
I have lived in England (South Devon)for more than 30 years. I learned more in your missive of today than in all 30+ years combined.

Bullies and Brutality are Timeless. ...If only it wasn’t so.

Thank You for your Amazing Work and Dedication.

And Thank God!!... that you didn’t get hooked on Golf!!!!....

The World would be a poorer place without Your Thoughts, Insights and Tenacious Pursuit of the Truth and a “Better Way”

Respect & Gratitude


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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

Hi Brian -

I agree with all of that, but this article is still apologist bullsh*t. They are not mutually exclusive facts...

PS - There's something on your nose...

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I became convinced that Ukraine was a giant money laundering scheme for the corrupt western governments involved as well the globalist oligarchs pulling the strings. How else can you explain the total lack of transparency of how the money is being spent, where nothing adds up and all historical standards for accountability are violated? And now add Israel to the mix. Both Congressional leadership and the Biden Administration were keen to add Israel to the Ukraine pot rather than keep them separate as some rational voices in Congress had demanded, just another red flag in my opinion.

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How else does one think the Ukrainian "leadership" could continue killing their own soldiers to the tune of 400,000 while accomplishing nothing except losing more territory? They had to be getting some benefit and there is no benefit like easy money.

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Hi Brien -

Well, all of them beside the new Speaker of the House and a small band of actual Conservatives and tag-along milquetoast Repugnicants...


PS - Had a REAL hard time finding an article that wasn't from a leftard propaganda source. Had to go to page 3. Goodbye StartPage search engine, hello WhatFinger...


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Mr. Bonner,

You reveal your biases again and again. First the Normans are "the Palestinians" of France, then the English, "The Palestinians" of England. You seem to know your European history well but your history of Israel and the Palestinian conflict is lacking. When in history did the Israelis head out on campaigns to conquer and pillage their neighbors?? The answer is NEVER! Israel has ALWAYS responded to attacks. This current mess, with my sympathies to Palestinian civilians, is not a quest to conquer but a quest for safety from a neighbor who seeks to kill you. Get some balance in your writing. Your writing of late really disappoints and reveals your true color.

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Bills antisemitism is so irresistible to him it’s almost sad. But mostly revolting.

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I can't believe no one has called you on this. To answer your question: 1948. Israel was established through war, not due to God's intervention. The jews conquered the occupants and expelled them. You can argue they didn't pillage the previous inhabitants, but they clearly kept their stuff they left behind.

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You are entitled to your opinion and antisemitism, but not your own facts. Modern day Israel was not “established” through war. Arab nations went to war to destroy it after it was established. They lost that war. Then there’s the question of when Israel was Jewish. You can begin the discussion dated approximately the 2nd millennium BCE.

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Hello Alex, though Dr. B responded to you I will add my $0.02. Perhaps before posting something you would like to educate yourself. Arabs attacks on Jews in the land that is now Israel started WAY before 1948. Yes, the Jews did not appear out of nowhere and steal Palestinian land. Whatever land Jews had in 1948 they legally bought (despite the governing British occupier, and the Ottoman before them making it very difficult). Israel was established in 1948 not through war but through a vote in the UN which set a 3-state solution. That was instantly rejected by the Arab nations who started the war. Sorry, these are the facts, not opinion.

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A little reading comprehension goes a long way:

"The local ‘french’ were the Palestinians then."

Not the Normans.

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Beg to differ ! Read Ur bible !

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Bill goes deeply back into history to look at a time when war paid. An interesting contrast to modern times. Yet Bill cannot resist adding a spoiling splash of modern day antisemitic propaganda in describing the “Palestinians” as “chased” from “their” land. Suffice it to say there is a lengthy set of facts which runs counter to each of those false assertions. Why didn’t Bill go back to the 10th century BC to describe a time the jews were “chased” from their land (one time among many)? Why doesn’t Bill describe the modern day “Palestinians” as Egyptians and Jordanians squatting on Israel? So many narratives to choose from. Bill likes one of them.

So...another donation to the IDF is in order. If you’d like to contribute too, go to FIDF.org

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

I too am incensed by Bill's "little analogy" that is so historically and factually false I'm beginning to question everything Bill writes with respect to history. How does a people "occupy" another's land when it was their homeland in the first place? Those Jordanian Arabs squatting in Gaza and the so called "West Bank" aren't even wanted by their "Muslim brothers". Bill's missive today is pathetic.

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Doesn’t the Bible recount how god instructed the Israelites to go and kill off all the tribes of the region in the first place? Go back far enough and no one owned anything. I have no issue with the Israelis defending themselves, it’s their fight and their right; they will have to deal with any consequences. And until the Middle East really blows up, don’t see anyone else needs to be involved.

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The Israelites never fulfilled God's promise to Abraham. God offered to drive out the inhabitants with hornets, they said, no, we'll go up and fight. They had a do-it-yourself works religion, and had no faith, outside of a few prophets and such. I expand on this in The Two Covenants, which you can read here: https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/

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Where's proof of "it was their homeland in the first place " ??

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As a "wise" man once said:

"Beg to differ! Read Ur Bible!"...

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See my response to Dr.B.

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Here is why: Matthew 23:30-37. I'll take that jews word over yours.

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Hi Alex -

Not seeing how those passages have any bearing on the "palestinians" nor the people that were in the land when God sent the Hebrews to smite them. Are you equating the hypocritical "religious leaders" of Jesus' day with current Israeli leadership? Still not seeing any pertinence. Maybe I'm missing something...

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I thought Jesus words were pretty clear. He drove the jews out, the specific verses are 37 and 38. He never invited them back in, they invited themselves. Didn't you read my The Two Covenants booklet? While I didn't spell it out or even mention present day "Israel," I thought everyone would be able to figure it out. Steve Wohlberg is more specific: https://archive.org/details/explodingtheisraeldeceptionstevewohlberg You can download his book or read it online for free. I'm not endorsing everything he says, only what he states about the state of Israel. I also don't endorse everything this jewish sect says either: https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/neturei-karta but they are correct in what they say about the state of Israel. I hope that one day they will recognize their Messiah has come.

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Hi Alex -

I read the Wohlberg book. Interesting stuff there - I will have to pray and think about it. Thanks for the link...

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You're welcome, SE. Prayer is always a good start. We should always strive to understand God's version of the Bible, and look at things from His point of view. The history of true Israel is a sad one, quite a roller coaster ride. It was never God's plan that they would be expelled by Nebuchadnezzar, but they had become more wicked than that heathen nation. They had to go, so the plan of salvation could proceed.

We are not to regard God as waiting to punish the sinner for his sin. The sinner brings the punishment upon himself. His own actions start a train of circumstances that bring the sure result. Every act of transgression reacts upon the sinner, works in him a change of character, and makes it more easy for him to transgress again. By choosing to sin, men separate themselves from God, cut themselves off from the channel of blessing, and the sure result is ruin and death.

-E. G. White

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"Why doesn’t Bill describe the modern day “Palestinians” as Egyptians and Jordanians squatting on Israel? "


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Factually incorrect.

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God Himself expelled the jews, thus leaving it open to whoever wanted to live there. If you don't like it, take it up with God. P.S. He expelled them, because they were WORSE than the heathen nations around them. Wasn't the first time, either, and won't be the last.

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Next time you’re talking to God ask him for about 2O more IQ points and some Seroquil.

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I don't take advice from allopathic doctors. BTW, what do you call 100 allopathic doctors at the bottom of the ocean?







A good start.

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I remember that one from 5th grade. Glad to see you are progressing.

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To paraphrase Bill,” ...politics ain’t our thing...”. Really? No kidding. The anti-Semitic hatred is deafening in his self-righteous war scribblings, frequently applauded in this and similar columns by like- kind mindless sheep.

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Ghazi Hamad, a leader for Hamas and a spokesperson recently said, "We (Hamas) will repeat Oct 7 until the Jewish state is completely destroyed"

So Bill I ask you, if someone attacks and hurts you and vows to continue until you are destroyed how do you respond? Please Bill for clarity and simplicity answer as if this is about you personally and your immediate village. I am curious to know how you would respond to an active threat of death and destruction. ( I ask this because your response to the Hamas-Israeli thing leads me to believe you want Israel to sit back and be destroyed. So your answer to my question will hopefully clear me up. thanks)

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Where's proof , Hamad , said that ??

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Google his name and the video is available from multiple sources.

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It amazes me so many commenters think Bill is taking sides in these conflicts. Please consider, is it your own bias that is getting you to think, "How dare he be on the other side!" ??

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JW, as I have stated in other comments, I agree totally with your thoughts on this. Bill's stated bailiwick here is the financial world, and how to navigate today's exceedingly complex circumstance. Understandable to clear, logical thinkers, this focus draws in reflections from other non-financial fields. To me, Bill is saying that from a strictly financial viewpoint, spending /wasting a lot of money and other resources, on war and other adventures in aggression are counter-productive, irrespective of the combatants. If the battle were between, say Columbia and Venezuela, I'm certain there would be much less fireworks in these comments. So, I agree, since Israel is involved, some cannot resist taking Bill to task, from their own points of view (which, generally they should not be blamed for).

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I support Columbia; they are a market driven economy (mostly coke, but hey, people want it), not those nasty socialist Venezuelans.

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deletedNov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023
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Um, I meant cocaine.

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Typo? Who cares. Either way - Love it...

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

Ummm, no. That ain't it.

It's his biased, anti-semitic, apologist for evil-doer comments. But nice try I guess. Unfortunately for you, we can all read and comprehend the English language. I know - that probably "amazes" you too...

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So the Uniparty tells us to send money overseas for their forever wars and do nothing to secure our porous borders. When the next 911 hits, all Americans should take a collective deep breath and then heap all the venom humanly possible on the Uniparty. No need to go chasing monsters overseas, they're living right here among us in the Swamp (Washington D.C.).

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I am amazed, at this moment, I am reading the exact same history, England 1166, Henry2, “The Life of ThomasBecket”.

I have always been intrigued by Vikings since I read Churchill’s history. I think the Vikings left the legacy of war that ravaged Europe and the world. Their Empire was far flung and lasted 500 years.

Henry2 has just gotten the pope’s permission to attack Ireland.

Read this and you get new understanding, especially about church affairs which have little to do with God. The Curia were Lords pillaging the masses fighting and conniving with the king over land.

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John Guy

Thomas Becket: Warrior, Priest, Rebel

Probably not a easy a read as Metaxas’ good writing.

Have not finished it yet, so can’t decide on Becket’s motives.

The Vikings had a big effect. They pillaged systematically, we’re aggressive, fast and outnumbered the local Lords. There was a need for cooperative defense, a King, that remained in power by taxation, land was wealth and the battles for it were constant and the wars depleting. Normandy was probably named for the Noresmen that settled many areas. Henry 2 who coincided with Becket was the grandson of William the Conqueror.

The Church was also battling for land.

This book illustrates what always exists among men fighting for power, the crass motives and constant intrigues.

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Bill really needs to educate himself. It’s rather embarrassing: *It will only take six minutes of your time, but will answer countless questions on the conflict in Gaza.*

*And not just that.*

Watch this amazingly sharp, fact-based video by Patrick Condell, a British writer, who states:

As long as Hamas is around, there is *no chance for peace. Not for Israel, not for the Palestinian people.*




#Israel #Gaza

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

It would be heartening if Bills antisemitism only existed because he is unable to avail himself of the facts. Anti-semitism generally stems from deep rooted psychological factors rather than rational thinking. Typically found are envy, fear and frustration projected onto Jewish individuals or communities. Another typical feature is “scapegoating” where Jews are a convenient and low cost target to blame for personal or societal frustrations and shortcomings. Unconscious factors can include disowned aggressive and sexual impulses using the Jewish community as a way to both express and disavow these forbidden fantasies. Then let’s not leave out one of Bills favorite motives for world events: a simple profit motive. Not just the obvious (stealing others stuff) but one I believe is underestimated in modern times: If you are an individual, corporation or celebrity selling a product, there are 1.8B Muslim customers you’d like to please and only 1.5M Jews. Huge difference. Notice how often a celebrity supports Israel only to turn heel when their Muslim customers revolt. Bill also has a newsletter to sell.

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So...you're a freudian psychiatrist?

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Please do not be an anti-Semite and read this recent article by a Jewish author:


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Good article.

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Wow Bill. Just Wow. I'm no fan of Israel, but your "conclusions and comparisons", couched in a presentation of Historical facts, is blatantly bias to the point of hysteria. Hard to believe anyone could be such an ardent cheerleader for this group after what we have just seen them do.

Your professorial "essay" amounts to nothing more than ranting by an over-the-top apologist for a group of people where the majority is composed of individuals who either commit atrocities or support and celebrate the atrocities. That is undeniable and you are willing (even gleeful?) to give us a bunch of apologist propaganda clothed in a "history" lesson about western Europe.

Granted I've only been reading you regularly for 8-9 years, but this article was far-and-away the most bias, wrong and pathetic piece I have ever seen you write...

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Sadly, a good lesson in history with a nice little analogy to today.

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What am I missing? I thought that Israel abandoned the Gaza Strip in 2005. Hamas has been in control of the Gaza Strip since 2006. Hamas is in control of the Gaza Strip. It's now 2023. Hamas is holding hostages. Hamas is in control of its civilians. Those civilians live under the rule of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip. Those civilians are the responsibility of the Hamas government. It is a war crime to put your civilians in front of military targets. It is a war crime to shield your rockets with children. It is a war crime to hold hostages. It is a war crime to put hostages in a war zone to try to prevent bombing. Every ounce of blood that is spilled, every building that is taken down, every ugly photo you see from Gaza is on Hamas. It is that simple, there is no duality about this.

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Hi Mr. Halstead -

Excellent points, one and all. One thing that jumped out at me was how Israel was able to "cut off" all food, water and energy to Gaza. What the hell have those people been doing for almost 25 years that they are STILL nowhere near self-sufficient? Is Gaza locked in the heart of Africa with no access to resources, expertise and international funding/lending??

Oh yeah - they've been busy fomenting their #1 priority - hating/killing Jews and Christians instead, while teaching their children to be even more vicious and fanatical than they are. What a bunch of garbage people. Victims my a**...

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You don't know that Gaza is basically a large scale prison, surrounded by a wall? The Israeli's control, or try to, everything that goes in or out.

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Bill so very sad to see a bunch of Bigoted Ignorant comments of folks who've only ever read the biased perverted history of the western world .. no a clue about the real happenings. Our generation got to learn it first hand from folks who seldom talked about what happened but thank fully they did in any case please keep writing and telling it like it is because the bigoted fools need to be told that the versions bouncing around in their own heads are worthless noise and will only exacerbate the conflict for another thousand years as the current battle has not even finished perhaps as Moshe Dyan said the only way it will be solved when both side's annihilate each other with the power of the atom .. may it come soon so the rest of the world can get on with living!

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Hi Bill.

Just a question: why did Israel operate their Iron Dome for the last dozen years ? because Hamas are the innocent victims ?

And what is the meaning of the Palestinians all aver the world celebrating when Jews are killed?

Sorry those were 2 questions.

Remember Arrafat saying: we will conquer the world with the wombs of our women?

They are certainly getting there.

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Bill, I wonder if any of these groups you refer to as Palestinians crossed the border & slaughtered whole villages, raping women, taking hostages of all ages & parading their battered bodies through the town on their return - to applause. Then keeping the hostages in underground tunnels whilst using their own people as human shields during the deadly response that they were anticipating, whilst allowing them to run out of fuel & food whilst stockpiling their own fuel to produce & fire rockets at their 'oppressor'.

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