this time of year. Have things stabilized there in the dealings with the "Originarios" ?

Nigel Adams

Nanoose Bay BC Canada

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Hi Nigel -

If I had to guess, I'd say the problem with the "Originaros" has only gotten worse in Bill's absence. While the cat's away, a wot?

Could be hundreds of squatters by this point with every green/blue/pink haired, pierced and tatted freak in the "government" just waiting to pounce if Bill is foolish enough to return. It's likely that many (most?) of these kids with dangerous, unearned power cannot be bought - they are committed to their progtarde Religion and all the idiocy that goes along with it. Gringo, wealthy American man is just the type of target they have wet dreams over, regardless of how fair and generous Bill has been to the locals in the past.

So it's very sad for for BB. All that land and beauty, but not able to enjoy it in his twilight years. Hopefully his son is still onsite running the winery and representing the true ownership of the ranch...

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Will the US Govmint default. Probably not, but it needs to! Too many holes in the Ship of State. Pull the plug!

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What insight. Buy low sell high.

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Feb 1, 2023
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Putin's future. You didn't mention the rumoured pancreatic cancer!

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